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Jan Aleksander

RESET YOUR HEALTH: what does dietary supplement mean - 0 views

    what does dietary supplement mean. is it necessary to take them? find out what are the potential benefits of taking dietary supplements. should you go for the cheapest and most colourful ones, or the best ones, recommended by nutritional guides and consumed by athletes. read on to find out more
    what does dietary supplement mean. is it necessary to take them? find out what are the potential benefits of taking dietary supplements. should you go for the cheapest and most colourful ones, or the best ones, recommended by nutritional guides and consumed by athletes. read on to find out more

Dietary supplements:Important Things To Know About Them - 0 views

    Millions of people take dietary supplements every day, hoping to improve their health in some way. But how much do you know about these supplements? Are they safe? Do they work? And are there any risks associated with taking them? Here are six important things to know about dietary supplements if you're one of the people who take them. NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE REGULATED Since dietary supplements are not drugs, they do not need to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be sold. This means that some products may not contain what is stated on their labels or may even include ingredients that could be dangerous. Therefore, it's important to always read labels and do your research before committing to one. Furthermore, make sure you purchase your supplements from a reputable source. This means that you should look for companies that have been independently tested and certified to provide high-quality products. MAKE SURE THE SUPPLEMENT IS RIGHT FOR YOU Before taking any dietary supplement, check with your doctor or healthcare professional first. This is especially important if you have a medical condition or are on medication, as certain supplements may interact in unwanted ways. Just because something is labeled as "natural" doesn't necessarily mean it's good for you or that you even need to take it. Before taking any supplement, talk to your doctor about whether or not it could be beneficial for you and how much you should take.

HayMax balm:Best British Allergy Product 2022 - 0 views

    HayMax, maker of the famous organic drug-free allergen barrier balm has been awarded the 'British Made Award' for Best British Allergy Product 2022. The award celebrates businesses that work tirelessly to make their region one of the most diverse and dynamic the UK has to offer. HayMax MD and creator Max Wiseberg comments: "This award means a great deal to us. We've always been proud that our products have been manufactured in the UK. We are passionate about reducing the cost to the environment so being British-made means we keep the miles down and reduce our carbon footprint." HayMax balms are manufactured in the UK. It buys local to reduce the cost to the environment, even if it means it costs a bit more. HayMax's current pots are now made in the UK, which has been great for reducing their carbon footprint. Its tins come from London. The new pots can be recycled and re-used. The brand has now switched to using sugar cane to make its pots and has also reduced the amount of material used in the pots by just over 54%. And they have switched from the plastic labels to paper labels.

Medical Translation : Types and its importance - 0 views

    Professional translators recreate texts, not simply matching word-for-word, but understanding the underlying meaning, purpose, and interpretation of the original language, and reproduce it using appropriate terminology and structure to ensure there is no potential for misunderstanding. An experienced technical translator addresses conventions to ensure the meaning of the information is preserved, using medical expertise and quality review processes to adapt documentation to meet the needs of patients, medical practitioners, and peers. Attention to detail is fundamental to medical translations and a non-technical translation is an unacceptably high risk for any organisation involved in publishing or circulating medical information of any kind. WHAT IS MEDICAL TRANSLATION? Medical translation is a technical process where capable translators reproduce content or documentation used anywhere in the medical industry, including psychiatry, systematic reviews, tuition and training, patient communications for pharmaceutical translation services. Important clinical trial translations can include labelling, prescriptions, medical devices and patient records, with millions of medicines and treatments used globally and written in multiple languages. Qualified medical translators must have exceptional linguistic skills but also a thorough understanding of medical sciences in all the native languages concerned. However, the complexity of translating one label or one document into several languages can mean that organisations may assume a simple translation is sufficient - when it is anything but!

DHSC:SSPs for 3 HRT products to ensure continued access - 0 views

    The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has issued Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) on three HRT medicines to limit dispensing supply to three months. To ensure women across the UK will be able to more reliably access HRT products SSPs has been issued on the supply of Oestrogel, Ovestin cream and Premique Low Dose. DHSC stated, "Women who have a prescription for more than three months but are only able to access three months' supply will not have to pay an additional prescription charge." "This means women will not incur any additional costs. Imposing a three month limit will mean more women are able to access the medication they want. Any woman who is worried about access to HRT or is unable to access HRT should speak to her GP." Recently, Vaccine Taskforce Director General Madelaine McTernan has been appointed to spearhead a new HRT Supply Taskforce, applying lessons learned from the successful procurement seen during the Covid vaccination programme to identify ways to support the HRT supply chain ensuring it can meet both short and long term demand. The move will save time for patients as well as pharmacists and prescribers who are working tirelessly to tackle the covid backlog.

7 Health Tips That Everyone Should Follow - 0 views

    Living in challenging times means that the world seems to be constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up. Along with all the other challenges you face, it's more important than ever to stay healthy. But what does that mean for you? What are the health tips that everyone should follow? There's a lot of information out there about health and wellness, and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what's best. That's why you should check this list of the top seven health tips that everyone should follow. GET REGULAR EXERCISE Everyone needs to make time for physical activity and aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise each week. This can be anything from walking or swimming to dancing or aerobics classes. Exercise not only strengthens your body, but it can also help you manage stress and improve your mood, while also boosting your immune system. If, for any reason, you're not able to get the recommended amount of exercise, try breaking up activities into smaller chunks and incorporating them into your daily routine.

