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Dental Problems:How Pharmacy Can Help With Teeth Problem - 0 views

    There are many reasons why people might need help with their dental problems. Maybe they don't have insurance, or maybe they just don't have the money to go to a dentist. In these cases, the pharmacy can be a great option. Pharmacists can provide a variety of services that can help people with their dental problems, including over-the-counter medications and advice on how to take care of teeth and gums. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways that pharmacies can help you take care of your teeth! So, whether you have a toothache, cavities, or bad breath, a pharmacy can be a great place to turn. 1) OVER-COUNTER MEDICATIONS One of the most common services that pharmacies provide is the sale of over-the-counter medications. These medications are designed to be taken for short periods of time and can help with a variety of dental problems. For example, if you have a toothache, you can buy an antiseptic rinse or analgesic gel that can help relieve the pain. If you have bad breath, you can buy mouthwash or breath fresheners that will help mask the odor. And if you have cavities, you can purchase fluoride rinses or gels that can help with decay prevention. If you are worried about the cost of dentists, these medications can be a great way to get the relief you need without breaking the bank. However, it doesn't mean that you should neglect regular dental visits! 2) PROVIDE YOU WITH EDUCATION Another way pharmacy can help you with your dental problems is through advice and education. Pharmacists are trained to provide general information on oral hygiene and health and can help you make educated decisions about which products to buy. They can also provide recommendations on how often you should brush and floss your teeth, as well as advice on diet and lifestyle choices that can help prevent dental problems. In addition, some pharmacies may even have an oral health specialist on staff who can answer any questions you might have about your teeth or gums

Get The Blessing Of Having A Child By Using Ovidac - 0 views

    You have been married since 5 years but do not have a child. You both have been waiting for a kid but nothing has happened uptill now. You have tried every form of sexual position. Not only this, but you have also shifted to a diet programme. After using so many treatments, you are still barren. You have been trying to conceive for so long but no signs of pregnancy...

Asthma Flare-Ups: When Should You See a Doctor? - 0 views

    If you have asthma, it's important to know when you should see a doctor about an asthma flare-up. A flare-up is a sudden increase in your symptoms, which can include coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. Flare-ups can be mild or severe, and they can occur at any time. If you're not sure whether you're having a flare-up, here are six obvious signs that it might be time to see a doctor. 1. YOU'RE USING YOUR INHALER MORE THAN USUAL If you have asthma, you likely have a rescue inhaler that you use when you're having symptoms. This inhaler contains a medication that can quickly relieve your symptoms. If you find that you're using your rescue inhaler more often than usual, it could be a sign that your asthma is getting worse and you need to see a doctor. By seeking a doctor near me online, you can find a reputable physician who will accurately diagnose and treat your asthma. Always look for a second opinion, as one doctor's opinion might differ from others. For example, some doctors might recommend that you use a daily inhaler, while others might only recommend using it when you're having symptoms.

NHS waiting lists cuts 18-month waits by 90 per cent - 0 views

    The NHS has made major improvements across long waits, urgent and emergency services, and cancer care, latest performance figures published on Thursday (11) have shown. The number of patients waiting more than 18 months fell to 10,737 by April - down by more than 90 per cent from 124,911 in September 2021 and by more than four-fifths since the start of January when there were 54,882. Around half of NHS trusts in England have no patients on their elective care waiting lists apart from those who have chosen to wait longer. More than one in five (21%) trusts had completely eliminated 18-month waits. However, the overall waiting list has risen to over 7.3 million entries in England. "I promised I would cut NHS waiting lists and we are delivering," Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said. "Reducing 18-month waits by over 90 per cent is huge progress, and it is testament to the hard work of NHS staff who have achieved this despite one of the busiest winters on record. "We still have work to do, but backed by record government investment and the ongoing efforts of the NHS, I am confident we will get patients the care they need more quickly." Ambulance response rates have improved to their fastest in two years, with average category two response times now at 28.5 minutes and category one at 8 mins. The 62-day cancer backlog has fallen for the first time since before the pandemic, with those waiting two months or more down from 21,823 at the end of the last financial year (March 2022) to 19,248 at the end of this March (2023). This is down almost 15,000 from a peak of 34,000 in July 2022.

