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Tips to Improve Well-Being for Healthcare Providers During the Pandemic | HospitalRecru... - 0 views

    The ongoing pandemic has taken quite a toll beyond just physically. Mental exhaustion, burnout, and fatigue are only a few of the problems facing those working on the frontlines in the healthcare field. Here are 6 wellbeing tips to help remedy the problems faced by all those in the field.

Healthcare Provider Survival Tools for 2021 | - 0 views

    Many of you reading this may find yourselves worn and weary in the wake of 2020. Do not become a physical casualty, but rather prepare yourself for what's to come with this 2021 survival guide.

How To Relieve Muscle Pain After Exercise - 0 views

    After a tough workout, you're bound to experience some muscle pain, since your muscles are working harder than they usually do. Here are six ways that will help relieve the soreness and ache in your muscles after a workout routine: 1. DRINK PLENTY OF WATER 2. ADD SOME HEAT 3. GET A MASSAGE 4. KEEP MOVING 5. EAT WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF EXERCISING 6. POST WORKOUT SUPPLEMENTATION If you're trying to relieve muscle pain after exercise, then you should follow these tips. The faster your body can recover from tough workouts and other physical activity, the sooner you'll be able to get back out there and stay active.

Top Facts on Birth Injuries and What One Can Do - 0 views

    Childbirth is an emotional, intimate moment for new parents. Unfortunately, there are plenty of cases where, during the birth process, the newborn may suffer a physical injury. Parents need to know their rights to check their child's medical records if they suspect that medical malpractice caused the damage. In our following guide, we're sharing some top facts on birth injuries and what one can do when facing this complex scenario. THE MAIN CAUSES BEHIND BIRTH INJURIES No parent walks into the hospital during childbirth expecting the worst-case scenario. However, one of the primary ways families can reduce the chances of dealing with this complex situation is to plan with their attending medic and check for any obstetrical risk factors before birth. A difficult birth can happen because the baby weighs over 8 pounds or 4 kilograms, or labor has started before 37 weeks. Other common factors detected during these cases occur when the mother's pelvis doesn't have the ideal conditions for natural childbirth, maternal obesity is present, or labor has extended for more than 12 hours. However, if medical professionals cannot deal with these factors and make mistakes during the procedure, the chances of suffering any birth injury increase significantly.

Better Health: To Help In Weight Loss, Covid Hospitalisation - 0 views

    The government has launched a new 'Better Health' campaign to help people working towards healthier weight and reduce the risk of being hospitalised with Covid-19. The campaign launched in partnership with 15 weight management and physical activity partners will provide both free and discounted offers for weight management. Public health minister Maggie Throup said the campaign will focus on improving adults' health and help them to achieve a healthier weight. It will also include focus on the risk of serious diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and up to 12 types of cancer, to reducing the probability of hospitalisation with Covid-19. Besides highlighting these health conditions, the campaign will emphasise how these could be prevented by losing excess weight.

Coughs can spread Covid-19 beyond 2 metres: Cambridge study - 0 views

    A new study has shown that Covid-19 can spread between unmasked people at a distance of more than two metres even outdoors. A team of engineers from the University of Cambridge used computer modelling to quantify how droplets spread when people cough. They found that the two-metre rule was arbitrary and that social distancing alone was not enough to stop the spread of the virus. The team also found that individual coughs vary widely, and that the 'safe' distance could have been set at anywhere between one to three or more metres. The results, published in the journal Physics of Fluids, suggest that social distancing is not an effective mitigation measure on its own, and underline the importance of vaccination, ventilation and masks.

Community Pharmacy Funding Requires Improvement :HSC Report - 0 views

    The Health Select Committee Expert Panel has concluded in its report published on Tuesday (25 July) that the funding aspect in the community pharmacy sector 'requires improvement' based on the evidence received. The Expert Panel reviewed nine Government commitments, seven of which were from the Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework. It was found that available funding was not sufficient to keep pharmacies open, struggling financially with increased demand for dispensing, workforce pressures and rising costs due to inflation. One of the other commitments requiring improvement covered a scheme intended to protect access to local physical NHS pharmaceutical services in areas where there were fewer pharmacies. Professor Dame Jane Dacre, Chair of the Expert Panel, said: "Pharmacy plays a key role in the delivery of care so it's disappointing that progress overall to deliver on the Government's commitments was rated as 'requires improvement'.

