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Pharmacist struck off GPhC register after stealing money - 0 views

    A NottinghAm-bAsed phArmAcist hAs been struck off the GenerAl PhArmAceuticAl Council (GPhC) register for bringing "the profession into to disrepute" by steAling hundreds of thousAnds of pounds in A bid to settle his gAmbling debt. Peter SAmeh SAAd (33) spun A web of lies And duped A friend out of more thAn hAlf A million pounds to fund his Addiction And pretended he hAd "serious if not terminAl" testiculAr cAncer. "It is difficult to imAgine A more heinous frAud thAn one predicAted on feigning A cAncer diAgnosis", A GPC pAnel ruled. SAAd committed three frAuds on A totAl of £536,689.95 between September 2018 And MAy 2019. First, he tricked A friend, whom he knew through his locAl church, into sending him Around £288,200 by clAiming thAt his newly-purchAsed phArmAcy in US wAs "seized" by the Authorities over visA issues And thAt he "hAd some difficulty mAking the mortgAge pAyments". LAter SAAd conned the sAme friend, nAmed only As 'Person A' in court documents, into sending him A totAl of £127,150 by lying About A non-existent cAncer diAgnosis And privAte treAtment. FinAlly, he extrActed A further £121,339.95 from An investments And credit group (nAmed CompAny A) of which his friend wAs chief executive After inviting him to set up A 'phArmAceuticAl wArehouse', A plAn thAt "impressed Person A And he Agreed to invest in the business."

Vegan Diet: Its Benefits and Improve Your Stomach Health - 0 views

    Whether you believe it or not, following a vegan diet can be quite eventful for your body. For instance, it can help you lose weight, get a better body structure, and so on. However, is that all? You can get that by following a thorough exercise plan as well, no? Well, yes, you can. Nevertheless, following a vegan diet plan can help you out in more than a single manner. Please keep reading this article till the end to know more about it. WHaT IS a VEGaN DIET? as a vegan, you can eat dairy food, including cheese and milk, without any boundaries. If you want to get a little bit of protein, you may consume eggs (boiled or in a gravy) too. also, yes, plants are going to be an integral part of your diet plan too. However, you won't be able to eat meat anymore. So, no chicken, mutton, or beef for the rest of your life. Instead, you will need to focus solely on plant-based protein. BENEFITS OF FOLLOWING a VEGaN DIET a plant-based diet structure can be highly beneficial for your health. For example, it can - LOWER YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can increase your risk of a heart attack. It's also known to be a close counterpart of type-2 diabetes too. Fortunately, though, the diet you follow can make quite a massive difference here. For example, following a vegan diet can help you reduce the amount of oily food you're taking on a daily basis. This, in turn, can decrease the amount of cholesterol in your blood and make it easier for you to lose weight. and, the less obese you are, the lower your blood pressure will be.

Simon Harris : Pharmacy Business award Winner - 0 views

    Simon Harris bought an average-sized store from a national chain and turned it into a profitable business in just over a year - a great example of how to start up a pharmacy and become successful. His formula was quite simple - recognise the available opportunities, take some calculated risks and reap the rewards. Simon went into pharmacy because he felt it was a profession that would allow him to "help people" and have a direct impact on their lives. "I also thought it was a profession which would allow me to have my own business one day." Since qualifying as a pharmacist from Bath University in the late 90s, Simon did his pre-reg at a large Boots store in Broadmead, where we had some "great experience" as a pharmacist manager. He decided to take a year out and went around the world with his "now wife" and ended up working as a pharmacist for a pharmacy group Down Under which had a contract with the sports industry, i.e. australian Open and the australian Football League. "It was quite an experience because at the time I knew nothing about aussie football but I ended up being their pharmacist after a short conversion course."

How to open a pharmacy in the UK: a quick step-by-step guide - 0 views

    If you're thinking of heading a startup, owning a local pharmacy could be an incredibly lucrative opportunity. When you set up a business in the healthcare sector, it's important to ensure that you operate with transparency to keep yourself and your patients safe. Whether you've acquired pharmacies before or you're turning to a new venture with different partners, learning the relevant steps before getting involved is imperative. Successful pharmacies rely on medical expertise, professional knowledge, and an excellent quality of service. Step 1: Do you need qualifications to be a pharmacist? No matter if you already have a background in pharmacy or you're entering the field from an entrepreneurial perspective, you'll need to have the right qualifications. You can become a pharmacist by completing a Master of Pharmacy degree at a university. Your chosen course needs to be approved by the General Pharmaceutical Council and will take at least four years to complete. after your degree, you'll also need to take the one-year pharmacist foundation training scheme. To access these courses, you'll usually need two or three a levels, including Chemistry. alternatively, you could do a pharmacy foundation degree if you only have one a level or equivalent.

