Dianne Rees
Dianne Rees is a writer and instructional designer at Atomic Meme (http://www.atomicmeme.com).
member since 2010-09-04
member since 2012-04-12
member since 2012-02-19
member since 2012-06-30
member since 2012-10-04
member since 2015-02-16
member since 2016-03-23
member since 2014-12-26
member since 2014-12-07
member since 2014-10-20
Lora Bryant
Researcher & scientist in the Pharmaceutical natural Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry Departments (in Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura University), my researches are concentrating mainly on design, synthesis, discovery, invention, characterization, molecular modeling, biological screening & assessme...
member since 2014-10-31
Leena Marilda
As an Online Marketer for Fifth Avenue Physical Therapy New York, USA, I am privileged to work with Fifth Avenue Physical Therapist and staff not only because they are highly-educated and licensed health care professionals but because they help patients achieve optimum wellness passionately.
member since 2015-02-05
member since 2014-11-13
CareLily, LLC.
Through our 30+ years in technology and healthcare industry expertise, we have created a platform that allows individuals to select and manage their own care while providing a higher living wage to the individuals who deliver care services.
member since 2015-08-31
Ask Wilhelm
Had an MRI? How do you know it's a good one? Ask Wilhelm. Cutting edge AI applied to medical images. Submit your MRI today. #quality #ptsafety
member since 2015-04-08
Claudia Black Young Adult Center
The Claudia Black Young Adult Center in Wickenburg, Arizona, provides an intensive, experientially based 45-day treatment program for young adults ages 18 – 26 who are struggling with unresolved emotional trauma, addiction, have a dual diagnosis or who have failed past addiction treatments.
member since 2015-09-11
member since 2015-08-29
member since 2015-06-21
member since 2015-07-09
Philip Treuil
Philip Treuil graduated from the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine with a doctorate in veterinary medicine. His love of animals drew him to this line of work, and he loves every minute.http://www.slideshare.net/philiptreuil
member since 2015-09-05
Group Members
139 members total, 3 receiving alerts immediately, 105 receiving alerts daily, and 18 receiving alerts weekly.