GPhC standards:Nine pharmacies did not meet in past 5 months - 0 views

    The latest inspection report of the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) revealed that nine pharmacies did not meet their standards out of 52 pharmacies that were inspected between January 2023 and May 2023. Pharmacies are inspected on five principles - Governance, Staff, Premises, Services including medicines management and Equipment and facilities. Out of nine, eight pharmacies did not meet GPhC standard of governance which is defined to safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. Six pharmacies did not meet the GPhC standard of principle four which defines the way in which pharmacy services, including the management of medicines and medical devices, are delivered safeguards the health, safety and wellbeing of patients and the public. The purpose of these standards is to create and maintain the right environment, both organisational and physical, for the safe and effective practice of pharmacy. The standards apply to all pharmacies registered with GPhC.

Mental health services:RPS Wales address rising demands - 0 views

    The Welsh chapter of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, along with ten other royal colleges and professional bodies, have renewed calls for the urgent transformation of mental health services to address increasing demands on the NHS in Wales. Representatives of the Royal College Mental Health Expert Advisory Group joined members of the Senedd in Cardiff to outline the work of the group over the past year and to explain why a well-trained, fully supported and equipped multi-disciplinary workforce is critical for the development of care for people with mental health conditions. To make sustainable change happen, the group is calling for a greater focus by the Welsh government and NHS Wales on the following: The critical changes needed to improve the delivery and structure of mental health services across Wales in community, hospital and specialist secure settings. Parity of access to mental health services for the most vulnerable patients, ensuring they have equal access opportunities that vulnerable patients would receive for physical health conditions.

7 Health Tips That Everyone Should Follow - 0 views

    Living in challenging times means that the world seems to be constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. Along with all the other challenges you face, it's more important than ever to stay healthy. But what does that mean for you? What are the health tips that everyone should follow? There's a lot of information out there about health and wellness, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what's best. That's why you should check this list of the top seven health tips that everyone should follow. GET REGULAR EXERCISE Everyone needs to make time for physical activity and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This can be anything from walking or swimming to dancing or aerobics classes. Exercise not only strengthens your body, but it can also help you manage stress and improve your mood, while also boosting your immune system. If, for any reason, you're not able to get the recommended amount of exercise, try breaking up activities into smaller chunks and incorporating them into your daily routine.

PDA education revision programme:Ahead of Nov'22 assessment - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has made the its 'Education revision programme' accessible for new registrations who are preparing for the GPhC/PSNI November 2022 assessment. The programme offers a wide range of practice calculations questions, some mock exams, practical tips on revision, and an opportunity to chat to other PDA members who are preparing to sit the assessment. PDA's charity partners, Pharmacist Support also offer a range of options including- Counselling and peer support; Financial support; A listening friend service and Addiction support. Candidates can also access the Wardley Wellbeing Service here. This is a resource to help candidates to prioritise their mental, physical and emotional health through individual and group training. The PDA has also reminded all candidates that there have been some changes made by the GPhC to address problems that occurred in the June 2022 sitting.

Menopause : Women's health managing at workplace - 0 views

    The menopause is a natural aging process, whereby a woman's oestrogen level drops thus disrupting periods until they eventually stop. A woman is said to be in the menopause when her periods have stopped for 12 months. The age when this usually occurs is between 45-55 but symptoms can begin prior to this. Symptoms vary and not all women experience them all. They include hot flushes, vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, reduced libido, urinary problems such as bladder weakness or Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs), but this list is not exhaustive. Up to a third of women declare that the menopause affects their quality of life. It is obvious that such physical changes can have an effect on ones well-being. Women going through the menopause are at increased risk of developing depression, low self-esteem and problems with concentration (often called brain fog). There are lots of misconceptions in the public and workplace around menopause as it is a little discussed topic. Did you know 45 per cent of women feel their menopause symptoms have had a negative impact on their work and 47 per cent of women have said that they won't tell their employer if they need to take a day-off from work because of menopausal symptoms? So, with women making up nearly half of the UKs workforce, have you thought about what support your workplace offers for you? And if you are an employer, what could you be doing to support your colleagues who need help during this time?

