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OCTP's Cannabis-Derived Drug Reaches Phase 1 Milestone - 0 views

    Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies Holdings plc, which specialises in developing cannabis-derived medicines with pain-relieving properties, has successfully administered the first-in-human dose of its lead pharmaceutical drug compound, OCT461201, in its phase 1 clinical trial. The company holds a portfolio of four drug candidates intended for use as licensed pain medications. The drug is a selective cannabinoid receptor type 2 agonist with the potential to treat chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy and irritable bowel syndrome. The UK trial, conducted by Simbec Research Limited, part of Simbec-Orion Group Ltd., is progressing with healthy volunteers, OCTP said in a statement. Using a single ascending dose protocol, the primary objective is to demonstrate OCT461201's safety and tolerability, while providing information on its pharmacokinetic profile, to confirm its value as a potential drug. Results from the trial, funded entirely by OCTP's existing resources, are expected in the third quarter of 2023, the statement added.

Alzheimer's : Alliance Healthcare UK Team Climbs Pen y Fan - 0 views

    Alliance Healthcare UK team members Nick Atkins, Swansea Service Centre Manager, and Karl Goodall, Swansea Driver Team Manager, have climbed Pen y Fan in South Wales to support the Alzheimer's Society and raise money for dementia. The pair raised over £1,500, a cause close to Nick's heart, as his mother is a dementia patient. Dementia mainly affects people aged 65 and over, with 65 per cent of the 944,000 individuals living with dementia in the UK being women. Nick and Karl, dressed as 'glamorous grannies' with wigs, tights, and dresses, completed the mountain trek in six hours, carrying an Alliance Healthcare medicines cool box weighing over 35 kg. Alzheimer's Society supports people with dementia and their carers through national care and research efforts. Alzheimer's Society Cymru is the sole UK dementia charity funding both biomedical and care research.

Alliance Healthcare Raises £100k for Charities - 0 views

    The wholesale supplier and distributor, Alliance Healthcare has successfully raised over £100k for three charities following a series of events in the last three months. The healthcare company hosted a Sports Championship event in October to raise funds for Action Medical Research, Vitamin Angels UK, and the Theodora Children's Charity. The following competition saw colleagues competing against each other in various football and netball tournaments. Last month, two teams of seven members participated in a thrilling 2023 Tour D'Alliance cycle challenge to pedal and cover over 300 miles from Great Yarmouth to Swansea Service Centre.

Locum Tenens Position : Reasons to Consider - 0 views

    Doctors are highly driven professionals seeking exceptional care and service for their clients. Some doctors may have private practices, while others serve in different capacities in various healthcare institutions. Doctors are among the busiest professionals in the field and may also experience burnout if they're not careful. Fortunately, there's an alternative to such a scenario, and more and more healthcare professionals are looking into it. Locum tenens jobs are on the rise as doctors, and other health workers seek to take advantage of various benefits that can lead to a better career. While doctors hold down their private practice, they also work with other institutions and colleagues to provide expertise to patients in other locations. This can be rewarding as the doctors can improve their craft tremendously. Here are some reasons to consider if you wish to explore locum tenens posts. Better control and schedule flexibility While career stability is quite important for most doctors, it can be intense for some and lead to burnout. When taking a locum tenens position, a doctor will have the opportunity to explore other horizons that present themselves. They can see other patients and be exposed to scenarios that may not be present in their practice. Locum posts also allow you to set your schedule and be flexible with your working hours as necessary. It can lead to better performance and job satisfaction, too. Opportunity for better income Accepting a locum position may entail getting extra shifts at another hospital or clinic. It may also mean getting some time with patients during your off days. You can receive a significant bump to your income as you get to earn more aside from your regular salary. If you're looking to pay off student loans, build a college fund for your kids, or set up an account to buy a house, working with locum posts may be the key.