Tips On How To Choose Quality Supplements For You - 0 views

    When it comes to supplements, more and more people are starting to become interested in them. This is because supplements have a lot of benefits that can improve a person's health in many ways. However, with the increasing popularity of supplements also comes an increase in the number of low-quality and ineffective supplements on the market. Because of this, it is important for people who are interested in taking supplements to know how to choose quality ones that will be beneficial to their health. In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to do just that. CHOOSE SUPPLEMENTS FROM A REPUTABLE COMPANY Finally, one of the best ways to ensure that you're getting a quality supplement is to choose one from a reputable company. There are many different supplement companies out there, but not all of them are created equal. Some companies are more interested in making money than they are in providing their customers with safe and effective products. Therefore, when you're looking for supplements, it's important to do some research on the different companies that sell them. See if there have been any complaints filed against the company or if their products have been recalled by the FDA. Also, look for customer reviews of the company's products to see what other people have thought about them. As explained by the folks from Supplement First, A good supplement company will have no problem providing you with this information and will be happy to answer any questions you have. Doing some research on the company beforehand can save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Abemaciclib : NICE recommends for early breast cancer - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended abemaciclib also called Verzenios, made by Eli Lilly, for people with hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer at high risk of recurrence who have had surgery to remove their tumour. The clinical trial result showed that people having abemaciclib with hormone therapy had a more than 30 per cent better chance of their cancer not coming back following surgery compared with people having hormone therapy alone. Helen Knight, interim director of medicines evaluation at NICE, said: "Today's positive draft recommendation, which comes less than a month after abemaciclib received its licence, is fantastic news. The fact that we have been able to produce draft recommendations so quickly is testament to the success of our ambition to support patient access to clinically and cost effective treatments as early as possible. "Until now there have been no targeted treatments for people with this type of breast cancer. Abemaciclib with hormone therapy represents a significant improvement in how it is treated because being able to have a targeted treatment earlier after surgery will increase the chance of curing the disease and reduce the likelihood of developing incurable advanced disease."

Pharmacy Automation and Technology:Pushing boundaries - 0 views

    Our Totton branch has an incredibly high volume of original pack dispensing, roughly 45,000 items. As we became busier and busier in the dispensary we were finding that our pharmacists, dispensers and other technicians simply didn't have capacity to deliver the services that we needed them to. We all know there is a real emphasis right now on pharmacies doing more services and we knew we had to change the way we operate to survive. So we decided it was time to look into a sound automation solution for our medication dispensing process, one that would allow us to free up the time of the pharmacists and the rest of the team so they could better support patients. After a lot of research we invested in Centred Solutions FLOWRx Hub and InStore solutions which were installed late last year. It provides us with the whole package and has automated our entire dispensing process from picking to packing and labeling to checking. Our situation was quite unique as we bought the system initially for our existing high-volume pharmacy in Totton so the hub and the spoke are actually on the same site. People wouldn't usually look at a hub and spoke solution for that kind of set up but it has allowed us to significantly free up time in store for more services. What it has also done is allow us to look at other opportunities to grow and expand. The pharmacy landscape is changing and there are lots of opportunities coming up. We have found that having your technology and the right infrastructure in place to support your existing footprint before you expand is the ideal way to grow in a safe and controlled way. We never thought that five years ago we would buy another pharmacy, yet we have already bought one and are now in the process of buying two more. I'm not worried about the increase in volume this expansion will bring because I know our technology is going to be able to support it. The pharmacies we are buying are struggling but having our solution already in p

CPE Concerns: Atorvastatin Pricing and Availability Impact - 0 views

    The Community Pharmacy England has raised a concern on pricing and availability of Atorvastatin tablets. CPE is In discussions with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and have warned about the serious impact this issue is now having on pharmacies. The issue was highlighted after a number of pharmacy owners have got in touch with CPE about the pricing and availability of Atorvastatin tablets. The association said: "The DHSC Supply Team has been working closely with manufacturers and wholesalers on this issue. Thank you to those of you who have taken the time to report the increased prices that you have purchased at.

