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Community Pharmacy England : Hosting parliamentary event - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) to host a Parliamentary drop-in event in July to brief MPs and Peers about the ongoing medicines supply chain issues that are negatively affecting pharmacies and their patients across the country. CPE's Pressures Survey earlier this year highlighted the extent of both the operational and financial impacts of medicines supply issues on pharmacy businesses, therefore it has continued to hear from both pharmacy owners and others about the problems. The event aims to ensure that MPs understand the problems and their impact on pharmacies. Peter Dowd MP is hosting the event, joined by representatives from Community Pharmacy England, the Nuffield Trust, patient groups and more. The event will also be another opportunity to talk to MPs from across the political spectrum about the very serious situation that community pharmacies still find themselves in and the need for further investment in the sector. Janet Morrison OBE, Chief executive of Community Pharmacy England said: "The results of our Pressures Survey earlier this year showed just how much supply issues are continuing to negatively impact pharmacy businesses and all those who work in them. The survey found that almost all pharmacy owners (97%) are facing significant increases in wholesaler and medicine supply issues, with 71% saying this was leading to delays in prescriptions being issued.

CPE Aims for Expanded Services Agreement with DHSC and NHSE - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) is aiming to reach an agreement with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England (NHSE) on negotiation with regards to expanded services and payment model in the pharmacy sector. Chief Executive Janet Morrison, said: "We are working at pace in negotiations with DHSC and NHSE. The process remains on track with the Government's original timescale - i.e. aiming for agreement in July, with cross-government clearance later in July, and implementation from July through to September." CPE is involved in working groups on service expansion of Hypertension Case-Finding and the Pharmacy Contraception Scheme and service design for the Common Conditions Service; and are in in-depth negotiations on Payment models. These discussions critically look at the balance between funding core capacity and activity payments, how the funding streams will be distributed and how CPE will measure delivery and impact. NHSE has been leading on the development of the PGD pathways for each of the 7 conditions, with external medical, pharmacy and other experts feeding into the process - pharmacy owners from the Community Pharmacy England Committee have also been involved but the discussions are clinically led to ensure they comply with NICE principles and concur with Antimicrobial Stewardship policy.

World Pharmacy Council:UK pharma discuss workforce shortages - 0 views

    Professional leadership bodies from around the world discussed workforce shortages in community pharmacy and other challenges affecting the sector at a global meeting held in Paris last month. Delegated from Denmark, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, US and the UK updated the conference on how the profession was progressing in practice, technology and workforce development in their respective countries. The UK was represented at World Pharmacy Council meeting by National Pharmacy Association chair Andrew Lane and chief executive at the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee Janet Morrison. Lane said: "It's very useful to be part of a global network of pharmacy bodies who are all going through similar challenges as we are in the UK. Sharing intelligence on other pharmacy systems around the world helps us to prepare the right strategy for engaging with the NHS at home. "Hearing some of the strides in services and digital technology in the profession gives us hope for the future of the sector. It's clear however that key challenges such as workforce shortages are starting to have an effect in other parts of the world too."

Brexit's Impact on NHS Medicine Supply: Urgent Action Needed - 0 views

    A report released by the Independent Commission has blamed Brexit supply issues for medicine shortages. NHS is forced to pay extortionate prices to fulfil the demand for vital antibiotics, anti-depressants, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) drugs. The report highlights the impact of affected medicine supply issues on community pharmacies and patients. Janet Morrison, the chief executive of Community Pharmacy England, backed the report and said that the "medicine shortages and market instability appear to be as bad as they have ever been". She also explained how the Ukraine conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic, and broader economic instability also play a major factor in the situation.

MPs Address Winter Pressures on Pharmacies: Urgent Call - 0 views

    Community pharmacy representatives and MPs from across all political parties discussed the impact of winter pressures on pharmacies in England during a parliamentary drop-in event held on Tuesday (5 December). As many as 34 MPs attended the event, including Bradford South MP Judith Cummins, who hosted the event. Members of the Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Policy Team and LPC leaders briefed the politicians about the current winter pressures that all NHS community pharmacies are grappling with, and asked them to help get more support. CPE Chief Executive Janet Morrison said: "Community pharmacies play an active role to support their patients throughout the winter period, but the sector needs fair and proper funding to enable its vital services to be delivered in the long term. This event came at a key moment for the sector as we work towards implementing the Pharmacy First service and negotiations begin for the 2024/25 Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF).