Private healthcare :Benefits of choosing in 2023 - 0 views

    Being able to access high-quality healthcare at the times you need it most is vital. Regardless of whether this is a simple check-up, a medical review or complex surgery, having a suitable healthcare package designed according to your medical needs will be beneficial in the long run. The NHS has recently come under significant strain. Factors such as an increase in the number of patients, reduced funding and increased life expectancy have led to long waiting times and limited treatments. As a result, more individuals are now seeking private healthcare which, while it may be more expensive, offers faster and more effective treatment. Here we'll discuss some of the main benefits of private healthcare and why it is becoming the ideal choice for healthcare in 2023. Reduced waiting times One of the main issues faced by the NHS is waiting times, with some patients being made to wait up to a year for routine hospital care. Currently, ambulance services and A&E units are under unprecedented pressure and it is estimated that hundreds of deaths each week are associated with admission delays. Understaffing has been a chronic issue in recent years in the NHS and is a major threat to the welfare of patients. This has been one of the major concerns that has led to nurses and ambulance staff taking strike action. As nurses and hospital workers are put under higher strain, they are more likely to make mistakes, which could well lead to patients coming into harm and making a claim. Opting for private healthcare guarantees that you are able to access your appointments, surgeries and treatments much quicker, with some flexibility offered to align with your lifestyle. The capacity to bypass the painfully long waiting times ensures you receive the necessary medical attention much sooner and could prevent the emergence of other health complications.

Vape starter kit vouchers NHS could help more smokers quit - 0 views

    A new study by the University of East Anglia has found that giving out 'vape starter kit vouchers' on the NHS could help even hardened smokers quit. In the recent study, researchers worked with GPs and the 'NHS stop smoking service', commissioned locally by Public Health at Norfolk County Council, to set up a pilot 'vape shop voucher' scheme (worth £25 each) to help patients who had tried but failed to stub it out in the past. An evaluation of the scheme, funded by Norfolk County Council, showed it was a big success - with 42 per cent of the entrenched smokers who were referred to it and redeemed their vape voucher having quit within a month. After the success of the pilot, the scheme has been rolled out across Norfolk and the research team hope it could be rolled out nationally to help more smokers quit. Lead researcher and addiction expert Prof Caitlin Notley, from the UEA's Norwich Medical School, said: "Research shows that vaping is an effective way of quitting smoking, compared to nicotine replacement therapies like patches and gum. E-cigarettes or vapes are now the most popular way of stopping smoking.

AstraZeneca to stop developing Crohn's disease drug - 0 views

    British drugmaker AstraZeneca said on Thursday (June 1) it would stop developing its drug brazikumab to treat inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The company said the discontinuation was due to a delay in the drug's development timeline, affected by global events and "the context of a competitive landscape". AstraZeneca regained the rights to brazikumab from Allergan in 2020 following U.S. drugmaker AbbVie's $63 billion tie-up with Allergan. AbbVie will stop funding the drug's development, AstraZeneca said. AbbVie's Skyrizi also treats Crohn's disease.

Government policy still lags behind public opinion - 0 views

    New data released on Friday (July 1) shows how public support has continued to grow despite a lack of progress on the policy front, 15 years since a smokefree legislation in Britain prohibited smoking inside public spaces such as offices, shops and pubs. This was demonstrated by a new report 'Fifteen Smokefree Years' summarising results from the annual survey carried out since 2007 by YouGov for the public health charity Action on Smoking and Health. Around three quarters (74 per cent) of those who participated in survey supported the government's Smokefree 2030 ambition. The report said: "The public are way ahead of the government, and right behind recommendations made to the Health and Social Care Secretary for the forthcoming Tobacco Control Plan by Javed Khan's independent review." Three quarters (76 per cent) support making tobacco manufacturers pay a levy to fund tobacco control and smoking cessation, 83 per cent support requiring retailers to be licensed to sell tobacco, 70 per cent support increased investment in public education campaigns, 67 per cent support warnings on cigarettes, and 62 per cent support making seating areas outside restaurants, pubs and cafes smokefree.

Ways to extract cash out of your business - 0 views

    It is important to revisit our financial situation early in the tax year and the various ways in which we could save some tax, extract cash from the business and reduce tax liabilities. We list below some of the tax planning opportunities available in the current tax year (05 April 2023 for individuals and 31 March 2023 for corporates). Salaries As a director of a limited company, you are entitled to be paid a salary for your work and so are members of your family who work for the company. Paying at least a small salary can be very beneficial, particularly when the recipient does not already have the 35 qualifying years needed for entitlement to the full single-tier state pension, which is payable to those who reach state pension age on or after 06 April 2016. To preserve entitlement to state pension, and to ensure the year counts as a qualifying year, it is advisable to pay a salary at least equal to the lower earnings limit for National Insurance Contributions (NIC) which is set at £578 per month for 2022/2023 i.e., £9,100 per annum. Salaries may be beneficial where funds are needed in a recession for example, and the company does not have sufficient reserves to pay dividends. Dividends The annual tax-free dividend allowance for 2022/2023 is £2,000. Although referred to as an "allowance", it is actually a zero-rate band and therefore uses up your basic or higher rate band as appropriate. Dividends are treated as the top slice of income and for 2022/2023, dividend income is taxed at 8.75% to the extent it falls within the basic rate band, 33.75% if it falls within the higher rate band and 39.35% to the extent it falls within the additional rate band.

