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The Charcuterie Box Co.

Best of British Charcuterie & Cheese Subscription Box - 1 views

    A hand picked selection of the finest charcuterie from the UK's most outstanding producers paired with incredible artisan British cheese. 5 different cured meats. Sliced to order - minimum 150g 3 different artisan British cheeses - cut and wrapped to order - minimum 600g Sourdough Crispbreads Tasting notes Shipped in our chiller boxes to guarantee arrival in peak condition

Hay fever Defination : Symptoms,Treatment,Causes - 0 views

    A bout 15 to 30 per cent of the UK population suffers from hay fever and there has been a definite increase in the number of moderate to severe hay fever sufferers, with sufferers experiencing more frequent and longer seasons. And now that the government has announced its plans for the easing of lockdown, community pharmacists can expect to see many more of their patients presenting with more severe symptoms than usual, as there will be more opportunities to spend time outside and be exposed to higher levels of pollen. Symptoms Common symptoms include sneezing, a runny stuffed up nose, itchy, watery eyes, nasal congestion and a general stuffed up feeling in the nose and throat. Some experience itching around the face and mouth, with an itchy palette, and burning sensation in the throat. Headaches and wheezing can also occur, as well as an overall achy feeling, or build-up of pressure in the facial area. The sinus area can become painful and constant nose blowing can leave sufferers with skin irritation. This can lead to tiredness and affect sleep, which in turn reduces energy.

Dry eyes : How to deal with it | Eye Health Care - 0 views

    Dry eye syndrome is incredibly common and prevalence is increasing globally. Studies show that prevalence rates vary from five to 50 per cent but can be as high as 75 per cent in people over the age of 40, in people who wear contact lenses and those who work with computers. It is more common in women than in men, particularly during and after the menopause. According to a new real-world research commissioned by world experts in eye-care, Rohto, more than eight in ten women (83 per cent) indicate that they suffer from the condition, but only once they have had the symptoms of dry eye syndrome described to them. Without detailed explanation, 56 per cent of people say they have never even heard of dry eye syndrome, showing just how under diagnosed it may be. Causes of dry eye Dry eyes are a clinical cause of eye irritation, fatigue, and discomfort, often causing feelings of itchiness, grittiness, and excess watering. If left untreated, dry eyes can even lead to long-term damage and sight problems. Dry eyes may occur if enough tears aren't produced if poor-quality tears are generated or if the tears evaporate from the surface of the eye too quickly. This leads to poor lubrication of the tear film. In a normal eye, the tear film4- the multilayer moist protective film - covers the cornea and lubricates the eye. However, if the lubricative process is faulty dry spots appear on the surface of the eye and this causes irritation and discomfort. The tear film has several layers: fatty oils, aqueous fluid, and mucus. This combination normally keeps the surface of your eyes lubricated, smooth and clear. But problems with any of these layers can cause dry eyes.

Eczema in children : Don't underestimate it - 0 views

    Eczema (atopic dermatitis), which affects up to 20 per cent of children, is one of the most common conditions pharmacists encounter, but don't underestimate eczema. Generalised eczema may compromise health-related quality of life (HRQoL) more than several other chronic diseases, including asthma, epilepsy and diabetes. Despite the impact on HRQoL, underuse of moisturisers and topical corticosteroids often leaves childhood eczema poorly controlled. UK researchers recently reported that several factors contribute to the underuse of moisturisers and topical corticosteroids in children with eczema. For instance, most of the 30 parents and carers interviewed felt that they had received little information about eczema. The lack of understanding may help explain why some parents and carers expressed concerns, such as the risk of skin thinning, about topical corticosteroids. Some were not convinced that moisturisers (strictly, an emollient is an ingredient of a moisturiser) reduced itch and maintained control of eczema. Some felt that moisturisers' efficacy declined over time. Parents and carers also admitted to "incomplete knowledge and skills" about managing eczema (such as whether they should apply moisturisers regularly) and reluctance to manage eczema in collaboration with their child. Parents and carers wanted advice about using treatments and explanations of moisturisers' and topical corticosteroids' mechanisms of action. The authors note that healthcare professionals could help identify and address gaps in knowledge.