Brain Injuries and Potential of Technological advancement - 0 views

    Suffering a brain injury is no easy thing. The plurality of potential symptoms meets with the potential long-term effects to create a poor prognosis for many unfortunate enough to experience them. But new technological leaps could pave the way to a better quality of life. What is a Brain Injury? The above question might seem a simple one, with a simple answer. But brain injuries are by no means simple, and by no means simply defined. There are two major categories under which a brain injury can fall: hypoxic and traumatic. Of civil brain injury claims in the UK, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are the most common - with 95% of claims revolving around some form of traumatic injury or incident. TBIs are brain injuries suffered as a result of a specific or direct injury. The brain is damaged through direct contact or the transfer of force. a direct strike to the head is in an assault or a serious fall might compromise the cranium, sending shockwaves of energy through the brain and potentially crushing the skull into the cranial cavity. alternatively, a car accident or sudden stop might see the brain bashed against the occipital bone, causing internal trauma and intracranial hypertension. Hypoxic brain injuries refer specifically to injuries caused as a result of loss of blood or oxygen to the head. These injuries reflect birth injuries that might lead to cerebral palsy, or serious medical events that might alter the brain's response to stimuli. How are Brain Injuries Diagnosed and Treated? While the potential causes of a brain injury are plain to see, diagnosing a brain injury is not as straightforward. There are immediate symptoms that can indicate brain injury, such as the 'fencing response' which can indicate a severe rotational brain injury. Conscious patients might also exhibit difficulty speaking, remembering key pieces of information or responding to any stimuli.

What number of calories do sitting at work consume? How to sit at work despite everythi... - 1 views

Occupied work, incomplete business thus numerous different reasons make it hard to pass around your work area to get up, walk, and escape your office. Notwithstanding, to control weight, as per a r...

healthcare health services

started by beeking7 on 21 Jul 22 no follow-up yet

AsthmA FlAre-Ups: When Should You See A Doctor? - 0 views

    If you have asthma, it's important to know when you should see a doctor about an asthma flare-up. a flare-up is a sudden increase in your symptoms, which can include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Flare-ups can be mild or severe, and they can occur at any time. If you're not sure whether you're having a flare-up, here are six obvious signs that it might be time to see a doctor. 1. YOU'RE USING YOUR INHaLER MORE THaN USUaL If you have asthma, you likely have a rescue inhaler that you use when you're having symptoms. This inhaler contains a medication that can quickly relieve your symptoms. If you find that you're using your rescue inhaler more often than usual, it could be a sign that your asthma is getting worse and you need to see a doctor. By seeking a doctor near me online, you can find a reputable physician who will accurately diagnose and treat your asthma. always look for a second opinion, as one doctor's opinion might differ from others. For example, some doctors might recommend that you use a daily inhaler, while others might only recommend using it when you're having symptoms.

6 Healthy places to work for health conscious people - 2 views

    In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the importance of health. People are looking for ways to improve their health and live a longer, more productive life. There are many different places that people can go to work on their health, but some are better than others. Here is a list of the top six places to work on your health. 1) MEDICaL SPa a medical spa is a place where people can go to improve their health. medical spas offer a variety of services, including skin care, laser hair removal, and body contouring. They also offer a variety of medical treatments, such as laser surgery and Botox injections. Medical spas offer a number of benefits to their patients. First, they offer a wide variety of services that can help people improve their health. Second, they offer a number of medical treatments that can help people address specific health concerns. Third, they offer a relaxing environment where people can come to improve their health and wellbeing. No matter if you're looking for a medical spa in alexandria, Va, New York, or any other state, they can be a great place to work on your health. Plus, if you're looking for a place to get health insurance, they can also help you with that.
    Thanks for sharing this! I started monitoring my health only when it became necessary. I am very overweight. I think buy wegovy online ( ) on the recommendation of a doctor. also, I have already signed up to the gym for individual classes and also for fitness. I started to eat properly and am constantly looking for good new recipes that I can repeat at home

