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Healthcare Settings :Factors Improve Patient Safety - 0 views

    Patient safety should remain a top priority in any healthcare setting. People should always receive the right advice, and pharmacists aren't 'GPs on the cheap.' Staff should be fully trained, and medical equipment should be correctly maintained at all times. In turn, this helps create a safer environment for patients and professionals alike. In this article, we'll discuss some of the factors that can enhance patient safety in healthcare settings. AUTOMATION AND MONITORING Automating processes within a facility can help streamline operations. This has the potential to reduce or eliminate human error that could result in serious injury or death. In addition, automated systems often provide instant alerts when something goes wrong - allowing medical staff to react quickly and appropriately. Automated solutions can help facilities achieve hand hygiene monitoring standards, and it's possible to schedule a demo and see their outcomes. They can reduce staff sick time and HAIs, as well as Joint Commission citations and associated costs. Monitoring helps ensure compliance with safety protocols. It's essential for improving patient safety and gaining data on all aspects of a facility's operations. It also helps organizations track the effectiveness of their protocols and procedures over time. This helps them constantly evaluate and refine their policies, to maximize patient safety benefits. ADEQUATE STAFFING In order to provide quality care, it's essential to have enough staff on hand to meet patient needs and ensure all protocols are being followed. Without this, healthcare providers may struggle to provide prompt, efficient care - which can put patient safety at risk. Adequate staffing levels should be determined by a variety of factors. They include patient numbers, the complexity of care required, and the size and layout of the facility.

MHRA reviews with healthcare professionals on medicines - 0 views

    Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has urged the healthcare professionals to share their views on the consultation on 'how MHRA communicate with healthcare professionals to improve medicines and medical devices' safety'. Through this consultation the agency wants to review its approach to engagement with healthcare professionals to improve the safety of medicines and medical devices. "We want to ensure that healthcare professionals are receiving actionable information and guidance on safe use of medicines and medical devices that they can take into their working practice, providing timely advice to patients," said MHRA. "We need to improve the way we communicate with healthcare professionals. We want to hear from you to enable us to transform how we communicate with you and how we work together on our common goal of greater patient safety."

MHRA Pro-Innovation AI Revolution - 0 views

    In a recent announcement the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) unveiled its strategic approach to artificial intelligence (AI), as it sets out to embrace the transformative potential of AI in healthcare regulation. Building upon the Government's white paper 'A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation', released in 2023, the MHRA outlined five key strategic principles guiding its adoption of AI. These principles encompass safety, security, and robustness; appropriate transparency and explainability; fairness, accountability, and governance; and contestability and redress. A science-led organization, the MHRA was tasked with providing an independent view of its approach to AI in medicine and science, aligning with a government white paper. Recognising its role in UK's goal to be a science and tech leader by 2030, MHRA is tasked to evaluate AI's opportunities and risks across regulatory, public service, and evidence-based decision-making area.

MHRA Warns: Fake Pharmacy Websites Selling Weight Loss Medicines | Pharmacy Biz - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has cautioned against buying weight-loss medicines without a prescription from beauty salons, unregistered pharmacy websites or social media platforms as such products could pose "serious health risks." Consumers are reminded that the only safe way to obtain genuine weight-loss medication is through a legitimate pharmacy, including licensed online pharmacies, with a prescription from a qualified healthcare professional. To combat the illegal sale of these medicines, the MHRA's Criminal Enforcement Unit is working closely with social media platforms, technology companies, the police and Border Force. Andy Morling, MHRA deputy director of Criminal Enforcement, highlighted the dangers of purchasing these medications from unverified sources: "At this time of year, with many of us thinking about shedding a little excess weight, we see people offering weight loss medicines for sale as a quick fix, without a healthcare professional's prescription, from beauty salons, websites and on social media. "These are not cosmetic treatments; they are powerful medicines that can only be legally and safely dispensed against a prescription issued by a healthcare professional."

