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NPA:10 principles for transformed pharmacy contract England - 0 views

    The new board of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has adopted 10 principles for transforming the contractual framework in England. The board met for the first time in April, believes that the current Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework is failing NPA members, the wider sector, the NHS, Government and patients. The association's new vice chair, Jay Badenhorst, said: "We can't wait until the current framework limps to its finish line in 2024 before giving serious thought to the new race we must all run in the future." "Before negotiations for a new contract begin in earnest, we want to make our position clear to all of those who will be involved in its development. Years more of the same would be totally unacceptable. Tinkering at the edges of the current arrangements as the basis for a new deal could not achieve the transformation that is needed." Former chair of the NPA, Andrew Lane, listed some of the principles in a speech to industry leaders in January, but this is the first time the approach has been agreed in its entirety, following months of testing with NPA members.

Redefining Pharmacy Services :NHS Transformation 2023 - 0 views

    The National Pharmacy Association has published a medium-term prospectus for the development of pharmacy services, calling it a challenge to old ways of thinking and an opportunity to redefine the sector's role in the NHS. It follows months of dialogue with NPA members about what a clinical future could look like for the sector. The document - Making Changes Meeting Needs - will be shared with the King's Fund and Nuffield Trust who are currently working on a new vision for the future on behalf of Community Pharmacy England. NPA chair, Nick Kaye, said: "Building out from the existing portfolio of services, there are some major opportunities within this decade, encompassing prevention, medicines optimisation, long term medical conditions and urgent care.

RPS: Pharmacy can impact delivery of genomics - 0 views

    Pharmacy professionals to be included as key stakeholders in the implementation, delivery and evaluation of a wide range of genomic services, said the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS). RPS's statement has been developed in collaboration with pharmacy organisations who have co-badged the report, such as the British Oncology Pharmacy Association, the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Association of Pharmacy Technicians and the College of Mental Health Pharmacy. It looks at current and future roles for pharmacy professionals in genomic medicine across many aspects of practice such as person-centred care and collaboration, professional practice, education, leadership, management and research. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the UK have already established roles in the application of genomic medicine in some areas of practice, such as antimicrobial stewardship and infectious diseases, and the management of certain genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis. The society believes, the current role of pharmacy professionals in genomics can be expanded upon in the future to both lead and support many relevant aspects of genomic implementation. These are described across all healthcare sectors, within the Genome UK strategy produced by the UK Government, and within the implementation plans published in England, Scotland and Wales. Lead for Pharmacogenomics at RPS Sophie Harding said: "Pharmacy professionals are the gatekeepers of medication safety and efficacy across all areas of healthcare. They are skilled at interpreting complex scientific data and use evidence-based medicine to maximise the benefits of treatments for patients, whilst supporting shared decision-making with patients and the multidisciplinary team.

PSNC Submits Evidence To Inquiry Committee On Future Of GP - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee has submitted its evidence to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee's recent inquiry into 'The future of General Practice'. The committee, chaired by former health secretary Jeremey Hunt MP, had launched an inquiry to explore the future of NHS GP over the next five years. PSNC's evidence focused on what community pharmacy is currently doing to support GPs, and what more can be done in the future. The negotiator said: "We focused on how pharmacies supported patients throughout the pandemic as the only primary care access point offering healthcare advice on a walk-in basis.

Future of pharmacy in England:RPS urges pharmacists views - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) is seeking views of pharmacists to help shape the future of pharmacy practice in England over the next decade. The RPS's project with The King's Fund, transforming pharmacy practice, aims to develop a vision for the role of pharmacists and pharmacy teams working across systems, providing patient care and NHS services. It's due to be published at the end of the year. "From 15 August to 30 September we are asking people to respond to our consultation on six key themes," the RPS said. "We'll also be holding face-to-face and virtual events in September to hear your views." The King's Fund has completed a literature review which has helped inform the initial six themes which will be the focus of the consultation, all of which can be downloaded and read before responding.

