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Meet Atulkumar Patel: Transforming Healthcare at Lincoln Pharmacy - 0 views

    Nestled in the heart of a bustling high street and a housing estate, at Lincoln Pharmacy, part of Mildcare Ltd Group, in Tower Hamlets in London, the scene is a testament to resilience and innovation, where queues of people seek aid from a pharmacy technician stationed behind a glass window-a symbol of the enduring impact of the pandemic. Amidst the array of modern amenities at the pharmacy stands Atulkumar Patel, the proprietor and Independent Prescriber (IP) at Lincoln Pharmacy, whose vision has propelled the establishment into a beacon of progressive healthcare. Owner of two Pharmacies, Patel's team of 20 dispenses an average of 20,000 prescriptions monthly, maintaining an NHS/OTC split of 80/20. Recipient of the prestigious Independent Prescriber of the Year award at the Pharmacy Business Awards 2023, Patel reflects on the pivotal moment when his pharmacy pioneered the rollout of COVID-19 vaccine jabs within the community. "When doctors' doors closed, pharmacy was the only place where people could get help and care," Patel recounts, emphasising the pivotal role pharmacies played during the crisis. Patel's dedication during the pandemic extended beyond mere service provision; it was about showcasing the untapped potential of pharmacies.

NPA Chair to COVID-19 Inquiry: 'A resilient pharmacy network' crucial for future pandemic response - 0 views

    Nick Kaye, chair of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), gave evidence to the UK's official COVID-19 Inquiry on Monday (4 November), highlighting the importance of building a "sustainable and resilient community pharmacy network" to enhance preparedness for future pandemics. Kaye also recommended utilising the existing community pharmacy infrastructure for public health initiatives, such as vaccination programmes, and stressed the need to recognise community pharmacists and their teams as integral members of primary care. "Seven pharmacies a week are closing across the four nations, and that is tragic for any future response. So, a resilient community pharmacy network that exists is going to be key," he told the Inquiry. He noted that 90 per cent of most NPA members' income comes from providing NHS services, underscoring the critical role pharmacies play in healthcare delivery. However, Kaye highlighted that pharmacies were often overlooked and underappreciated during the pandemic.

Shilpa Shah: 'Show me the light' | Pharmacy Business - 0 views

    I have always been passionate about Community Pharmacy and am proud of the way that the sector navigated itself through Covid-19 and is currently navigating itself through all the changes in the NHS landscape. When I started my role in Sep 2019 as the CEO of Kent LPC, I used to say that community pharmacy has changed more in the last five years than the 15 before that, however, I now believe community pharmacy has changed more in the last two years than the 20 before. The year 2019 saw the start of the five-year Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework which set out how community pharmacy would support delivery of the NHS long term plan. What PSNC (or any of us) when negotiating this deal had not envisaged was the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst the world turned upside down, we saw high street shops close their doors and immense pressure flood the NHS. Community pharmacy did what they always do, they adapted, teams came together, worked through, and showed resilience in the face of adversity. In Kent, I saw us integrate into primary are and into the NHS structure very quickly, in the first few weeks after Covid-19. All the usual red tape was removed, we all worked together to implement services to help patients in a matter of weeks when they would have normally taken months.

NPA remark in Covid-19 public inquiry on community pharmacy - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) highlighted the role played by community pharmacies during pandemic to provide urgent care and vital support to people with long-term medical conditions at its opening remark in the Covid-19 public inquiry held on Tuesday (28 February). NPA is the core participant in the Covid-19 public inquiry. lawyer Brian Stanton made an opening statement on the NPA's behalf which focused on three areas- health inequalities and the needs of vulnerable patients; the impact of medicine shortages and medicine price increases and the challenge that community pharmacy faced in responding to the pandemic and maintaining patient services following long-term under investment. Stanton said: "The UK's community pharmacies were on the frontline of efforts to limit the impact of coronavirus and to keep people well, and as well as handling a massive increase in demand for healthcare advice and medicines, they also continued to provide urgent care and vital support to people with long-term medical conditions. "However, there are now very many at risk of closure during to underfunding and when the Inquiry comes to consider its recommendations the NPA would encourage you [the presiding judge] to think about how resilience can be built into future plans." The statement included a compelling account of the commitment typical of so many pharmacies during the pandemic - from husband and wife Pete and Sukhi Johal, both NPA members and pharmacists, who co-own Calow Pharmacy in Chesterfield.