Pharmacists Seek Enhanced Safety Amidst Far-Right Riots - PDA Calls for Action | UK 2024 - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has reported growing concerns among its members regarding their safety at work as the far-right, anti-immigration riots escalate across the UK. "We have received calls from members who are concerned about their safety at work and feel vulnerable in communities where the violence and disorder are taking place," the organisation told Pharmacy Business. The PDA also reported that some hospital outpatient departments and GP surgeries were forced to close their doors to allow staff to get home safely, which may impact services to patients. In light of these challenges, the PDA is calling on employers to ensure that they are adequately communicating with pharmacists in locations at risk of conflict and to prioritise the health and safety of staff and patients. "We are aware that pharmacists and their teams working in areas where this criminal activity is taking place are feeling vulnerable but that they also want to ensure that their communities are safe and have access to the vital services pharmacies provide.

RPS: Pharmacy can impact delivery of genomics - 0 views

    Pharmacy professionals to be included as key stakeholders in the implementation, delivery and evaluation of a wide range of genomic services, said the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS). RPS's statement has been developed in collaboration with pharmacy organisations who have co-badged the report, such as the British Oncology Pharmacy Association, the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association, Association of Pharmacy Technicians and the College of Mental Health Pharmacy. It looks at current and future roles for pharmacy professionals in genomic medicine across many aspects of practice such as person-centred care and collaboration, professional practice, education, leadership, management and research. Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in the UK have already established roles in the application of genomic medicine in some areas of practice, such as antimicrobial stewardship and infectious diseases, and the management of certain genetic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis. The society believes, the current role of pharmacy professionals in genomics can be expanded upon in the future to both lead and support many relevant aspects of genomic implementation. These are described across all healthcare sectors, within the Genome UK strategy produced by the UK Government, and within the implementation plans published in England, Scotland and Wales. Lead for Pharmacogenomics at RPS Sophie Harding said: "Pharmacy professionals are the gatekeepers of medication safety and efficacy across all areas of healthcare. They are skilled at interpreting complex scientific data and use evidence-based medicine to maximise the benefits of treatments for patients, whilst supporting shared decision-making with patients and the multidisciplinary team.

MHRA Alert on Semaglutide Risks : Safeguard Your Health: - 0 views

    The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) confirmed that Ozempic has been found at two UK wholesalers on 18 October. The pre-filled falsely labelled pens have been purchased from legitimate suppliers in Austria and Germany. However, there has been no evidence that fake Ozempic has been supplied to UK patients. Dr Alison Cave, MHRA Chief Safety Officer spoke about closely with regulatory partners to ensure patients' safety. He said: "Buying semaglutide from illegally trading online suppliers significantly increases the risk of getting a product either falsified or not licensed for use in the UK. "Products purchased in this way will not meet our strict quality and safety standards, and taking such medicines may put your health at risk," he added.

Topiramate Prescription Advisory for Women in the UK: MHRA's New Safety Guidelines - 0 views

    Healthcare professionals in the UK are being advised to avoid prescribing the migraine and antiseizure medication topiramate, commonly known by the brand name Topamax, to women and girls unless they fulfil the requirements of a Pregnancy Prevention Programme. This guidance follows new safety measures introduced by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) following a major safety review, which highlighted a potential increased risk of neurodevelopmental disabilities in children exposed to topiramate during pregnancy. The Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) evaluated studies that examined the risks associated with using topiramate during pregnancy. These studies indicated that children born to mothers who took topiramate during pregnancy had an approximately 2 to 3 times higher risk of intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Based on CHM's recommendations, the MHRA now advises that topiramate should not be prescribed for treating epilepsy during pregnancy unless there is no suitable alternative.