Self-Care Revolution: PAGB Toolkit Shakes Up UK Politics - 0 views

    With the upcoming general election on the horizon, Proprietary Association of Greater Britain (PAGB) is leading the charge to integrate self-care into the core of all political party manifestos. The aim is to ease strains on the NHS and forge a sustainable healthcare system for the future. In a significant move, PAGB unveiled a comprehensive general election toolkit on Wednesday, laying out a compelling argument for the prioritisation of self-care among stakeholders. The toolkit underscores the importance of public interest, potential NHS cost savings, and the economic advantages of the over-the-counter (OTC) sector. Aimed at unlocking the full potential of self-care and nurturing an enabling environment for its implementation, PAGB's toolkit advocates for greater integration of pharmacy services into primary care.

Prescription charges:DHSC increases by 30 pence - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has announced 30 pence increase in prescription charges from £9.35 to £9.65 for each medicine or appliance dispensed. Board Chair for England at RPS, Thorrun Govind commented: "This is a kick in the teeth for people in England who are already struggling with rising bills and food prices. "Patients groups have warned that people are not collecting prescription medicines due to cost and pharmacists are seeing this worrying trend first-hand. "A Government impact assessment noted the risk of adverse effects of people not taking their medicines, resulting in future health problems for the individual, potential hospital admissions, and a subsequent cost to the NHS. "This decision seems to prioritise revenue generation over ill-health prevention and undermines the principle of an NHS free at the point of use.

UK Government Empowers Medical Associates in NHS Transformation - 0 views

    The UK government will lay legislation today (13 December 2023) to allow the General Medical Council (GMC) to begin the process of regulating medical associates to expand their roles in the NHS. This will support plans to reduce pressure on doctors and GPs and improve access for patients, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) said. Physician associates (PAs) and anaesthesia associates (AAs) will have the same levels of regulatory oversight and accountability as doctors and other regulated healthcare professionals once the regulations come into force, which is expected at the end of 2024. The GMC will design and deliver detailed regulatory processes for registration, education, standards and fitness to practise for both professions.

David Webb - England New Chief Pharmaceutical Officer - 0 views

    David Webb has been appointed as the new chief pharmaceutical officer (CPO) for England. He will take over from Dr Keith Ridge who steps down next month after serving the role for sixteen year. Webb is currently chief pharmacist and clinical director for pharmacy and medicines optimisation at Guy's and Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust, London. Sharing the news of his appointment on Twitter on Friday afternoon (January 7), he said he was "really delighted and honoured" to be named the CPO for NHS England and that he was as the appointed Chief Pharmaceutical officer for "looking forward to working with pharmacy leaders, colleagues & teams across all sectors from February." He also extended his gratitude to the outgoing CPO for his "outstanding contribution" who, in turn, congratulated Webb and said it was "an honour to be handing over to him". In the same message, Dr Ridge thanked "all the great people I've worked with over the last 16 years for your support, friendship, good humour, great ideas & challenge. I wish you all well for the future."

NHS England's Pharmacy Stakeholder Forum Unveiled - 0 views

    At last Friday's Clinical Congress Conference, the NHSE Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England at NHS England, David Webb, announced the upcoming launch of the Pharmacy Stakeholder Forum- an initiative led by NHS England aimed to improve pharmacy professional leadership and foster collaboration within the sector. Webb highlighted the forum's significance as a platform for driving transformative change in pharmacy leadership. "The aim is to deliver collaboration to develop a stronger and more united voice for pharmacy professionals," Webb emphasised. Highlighting the need to drive transformative change in pharmacy leadership, he underscored that "the overarching goal is to address key challenges facing the pharmacy profession and chart a course for future development and innovation." Scheduled to commence in June, the Pharmacy Stakeholder Forum will provide a space for diverse organisations and networks with a vested interest in pharmacy professional leadership to converge.

Pharmacy teams need enhanced clinical roles - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has republished a three-year-old report which underscores the vital role of community pharmacists and pharmacy t echnicians in a 'modern NHS' amid speculations that the government is set to announce plans to enhance the role of community pharmacy teams. PDA's 2019 report which "took three year to compile" highlighted significant empirical evidence and made recommendations to develop the roles of both community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians, and the skill mix required to meet patients' needs. It examined in detail the role of pharmacy technicians in community pharmacy. The PDA still that pressure on the NHS can be managed much more effectively through the better use of pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. In the community pharmacy setting, it is evident that if the further development of the pharmacist's role is to be facilitated and pharmacists are to become more patient facing in the future, an extended role and greater responsibility for pharmacy technicians is not only desirable, but ultimately it is essential.