Community pharmacy delivers nearly 5m flu jabs in 2021-22 - 0 views

    Community pharmacy teams in England have broken all previous records by a distance and delivered nearly five million flu jabs in the past season. They have administered over 2.08 million more flu vaccinations under the national programme during 2021-22 than the previous year, which is a a 75 increase, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee has reported. According to latest data published by the NHS Business Services Authority in its Advanced Service Flu report community pharmacy has administered 4.85 million vaccinations under the national Flu Vaccination Service in 2021-22. The total number of vaccines administered in community pharmacies in 2020-21 was 2.77 million. Commenting on the end-of-season figures, PSNC chief executive Janet Morrison said: "I am thoroughly impressed to hear it confirmed that community pharmacy has had another record-breaking year of flu vaccination provision. The ability of pharmacy teams to deliver the healthcare services that communities need, despite the challenges and pressures this winter, is simply phenomenal.

Sigma invites pharmacists to join online annual conference - 0 views

    Chair of the health and social care committee Steve Brine and England's chief pharmacist David Webb are among a raft of speakers who will be addressing delegates at the 13th Annual Sigma Community Pharmacy Conference to be held in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic from Sunday (March 5). Day I of the conference will also feature a Q&A session with PSNC CEO Janet Morrison and her lead negotiator Mike Dent, which will be presented as a live webinar via YouTube for those unable to attend in person. Sigma Pharmaceuticals has invited all interested community pharmacists and stakeholders in the UK to join the 90 minutes session by clicking this link. Those joining the session will not only be able to listen to the Q&A session - which will run between 6.30PM and 8.00PM in UK on Sunday - but also ask questions to the PSNC executives via a live YouTube chat. Sigma says the operating landscape for community pharmacy has altered dramatically since it last held its 'away conference' in the Philippines in February 2020. The role of the independents - post pandemic - has rapidly evolved and has now been recognised by the health secretary as playing a significant part in the health of the nation.

PSNC raise concerns on NHS ad campaign of community pharmacy - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has raised concerns over the NHS ad campaign highlighting how community pharmacies can support patients with non-health advice amidst the growing pressure on pharmacies. It believes the campaign will only 'worsen' the pressure on pharmacies. "It is always deeply concerning to see campaigns directing people to pharmacies without any regard for the pressures they are under: it is irresponsible and extremely unhelpful," said PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison. She called the campaign 'particularly irritating' just weeks after the committee rejected a series of proposals from NHS England and DHSC on relief measures to ease pressure on pharmacies as being totally inadequate. "NHS England Board Members have noted the pressure on pharmacies - so why are their teams so often acting to make these pressures worse? We need to see a radical change in how NHS England treats pharmacies and we're continuing to press for that via our influencing and campaigning work," she added. The NHS launched the new campaign on Monday (27 February) to highlight how high-street pharmacies can support patients with non-urgent health advice for minor conditions including coughs, aches and colds.

PSNC:NHS demand imposed in GP contract simply unreasonable - 0 views

    The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) has called the 'new general practice contract' which was imposed by NHS England on Monday (6 March) as 'simply unreasonable'. The imposition of new contract followed a failed talk of British Medical Association (BMA)'s with the negotiator. The association's main issue with the contract is the lack of further funding beyond that agreed in 2019 as part of the five-year deal. PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison said: "The breakdown in GP contract negotiations for the second year running is another blow for primary care. The verdict of the GP negotiators is that the demands being made of doctors by Government and the NHS are simply unreasonable." "Community pharmacy is being treated with the same disregard: too much is being asked of us, with far too little funding available." The committee has been raising the issue and challenges faced by the community pharmacists with the government. The government is asking pharmacies to do more by taking giving additional services but the committee is of view with no extra funding the community pharmacies will collapse.

SaveOurPharmacies :To discuss community pharmacies crisis - 0 views

    The 'SaveOurPharmacies' roundtable held on Tuesday (21 March) to discuss severe challenges faced by the community pharmacies in England witnessed the support of 15 MPs. Janet Morrison, Chief Executive, Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC); Andrew Lane, independent pharmacy owner and Chairman, National Pharmacy Association (NPA) and Ian Strachan, independent pharmacy owner and Board Member, Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIM) attended the summit, which was chaired by Stephen Hammond MP, to brief MPs on the severe challenges facing the sector. MPs in attendance were Stephen Hammond, Sally-Ann Hart, Peter Aldous, Anna Firth, Taiwo Owatemi, Bob Seely, Derek Thomas, David Rutley, Lilian Greenwood, Tulip Siddiq, Hillary Benn, Sarah Olney, Christian Wakeford, Daisy Cooper (researcher) and Victoria Atkins (researcher) The title of the event 'Community pharmacy's role in the Primary Care Recovery Plan' which is expected imminently, is set to include a variety of measures aimed at helping primary care to recover from the impact of the pandemic. PSNC has been pressing for the plan to include a fully-funded national Pharmacy First service as this is the best chance for getting significant additional funds into community pharmacies.