Mistakes at COVID testing lab may have led to deaths :UKHSA - 0 views

    The UK's Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said mistakes at a testing laboratory led to misreporting of tens of thousands of positive COVID-19 cases as negative and may have resulted in the deaths of about 20 people. Britain has one of the highest coronavirus death tolls in the world, with more than 177,000 deaths since the pandemic started in 2020. Many experts have said the contact tracing programme fell well short of the "world-beating" system the government had promised. An investigation by the government agency responsible for responding to public health emergencies said the Immensa laboratory in central England was found to have misreported around 39,000 tests as negative when they should have been positive between September 2 and October 12 last year.

Technology and Leadership in community pharmacy - 0 views

    What skills does a pharmacist need these days? You'd think it would be sufficient to have a good understanding of pharmacy and the ability to offer a great patient service. Whilst this is true of course, the reality of the day to day role demands skills which most pharmacists have not been trained for as part of their formal qualification. At the very least, pharmacists find themselves responsible for running the pharmacy, managing people, managing processes and dealing with issues relating to customers, suppliers, surgeries, regulators and stakeholders. Even the most junior pharmacists quickly find themselves being accountable for the financial performance of their department and having to work within budgets or deliver on targets. Remarkably, despite the apparent lack of any formal training in these areas, pharmacists have been able to adapt and meet the challenges of whatever their job has thrown at them. Many pharmacists go even further, bringing out their inner entrepreneurial spirit to set up their own business. There are now over 6,000 pharmacy businesses owned by independent pharmacists, with this segment growing. Whilst pharmacists have historically adapted to their environments and picked up the necessary business skills, the rapidly changing landscape of pharmacy will require pharmacists to establish new skills to help ensure their businesses survive and thrive.

Menopause : Women's health managing at workplace - 0 views

    The menopause is a natural aging process, whereby a woman's oestrogen level drops thus disrupting periods until they eventually stop. A woman is said to be in the menopause when her periods have stopped for 12 months. The age when this usually occurs is between 45-55 but symptoms can begin prior to this. Symptoms vary and not all women experience them all. They include hot flushes, vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, reduced libido, urinary problems such as bladder weakness or Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), but this list is not exhaustive. Up to a third of women declare that the menopause affects their quality of life. It is obvious that such physical changes can have an effect on ones well-being. Women going through the menopause are at increased risk of developing depression, low self-esteem and problems with concentration (often called brain fog). There are lots of misconceptions in the public and workplace around menopause as it is a little discussed topic. Did you know 45 per cent of women feel their menopause symptoms have had a negative impact on their work and 47 per cent of women have said that they won't tell their employer if they need to take a day-off from work because of menopausal symptoms? So, with women making up nearly half of the UKs workforce, have you thought about what support your workplace offers for you? And if you are an employer, what could you be doing to support your colleagues who need help during this time?

Delays and shortages of prescription medicines - 0 views

    People who use pharmacies in parts of Pendle have suffered shortages or delays in buying prescription medicines such as insulin, councillors have been told. In the Barnoldswick area, a number of pharmacies have been impacted and some councillors hope a new regional NHS organisation might look into the problems. However, pharmacies in the neighbouring town of Nelson are facing shortages with other medicines. A pharmacists in Nelson Pharmacy told Pharmacy Business that he was struggling to meet local demand for children's paracetamol due to ongoing shortages. Pendle Council's West Craven Area Committee heard about the issues at its latest local meeting, held in Earby. An agenda for the committee stated: "Pharmacy provision in West Craven. It is reported that there is an acute problem with people being unable to get prescriptions filled, with Whitworth chemists suffering a breakdown in service. Previously, Well chemists has suffered similar problems." Speaking at the meeting, Lib-Dem Coun David Whipp said: "It's quite an appalling situation where people are queuing 30 minutes to get a prescription filled but when they get to the counter they are told it's not ready. They have to go home and come back at 5pm. It's an ongoing problem. "It includes insulin, which is critical for people with diabetes. I know several people who have failed to get insulin, It's a very serious problem." He added: "I think the committee should contact the local integrated care service. I think they are responsible for primary care which includes pharmacies. We need to find out what's happening and improve things in future. "

