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MYS portal only route for referred back, disallowed items - 0 views

    From July 2022, Manage Your Services (MYS) portal will be the only route available for pharmacy contactors to submit all new prescription returns/referred back items and disallowed items, reminded the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC). Contractors will be able to view and submit the required information for all these items only through the MYS portal. The NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) will send out a notification email from July (for the dispensing month of June) to the pharmacy NHSmail account if any new referred back or disallowed items have been generated for the contractor to complete on their MYS account. "Contractors can view any referred back items for completion by checking the 'Unpaid items' tab on MYS landing page," PSNC. "It is important to note that prescription returns/referred back items via MYS are only held in the system for a period of 18 months from the date they are first sent to the pharmacy for action; if contractors have not completed and returned any outstanding referred backs before this deadline has passed, the referred back items will be deleted from system."

Computer Science: Computer hardware - 0 views

    Computer Science Tuesday, April 25, 2023 Computer hardware Computer hardware is the physical components that make up a computer system. It includes everything from the central processing unit (CPU) to the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Understanding the different types of hardware and how they work together is essential for anyone who works with computers. In this article, we will explore the various components of computer hardware, including internal and external components, and the peripherals that connect to them. We will also discuss the importance of hardware maintenance, the latest advancements in computer technology, and factors to consider when choosing the right hardware for your needs. Whether you are a computer technician, a gamer, or simply someone who uses a computer for everyday tasks, this article will help you better understand the world of computer hardware. Introduction to Computer Hardware Computer hardware refers to the physical components that make up a computer system. It includes everything from the processor and memory to input/output devices such as the keyboard and monitor. In this article, we will explore the different types of computer hardware and their functions. What is Computer Hardware Computer hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system. It includes all the components that can be touched, seen, and used to interact with a computer, such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Hardware is different from computer software, which refers to the programs and applications that run on a computer system. History of Computer Hardware The history of computer hardware dates back to the 1820s when Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, and inventor, designed the first analytical engine, which was considered to be the first mechanical computer. With time, more complex electronic computers were developed, including the first Intel microprocessor in 1971. Since then, computer hardware has continued to evolve, becoming

Tips on correct SSPs endorsement for 3 HRT products: PSNC - 0 views

    To help the pharmacists understand the Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) for three Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) products that was recently announced by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)'s, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee has shared top tips on the correct SSP endorsement and submission requirements. Top Tips by PSNC for pharmacists on HRT SSPs: Always double check that endorsements reflect the requirements outlined in the supporting guidance published for each SSP on the dedicated page of the NHSBSA's website. When endorsing using EPS, contractors are reminded to select the SSP endorsement and input the correct three-digit reference number leaving a space in between 'SSP' and the three-digit reference number for example, SSP 019. Remember to insert the leading zero in the three digit reference number. Each of the affected HRT medicines has its own SSP reference number. Check that the correct SSP number is endorsed for e.g. for Oestrogel® Pump-Pack 0.06% gel the SSP endorsement should be 'SSP 019'. Please note the 'NCSO' endorsement is no longer accepted for SSPs. Endorse the SSP product dispensed including the quantity. Ensure your endorsements are accurate and clear - NHSBSA processing staff must be able to determine what has been supplied. Contractors should note that SSP claims submitted using EPS tokens are no longer permitted.

New NICE Guidance For Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis - 0 views

    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)'s diagnostic advisory committee has recommended the use of HM-JACKarc or OC-Sensor quantitative faecal immunochemical tests (FIT) in a draft guidance release for consultation on Wednesday (5 July). Under existing NICE guidance, FIT was already offered to some people presenting to primary care with symptoms suggestive of colorectal cancer, while others were immediately referred on the suspected cancer pathway. The new draft guidance will now see everyone receive a FIT. A sample is sent in the post to a laboratory where the amount of blood in the faeces is measured. The results are usually available within a week and people with 10 or more micrograms of haemoglobin in their faeces should then be referred for further investigation. Further assessment using colonoscopy, or CT colonography, is required to diagnose cancer. The tests cost between £4 and £5 per sample, and can correctly identify about 9 out of 10 people with colorectal cancer. The committee agreed it is important that GPs can refer people for colonoscopy without a positive FIT result if they think it is necessary and where symptoms persist. The institute believes that the recommendation of the tests should reduce the number of unnecessary colonoscopies, thus freeing up appointments for more non-urgent referrals. This should lead to 50% fewer referrals for urgent colonoscopies being made by GPs in primary care settings each year.