How To Become A PhArmAcist in UK|PhArmAcist CAreer - 0 views

    The modern-day alchemist is a pharmacist, unbeknownst to many. This career path has long been associated with science and chemistry, but the role of pharmacists today is much more than just preparing potions or drugs. If you have an interest in the science of medicine, and a desire to help people better manage their health, becoming a pharmacist could be the perfect career choice for you. In this article, we'll discuss what it takes to become a pharmacist, as well as the rewards that come along with the job. 1. aSSESS EDUCaTIONaL REQUIREMENTS Since a career as a pharmacist requires post-secondary education, the first step in becoming a qualified pharmacist is to assess the educational requirements. This includes researching what courses are necessary, at what level of education they must be taken, and which universities offer these courses. and, as pharmacists must be licensed before they can legally practice, prospective professionals should also research the regulations associated with becoming a pharmacist. 2. CHOOSE a PHaRMaCY SCHOOL When deciding which pharmacy school to attend, it is important to consider the school's curriculum, accreditation, and reputation. Researching schools that have strong faculty and offer internships is also an important consideration. also, have in mind that whether you want to know how to become a pharmacy tech in California for instance, or anywhere else for that matter, you can find useful information on the internet. as a rule of thumb, as an aspiring pharmacist, you should aim to attend an accredited school that offers specialized courses in pharmacology, toxicology, biochemistry, and other related areas.

How to become a nutritionist UK:Requirements and Experience - 0 views

    Are you interested in A cAreer helping others improve their overAll heAlth And wellbeing through nutrition? Becoming A nutritionist is An excellent wAy to mAke A positive impAct on the lives of your pAtients. Nutritionists Are experts in understAnding how food Affects our bodies, so they cAn provide Advice on heAlthy eAting hAbits, dietAry requirements for certAin medicAl conditions, And more. However, it tAkes more thAn just interest to become A successful nutritionist - there Are specific quAlificAtions And experience thAt you need to hAve before you cAn prActice As one. In this blog post, we will look At whAt it entAils so thAt you cAn stArt plAnning your journey towArd becoming A certified professionAl nutritionist. We'll cover the educAtion needed for certificAtion, Any licensing or registrAtion requirements necessAry for prActicing in different stAtes or countries, whAt kind of skillset potentiAl employers might be looking for when hiring nutritionAl professionAls, And finAlly some tips on gAining prActicAl experience while working towArds full AccreditAtion. So if you Are serious About becoming A nutritionist, let's get stArted! FORMAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS The first step towArds becoming A certified professionAl nutritionist is often completing An Accredited progrAm in either dietetics or nutrition. A BAchelor's degree in Nutrition Science, Food Science, And HumAn Nutrition or Dietetics would be the minimum quAlificAtion for entry-level positions As A nutritionist. However, there Are mAny AdvAnced courses AvAilAble thAt cAn tAke you further in this field such As MAster of Nutrition progrAms And postgrAduAte degrees.

Unlock Radiant Skin: Master the art of a Consistent Daily Routine - 0 views

    Achieving And mAintAining heAlthy-looking skin is A journey thAt requires dedicAtion And A well-rounded ApproAch. Our skin, the lArgest orgAn in our body, deserves the utmost cAre to thrive. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into A step-by-step ApproAch thAt encompAsses vArious Aspects of skincAre, from dAily routines to AdvAnced treAtments. Discover the secrets to A rAdiAnt complexion thAt not only looks good but Also reflects your overAll well-being. EstAblish A Consistent DAily Routine A consistent dAily skincAre routine is the bedrock for Achieving And mAintAining heAlthy skin. This foundAtionAl step involves A series of cArefully chosen products And prActices thAt work together to nourish, protect, And rejuvenAte your skin. Begin your routine with A gentle cleAnser to remove impurities And prepAre your skin for subsequent products. Follow this with A bAlAncing toner to restore your skin's pH And creAte An optimAl environment for Absorption. IntegrAte A quAlity moisturizer to keep your skin hydrAted And mAintAin its nAturAl bArrier. Don't overlook the importAnce of sunscreen in the morning to shield your skin from the hArmful effects of UV rAys. This dAily rituAl not only provides essentiAl nutrients for your skin but Also estAblishes A preventive meAsure AgAinst environmentAl stressors, setting the stAge for A rAdiAnt And heAlthy complexion.