UK COVID-19 Inquiry: NPA and RPS submit preliminary evidence, Read more here - 0 views

    Representatives from the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) presented their preliminary evidence to the Inquiry, which is examining the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare systems in the UK. The UK COVID-19 Inquiry began on 28 June 2022 to examine the UK's preparedness and response to the pandemic, aiming to draw insights for the future. Its investigations are organised into modules, gathering evidence from witnesses, experts and core participants through a series of corresponding hearings throughout each module. A preliminary Module 3 hearing for its investigation into was held at Dorland House, 121 Westbourne Terrace, London, W2 6BU on Wednesday 10 April at 10.30am. NPA calls for funding to boost pharmacy resilience Presenting its evidence before the inquiry, the NPA highlighted the unsung contribution of pharmacies nationwide in combatting COVID-19 and maintaining health services throughout the pandemic while calling for funding to create greater resilience in community pharmacies.

How Pharmacies Lead the Charge in Climate Health - 0 views

    Thanks to increasing environmental awareness among people worldwide, there's a growing commitment to sustainable practices across industries. The healthcare sector, including pharmacies, is no exception. Recognising the fact that 'climate crisis is a health crisis', 124 countries signed a new Declaration on Climate and Health at the first-ever Health Day at the United Nations climate change conference, COP28 Dubai, which was held on 3 December 2023. The declaration acknowledged the need to prepare healthcare systems to cope with climate change and accelerate actions to protect communities. Welcoming the declaration, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO) emphasized the need to build "climate-resilient and low-carbon" health systems to protect the health of both the planet and people. Pharmacies play a crucial role in providing essential medications and healthcare services to the community, but their operations can have environmental implications.

COVID-19 Inquiry : RPS urges greater recognition for pharmacists - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) presented key evidence to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on 10 September, underscoring the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacy teams during the pandemic. Deirdre Domingo, legal representative for the RPS, delivered the statement during the Module 3 public hearings, which focus on the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems across the UK. As the professional body representing pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, the RPS urged the Inquiry to consider several critical issues: Recognition of pharmacists as key workers The RPS highlighted the crucial role pharmacy teams played in ensuring continued access to essential medicines and their integral involvement in the roll-out of COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. However, the Society also raised concerns over significant failures and challenges, such as inadequate safety measures to protect pharmacists at work, confusing national guidance, increased hostility towards healthcare professionals, and a disparity in the treatment of community pharmacy compared to NHS staff.

£200 Million Boost for NHS Winter Preparedness - 0 views

    The government has earmarked £200 million to enhance NHS resilience and expedite patient care during the upcoming winter season. This extra amount will bolster the health service during its busiest period, while protecting elective care so we can keep cutting waiting lists, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said. On August 13, the Prime Minister and Health and Social Care Secretary met with clinical leaders and NHS Chiefs to strategise and refine planning for urgent and emergency care, while prioritising the preservation of waiting list targets for the upcoming winter season. "Patients can be reassured that I will always back the NHS, so that those who most need help and support will get the care they need," Sunak said. "Winter is the most challenging time for the health service, which is why we've been planning for it all year - with huge government investment to fund new ambulances, beds and virtual wards." "This £200 million investment, assured by the Department of Health and Social Care as new and additional funding, should aid NHS leaders in their preparations and mitigation for what will be a seriously difficult winter period," said Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive of NHS Confederation. "The priority now is swift allocation of funding to local systems for optimal utilisation."
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