Reducing Environmental Harm: RPS,RCGP Scotland Collaboration - 0 views

    Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) and the Royal College of General Practitioners in Scotland hosted an event celebrating the collaborative work of the health professions and policy makers in Scotland on reducing the environmental harm from prescribing and medicines use. To share priorities for the Scottish Government, Alpana Mair, Head of Effective Therapeutics and Prescribing spoke and National Clinical Director Jason Leitch appeared virtually. Gillian MacKay MSP, Scottish Greens spokesperson for Health and Social Care also joined in-person. Medicines account for around 25% of the NHS's carbon emissions and have an ecological impact when they enter our wastewater system or our rivers and oceans. Tackling the impact of prescribing will be a key part of meeting the ambition of a net zero NHS Scotland by 2040 at the latest. Together, RCGP Scotland and RPS have held two roundtable events on sustainable prescribing, and in June 2022, released a joint statement calling for a wide range of actions, which was signed by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland, the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Royal College of Anaesthetists, the College of Radiographers, Royal College of Nursing, Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. Continuing the work of RPS at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, the event aims to mark an opportunity for health professionals and decision makers alike to join a global movement of sustainability in healthcare, and pledge to continue the important work of cutting the climate impact of medicine use while maintaining the highest level of patient care and safety.

PAGB expands eLearning offer to non-members - Latest Pharmacy News | Business | Magazin... - 0 views

    PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, has launched a new eLearning platform, open to both members and non-members, offering a comprehensive range of online training and development resources for the consumer healthcare industry. Launched at the end of 2024, the eLearning platform was initially exclusive to PAGB members. It has now been expanded to include non-members, along with the addition of new content and courses. Fully integrated with PAGB's website, the eLearning platform provides a variety of on-demand training courses and webinar recordings, complementing the association's year-round schedule of workshops and events. From Essentials courses that cover foundational topics such as UK medicines regulations, to Deep Dive courses offering in-depth knowledge on specific areas like CBD and novel food, the eLearning content is designed to support users' professional development and expertise. Additionally, the platform offers a collection of webinar recordings from past events, offering insights into various areas of consumer healthcare and PAGB membership. These recordings are currently exclusive to PAGB members.

Clare Morrison joins NHS Scotland in January - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Director for Scotland, Clare Morrison will be joining NHS Scotland in January. Morrison has been appointed Director of Community Engagement at Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Paul Bennett, RPS CEO said: "Many people, particularly in Scotland, will know of Clare's passion for quality improvement and patient involvement in the co-design of services. This was demonstrated through her previous work on the development of Near Me, NHS Scotland's video consulting service, and its co-design with the public, patients, clinicians and NHS staff which gained international recognition from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. "Therefore, this is an exciting opportunity for Clare to join Healthcare Improvement Scotland to take on a strategic leadership role in supporting effective community engagement across health and social care in Scotland. It also enables Clare to make even greater use of her training as an NHS Scotland Scottish Quality & Safety Fellow and we wish her every success in her new role.

Mexiletine hydrochloride: MHRA recalls 50,100 & 200 mg tab - 0 views

    Three batches of Mexiletine hydrochloride 50mg, 100mg and 200 mg hard capsules manufactured by Clinigen Healthcare has been recalled. Pharmacists are urged to quarantine the said batches and return it to the supplier by or before 12 August. Clinigen Healthcare Ltd has initiated a recall of three batches of Mexiletine hydrochloride hard capsules due to a potential risk of under dose or overdose, which could have consequences for the safety of patients. The manufacturer has confirmed that no alternative batches of Mexiletine hydrochloride 50mg, 100mg or 200mg hard capsules will be available until later in the year, therefore the recall of these batches from patients should only be considered where patients have access to appropriate alternative products. See below for more information on resupplying patients with alternative products. "Patients should be advised not to stop any treatments without consulting their relevant healthcare professional. The risks of suddenly stopping medication for ventricular arrhythmias is higher than the potential risk presented by too much or too little of the active ingredient in the capsule."