Pharmacy First reality: Many pharmacists awaiting GP referrals - Latest Pharmacy News |... - 0 views

    Ensuring comprehensive healthcare services for the community necessitates collaboration between pharmacies and GP surgeries. However, several pharmacists have voiced concerns about a lack of cooperation from their local GPs in implementing the Pharmacy First (PF) service. In a survey conducted by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) covering 470 pharmacies across England, three-quarters of pharmacists (77 per cent) indicated that local GP practices are not appropriately referring patients to the new service. The survey highlighted instances of patients either not being referred or being referred but found ineligible for support through Pharmacy First. Additionally, one in five NPA members (19 per cent) felt that their local GP practices were not engaging with the initiative at all. Commenting on the issue, NPA chair Nick Kaye said: "Feedback from across our network suggests that the rollout of Pharmacy First varies considerably from area to area.

Wheelchair : Handicap Products: Cerebral Palsy Wheelchair - 0 views

    Cerebral palsy (CP) is a general term for a group of permanent movement problems that do not get worse over time. They cause physical disability,mainly in the areas of body movement.There may also be problems with sensation, depth perception,so you use Cerebral palsy wheelchair and communication ability. Difficulty with cognition and epilepsy are found in about one-third of cases. There are subtypes including a type characterized by spasticity, a type characterized by poor coordination, and types which feature both symptoms or neither. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the motor control centers of the developing brain and can occur during pregnancy, during childbirth, or after birth up to about age three.About 2% of all cerebral palsy cases are believed to be due to a genetic cause.Cerebral palsy is not an infectious disease and is not contagious. Most cases are diagnosed at a young age rather than during adolescence or adulthood.CP 2 Pediatric Wheelchair is very useful for cerebral palsy person. Improvements in the care of newborns has helped reduce the number of babies who develop cerebral palsy and increased the survival of those with very low birth weights.There is no cure, with efforts attempting to treat and prevent complications. It occurs in about 2.1 per 1,000 live births.Physical therapy may help. Cerebral refers to the cerebrum, which is the affected area of the brain. The disorder may often involve connections between the cortex and other parts of the brain such as the cerebellum. The root word "palsy" means "paralysis". In medicine, this is often used in reference to the paralysis or weakness that often accompanies nerve damage, loss of sensation or muscle disorders involving uncontrollable movements such as trembling or shaking.

NHS sets new record of three million cancer checks in 12 month - Latest Pharmacy News |... - 0 views

    NHS cancer check has set a new record, despite pressures on hospitals due to Covid-19, the number of people being treated for the cancer remained higher than before the pandemic, revealed NHS. Over the last 12 months almost three million people were referred for cancer checks which is up by over a tenth on the 2.4 million people referred before the pandemic. "Even at the peak of the Omicron wave, referrals for suspected cancer were at 116 per cent of pre-pandemic levels with around 11,000 people getting checked every day over the last year," said NHS. In order to meet increasing demand for cancer checks, NHS services across the country are expanding their diagnostic capabilities through one stop shops for tests, mobile clinics and cancer symptom hotlines, ensuring people are diagnosed and treated as early as possible to give them a much better chance of beating the disease. More than 30,000 people every month are being invited for lung cancer checks through NHS mobile trucks visiting at risk communities across the country, as part of the biggest programme to improve early lung cancer diagnosis in health service history.

File Your Company Accounts on Time:Personal liability - 0 views

    All companies must send their accounts to Companies House each year. Recent evidence suggests that UK companies are increasingly struggling to file their accounts on time, with around 213,000 private companies reportedly missing their deadline in 2019-2020, resulting in over £93 million of penalties being issued. Over a fifth of companies that filed their accounts late that year had also filed late in the previous year. Under the Companies Act 2006 ("the Act"), the deadline for private companies to file their annual accounts is nine months from the end of the accounting reference period. There are slightly different rules for filing your first set of annual accounts and if these cover a period of more than 12 months, you must deliver them to Companies House within 21 months of the date of incorporation or 3 months from the accounting reference date, whichever is longer. Not filing your accounts at Companies House in a timely manner is also a criminal offence (under section 451 of the Act) and directors can be personally fined in the criminal courts. It is likely to come as a shock to most company directors who receive a summons to attend the Magistrates' Court in Cardiff for a criminal prosecution, particularly directors in larger pharmacy companies where directors are often detached from the preparation of accounts and senior financial staff and accountants are instructed to take care of such matters.