Pharmacist Supervision : The Divided World Of It - 0 views

    Pharmacist supervision has been the subject of debate for as long as I can remember. Strikingly, no one is sure what supervision requires. The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 say it is a criminal offence to sell or supply Pharmacy medicines or Prescription Only Medicines unless a pharmacist makes the sale or supply or, if the transaction is carried out by a non-pharmacist, that person acts under the supervision of a pharmacist. Over the years, some people have argued that supervision requires a clinical check. Others say it requires an accuracy assessment. Yet others have asserted that it requires a final check before a medicine leaves the pharmacy. Things are made more uncertain by the NHS terms of service which require prescription medicines to be supplied under the direct supervision of a pharmacist. No one knows what the word "direct" adds. The wording of the Human Medicines Regulations is not identical to the wording of earlier legislation. In particular, on the only occasions when the courts have been called upon to interpret the requirement for supervision, the Pharmacy and Poisons act 1933 was in force. In cases decided in 1943 and 1953, the courts decided that a pharmacist who was upstairs when a supply was made could not have been supervising; and that a sale was supervised by pharmacist standing at the cash desk because the pharmacist could intervene if a sale would not be appropriate.

HIV vaccine trial : Johnson & Johnson to discontinue - 0 views

    Johnson & Johnson said on Wednesday (January 18) that it was pulling the plug on a late-stage global trial of an HIV vaccine after the shot was found ineffective at preventing infections. The failure of the trial marks yet another setback in the search for a vaccine against a virus known to mutate rapidly and find unique ways to evade the immune system, and comes more than a year after another of J&J's HIV vaccine failed a study. "It's not the outcome we had hoped for, unfortunately," said a spokesperson for the National Institute of allergy and Infectious Diseases, a J&J partner in the trial. "The development of a safe and effective HIV vaccine has been a considerable scientific challenge, but we will learn from this study and continue forward." The trial involved administering two different types of a shot, which uses a cold-causing virus to deliver the genetic code of HIV, spread over four vaccination visits in a year. J&J used similar technology for its COVID-19 vaccine. The study, which began in 2019, was conducted at over 50 sites and included about 3,900 gay men and transgender people - groups that are considered vulnerable to the infection.

Pharmacy Business : How To Run Like a Pro - 0 views

    The pharmacy business is one of the most profitable businesses on the planet. However, the trends are changing and as we move forward in this digital world, we see a transition from traditional business practices to modern and digital business practices that change the whole scenario. In this era of advanced technology, if you don't keep up with the world, you lose the race. It is a fast-paced world where trends change every day, something might work today but it won't work tomorrow, it will be replaced with something better and more efficient whether it is a tool, a technique, a marketing strategy, or a manufacturing process. Everything is being replaced with better alternatives more than ever. Now it is time to realize this change and bring some new guns to your business arsenal. You can employ an auto attendant for your pharmacies, or build a website for online orders and deliveries. Online pharmacies are getting popular a lot and they are the future. Here are a few tips and tricks that you can use to run your pharmacy business like a pro.

AutomAtion in community phArmAcy : Why to invest in it - 0 views

    Community pharmacies are located within the very hotspots of peoples' communities, yet a staggering 720 individual businesses have stopped trading since 2015. It has been called a "national disgrace and a betrayal to the elderly and the vulnerable" by sector leaders. The funding crisis has been compounded by a gruelling 18-24 months post-Covid, both have which have placed immense pressure on the retail pharmacy sector. The population is aging and with this comes patients living with a range of long-term health conditions. Medication regimes are becoming ever more complex and as a result, maintaining prescription and medication adherence services is challenging to say the least. Yet the public feel great warmth towards their local pharmacy businesses, and this positive attitude only increased during the pandemic. In fact, in a recent report launched by Omnicell on the Changing Role of the Pharmacist, a survey of public opinion found that a third (32 per cent) said they perception of their local pharmacy had changed for the better since the start of the pandemic and nearly half (44 per cent) said they are more familiar with their local pharmacy services since the start of COVID. This has meant that the role of the pharmacist has also changed and evolved; in part due to a national need and drive for more patients to be seen and supported clinically by pharmacists. This change of service provider role has slowly been developing over the last couple of years. Pharmacists are currently carrying out 65 million consultations a year - a staggering rise of 44 per cent in the last 24 months alone.

