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RPS proposes transition to Royal College - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), the professional leadership body for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, has today announced its proposal to transition into a royal college, becoming the Royal College of Pharmacy. This move follows an 18-month independent review of the RPS constitution and governance and is aimed at strengthening the RPS's leadership role to better support its members. The organisation proposes to enhance its core activities in education, assessment, credentialing, and setting professional standards, ultimately benefiting patients and the public. Under the proposed new structure, the RPS's knowledge business, Pharmaceutical Press, would become a wholly owned subsidiary called Pharmaceutical Press Ltd, accountable to the charitable body of the Royal College of Pharmacy. RPS President Professor Claire Anderson said: "Pharmacy is changing rapidly and the expectations placed upon pharmacists and the wider pharmacy team will have profound repercussions in terms of delivering patient care.

Professor Ryan Donnelly Awarded 2024 RPS Harrison Memorial Medal - 0 views

    Professor Ryan Donnelly, esteemed for his groundbreaking contributions to pharmaceutical science, has been awarded the prestigious Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) Harrison Memorial Medal for 2024. This distinguished accolade, presented in honour of the renowned pharmaceutical chemist Col EF Harrison, serves as a testament to Professor Donnelly's exceptional achievements. Currently holding the position of Chair in Pharmaceutical Technology at Queen's University Belfast's School of Pharmacy and Director of Research, Professor Donnelly has garnered acclaim for his pioneering work in developing advanced polymeric drug delivery systems. Specialising in transdermal and intradermal drug delivery methodologies, his research aims at optimising patient outcomes through innovative pharmaceutical technologies.

Pharmaceutical Press ties up with Datapharm - 0 views

    Pharmaceutical Press, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society publishing arm, has announced its partnership with Datapharm Ltd. Under the new partnership, Electronic Medicines Compendium (emc) the latest product to be added to MedicinesComplete, the online medicines information platform from Pharmaceutical Press. MedicinesComplete users can easily search emc information, with direct links to the trusted, clinical guidance from the British National Formulary (BNF). "emc through MedicinesComplete will include printable, ready-to-use patient information leaflets written by manufacturers to use at the point of care, and users will have access to an unlimited number of searches. In addition, emc will also include the full Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) document, which accompanies all regulator approved medicines in the UK," said the RPS. Available to all countries outside the UK, emc will be launched early next year on subscription through MedicinesComplete. UK access is available on request.

RPS responds to Guild Council's inquiry on Royal College proposal - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has responded to the concerns raised by the Guild of Healthcare Pharmacists (GHP) about their proposals to become a Royal College. On behalf of the Guild Council, Rob Connah, president of GHP, recently wrote an open letter to the RPS seeking clarity on the potential impacts of this transition on career progression, time commitments, and other relevant considerations. In response to the Guild Council's inquiries regarding credentialing, RPS chief executive Paul Bennett emphasised that the key purpose of credentialing is to "protect the public and the integrity of the pharmacy profession through assuring patient-focused pharmacists working at advancing levels of post-registration practice." "Defining and assuring post-registration professional standards is a fundamental activity for a royal college and thus fully aligned with our proposals for change," he added. The RPS highlighted the benefits that credentialing can provide both pharmacists and the system.

Royal College Status for RPS: A Transformative Step for Pharmacy Leadership 2024 - 0 views

    In September, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), the professional leadership body for pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, announced its proposal to transition into a Royal College. This significant step, which came following an 18-month independent review of the RPS constitution and governance, aims to strengthen the RPS's leadership role, with the ultimate goal of delivering greater benefits to patients and the public. In an exclusive interview with Pharmacy Business, Tase Oputu, chair of the RPS English Pharmacy Board, discusses the key reasons behind the proposed changes, the potential impact on pharmacists and patients, and her personal journey as the first Black Chair of the RPS Board. Benefits for pharmacists and patients When asked how this transition would benefit pharmacists and patients, Tase says, "I'm excited about RPS' proposals for change. In my view, becoming a Royal College would elevate the status of the profession and strengthen our ability to raise the profile of pharmacy, advocate for change and advance the safe and effective use of medicines for the benefit of patients and the public."