NICE recommends new treatment to prevent heart attacks, strokes in people with raised b... - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has recommended icosapent ethyl also called Vazkepa manufactured by Amarin for adults who have cardiovascular disease with controlled LDL-C levels taking a statin. It's final draft guidance is expected to be available on the July 20. Nearly half a million people are expected to benefit from the first licensed treatment shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes in people with controlled low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C - sometimes called "bad" cholesterol) who are taking a statin and who have raised levels of triglycerides. NICE said: "Clinical trial evidence suggests that for people with raised triglycerides who have LDL-C levels controlled by statins, and who have cardiovascular disease, icosapent ethyl reduces their risk of cardiovascular events by over a quarter compared with placebo. Helen Knight, interim director of medicines evaluation at NICE, said: "Icosapent ethyl is the first licensed treatment of its kind for people who are at risk of heart attacks and strokes despite well controlled LDL cholesterol because they have raised blood fats. And although lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, can help to reduce their risk, these may not work for everyone.

Rising Patient Declines: Urgent Action Needed on Prescription Charges - 0 views

    More than a third of pharmacists who participated in a survey said they have seen an increase in patients declining prescriptions due to the cost in the last 12 months. The survey was jointly conducted by the Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), extending their support for the Prescription Charges Coalition (PCC). Responding to the survey, 90 per cent of pharmacists admitted seeing cases where patients decline all the medicines on a prescription due to cost. Nearly all respondents said they have seen cases where patients declined some of their prescribed medicines and more than a quarter of them have experienced such situation often. They have warned of the impact of prescription charges as patients are denying vital medicines, including those for blood pressure and mental health, inhalers, antibiotics, pain relief, and statins, which can have potential consequences for the individual's health.

GPhC & CPhO Thank Pharmacy Heroes:Gratitude Amid Challenges - 0 views

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and the Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England have written a letter to pharmacy professionals thanking them for providing the best possible services to patients and the public, despite experiencing high and sustained demands and pressures. GPhC Chief Executive Duncan Rudkin and CPhO David Webb indicated that there will be further challenges over the coming weeks and months due to the ongoing industrial action, and staff shortages due to sickness or caring responsibilities. They expressed concerned that increased pressure will have a significant and potentially prolonged impact on pharmacy teams both personally and professionally. Acknowledging that pharmacy professionals may have to make some difficult decisions as they deal with the pressures they face, the leaders have urged those working in pharmacy to use "your professional judgement to assess and mitigate risk, and to deliver safe and effective care for your patients within your scope of practice."

Cannabis Oil For Sale | THC Oil For Sale | Marijuana Oil For Sale | - 0 views

    Weed Oil For Sale Have you been in search of cannabis oil for sale ? In need of thc oil for sale ? Medical Marijuana Buds is your answer. Cannabis oil is one of the most unusual oil amongst the oil range, simply because of the plant from which it is gotten from. Although cannabis and hemp have been used over the years as a natural growing herb, its awareness as a drug in certain parts of the world have strained the relationship between it's users on one hand and legal authorities on the other hand . Not withstanding, Cannabis essential oil is a very useful oil, and is widely regarded as one of the most effective oils for dealing with certain illnesses. Cannabis essential oil is gotten steam distilling the flowers and upper leaves of cannabis plants using steam. THC Oil For Sale Online and enjoy these Benefits: - Anxiety and Stress - Appetite Booster - Pain Reliever - Cancer Prevention - Heart Health - Skin Protection - Glaucoma - Headaches and Migraines Despite the fact that this list clearly shows that cannabis essential oil can effectively be used to cure most of our common health conditions, it still doesn't cancel the fact that it is a potent chemical substance extracted from a plant with psychotropic substances. As such, great care should be taken on its use with respect to the quantity and conditions under which it is being used. It is adviceable to always consult a professional about mixing essential oils and present medications before adding any new elements into your health regime. Medical cannabis oil for sale We do have medical cannabis oil for sale at our online shop which is cheap and affordable for all our customers. Our Cannabis are of great Quality and our standards are incomparable. Purchase from us and get the best for less. Note: If you are looking to buy Cannabis Oil online, hash oil for sale, Medical Marijuana Buds is the right place for you. Feel free to contact our customer service or live help assistance for wha