Mental Health Issues :Top Ways Medications Help To Treat - 0 views

    Mental health issues are very common, and one in four people will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime. Unfortunately, many people do not seek treatment because they are embarrassed or ashamed. However, there is no need to be ashamed - mental health problems are just like any other medical condition. Treatment options include therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. In this blog post, we will discuss the top ways medications can help in treating mental health issues. We will also dispel some of the myths about mental health medications. MENTAL HEALTH MEDICATIONS CAN REDUCE ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION Mental health medications can be very effective in treating mental illness. In fact, they can be just as effective as medications for physical health conditions. Mental health medications can help to reduce symptoms, improve functioning, and prevent relapses. They are also legal psychedelic medicine that have been shown to be helpful in treating mental illness. For example, ketamine has been shown to be effective in treating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Some people worry that taking mental health medication will make them feel like a different person. However, this is not the case. Mental health medications can help you to feel like yourself again. They can also help you to function better in your everyday life.

6 Ways How Going Vegan Can Transform Your Physical Health - 0 views

    There are many reasons why people choose to go vegan. For some, it's a matter of ethics, while others believe that veganism is the healthiest way to live. Whatever the reason, there are many benefits to be had by making the switch to a vegan lifestyle. Here are six of the most important ones: 1. YOU'LL LOSE WEIGHT If you're carrying around a few extra pounds, going vegan is a great way to shed them. A vegan diet is naturally lower in calories than one that includes meat and dairy, so you'll likely find yourself eating less without even trying. And since plant-based foods are typically packed with fiber, you'll feel full and satisfied after meals, without the need to overeat. You can do some research if you visit or by reading various online resources. Keep in mind that you may not lose weight immediately, as your body will need time to adjust to the new way of eating. But once it does, the pounds should start coming off. Additionally, since a vegan diet is typically rich in nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, you're likely to get all the vitamins and minerals you need, without having to take supplements.

Prostate cancer: Signs,Symtoms and Treatment Options - 0 views

    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in the United Kingdom. However, Macmillan revealed that prostate cancer diagnoses were down 29 per cent between 2019 and 2020, meaning men weren't seeing their GPs to begin to get diagnosed. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to spot any symptoms and get checked, as an early diagnosis can help not only increase survival rates, but also offer a more varied choice of treatment options. As community pharmacy teams play a fundamental role in educating men who may be concerned about their health it vital to maximise trusted relationship with patients, and it is crucial that pharmacists have access to the correct resources to direct men to seek prostate cancer guidance. Prostate cancer often affects men who are over the age of 50. Those who are at a higher risk of prostate cancer also include those of African-Caribbean family descent, if there has been a family history of the cancer, and poor weight and diet. However, studies have found that community pharmacists play an important role in delivering programmes to improve levels of physical activity and diet of men with prostate cancer.

Stop Bladder Leaks: Empowering Women with Proactive Support - 0 views

    Bladder leakage is one of the most common healthcare issues affecting women, with the effects of the condition having major effects on women's lives. 1 in 3 women over the age of 18 experience bladder leakage at some point in their lives,1 and in general, prevalence increases at the start of the menopause. It is a major taboo and due to embarrassment women sometimes struggle to discuss the condition and need help. It is now time for community pharmacy teams to take the lead and provide the proactive support your customers need - and don't just reach for the pads…. You can help them stop the leaks, and build customer loyalty. If women are regularly buying pads, or have struggled with using pharmacological solutions you can now offer alternative approaches. What is incontinence? Urinary incontinence is when a person accidentally passes urine when they don't want to. It occurs when their bladder is put under pressure, such as when they cough, sneeze, laugh or run. Frequent or occasional, it can vary from a few dribbles to a complete loss of bladder control. There are several known types of bladder and urinary incontinence. They receive their name from the origin of the issue that causes the passing of urine. Although they are similar and can have some of the same symptoms, they mostly differ in the way they come about: Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) - causes the leak after a person strains or exerts themselves during a physical activity, including coughing, sneezing, laughing, running or jumping. This is the most common type of urinary incontinence.