Parastou Donyai : RPS new chief scientist - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has appointed Professor Parastou Donyai as chief scientist. She will take up the role in June. Parastou is a pharmacist with a PhD in pharmacy. She also has a postgraduate diploma in Psychological Research Methods as well as a degree in Psychology. She is currently a professor of Social & Cognitive Pharmacy at the University of Reading and her research examines the psychology of medication use, discontinuation and decision-making processes. Prior to this, Parastou also spent more than five years as a senior lecturer in Pharmacy Practice at Kingston University and St. George's University of London. Her longstanding research interest includes continuing professional development in pharmacy. Commenting on her appointment, Parastou said: "It is a real privilege for me to be the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's next chief scientist. "As a pharmacist, scientist and academic, I look forward to working with the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's members and key stakeholders to uphold the value of science across the breadth of our profession."

RPS: Royal Pharmaceutical Society re-joins FIP - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has re-joined the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) after reflecting its commitment to international collaboration and the advancement of the pharmacy profession. RPS President Professor Claire Anderson said: "Members told us they wanted to see us re-join FIP to further our commitment to international partnerships which support education and advocacy to develop and progress the pharmacy profession.". "We fully recognise the importance of international collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and best practice with our peers across the world. "FIP are refocusing their membership offer and we're delighted to work with them on opportunities for professional development and increased visibility and recognition for the pharmacy profession." Paul Bennett, RPS CEO said: "Now that we have re-joined, our teams across RPS look forward to reinvigorating the close collaboration we have previously enjoyed with our colleagues both within FIP itself, and across the breadth of FIP Member organisations to further our vision and mission".

Call for evidence on pharmacy professional leadership:RPS - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has confirmed it will respond to UK Commission's 'call for evidence' on pharmacy professional leadership. The commission wants to ensure the professions are well equipped, with a voice to help shape the future, and enabled to develop through sharing and learning from best practice. The UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership has been set up by the chief pharmaceutical officers of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will produce recommendations for the future of pharmacy professional leadership in the UK. The commission is co-chaired by Nigel Clarke, former chair of the General Pharmaceutical Council, and Professor Dame Jane Dacre, professor of medical education at University College London's Medical School. The commission will be hosting a webinar and has urged the associations and individuals to take part in 'call for evidence' which has been launched to inform and develop its work. A webinar in England will take place on Wednesday 7 September 6:30 - 8 pm. In Scotland it will be organised on Tuesday 6 September 7-8:30 pm and in Wales it will be hosted on Thursday 8 September 7-8:30 pm.

Recall report of blood pressure drugs 'misleading' - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has confirmed that the recall of blood pressure drugs amlodipine and olmesartan by the Food and Drug Administration is only for the US market and will not have any impact in the UK. MHRA also clarified that the manufacturer of these drugs, Macleod Pharmaceuticals, does not supply amlodipine medicines in the UK. It was published online in both the Daily Record and Daily Express on the morning of Monday, March 21, that the drugs had been recalled in the US by the FDA due to deviations from standard manufacturing protocols by the manufacturer. RPS intervened to ensure the articles were edited to make clear that this is not an issue in the UK after confirmation from the MHRA. Amlodipine tablets from Macleod Pharmaceuticals aren't available for wholesale distribution in the UK.

Abdul Basit bags RPS Harrison Memorial Medal - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has awarded Professor Abdul Basit with the RPS Harrison Memorial Medal for an outstanding contribution to advancing pharmaceutical science. Professor Basit graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Pharmacy from the University of Bath, and received his PhD from The School of Pharmacy, University of London. Currently in position as Professor of Pharmaceutics at the UCL School of Pharmacy, he is internationally recognised for leading in the field of drug delivery, microbiome medicines, three-dimensional printing of pharmaceuticals and digital health. He has also founded three start-up companies. Professor Basit has an impressive track record of publications, and a lifetime grant and investment income of over £100million pounds. His research has led to a series of transformative drug delivery systems, translated into the design of new technologies and improved therapies, many of which have been commercialised and launched worldwide including a new treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. To date, more than a million patients have benefited from inventions created and developed in the Basit Research Group.