Healthcare Technology : An Easy Guide To Understand - 0 views

    Healthcare has a strong relationship with technology. The modern structure of hospitals and medical facilities cannot function without the progress of technology. It is important to acknowledge the impact of technology to ensure that priority is given to the constant maintenance of innovation. Here are a few ways to understand how healthcare and technology operate together. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS KEEPING UP WITH MEDICAL DEMANDS Healthcare has become increasingly dependent upon technology throughout the years. There is an almost infinite amount of equipment and machinery that is used on a day-to-day basis to help facilitate the care of patients. One aspect that needs to be acknowledged is the prevalence of smart technology within the hospital and healthcare spaces. Technology is being innovated, and it is only a matter of time until hospitals see such advancements be applied more often, as funding increases alongside the development of new machinery and equipment. These include the inclusion of artificial intelligence in order to assist and supplement healthcare professionals to do a better and more efficient job, providing better care for patients. Of course, such technology will need to follow trends of other industries first to ensure its safe use and application when dealing with patients.

Reverse Decision Declining Romosozumab Use For Osteoporosis - 0 views

    More than 100 NHS clinicians have urged the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to change its decision - declining recommendation of romosozumab, the first new osteoporosis medication for over a decade. In a joint letter published on January 2, the clinicians warned of the consequences of barring access to the drug to those who suffer the bone-weakening disease. The joint letter, led by the Royal Osteoporosis Society (ROS), raised concern over the scarcity of the drug pipeline for osteoporosis and lack of public funding for new research. It quoted recent government research that showed the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) invested less than £1 million in osteoporosis research in 2020-21, against the £4.6 billion per year cost to the NHS of fractures. Craig Jones, chief executive of the Royal Osteoporosis Society said: "We're calling on NICE and the applicant company to get back round the table and work with us to ensure equal access to this important new treatment.

Hertility increases market share with acquisition of Grip - 0 views

    Women's health company Hertility has acquired the Netherlands-based fertility and hormone testing company Grip, increasing their market share in the women's health space and positioning them for rapid international expansion. Hertility said the acquisition will expand its own dataset and help them reach their goal of drastically cutting down the time to diagnosis of female health conditions. The UK start-up, launched in September 2020, offers a machine-learning healthcare solution, giving women insight on their reproductive health, through an at-home hormone test, individual results and a route to care. Founded by scientists and powered by an (all female) research team, Hertility is building a science-backed eco-system of care around every woman. Hertility is planning on launching in Ireland this summer and the Netherlands before the end of the year and is already offering end to end gynae and fertility care with a team of over 30 experts. "This acquisition is a coming together of women who are on a mission to drive real change in women's health. We are over the moon to have taken Grip under our wing, and will be taking Hertility into new markets, starting with the Netherlands," Dr Helen O'Neill, founder of Hertility, commented.

NHS to roll out life-extending drug for advanced womb cancer - 0 views

    The NHS is going to roll out a revolutionary 30-minute treatment for advanced womb cancer for women across England. The drug, called Dostarlimab, would benefit around 100 women with advanced and often incurable endometrial cancer every year after the NHS agreed early access to the treatment through the Cancer Drugs Fund. It works by attaching to a specific protein on the surface of the cancer cells, helping the immune system to detect and attack it. The treatment takes just 30 minutes to administer through the blood stream every three weeks over a 12-week period. The move is in line with the NHS Long Term Plan which aims to provide the latest cutting-edge treatments and therapies for patients.

Precision Medicine Launchpad Boosts NI's Life Sciences - 0 views

    The 'Life and Health Sciences Launchpad' has been introduced to focus on the precision medicine sector. It would help businesses and researchers to level up their impact on economic growth within the region. The launchpad has been funded by Innovate UK, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Kerry Curran, Director of GB & EU Trade in the Department for the Economy hailed the decision to support NI's "trailblazing" sector. She said: "Life and Health Science, including our highly innovative precision medicine cluster, is an area the Department is also prioritising through its 10X Economy Vision, and this Launchpad represents a further endorsement of the world-leading growth potential of precision medicine, and indeed life and health science, in Northern Ireland.