GPhC Issues Warning to Superintendent Pharmacist - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council's Investigating Committee took decisive action on March 25, 2024, by issuing a warning to Dilsha Kiran Shah, registration number: 2049787, for her conduct as Superintendent Pharmacist of Jhoots Healthcare Ltd. Miss Shah's failure to uphold the Medicines Act 1968, specifically in ensuring the proper management of medicinal products, triggered this warning. The Act mandates supervision in "keeping, preparing, and dispensing medicinal products other than those on a general sale list." Moreover, pharmacies are inspected on five principles - Governance, Staff, Premises, Services including medicines management, and Equipment and facilities to meet the right standards. The alarm was initially raised in August 2021 when a Jhoots Healthcare Ltd pharmacy branch under Miss Shah's supervision operated without a responsible pharmacist. Despite explicit instructions, pharmacy staff were allegedly instructed to proceed without proper supervision, raising grave concerns regarding patient safety.

MHRA Review: No Evidence Linking GLP-1 Agonists to Suicidal Thoughts - 0 views

    Following a comprehensive review, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has concluded that current evidence does not support a causal link between Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and suicidal behaviour, suicidal ideation, self-injury, or depression. GLP-1 receptor agonists , which contain active ingredients such as exenatide, lixisenatide, liraglutide, dulaglutide, and semaglutide, are commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes and obesity. In July 2023, concerns were raised about the safety of these receptor agonists after post-marketing reports suggested a potential risk of suicidal thoughts and self-harm associated with these medications. As a result, safety reviews were initiated by the Market Authorisation Holders (MAHs), evaluating the UK post-marketing data to assess the potential risks of these drugs. These reviews also examined the risk of depression in the interest of patient safety following reports of these side effects.

Roche AccuChek Insulin pumps: warning over insulin leakage - 0 views

    Following concerns raised about cracked cartridges and insulin leaks, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a national patient safety alert for the NovoRapid PumpCart prefilled insulin cartridge and the Roche Accu-Chek Insight Insulin pump system. The regulator have asked patients to check the pre-filled glass insulin cartridge for cracks before use. It advised against using the cartridge if it has been dropped even if no cracks are visible and urged to closely follow the updated handling instructions in the pump user manual when changing pre-filled glass insulin cartridges. In some of the reported leakage incidents, the cartridges were found to be cracked and provided an inadequate supply of insulin to patients. Leakages also occurred in cases where no cracks in the cartridge were visible, the regulator said. In some patients there were consequences of not receiving enough insulin from their pump system, including reports of severely high blood sugar and diabetic ketoacidosis, a serious complication of diabetes when the body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones. Healthcare professionals are being advised to contact patients over the next six months using said device to discuss their individual needs and source an alternative pump where appropriate. "Because of the rare risk of insulin leakage from the Roche Accu-Chek Insight Insulin Pump, patients should check the pre-filled glass insulin cartridge for any cracks prior to usage," Dr June Raine, MHRA chief executive, said.

Tackling Medication Errors : A Technological Approach - 0 views

    Errors of any kind in medical settings can have dire consequences for patients and healthcare systems. Unfortunately, negligence, misdiagnosis, and medication errors aren't uncommon in the UK. In this article, we discuss the nature of medication errors in the NHS, outline potential causes, and delve into how and why technology could be turning the tide on the issue. Prevalence and consequences of medication errors Medication errors are incidents involved with the administering, prescribing, dispensing or monitoring of medicine to patients. It can happen at many different steps in the healthcare process and by any medical professional in the system. Many cases are avoidable. According to analysis from BMJ, there are an estimated 237 million medication errors made in England every year. The majority of these are minor errors, but 1 in 4 cases has the potential to cause moderate to serious harm to patients. Not only do these errors cost the NHS significantly, at almost £100 million every year, but there is a shocking cost to public health. Lives are being lost because of medication errors which is unforgivable and tragic for the families involved. Drains on NHS resources have widespread impacts on public health and the operations of healthcare organisations up and down the country. Individual errors and mistakes may seem inconsequential (in minor cases), but they all add up in the big picture to a significant concern for policymakers.