RPS 2024 Pharmacy Board Election Results Announced UK - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has announced the results of the 2024 elections for its three national Pharmacy Boards. For the English Pharmacy Board, the newly elected members include Claire Anderson, Martin Astbury, Steve Churton, Ciara Duffy, Sue Ladds, Mike Maguire, Tase Oputu and Ankish Patel. Matthew Prior has been elected for a period of one year to fill the casual vacancy on the Board. Seven candidates have been elected unopposed to the RPS Scottish Pharmacy Board. They include: Jonathan Burton, Lucy Dixon, Laura Fulton, Catriona Sinclair, Amina Slimani-Fersia, Richard Strang and Audrey Thompson. Only seven nominations were received for the eight substantive vacancies on the board. Helen Davies has been elected to the RPS Welsh Pharmacy Board to represent the Primary Care sector. Meanwhile, Rafia Jamil and Geraldine McCaffrey have been elected unopposed to fill the two vacancies in the Hospital sector.

RPS:Survey aimed at increasing member participation - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has opened a survey which asks its members how they would want to take part in and learn about decisions made by the RPS. The RPS said the survey was a core part of the independent review of member participation and communications led by communications consultancy Luther Pendragon. It said: "We will be asking our members to join focus groups to give their opinions on how participation can be developed and strengthened, and how RPS communications about decisions it has taken on behalf of the profession through its governance boards can be improved. We will also be asking our elected members and key external stakeholders for their views over the coming weeks." The Luther team will then build a series of recommendations for RPS and develop a corporate communications strategy which will include action plans to enable greater participation. RPS president Claire Anderson said: "We want to hear from as many of you as possible through our survey to inform how the organisation works with and engages with you, our members.

RPS:Aims help pharmacy teams to tackle health inequalities - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched a new position paper on 'How pharmacy can do more to tackle health inequalities'. The RPS paper aims to help pharmacists and pharmacy teams to take action against health inequalities. It is designed to provide a reference source for pharmacy teams to use over time to continually improve services. RPS said: "Like all health services, these pharmacy services do not always reach everyone. Often it is people who are suffering the greatest inequalities that find it most difficult to access the services that are currently available. This can be for a large number of reasons including poverty, education, being part of a group vulnerable to exclusion, language and power." Therefore, the RPS paper focuses not on "what" services pharmacy provides but "how" they are provided, with an aim of making them more accessible for people who are currently struggling. Claire Anderson, President of Royal Pharmaceutical Society said: "It's fantastic that pharmacy teams in every sector of pharmacy across Great Britain are providing care that can improve health inequalities, with many patients able to access pharmacy services very easily. Brilliant examples of this shine through in the paper.

RPS: Prescription rules need to be changed urgently - 0 views

    Cutting the red tape that blocks pharmacists to alter the HRT prescription could 'quickly fix' the problem of women unable to access their HRT medicines, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) told Daily Mail. RPS has suggested that allowing pharmacists to prescribe alternative HRT treatment amid nationwide shortage of HRT medicine could help the women who are struggling to access these medicines. Thorrun Govind, chair of the English Pharmacy Board, told MailOnline 'changes in prescription rules need to be changed urgently.' She added, 'For the pharmacists on the ground, they need the ability to get rid of this bureaucracy. When you think about it - who's best able to offer an alternative - that tends to be the pharmacist.' MailOnline quoted Professor Claire Anderson, president of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, as said, 'We welcome the Health Secretary meeting with key suppliers and manufacturers to find solutions to the current shortages. But cutting the red tape holding pharmacists back could provide a 'quick fix' that would allow 'women to access their HRT medicines more speedily'.

9 in 10 patients positively rated local pharmacies advice - 0 views

    Nine in ten people surveyed by Ipsos on behalf on NHS positively rated the advice they received from their local pharmacies. The results from Ipsos found that the vast majority of patients (91%) who had used a community pharmacy in the previous year for advice about medicines, a health problem or injury, or what health service they should use said they received good advice. The research comes as more than 11,000 pharmacies in England can now access training to spot signs of cancer as part of a new drive to catch tumours earlier when they are easier to treat. Thorrun Govind, Chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society English Pharmacy Board, said: "Community pharmacists are working exceptionally hard to make sure that the public gets the right advice at the right time. This new data shows the public appreciate both the accessibility and quality of advice they receive from community pharmacists. "I am delighted that the Royal Pharmaceutical Society is working with the NHS to deliver professional development for community pharmacists to further enhance their clinical consultation skills.