NHS Dental Care: Faster, Fairer Access and £200m Funding - 0 views

    The UK government on Wednesday (7 February) announced a new plan to ensure faster, simpler and fairer access to NHS dental care across England. Supported by £200m of funding, the plan aims to deliver more than 1.5 million additional NHS dentistry treatments or up to 2.5 million NHS dental appointments for patients over the next 12 months NHS dentists will be offered a 'new patient' payment of between £15-£50, depending on treatment need, to treat new patients who have not seen a dentist in two years or more. Additionally, one-off payments of up to £20,000 will be given to around 240 dentists for working in under-served areas for up to three years. This is to "attract new NHS dentists and improve access to dental care in areas with the highest demand," NHS England said in a statement released on Wednesday.

Smart deals saved taxpayers £1.2b on medicines procurement - 0 views

    The NHS claims that it's been able to save taxpayers £1.2 billion in just three years by procuring hundreds of hospital medicines at a better price. The adoption of cheaper versions of a single drug - adalimumab - which is used to treat more than 45,000 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis, has accounted for about one third of the savings. After the exclusive patent on the drug - originally known as its brand name Humira - expired in 2018, the NHS struck cost-saving deals to bulk-buy generic versions, which have the same quality, safety and efficacy of a branded one. Since then, tens of millions of pounds have been saved by buying cheaper generic versions of other medicines for conditions ranging from severe skin infections to aggressive blood cancers. Four in five medicines prescribed in the NHS are now non-branded, helping the NHS to achieve significant savings while ensuring the continuity of high-quality patient care. NHS chief executive Amanda Pritchard said: "Smart deals by the NHS mean patients are getting the best medicines and taxpayers are getting best value.

NHS Blood-Thinning Drugs Save Thousands: Health Triumphs - 0 views

    The National Health Service (NHS) has said that the roll-out of blood-thinning drugs has helped save thousands of lives. In January 2022, the NHS launched a drive to rapidly expand the use of life-saving direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) in people who are at increased risk of strokes. Since then, more than 24 million prescriptions have been given to such patients and around 460,000 more people have started taking the drugs. This prevented an estimated 17,000 strokes and 4,000 deaths in the last 18 months, as revealed by the new NHS data. Amanda Pritchard, the NHS chief executive, hailed the "lifesaving NHS rollout" at the King's Fund annual conference. It is part of a major NHS drive on "prevention" - to catch more killer conditions earlier and save more lives.

Revolutionizing Retail Security: Operation Pegasus Unveiled - 0 views

    The multiple is working in partnership with the UK's other retailers and the Home Office to tackle 'retail crime' at 10 Downing Street on 23 October. The initiative is known as "Operation Pegasus", chaired by Crime and Policing Minister Chris Philp MP and led by Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne. Boots with other retailers including Tesco, Sainsbury's, John Lewis, and Waitrose plans to fund a "team of specialist police officers and intelligence analysts".7 Bourne, the national lead for business and retail crime claimed that the action plan will be a "game-changer" for policing as it is "the first national partnership of its kind". She told The Times: "It'll be a game-changer for policing because for the first time ever, policing will get a complete picture across the country of where these gangs are hitting different areas and they'll have that data and intelligence to be able to put that out to local police forces to go after those gangs."

Innovative Weight Loss Drugs: A New Era in Obesity Care - 0 views

    New data on weight loss drugs that could compete with Novo Nordisk's Wegovy are raising expectations there will soon be more options, and possibly lower prices, in an estimated $100 billion marketplace, doctors and pharmaceutical executives say. Drugmakers are ratcheting up their research and aiming for new formulations that can be taken as pills, options to deliver higher weight loss or drugs that reduce fat while maintaining muscle. "It has really been an explosion of innovation," said Dr. Robert Gabbay, chief science officer at the American Diabetes Association (ADA), which receives funding from both Novo and Eli Lilly and Co and just concluded its annual meeting in San Diego, California. "If there are multiple (treatments) in the market, that will lead to some level of competition and greater access."

Unlocking Health: NHS Diabetes Prevention Transforming Lives - 0 views

    The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, which was introduced in England in 2016, is helping hundreds of thousands of people to lead healthier lives. People with pre-diabetes are being identified and offered a nine-month behaviour change programme that supports healthier diet and exercise choices to reduce their risk of developing diabetes. A study funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) has found a significant reduction in diabetes risk among patients who had been referred to the NHS programme. Three years after their referral, the participants were 20 per cent less likely to have type 2 diabetes than a similar person who was not included in the programme, the evaluation revealed.
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