Traveling with Medical Cannabis: Laws, Tips, and Safety - 0 views

    Travelling with medical cannabis can be a complex and often confusing experience, given the diverse legal regulations across different countries and states. Patients who rely on medical cannabis for their wellbeing need to be well-informed and prepared to ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience. This comprehensive guide covers essential aspects, legal considerations, and practical tips for individuals who use medical cannabis and wish to travel. Know the Laws The first and most crucial step before travelling with medical cannabis is to understand the laws and regulations of both the departure and destination locations. Laws regarding medical cannabis use vary significantly from one country, state, or even city to another. Some places have legalised medical cannabis, while others strictly prohibit its use. Researching and familiarising oneself with the specific regulations of the destination, transit countries, and the home country is essential. Travelling Within the Same Country When travelling within a country where medical cannabis is legal, patients generally need to carry their prescription information issued by a licensed healthcare provider. It's advisable to keep medical cannabis in its original packaging, clearly labelled with the patient's name, prescribing physician, and dosage instructions. Carrying a copy of the relevant laws and regulations can also be helpful in case of any inquiries from authorities. What can be easier than carrying around paperwork, which could get easily damaged or lost during your travels, is to get a medical card that has a unique QR code on it from Releaf Cannabis, which, when scanned, can present their prescription information digitally - it has revolutionised the way patients manage their healthcare. This eliminates the need for physical documents and streamlines the process but also ensures the security and confidentiality of sensitive medical information, offering patients a more efficient and organi

NHS Wales Partners with Pharmaceutical Press for Access to MedicinesComplete - 0 views

    "We're thrilled that MedicinesComplete will now be available to all clinicians in Wales through the NHS Wales e-Library," said Karen Baxter, Managing Director of Pharmaceutical Press, announcing a contract with NHS Wales. The collaboration between Pharmaceutical Press, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's knowledge business, and NHS Wales is set to grant healthcare professionals across Wales unlimited access to MedicinesComplete. MedicineComeplete is a vital resource for accurate and trusted medicines information, includes key resources such as the British National Formulary, Stockley's Drug Interactions, and Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference and will be accessible through the NHS Wales e-Library, managed by Digital Health and Care Wales. The collaboration effective starting September 1, 2024, aims to significantly enhance patient safety and improve healthcare outcomes by providing time-pressured clinicians with instant access to essential, evidence-based guidance. According to Baxter the new collaboration "will better enable health professionals across primary and secondary care to make confident decisions about medicines, ensuring patients get the best from their treatment." Moreover, MedicinesComplete has made it easy for health professionals globally to access trusted medicines information since 2004, provided expert guidance on the safe use and administration of drugs and medicines, in one place.

Two Pharmacists Honoured in King's New Year Honours List 2025 - Pharmacy News - 0 views

    The King's New Year Honours List 2025 has been announced, recognising unsung heroes who have made outstanding contributions to their communities across the UK. Over 1,200 individuals were honoured this year across various sectors, including healthcare, academia, sports, and voluntary service. Two pharmacists were honoured for their exceptional contributions to public health: Laura Catherine McIver, former chief pharmacist at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, was awarded a CBE (Commander of the Order of the British Empire) for her services to the pharmacy profession and patient safety. Alan Malcom Kurtz, proprietor and manager of Fishers Chemist in South Norwood, London, received a Medal of the Order of the British Empire (BEM) for services to community pharmacy. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer thanked the recipients, saying: "Each and every day, ordinary people go out and do extraordinary things for their communities.

NPA Urges COVID Inquiry 2025 to Protect Healthcare Workers' Safety - 0 views

    Community pharmacies played a crucial role in the Covid-19 vaccination programme, delivering over 42 million Covid-19 vaccinations. Nevertheless, the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) believes that there are valuable lessons to be learned to improve the health service's response to future crises. The association highlighted key areas for improvement in its oral statement during the public hearings for Module 4 of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry-focusing on Vaccines and Therapeutics-on 15 January. Representing the NPA, legal representative Deirdre Domingo urged the Inquiry to consider the following points to optimise the delivery of future vaccination programmes. Effective planning and the involvement of community pharmacy from the outset Improving operational delivery of the vaccination booking system Addressing vaccine hesitancy and equality issues Utilising existing resources and expertise Reducing the unrealistic expectations on healthcare workers and managing the impact on them
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