Rehabilitation Clinic : Learn How To Flawlessly Operate - 0 views

    Drug addiction poses a serious challenge since it impacts one's physical and mental health. However, the good news is that individuals who complete a drug rehabilitation program can overcome this problem. If you are interested in providing rehab services, there are a couple of things you should know. Read on to learn how to operate a rehabilitation clinic flawlessly. KNOW THE NEEDS OF YOUR CLIENTS The main purpose of drug rehab is to help different people overcome addictions. It is designed to heal the body and mind from the negative effects of addiction. It also teaches the affected individuals to learn to live without using substances. Therefore, your first step is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of each client to formulate a personalized treatment plan. Everyone has unique needs in their recovery journey. Your rehab program can start with detox which is designed to rid the body of substances, although it does not treat addiction. The person affected undergoes different therapies during treatment. Therapy helps them deal with the issues that cause substance abuse and teach them healthier ways of life. Various therapies will be applied throughout the entire treatment process. Therefore, you must choose a suitable therapy for each individual. For instance, motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy are the most common.

PillTime installs Titan PMR to boost prescription growth - 0 views

    Online pharmacy PillTime has taken a step to boost its prescription growth by implementing new Patient Medication Record (PMR) system Titan in its state-of-the-art premises. PillTime moved to new, expanded 26,000sqft premises in Cribbs Causeway on the edge of Bristol earlier this year, where it has also installed state-of-the-art robotics in a bid to significantly enhance future productivity and capacity. Teething problems over Easter weekend saw PillTime struggling to seamlessly integrate all the new systems and processes while physically moving premises which affected service delivery and customer support. However, CEO Leighton Humphreys was supported by Tariq Muhammad, CEO of Invatech Health, who is a former community pharmacist and has worked with independent pharmacies around the UK as well as larger online businesses, to integrate Titan into their workflows. Alongside integration work, Muhammad and his team supported PillTime with necessary design, governance and pharmacy expertise as the company struggled to meet its usual high standards for dispensing medicines to patients.

Joint care : Supplements for joints health - 0 views

    Dr Rod Hughes sets out how pharmacists can play a pivotal role in steering people with joint pain towards a prevention programme… Joint health supplements are big business in the UK, with millions of pounds spent over the counter every year. People turn to these supplements for various reasons, but most are seeking relief from the symptoms of arthritis, a group of painful long-term conditions thought to affect around 10 million people in this country. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis, affecting around eight million people in the UK. The condition is generally age-related, with joint pain and stiffness developing as the cartilage between the bones gradually wears away. OA changes and the inflammation involved causes difficulty moving and considerable pain. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) tends to affect younger people and is caused by the body's immune system attacking the joints. As a nation we tend to ignore our joints until they cause us problems, resulting in an increasing number of people taking long-term analgesics to control the pain or needing surgery to repair knees and hips. Treatment guidelines followed by doctors in the UK recommend that people with arthritis are advised to maintain a healthy weight and keep physically active, while strengthening their muscles and protecting any damaged joints during daily activities.

Mounjaro: New Diabetes Medicine Approved for Weight Loss - 0 views

    A diabetes medicine, Mounjaro, has been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to treat overweight patients. The weight loss medication originally developed for Type 2 diabetes is now accessible to individuals aged 18 and over who are dealing with obesity and weight-related health issues. The active ingredient, tirzepatide, works by making the patient feel fuller and reducing food cravings. The injection helps individuals lose 20 per cent of their body weight, and are advised to follow a reduced-calorie diet and increase physical activity simultaneously. Although it is not authorised to use on the NHS as yet but future approvals can be predicted.
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