Alzheimer disease : New insights on treatment - 0 views

    According to Alzheimer's Disease International, more than 55 million people worldwide will have Alzheimer's disease by 2020. This figure will nearly double every 20 years, reaching 78 million in 2030 and 139 million in 2050. The WHO Global Status Report for 2021 estimated the yearly global cost of dementia to be more than USD 1.3 trillion, with a projected increase to USD 2.8 trillion by 2030. To date most drugs developed to treat Alzheimer's disease have failed, largely because they target wrong biomarkers and individuals already exhibiting signs of the disease. Once symptoms appear, however, many brain cells responsible for memory and cognition are likely already damaged and beyond repair. Professor Shai Rahimipour in the Chemistry Department at Bar-Ilan University in Israel has pioneered a different approach utilizing theranostics to pinpoint and treat the earliest, pre-symptomatic signs of Alzheimer's disease. Showing promise in stopping progression of the disease before onset of irreversible brain cell damage, Rahimipour's groundbreaking approach has garnered significant attention in the scientific world.

EYE CARE: Seeing solutions for dry eyes - Pharmacy Business - 0 views

    Dry eye disease, also known as dry eye syndrome, occurs when the eye stops producing enough tears, the tears that are made are of poor quality or the tears evaporate faster than they should. This causes dryness and irritation of the surface of the eye and results in inflammation, discomfort, and damage.[i] Symptoms include dry, red, itchy or tired eyes, blurred vision and foreign body sensation. From over-the-counter eye drops and heated eye masks, to eyelid-cleansing wipes, there are a multitude of options that can be offered to sufferers to provide relief. As a result of the pandemic and new living and working patterns, the World Health Organization has indicated dry eye disease is on the rise. This can be attributed to various lifestyle factors including increased screen use and wearing of face masks. An increase in sufferers seeking advice on the condition in pharmacies has also been reported. It is no surprise that sufferers will turn to their pharmacists for help, support and information on the condition and how it can be managed by treatment options available over-the-counter.

Gene therapy to treat rare bleeding disorder - 0 views

    The European Union's health regulator on Friday said it had recommended granting a conditional marketing authorisation for a gene therapy by Australian drugmaker CSL Ltd and partner uniQure N.V. , to treat haemophilia B, a rare bleeding disorder which is caused by genetic anomalies. About one in 40,000 people are affected by the inherited disorder, caused by a gene mutation that hampers the body's ability to make clotting protein factor IX. If approved, the treatment, branded Hemgenix, will be the first gene therapy in the European Union for the condition that is usually treated by regular injections of factor IX, the European Medicines Agency said. CSL had acquired exclusive global rights to Hemgenix in May last year from uniQure N.V.

Enhertu : NICE recommends for advanced breast cancer - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended Enhertu for people with advance breast cancer. "There is not enough evidence yet to show how much longer people live with Enhertu compared with trastuzumab emtansine because the clinical trial is still ongoing. This means the cost-effectiveness estimates are highly uncertain and Enhertu cannot be recommended for routine use in the NHS," said NICE. The independent appraisal committee concluded that Enhertu could be cost-effective if further evidence from the ongoing trial and from NHS practice can show how much longer people live with treatment. Helen Knight, director of medicines evaluation at NICE, said: "Today's draft guidance is good news for people with this type of advanced breast cancer, who often experience severe and debilitating symptoms.
AMVital Nutrition

Curcumin for Candida: Is It Effective & Safe? - AMVital - 0 views

    Researchers are curious about curcumin to create an effective anti-infection therapeutic effect and control fungal infections in cancer patients. Curcumin could grow the fungal infection sustainability among cancer patients with candida. Thus, turmeric curcumin supplements offer a reasonably 'secure cure' against candida with minimal or no adverse effects, even when using a higher curcumin dose.
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