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Dianne Rees

AMA - Health Literacy Video - 0 views

  • The 2001 video, "Low health literacy: You can't tell by looking," features actual physicians and office staff interacting with real patients challenged by low health literacy. The 2007 video, "Health literacy and patient safety: Help patients understand," gives more detailed techiques and specific steps for physicians and their staff on helping patients with limited health literacy.
Dianne Rees

'Ignorance is bliss sometimes': constraints on the emergence of the 'informed patient' ... - 0 views

  • Recent work in medical sociology suggests that there continues to be a gap between the partnership and ‘negotiation’ models of practitioner-patient relations and the empirical reality of everyday practice.
  • Lupton (1997) has drawn attention to the fact that patients have agency here, too.
  • in their interactions with doctors and other health care workers, lay people may pursue both the ideal type ‘consumerist’ and the ‘passive patient’ subject position simultaneously or variously, depending on the context (1997: 373).
  • ...36 more annotations...
  • For Lupton, ‘late modernist notions of reflexivity … fail to recognise the complexity and changeable nature of the desires, emotions and needs that characterise the patient-doctor relationship’ (1997: 373).
  • He argues that the health care practitioners who participate in these online self-help networks are also experiencing an identity shift, moving from authority figure to facilitator.
  • nformation technology and consumerism are synergistic forces that promote an ‘information age healthcare system’ in which consumers can, ideally, use information technology to gain access to information and control their own health care, thereby utilising health care resources more efficiently (2000: 1714, our emphasis).
  • Is there a direct link between information access and empowerment?
  • Such detailed empirical studies of Internet use can tell us much about the significance of this medium in the everyday lives of specific user groups and about the emergent relations and communities that may accompany such use. Thus, studies of online health communities tell us much about how the Internet can support community building which is valuable and interesting in its own right. They also demonstrate well the point made by science and technology studies (STS) that users of technologies ‘shape’ those technologies to fit their needs and that the context of use, in particular, is central to understanding the significance of such technologies
  • (Bijker and Law 1992, MacKenzie and Wajcman 1999, Lie and Sørensen 1996, Silverstone and Hirsch 1992). There is, however, a danger that such work will be interpreted and/or used to imply that the Internet is, in itself, empowering of patients, and it is this type of technological determinism that we wanted to avoid in our own study. In the next section, we explain how we designed our study to do this.
  • In order the better to understand how these women located themselves within the landscape of health information, the very first question we asked them was:What, if anything, do you do when you first feel something isn’t quite right with your health?
  • Thirty-two women were recruited through a GP practice (family doctor) or gynaecological clinic in a city in the south east of England. Women who were taking, had considered taking, or had recently stopped taking HRT were all considered for inclusion in the study.
  • The interview schedule included questions about health information practices in general before going on to ask about HRT-related health information practices.
  • Thus, results suggest that our participants access a range of different information sources and media, but the interesting questions remain. How keen are they to become more informed about their health? Does access to information necessarily lead to feelings of empowerment? Does access to the Internet enhance information-related empowerment? Below, we explore the constraints on the emergence of the ‘informed patient’ under three headings: taking responsibility; information literacy; and the medical encounter
  • Have you ever looked something up for yourself before going to see a doctor, nurse or other health care practitioner?
  • Eighteen of the 32 participants had never looked anything up for themselves before a visit to a doctor or other healthcare practitioner. Eleven of these offered no explanation for this and many seemed surprised by the question.
  • Two kinds of explanation were offered by the seven other participants. The first suggested a reluctance to take the kind of responsibility for self-care suggested by the ‘informed patient’ discourse. The feeling here was that it was the doctor's job to know about such matters.
  • Thus, we cannot assume that everyone sees the importance of taking on more responsibility for their health, especially where that involves ‘becoming informed’ outside of the traditional medical encounter. This particular group of mid-life women felt either that it was a doctor's job to inform patients about their health or that there would be problems in trying to work in partnership with doctors in the way suggested by the informed patient discourse.
  • Becoming informed involves skills and competencies that relate both to the information itself and to the medium used to access that information. Amongst our participants we found women who had very few information literacy skills and others who lacked general computer literacy skills and/or web searching skills. Below, we discuss how lack of competency in these areas can inhibit the emergence of the informed patient identity. To illustrate this point, we compare more and less ‘literate’ participants, some of whom have access only to the more traditional media, others who have access to the Internet as well.
  • Information literacy
  • Taking responsibility
  • Information landscapes
  • Recruitment and interview focus
  • The Internet and patient empowerment
  • Information literacy skills are crucial when searching on the web. Awareness of sources (individual or organisation publishing the information) is one means by which one can begin to assess the validity of the information found on the web. While Marge is our least information-literate Internet user, many others were similarly uninterested in information source and validity issues, displaying low levels of information literacy.
  • Clearly, Jane is unwilling to trust the information about dairy products from producers of dairy products but is, at the same time, more than happy to accept what producers of soya products say about the benefits of soya.
  • Clearly, whilst medical sites are a signpost to trustworthiness for some, this is not a universal experience.
  • In particular, those with an interest in alternative or complementary therapies may well find conventional medical sites restrict and circumscribe their ‘informed choice’, just as some healthcare practitioners were reported to have done in the context of the medical encounter, discussed next.
  • The medical encounter
  • When discussing the first constraint on the emergence of the informed patient –‘taking responsibility’– we found that 14 of the 32 women had, at some point, actively searched for information about their health prior to a visit to the doctor
  • These women were asked whether they disclosed what they already knew. As with those who did not look up information for themselves, there was, amongst the more informed participants, still a great concern about appearing to over-step the boundary between ‘expert’ and ‘patient’ here
  • The last example is particularly interesting for the way in which the patient, here, feels the need to protect the doctor from the ‘informed patient’ who she sees as exerting extra pressures on an already busy professional.
  • You have to be very careful because they come back with – and I don’t blame them at all – they say, ‘don’t believe what you read in the paper, you’re here with me now and I’m telling you this’. I don’t blame them, because it must be very hard, when you go and say, ‘Oh, I read this in the paper’. It's not easy for them … (Pat).
  • Annie shows us that it is perfectly possible to be very engaged with one's own health and informed about treatment options through traditional information media and sources but, at the same time constrained in the full development of an informed patient identity because of a reluctance to challenge the doctor.
  • Despite nearly half the women in our sample being willing and able to look things up for themselves prior to visits to healthcare professionals, in no instance did it seem to be the case that disclosing what was already known about their particular health problems and their treatments was a completely straightforward process for these women.
  • Exceptions might be the one woman who stated that she would feel confident disclosing to a complementary therapist (though not to her GP), and another who felt that ‘a lot of doctors now know that some people know their bodies better than what [the doctors] do’ and that things were, therefore, getting better over time. In general, however, for this particular group of mid-life women, it seems that the boundary between the expert healthcare professional and the patient is still fairly robust.
  • A second constraint on the emergence and enactment of the informed patient identity has to do with skills and competencies in what we might call ‘information literacy’. These skills involve general awareness of where to find information, information retrieval, understanding the context of the information being provided, and interpretation and communication of that information in the context of health-care decision-making. This point becomes all the more pertinent when we come to look at Internet use. Although almost half of our participants had used the Internet for accessing health information, we found that the search strategies used were very unsystematic. In addition, we found, as did Eysenbach and Köhler (2002) in their qualitative study of health information searching on the Web, there was almost no awareness of who or what organisation was publishing the information being accessed. Indeed, for some, the information ‘media’ and ‘source’ were collapsed and the Internet was itself considered a source of health information and, for many, a good one at that.
  • Conclusions
  • First, many patients do not want to take responsibility or seek out information for themselves – they are more than happy to trust their GPs and leave decisions to them. There may be many different reasons for this as Lupton (1997) has suggested but it is important that the patient perspective is acknowledged nevertheless.
  • The third constraint in the emergence of informed patients and partnership relations comes from the apparent reluctance of practitioners to take on this new role
Dianne Rees