Political parties' manifestos for community pharmacy - 0 views

    As the general election campaign heats up, major political parties - including Labour, the Conservatives, the Liberal Democrats - have released their manifestos, detailing their plans and visions for the future of community pharmacy. While the Conservative Party promises to expand Pharmacy First initiative, Labour pledges support for small businesses, with plans to overhaul the business rates system. The Liberal Democrats' election manifesto commits to developing a fairer and more sustainable long-term funding model for pharmacies. Announcing their plans recently, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stated that they are investing in community care services to secure the future of the NHS and make healthcare more accessible. The Conservatives plan to fund these initiatives by cutting NHS managerial positions back to pre-pandemic levels and halving the government's management consultancy expenditure.

Empowering Patient Choice: Martha's Rule in Proposed NHS Updates - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has unveiled proposed updates to the NHS Constitution for England, signalling a significant step forward in prioritizing patient privacy, dignity, and safety. At the heart of these reforms lies Martha's Rule, a testament to the power of grassroots advocacy and the enduring legacy of 13-year-old Martha Mills. Martha's Rule, born from the tragic loss of Martha Mills due to a failure in escalating her care, stands as a beacon of hope for future patients and their families. Prompted by Martha's parents' tireless campaign, this rule empowers patients to request intimate care from providers of the same biological sex, ensuring that individual needs are recognized and respected. Additionally, it guarantees the right to a rapid review from an external care team when a patient's condition deteriorates, offering a lifeline in moments of crisis.

Embrace Cervical Screening for a Cervical Cancer-Free Future - 0 views

    NHS England has urged women to accept cervical screening invites to make it possible to eliminate the disease within the next two decades. Screening using a highly effective test helps detect human papillomavirus (HPV), which is responsible for over 99 per cent of all cervical cancers. Sadly, three in ten of those eligible for screening do not take up the potentially life-saving offer, as shown by the NHS Cervical Screening Programme, England 2022-2023 annual report. The report, published by NHSE on Thursday, showed that a total of 4.62 million women aged 25 to 64 for cervical screening was invited to book an appointment in 2022-23, and 3.43 million attended the screening.

Future of community pharmacy : Meeting the needs - 0 views

    The future of community pharmacies is in danger. With some 639 local pharmacies closing in England since 2016, action is clearly needed to ensure their longevity and maintain their rightful place on the high street. With increasing pressure on the NHS, which is suffering from healthcare backlogs and long waiting lists following the harsh impact of the pandemic, pharmacies have an opportunity to create a more substantial contribution within the healthcare industry. To ensure that pharmacies are able to embrace this opportunity, they need to be equipped with the necessary tools to enable them to meet the needs of an increasingly digital population. One way of doing this is to support pharmacies online, by providing them with a means to connect to patients via mobile, tablet or desktop. In turn, the UK population needs to be more aware of the services that can be provided by a pharmacist - many of which would save them from visiting a GP.

BGMA:Judicial review on being excluded from VPAS negotiation - 0 views

    The British Generic Manufacturers Association (BGMA) has sought a judicial review of the Department of Health and Social Care's (DHSC) decision to negotiate a new Voluntary Scheme for branded medicines with the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI). Mark Samuels, Chief Executive of BGMA said: "The Government has decided not to involve the trade body representing these medicine suppliers in its negotiations on the voluntary scheme for branded medicine pricing (VPAS). "We are deeply concerned by this decision. It has left us no choice but to take legal action." "While not all generic drugs fall within VPAS, four out of ten products in the current scheme are branded generics or biosimilars. As the representative trade body for both generic and biosimilar UK manufacturers, we must play a full part in the VPAS negotiations for the next period of the scheme from 2024 to 2028." "The VPAS tax has risen five-fold in under two years, an unprecedented tax increase. Yet our sector currently has no input into the negotiations on future schemes or rates; this is untenable as any decisions made on VPAS could significantly define the future of our sector in the UK and its ability to supply the NHS. The association had raised its full participation in the negotiations with the Government last November.