PSNC Pressures Survey:Pharmacies buckling under growing cost - 0 views

    A survey of over six thousands pharmacies has revealed that the community pharmacy sector is buckling under growing cost and capacity pressures. The survey conducted by the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee, which also involved two thousand community pharmacy confirms, rising costs, patient demand and medicine supply issues continue to grip the sector. PSNC's 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey, run as a follow up to the 2022 pressures survey, provides clear comparative data showing the worsening situation across the sector. Govt must act now The result of the survey indeed paints a bleak picture for community pharmacies and it is clear that without urgent action from government and the NHS this will only get worse: more community pharmacies will either be forced to reduce the number of services they provide or, in the worst-case scenario, will be left with no option but to close their doors for good. The PSNC has urged the government to act now "to save our pharmacies, before it is too late for patients, the public, and the rest of the NHS". "This year's survey clearly shows that community pharmacies are buckling under growing cost and capacity pressures," said PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison.

Pharmacy Contraception Service Launch Date - 0 views

    National pharmacy bodies have expressed their disappointment on the launch date for Tier 1 of the Pharmacy Contraception Service which has been announced by NHS England (NHSE) as '24th April 2023′. Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) said that this start date for the service has not been agreed with PSNC and is in direct contradiction of our warning to Ministers that no new or expanded services can be rolled out in 2023/24 unless extra funding is put into community pharmacies. Responding to this announcement, PSNC Chief Executive Janet Morrison said: "This is despite our warning last month that without additional funding, the roll-out of Year 5 additional services and the Pharmacy Quality Scheme is neither feasible nor affordable. Community pharmacies are having to work harder and harder for less money and many are at breaking point. And just this week the results of our 2023 Pharmacy Pressures Survey have confirmed the worsening situation. Clearly our view is not because contractors don't see the benefit of the service. This is a much-anticipated service that could deliver real benefits to patients and community pharmacies are always eager to support public health initiatives. But capacity in the sector is now so stretched that more money is needed to safely resource additional work. We have repeated our concerns to the Department in recent days and reminded them of the potential for a properly funded community pharmacy sector to play a greater role in providing clinical solutions and relieving pressures elsewhere in primary care."

Engage in Pharmacy First - Your Voice Matters - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has asked community pharmacy owners to share their views on preparations for the new national Pharmacy First service, ahead of the next full Committee meeting at the end of January. The advanced service, which is set for launch from 31 January, will allow patients to seek advice and treatment for seven common conditions directly from their local pharmacy, without the need to contact their GP practice. It is expected to help NHS free up 10m GP appointments a year. However, CPE chief executive Janet Morrison has previously expressed that the Pharmacy First investment is not the panacea for pharmacy's funding woes. Pharmacy owners' feedback will be used in the Committee's campaigning and influencing work to press for an uplift to core funding, CPE said.

DHSC Controversial Drug Tariff Overhaul: Impact on Pharmacies? - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is pushing ahead with its plans to implement a new drug tariff from April 2024. However, this move has sparked strong opposition from Community Pharmacy England (CPE), raising concerns about its potential impact on pharmacies and patients. Earlier, it was announced that the April drug tariff will include the new 'Retrospective top-up payment for Concessionary prices, which will be applied automatically for the products listed in Part VIIIE each quarter by the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA), according to the volume the contractor was paid for. However, CPE argued that the government has imposed these "untested" changes without their agreement, and strongly opposed them stating that "no recovery or downward pressure on margin is acceptable given the financial fragility of community pharmacies." Janet Morrison, chief executive of CPE, has voiced strong opposition to these changes, arguing that "any system expecting pharmacies to dispense at a loss" jeopardises the sector's financial stability and compromises patient care.

Inside England's Community Pharmacies | CPE Survey 2024 - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has launched its third annual Pressures Survey to uncover the various challenges encountered by individuals owning or working in a community pharmacy. The Committee expressed concern that community pharmacies in England are now in a critical situation, significantly affecting workload, stress levels, patients, and businesses. The 2024 Pharmacy Pressures Survey is aimed at finding out more about these issues and other areas such as medicines supply problems and workforce challenges as well as the recently launched Pharmacy First service, it said. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison said that they were able to receive a huge number of responses in previous surveys and they are expecting to achieve a similar level of engagement this year too.