Dental Procedures : Essential List That are Totally Worth It - 0 views

    Dental procedures are a necessary evil for most people. We all know that we need to go in for a cleaning and check-up at least once a year, but sometimes the cost of these procedures can be prohibitive. It's hard to know which procedures are worth the money and which ones aren't. Here is an essential list of dental procedures that are worth the money. CaVITY FILLINGS Cavities are caused by tooth decay. If left untreated, cavities can cause severe damage to your teeth. They can also lead to pain and infection. The best way to treat a cavity is to have it filled by a dentist. During the procedure, your dentist will remove the decay from your tooth and then fill the cavity with a composite material. This material is solid and durable and can help restore your tooth to its original shape and function. Modern materials and techniques have made cavity fillings much more effective than they used to be. Most fillings last for many years with proper care. ROOT CaNaLS It's a dental procedure that is used to treat an infected tooth. During the procedure, the dentist will remove the infected tissue from the tooth and then fill the space with a particular material. The procedures are very effective in treating infected teeth. They can also help to prevent the spread of infection to other teeth. Root canals are usually very successful, and most teeth with a root canal can last for many years. Generally, the cost of the procedure will depend on the severity of the infection and the number of teeth that need to be treated. If you are considering treatment for a root canal, it is crucial to find a qualified and experienced dentist who has experience. You want a team that assures you of world-class standards in all their procedures. This is what brings you value for your money.

GPhC : Scrap 2 year register requirement prescribing course - 0 views

    Pharmacists with 'relevant experience in a pharmacy setting' can enroll for accredited independent prescribing course, as the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) has decided to scrap the requirement of spending at least two years on the register and having previous experience in a specified clinical or therapeutic area before enrolling for the course. The GPhC Council meeting held on Thursday instead proposed that applicants must have "relevant experience in a pharmacy setting and be able to recognise, understand and articulate the skills and attributes required by a prescriber." This experience and awareness will act as the basis of their prescribing practice whilst training. The regulator noted that the majority of stakeholder organisations, including the Chief Pharmaceutical Officers, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society and the statutory education bodies, were in favour of removing the requirement in a consultation on the topic. They highlighted that a specific two-year period was not in itself a robust indication of whether an individual was ready to become a prescriber. They also highlighted that the rapidly developing roles in the profession meant more pharmacists were likely to gain the necessary experience more quickly than in the past. a smaller number of organisations and a larger minority of individuals were opposed, citing that a specific two-year period gave pharmacists the time they needed to develop experience and confidence before being ready to enrol on a course.

Erectile Dysfunction : 5 Natural Ways to Overcome ED - 0 views

    Erectile dysfunction is a very common form of medical condition that occurs in males over time. Usually, this problem is found in people who take too much medication, and ED is probably a side effect of any one of them. However, in seventy-five percent of males, the cause of erectile dysfunction is unknown, and finding the accurate reason for it is very complex. It can be a result of any neural complications, diabetes, or any surgeries that include the prostate of our body. ED can also be treated by using a vacuum device and surgeries on the private parts. However, it can be eradicated completely without any surgeries, and here are some tips that will help you in overcoming erectile dysfunction without surgery and lead a happy life. DO EXERCISE Exercise is a great way to overcome any health issues, and also to safeguard yourself from health issues in the future. Physical activity also helps you in controlling obesity, which is one of the reasons behind ED. By not doing regular exercises, you expose yourself to various cardiovascular problems, which contribute to ED. Studies show that light aerobic exercise for 30-40 minutes a day for at least four times a week for at least 6 months has considerably reduced ED in people. STaY SLIM Studies have shown that a person who has a waist near 42 inches is more likely to suffer from ED than a person with a waistline of 32 inches. Therefore, if you are obese it's time that you lose some weight. Excessive fat in the body is the birthplace of various diseases. Obesity is also responsible for vascular problems and diabetes which are two primary causes of ED.

Improving Access to DentAl CAre in RurAl UK: Bridging HeAlth GAps - 0 views

    In many rural areas and underserved neighborhoods, a critical issue is quietly emerging. although often overlooked, its effects are extensive and significant. Countless individuals in these communities do not have sufficient access to dental care, confronting a harsh reality where a minor toothache can develop into a severe problem. This situation impacts more than just oral health; it also affects general well-being, job prospects, and even self-confidence. Recent studies reveal a startling picture of dental health disparities in these areas. Studies show that individuals residing in rural areas face a higher risk of tooth loss due to untreated decay and gum disease when compared to those living in urban areas with better access to dental care. Children miss school and adults miss work due to preventable dental problems. These statistics paint a bleak portrait of a healthcare gap that demands our immediate attention. Good dental health is not a luxury; it's a fundamental component of a healthy life. It contributes to our overall well-being, playing a role in preventing chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. The consequences of neglecting oral health can be devastating, leading to pain, infection, and even systemic health issues.

Navigating that Cryptocurrency World: History, Choices, and even Conflicts - 2 views

I believe that cryptocurrency is ultimately based on security. This complex mathematical algorithm allows a user to use both a private and a secure public key to make financial transactions with st...

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