Somerset GPs refer 1k patients to community pharmacists - 0 views

    NHS Somerset is aiming to grow its referral rate through GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS) to between 4,000 to 6,000 patients a month. Since June 2021 GPs in Somerset have successfully referred around 1,000 patients a month through the Somerset GP Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (GP CPCS) Currently, 59 of NHS Somerset's 64 GP practices and all of Somerset's 102 community pharmacists are using the Somerset GP CPCS. NHS Somerset found that providing the right training for GPs and for reception staff and practice managers was key to a smooth rollout and uptake of the service. As was making sure the technology worked when making referrals from general practice to community pharmacists. NHS Somerset is using software called Patient Access Connect, which seamlessly integrates with the EMIS Web GP system used in Somerset, to give practices a quick and easy way to capture the patient information needed to deliver a referral.

Hay fever jab:Authorities take action against illegal advert - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) have issued a joint enforcement notice about the 'illegal' advertising of Kenalog injections on digital platforms. The notice warns all organisations offering Kenalog as a 'hay fever treatment' to stop advertising it in any of their social media or website advertising. "Kenalog is a prescription-only medicine (POM), which must not be directly or indirectly advertised to the public. Kenalog is not licensed for the treatment of hay fever in the UK, although it is offered by some beauty and aesthetics clinics, under the personal responsibility of an individual prescriber, and advertised widely on social media," said MHRA. "Now, advertisers must ensure that all references to Kenalog in the text, images or emojis on social media are removed, as well as commonly-used descriptive phrases for the jab such as 'hay fever injection' or hay fever jab' or any account names, testimonials or memes by 29 August 2022." After this date, the CAP's compliance team will remove non-compliant ads using targeted software and those who continue to promote it may be referred to the MHRA for further enforcement action.

FIP:Pharmacists to expand roles in mental health services - 0 views

    The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has published two new handbooks to support pharmacists in providing 'much-needed' mental health services. The federation unveiled "Mental healthcare - A handbook for pharmacists" and "Knowledge and skills reference guide for professional development in mental health care" on Thursday July 7. The handbooks, developed in collaboration with an international group of experts, aim to support pharmacy practice, presenting the many potential mental health care actions that pharmacists can perform, from preventing mental illness and screening for signs to optimising medication and responding to mental health crises. The reference guide is intended to accompany the handbook and defines the knowledge and skills that pharmacists need to acquire to provide such services.

Pharmacy First for 7 Ailments | Launching Jan 31 - 0 views

    This Pharmacy First Common Ailments service will help patients seek treatment for seven common conditions directly from a pharmacy without the need for a GP appointment or prescription. Launching on 31 January next year although it is subject to IT being ready, the service will cover ailments including "sinusitis, sore throat, earache, infected insect bites, impetigo, shingles, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs)" in women. People with symptoms of the above seven conditions will be supplied with a prescription-only treatment under a Patient Group Direction (PGD). Patients seeking assistance at the pharmacy, whether walk-in or referred by NHS 111, GPs, or other sources, can receive consultations. The new service includes self-referring patients plus referrals, and the Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) will also be a part of it.

GPhC Apology Sparks Debate on Pharmacy Roles - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) recently issued a public apology after they mistakenly referred to pharmacy technicians as 'pharmacist technicians' in a council paper. It has also written a letter of apology to the President of the Association of Pharmacy Technicians (APTUK) for the error they made. Meanwhile, the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has raised concern about an equally worrying trend in which pharmacists are being referred to by the GPhC and others as 'pharmacy professionals', a term that is also used for pharmacy technicians. The association said this creates confusion in the minds of the public about the two roles and responsibilities, which are very different, as well as have impact upon the workplace.

NHS Digital Weight Management: A Game-Changer for Obesity - 0 views

    Part of a raft of National Health Services (NHS) measures which aim to support people to prevent or reduce incidence of type 2 diabetes and obesity, the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme has emerged as a beacon of success in the battle against obesity, with a recent study showcasing its effectiveness in aiding weight loss among participants. According to research published in The Obesity Journal, the programme has garnered significant traction, with over 63,000 individuals referred in its inaugural year. Encouragingly, half of those referred opted to enroll in the service, highlighting its appeal and accessibility. Among the 14,000 participants who completed the 12-week programme between April 2021 and March 2022, a notable average weight loss of 3.9kg (equivalent to 8.59lbs) was achieved. Even among those who did not complete the programme, an average weight loss of 2.2kg (approximately 4.85lbs) was observed.