Pharmacy Automation and Technology:Pushing boundaries - 0 views

    Our Totton branch has an incredibly high volume of original pack dispensing, roughly 45,000 items. As we became busier and busier in the dispensary we were finding that our pharmacists, dispensers and other technicians simply didn't have capacity to deliver the services that we needed them to. We all know there is a real emphasis right now on pharmacies doing more services and we knew we had to change the way we operate to survive. So we decided it was time to look into a sound automation solution for our medication dispensing process, one that would allow us to free up the time of the pharmacists and the rest of the team so they could better support patients. After a lot of research we invested in Centred Solutions FLOWRx Hub and InStore solutions which were installed late last year. It provides us with the whole package and has automated our entire dispensing process from picking to packing and labeling to checking. Our situation was quite unique as we bought the system initially for our existing high-volume pharmacy in Totton so the hub and the spoke are actually on the same site. People wouldn't usually look at a hub and spoke solution for that kind of set up but it has allowed us to significantly free up time in store for more services. What it has also done is allow us to look at other opportunities to grow and expand. The pharmacy landscape is changing and there are lots of opportunities coming up. We have found that having your technology and the right infrastructure in place to support your existing footprint before you expand is the ideal way to grow in a safe and controlled way. We never thought that five years ago we would buy another pharmacy, yet we have already bought one and are now in the process of buying two more. I'm not worried about the increase in volume this expansion will bring because I know our technology is going to be able to support it. The pharmacies we are buying are struggling but having our solution already in place m

Self-Care Strategy Group Urges New UK Government to Embrace Self-Care Benefits | UK 2024 - 0 views

    The Self-Care Strategy Group (SCSG) has written to Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, urging the new Labour government to fully realize self-care's benefits. With PAGB serving as the secretariat for the Group, signatories of the letter also include CPE, RPS, CCA, NPA, the Dispensing Doctors' Association, the National Association of Primary Care, the Patient Information Forum, and the Self Care Forum. The nine members highlight the importance of collaborative efforts to build an NHS fit for the future. In the letter, the group emphasises the potential of self-care to alleviate pressure on primary and emergency healthcare services. They call for expanded prescribing rights, optimised digital health tools, and streamlined referral processes between primary, diagnostic, and specialist care services.

PSNC publish pharmacy representation progress update - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has published an update on the work it is doing as part of the Transforming Pharmacy Representation (TAPR) Programme to take forward the mandate from contractors to deliver the Review Steering Group (RSG) recommendations. The update is primarily aimed at LPCs - with whom PSNC has been working closely on some of the TAPR work over the summer. The TAPR Programme is being undertaken in support of PSNC's work to address the severe challenges facing the community pharmacy sector at present. Alongside ongoing negotiations with Government and the NHS, two of the TAPR workstreams - focusing on Vision and Strategy, and on Influencing and Negotiation - are essential to supporting CPCF negotiations. "The workstreams are looking at the future of community pharmacy and how best to persuade policymakers to implement a shared vision, with their objective being to put the sector in a stronger position going into future CPCF negotiations," said PSNC.

Thousands of community pharmacies may close by 2024:NPA - 0 views

    A new report commissioned by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has revealed harsh financial realities faced by community pharmacies in England. The report by Professor David Taylor of University College London warned that 1000s of community pharmacy closure might take place by 2024 in England if the sector was not supported with additional funds. At the launch of the report titled 'Protecting UK Public Interests in NHS Community Pharmacy', Prof Taylor said: "There will be several 1,000s of closures over the next few years unless we take appropriate action, which doesn't mean to pour money all over it, but it is to fund appropriately when necessary. "At the moment, if we got a partial collapse in the pharmacy network it would disrupt medicine supply and increase health inequalities… For me, it's missing out on the future development of better and more accessible care, which would be the tragedy of reducing, harming and damaging the pharmacy network unnecessarily."
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