Community Pharmacy Central to Government Health Missions - Urgent Call for Funding Lift - 0 views

    Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), discussed all primary care contracts, including those related to community pharmacy, during his meeting with Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Chief Executive and two members from the Negotiating Team. The pharmacy minister reiterated that community pharmacies will be central to the new government's health and wider missions. CPE Chief Executive Janet Morrison and her team updated Kinnock on the community pharmacy sector, highlighting the pressures throughout the summer. They underscored the critical challenges facing the sector and the urgent need for a funding lift. They also discussed Pharmacy First and emphasised the broader potential for pharmacies to further support the health of their local communities.

Thousands of pharmacies join NPA's second day of action - 0 views

    'Community pharmacy is far too important to be allowed to wither away' desc-Thousands of pharmacies took part in the second day of the 'Save Our Pharmacies' protest organised by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) on Thursday. Similar to the first day of protest in June, pharmacies carried out several symbolic actions, such as blacking out windows, to warn of the threat of future closures. Meanwhile, NPA chief executive Paul Rees led a delegation of pharmacy leaders to deliver a 350,000-strong petition to No 10 Downing Street, calling for "immediate, fair and sustained funding to safeguard NHS pharmacy services and ensure local pharmacies have a future." The delegation included NPA Chair Nick Kaye; Janet Morrison, CEO of Community Pharmacy England (CPE); Malcolm Harrison, CEO of Company Chemists' Association (CCA), and Gerard Greene, CEO of Community Pharmacy Northern Ireland (CPNI). Steve Race MP, who is the new chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pharmacy, and Sadik Al-Hassan, one of only two pharmacists in the House of Commons, also joined them.

Save Our Pharmacies 2024 : Join the Fight for Fair Funding | National Pharmacy Association - 0 views

    Pharmacy teams across the country are joining forces for the second day of protest, organised by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), as part of its #SaveOurPharmacies campaign, on Thursday (September 19). A cross-sector delegation will present a petition signed by a record-breaking 350,000 people to No 10 Downing Street. The delegation will include National Pharmacy Association (NPA) CEO Paul Rees, NPA Chair Nick Kaye, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) Chief Executive Janet Morrison, Company Chemists' Association (CCA) CEO Malcolm Harrison, and Community Pharmacy NI Chief Executive Gerard Greene, The Save Our Pharmacies petition has surpassed the previous record held by a Royal College of GPs in 2014, whose petition, addressing the issue of general practice funding, secured 300,000 signatures. The NPA is hopeful that this show of solidarity by pharmacy teams will make a difference and open up conversations in Westminster and Whitehall.

Parliamentarians Urge Wes Streeting to Save Community Pharmacies - Action Needed to Pre... - 0 views

    A group of 20 parliamentarians has written to health secretary Wes Streeting MP, calling for urgent government action to address the growing financial crisis facing community pharmacies. In the cross-party letter, supported by Community Pharmacy England (CPE), the MPs warned of a real risk of more pharmacy closures, with one in six pharmacy owners saying that they are unsure if their pharmacy will survive the year. They have urged the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England (NHSE) to prioritise long-term planning for pharmacies, including the implementation of the Community Pharmacist Prescribing Service. The MPs have also highlighted the need for more effective marketing for Pharmacy First to increase both walk-ins and referrals to this critical service. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison welcomed the support of 20 cross-party parliamentarians and recognising the vital role pharmacies play in the local community. She stressed the urgent need for immediate government intervention to ensure the survival of the sector and to maximise its potential in providing accessible care.

Pharmacy First Campaign Relaunch by NHS England | Maximize Access to Care This Winter - 0 views

    As NHS England prepares to relaunch its Pharmacy First public-facing campaign on Monday, 11 November, Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has highlighted the need for a sustained, large-scale effort to maximize the service's impact. Minor updates have been made to the original campaign materials from earlier this year, including additional information on the age criteria for the clinical pathways. Community pharmacies are informed that campaign materials are available on the Department of Health and Social Care's Campaign Resource Centre website. These include a campaign toolkit, social media assets, and posters. These materials can be used ahead of the official launch date. CPE chief executive Janet Morrison said: "It's good that we are finally seeing the resumption of the NHS Pharmacy First marketing campaign, alongside new resources to help with promotion, as we head into winter.
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