Pharmacist Supervision : The Divided World Of It - 0 views

    Pharmacist supervision has been the subject of debate for as long as I can remember. Strikingly, no one is sure what supervision requires. The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 say it is a criminal offence to sell or supply Pharmacy medicines or Prescription Only Medicines unless a pharmacist makes the sale or supply or, if the transaction is carried out by a non-pharmacist, that person acts under the supervision of a pharmacist. Over the years, some people have argued that supervision requires a clinical check. Others say it requires an accuracy assessment. Yet others have asserted that it requires a final check before a medicine leaves the pharmacy. Things are made more uncertain by the NHS terms of service which require prescription medicines to be supplied under the direct supervision of a pharmacist. No one knows what the word "direct" adds. The wording of the Human Medicines Regulations is not identical to the wording of earlier legislation. In particular, on the only occasions when the courts have been called upon to interpret the requirement for supervision, the Pharmacy and Poisons Act 1933 was in force. In cases decided in 1943 and 1953, the courts decided that a pharmacist who was upstairs when a supply was made could not have been supervising; and that a sale was supervised by pharmacist standing at the cash desk because the pharmacist could intervene if a sale would not be appropriate.

Deadline For Mandatory Covid Jab Nears For Frontline Staff - 0 views

    As the deadline for the frontline healthcare workers to get fully vaccinated approaches, tens of thousands of NHS staff who have not yet taken the Covid-19 vaccine face termination in just a fortnight. Although it is estimated that the majority of NHS staff have been fully jabbed, health and social care providers in England will soon be needed to ensure that all those working in areas regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 before the April 1, 2022. Those who are exempted from taking the vaccination do not fall under this purview. According to the NHS England guidance around Vaccination as a Condition of Deployment (VCOD) for healthcare workers, all frontline staff must have had both the doses by April 1, meaning that by February 3 the first must have been administered and the second by March 31. All unvaccinated frontline workers will be called into formal meetings from February 4 and given a warning of dismissal. Notices will then be issued from that day, with March 31 marking the end of the notice period

NICE Rejects Use Of Prostate Cancer Drug Olaparib - 0 views

    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has rejected the use of olaparib on the NHS for treatment of adults with hormone-relapsed prostate cancer with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations which has spread to other parts of the body. In a draft guidance issued today (January 5) NICE said evidence around the drug made by AstraZeneca was uncertain and approving it would not be a good use of NHS funds. Current treatment for metastatic prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone therapy is chemotherapy with docetaxel, cabazitaxel, or radium 223 dichloride - a treatment option for people with symptomatic bone metastases who have already had docetaxel or cannot have it. NICE said: "Clinical trial evidence showed that people taking olaparib have more time before their disease gets worse, and live longer overall, than people having retreatment with abiraterone or enzalutamide. However, retreatment with abiraterone or enzalutamide is not considered effective and is not standard care in the NHS.

Campaign To Encourage Pregnant Women To Take Covid-19 Jabs - 0 views

    The government has launched a new campaign over social media and radio today (January 10) to encourage pregnant women to take their first, second and third dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Joined by experts at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) and the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), the campaign highlights the risks of the infection and benefits of vaccination. According to the latest data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), Covid-19 vaccinations are safe for pregnant women. Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) chief scientific adviser professor Lucy Chappell, said: "We have extensive evidence now to show that the vaccines are safe and that the risks posed by Covid-19 are far greater," calling upon pregnant women who have yet to have their jabs. The campaign will also run testimonies of pregnant women who have had their jabs.
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