Health Literacy - Fact Sheet: Health Literacy Basics - 1 views

  • Only 12 percent of adults have Proficient health literacy, according to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy
Dianne Rees

Health Literacy - 0 views

  • Developed by AHIP’s Health Literacy Task Force for use by professionals charged with developing health literacy programs, plain language initiative, and member-experience programs is a toolkit that provides links to important resources for starting up health literacy initiatives.
Dianne Rees

National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy Executive Summary - 0 views

  • This report contains seven goals that will improve health literacy and suggests strategies for achieving them:
  • Health literacy is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.4 Limited health literacy affects people of all ages, races, incomes, and education levels, but the impact of limited health literacy disproportionately affects lower socioeconomic and minority groups.
  • Two decades of research indicate that today's health information is presented in a way that isn't usable by most Americans
Dianne Rees

AMA - Patient Safety Resources - 0 views

  • The American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation and AMA are exploring the link between health literacy and patient safety. Our goal is to create safer and shame-free health care environments for patients with limited health literacy, and by extension, to all patients. Working toward that goal, we have two resources for providers to help them minimize communication-related adverse events - patient safety monograph and patient safety tip cards.
Dianne Rees

Twitter Town Hall: Health Literacy Messages - Health Literacy Missouri - - 0 views

  • How are health literacy messages communicated today? How can health literacy messages bridge the gap between the medical world and patients? How can we more effectively write, design and disperse health information? What messages are most relevant and engaging to the media? To the public? How can social media be an effective tool in this effort?
Dianne Rees

Office Practice Patient Survey for Health Literacy | ImpactBC - 0 views

  • This is an example of how an office practice could monitor their progress on improving health literacy. Instruction document on how to use this survey can be found here.
Dianne Rees

HELPix | NYU Langone Medical Center - 0 views

    " Health Education and Literacy for Parents (HELP) Project is designed to support the health literacy needs of parents through short term educational interventions in pediatric waiting rooms"
Dianne Rees

Enhancing Written Communications to Address Health Literacy: Abstract and Introduction - 1 views

    • Dianne Rees
      Important point: there's a behavioral component to health literacy
  • Health literacy has many definitions. Healthy People 2010 has defined health literacy as "the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions" (Ratzan & Parker, 2000).
Dianne Rees

Health Literacy Glossary | CommunicateHealth - 0 views

  • Our glossary contains common words and phrases related to health literacy, user-centered design, and health education. The definitions are tailored to the work we do at CommunicateHealth.
Dianne Rees

health-literacy-guide.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    A large collection of health literacy resources
Dianne Rees

Information Literacy Weblog: Perspectives on the Information Literate University - 0 views

    Not specifically about health but good info on digital literacy
Dianne Rees

Health Literacy Innovations Adds the HHS Uniform Glossary to the Health Literacy Adviso... - 5 views

    are u not in the wrong category?
Dianne Rees

Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast » HLOL #39: National Action Plan to Improve ... - 0 views

    Find out more about approaches to health literacy improvement through HLOL podcasts
Dianne Rees

CRICO/RMF - Education/Interventions - Residents' Reading Room - Doctor/Patient Relation... - 0 views

  • Most important is to create a "shame-free environment" where patients with low literacy skills feel they can ask for help.
Dianne Rees

Canadian Public Health Association - Health Literacy Resources - 0 views

    CPHA health literacy resource readings and reports
Dianne Rees

Canadian Public Health Association - Health Literacy Portal - 0 views

    CPHA health literacy portal
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