COVID-19 Inquiry : RPS urges greater recognition for pharmacists - 0 views

    The Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) presented key evidence to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on 10 September, underscoring the vital role of pharmacists and pharmacy teams during the pandemic. Deirdre Domingo, legal representative for the RPS, delivered the statement during the Module 3 public hearings, which focus on the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare systems across the UK. As the professional body representing pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists in Great Britain, the RPS urged the Inquiry to consider several critical issues: Recognition of pharmacists as key workers The RPS highlighted the crucial role pharmacy teams played in ensuring continued access to essential medicines and their integral involvement in the roll-out of COVID-19 and flu vaccinations. However, the Society also raised concerns over significant failures and challenges, such as inadequate safety measures to protect pharmacists at work, confusing national guidance, increased hostility towards healthcare professionals, and a disparity in the treatment of community pharmacy compared to NHS staff.

RPS launches campaign to challenge barriers for pharmacists with disabilities - Latest ... - 0 views

    As part of its inclusion and diversity strategy, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) has launched a campaign to challenge barriers to working in pharmacy for those with disabilities. A profession-wide survey on the subject conducted by the RPS, identified disability as the biggest barrier to working in pharmacy, highlighting the area of work to support pharmacists. The campaign will focus on reducing barriers to enter the profession, developing more accessible working environments and encouraging employers to collect data on disability in the workplace. The campaign, based on inputs from the RPS Ability Group volunteers with visible and non-visible disabilities, will run until the end of March. Following recommendation of the RPS Ability Group, RPS has written to the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners (HEOPS) to update the guidance on standards of medical fitness for pharmacy students.

GPhC Sanctions Self-Selection of P Medicines Amid Controversy - 0 views

    In a surprising move that has divided the pharmacy profession, the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has sanctioned hundreds of pharmacies to allow patients to self-select certain Pharmacy (P) medicines, a decision met with strong opposition from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) as well as from the Pharmacy Defense Association (PDA). In a statement, RPS shared that at a board meeting held on 19th June, they expressed "disappointment" over what they described as a lack of prior consultation and comprehensive communication from the GPhC regarding the implications of this policy shift. They argue that allowing patients to self-select certain P medicines could potentially jeopardize established professional guidelines and compromise the role of pharmacists in ensuring safe medication use. "Enabled by the General Pharmaceutical Council, we understand that hundreds of pharmacies, from large multiples to small independents, have been approved by the regulator to enable patients to self-select certain P medicines," the statement said.

UK Health Services Commit To Net Zero Carbon Emissions - 0 views

    All four UK health services have committed to net zero carbon emissions, health secretary Sajid Javid announced today (November 9). Lauding the commitment, Javid said: "As a health community, we cannot simply sit on the sidelines - we must respond to climate change through urgent action, with global collaboration at its core." Health systems in the UK have already started work on being greener. On behalf of the profession, Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) joined the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) in writing a letter to world leaders who had gathered in Glasgow earlier last week to attend the COP26 summit, expressing pharmacy's commitment to tacking the climate crisis. RPS also signed a charter to guide effective and high-quality climate action by professional bodies in the UK.

GPhC : Scrap 2 year register requirement prescribing course - 0 views

    Pharmacists with 'relevant experience in a pharmacy setting' can enroll for accredited independent prescribing course, as the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has decided to scrap the requirement of spending at least two years on the register and having previous experience in a specified clinical or therapeutic area before enrolling for the course. The GPhC Council meeting held on Thursday instead proposed that applicants must have "relevant experience in a pharmacy setting and be able to recognise, understand and articulate the skills and attributes required by a prescriber." This experience and awareness will act as the basis of their prescribing practice whilst training. The regulator noted that the majority of stakeholder organisations, including the Chief Pharmaceutical Officers, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the statutory education bodies, were in favour of removing the requirement in a consultation on the topic. They highlighted that a specific two-year period was not in itself a robust indication of whether an individual was ready to become a prescriber. They also highlighted that the rapidly developing roles in the profession meant more pharmacists were likely to gain the necessary experience more quickly than in the past. A smaller number of organisations and a larger minority of individuals were opposed, citing that a specific two-year period gave pharmacists the time they needed to develop experience and confidence before being ready to enrol on a course.
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