Empowerment in Healthcare: NHS Self-Referral Unleashed - 0 views

    National Health Services (NHS) patients across England are set to experience a significant enhancement in accessing key healthcare services such as community nursing through the expansion of self-referral options that no longer require a GP appointment. The recent announcement is part of the NHS primary care access recovery plan and is set to offer hundreds of thousands more individuals each month the opportunity to refer themselves for essential services such as "incontinence support", "podiatry", or "hearing tests" without GP referrals. This move aims to alleviate the burden on general practitioners through self-referrals for more than 180,000 patients, allowing them to focus their time and resources on patients in need of immediate care and recover the long waiting times. As per the NHS data, approximately 200,000 people per month self-refer themselves which under the new plan will extend to additional critical services tailored to local population needs to "continue modernising GP, expand pharmacy services, and offer patients more choice in how they access care".

Meet the NHS IG Toolkit Deadline: CPE Guide for Community Pharmacies - 0 views

    Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has reminded community pharmacy owners that the deadline to complete the 2023/24 Data Security and Protection Toolkit to make their information governance (IG) declaration is 30 June 2024. Sometimes referred to as the "NHS IG toolkit", the DSPT is a set of security requirements that companies are required to fulfill to supply goods and services to the health service to ensure the safety and protection of sensitive patient information. To help community pharmacy contractors complete the mandatory questions within the Toolkit, CPE on Monday (12 February) published new guidance, which also contains references to other useful materials. CPE is working with the NHS DSPTK team to keep the workload associated with Toolkit completion manageable whilst ensuring that appropriate data security protections are maintained. Pharmacy owners with three or more pharmacies can complete a single submission for all their premises through the NHS Parent Organisation Code (POC) headquarters (HQ) batch submission feature.
Mark Darco

The Benefits of Exercise - 0 views

    Let's get physical! The most obvious benefits of being fit tend to be physical. In fact, many exercisers work out specifically for the benefits they see and feel in their bodies. There is nothing wrong with exercising for how you look; something commonly referred to as aesthetics, however, there is a whole lot more to be gained from exercise and fitness than just looking good…
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liposuction - 0 views

    The tumescent technique refers to the infusion of large amounts of physiological salt solution into the fatty tissue to be removed. Dr.Core is a recognize liposuction expert having more than 20 years experience.
Diet pills

Buy Adipex Diet Pills For Fast Weight Loss - 0 views

Precautions taken while on Adipex diet pill Adipex is the diet pill having phentermine which is an appetite suppressant drug. This drug is being used by many people all around the world, who are ...

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Knee Pain Solution For Osteoarthritis - 0 views

    Vissco Elastic Tubular Knee Caps Muscle or Ligament strains can be really bothersome, especially at the knee joint. We often over-work our knees in strenuous physical activities and then suffer from inflammations or strains. You might want to pick up our elastic tubular knee cap. It provides compression, warmth and improves blood flow to the soft tissue areas surrounding the joint. Its lightweight, breathable and comfortable ensuring it's worn more often, thus improving its therapeutic results. The cotton knitted fabric releases sweat and permit airflow, which its ergonomic design ensures a two way stretch. WHAT IS THE CONDITION? As osteoarthritis of the knee is a degenerative condition there is no chance of it healing and the cartilage growing back, therefore there are only remedies to slow the degeneration down and reduce the pain, with replacement knee surgery being the end option. The condition can be as serious as stopping a patient from walking to the shops or moving freely around their home or begin as a mild discomfort when moving and resting with inflammation of the joint following extended periods of exercise. SURGICAL REMEDIES Surgery can cover both a partial or full knee replacement and is no small operation and can take up to six months before a patient is able to walk unaided. The replacement knee itself will last for up to 15 years but extensive physiotherapy and recuperation is required before getting anywhere near the activity levels experienced prior to the onset of the condition. KNEE BRACES. MRP: R 268 Our Price:R214 Net Price:R210( Apply Coupon Code 'MSW2365' Get 2% Discount ) WHEN TO USE Osteoarthritis Knee Overuse due to physical activities Post-surgery or post-arthroscopy Muscle and Ligament Strains Bursitis Vissco Elastic Tubular Knee Caps Features Skin Friendly Easy Breathe Soft Support 4 Way Stretch Anti-Fungal Vissco Elastic Tubular Anklet Having an ankle injury or sprain can really render you immobile
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