GUEST COLUMN: Changing landscape of community pharmacy - Latest Pharmacy News | Busines... - 0 views

    As we transition in England through yet another NHS organisational change, I ask myself what does this mean for community pharmacy? I would like to think that this change will bring about opportunity and a chance for community pharmacy to showcase and continue the excellent work that was carried out during the height of the pandemic and is still ongoing today. I hope that it allows community pharmacy to be regarded as part of the NHS rather than sitting on the side lines. This change has to lead to better funding for community pharmacy, without sufficient funding we will see more pharmacies close. We are hearing a lot about winter pressures but this year it feels like all year round pressure. What I have seen, whilst the NHS is under such pressure, is North East London (NEL) CCG transitioning to an integrated care board (ICB) almost seamlessly. I have seen people transitioning into new roles, whilst working hard to ensure that all plates are still spinning, which at the moment is no mean feat. I spent a day out recently visiting pharmacies with the chief medical officer of NHS NEL, Dr Paul Gilluley. The visits were positive, we felt listened to and understood. The feedback was great, it was recognised that community pharmacy is often the informal front door to the NHS and that we have so much to offer in terms of ill health prevention. Community pharmacy can offer a total solution as long as we have the tools to do so, which can save so much time and money. An example is the GP CPCS service, which has launched well across NEL.

International Pharmaceutical Federation : PDA joins - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) has become a member of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP). On Thursday (22 September), the FIP council voted to welcome the PDA as a full member of the global federation of organisations that brings together and advances pharmacy. Mark Koziol, PDA chairman, said: "Being admitted to FIP with such a decisive level of support from its Council means that the PDA can ensure that UK pharmacists can enjoy a clear and powerful voice representing their collective professional interests at global level, which of late they could not. "Bringing one of the largest pharmacy membership organisations in the world to FIP also gives the PDA significant influence in being able to inform the policies of the World Health Organisation. This means that the PDA can do even more for members by helping to make pharmacy practice more professionally fulfilling for them." "The PDA constantly seeks ways to provide even better support for members; membership of FIP will give the PDA much more influence and will result in better outcomes for pharmacists," the association said. To support humanitarian crises in other parts of the world, the PDA approached FIP, as a global pharmacy leadership organisation.

Pharmacy professional leadership :Vision for the future - 0 views

    Today I'm proud to share with you the statement we submitted to the UK Commission on Pharmacy Professional Leadership in which we set out what professional leadership means to RPS. I recognise we haven't always been clear in communicating our ideas to members and our external stakeholders. Through the Commission, and our own Independent Review of member participation and communications, we are determined to remedy this. We're committed to lead pharmacy in the best interest of patients and the professions. This means that sometimes we will need to take difficult decisions. We will do the right thing for the long term, ultimately driving what's best for patient care. There are some key changes we believe are necessary to fulfil the profession's ambitions. To achieve a more unified approach to pharmacy leadership, we believe both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians should be represented by RPS within professional faculties that capitalise on the strengths of each discipline whilst retaining distinct professional voices. Many of our members work with pharmacy technicians every day and know just how essential they are to their role and to patient care. We feel the same at RPS and it makes perfect sense to evolve into an organisation where both professions can advance their scope of practice, working in alignment as part of the wider multi-professional team. We will develop and implement post-registration curricula and credentialing for all pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working with patients and the public. To do this we will require formal delegation of authority by the GPhC.

PDA supports pharmacists impacted by Integrated Care Systems - 0 views

    The Pharmacists' Defence Association (PDA) is supporting pharmacists in England whose employment has been impacted by the creation of new NHS structures. As a result of the 2022 Health and Care Act, Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) were established in England, and Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) were closed on 1 July 2022. Each of the ICSs includes two key parts: an Integrated Care Board (ICB) and an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP). The association said: "The previous structures in England, established by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, originally had over 200 clinical commissioning groups. This number had reduced over recent years via mergers." "However, this latest shift to just 42 commissioning entities means a significant change to significantly larger geographies and populations covered by each ICS. Although each ICS and its activity can be subdivided into 'places', and within places into 'neighbourhoods', it is at the ICS level that the employer is formed." "Whereas CCGs previously employed many local health professionals, including pharmacists, the new arrangements mean that ICBs are now that employer. The PDA is supporting members who have contacted its Service Centre about the impact of these changes."

Brain Injuries and Potential of Technological Advancement - 0 views

    Suffering a brain injury is no easy thing. The plurality of potential symptoms meets with the potential long-term effects to create a poor prognosis for many unfortunate enough to experience them. But new technological leaps could pave the way to a better quality of life. What is a Brain Injury? The above question might seem a simple one, with a simple answer. But brain injuries are by no means simple, and by no means simply defined. There are two major categories under which a brain injury can fall: hypoxic and traumatic. Of civil brain injury claims in the UK, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are the most common - with 95% of claims revolving around some form of traumatic injury or incident. TBIs are brain injuries suffered as a result of a specific or direct injury. The brain is damaged through direct contact or the transfer of force. A direct strike to the head is in an assault or a serious fall might compromise the cranium, sending shockwaves of energy through the brain and potentially crushing the skull into the cranial cavity. Alternatively, a car accident or sudden stop might see the brain bashed against the occipital bone, causing internal trauma and intracranial hypertension. Hypoxic brain injuries refer specifically to injuries caused as a result of loss of blood or oxygen to the head. These injuries reflect birth injuries that might lead to cerebral palsy, or serious medical events that might alter the brain's response to stimuli. How are Brain Injuries Diagnosed and Treated? While the potential causes of a brain injury are plain to see, diagnosing a brain injury is not as straightforward. There are immediate symptoms that can indicate brain injury, such as the 'fencing response' which can indicate a severe rotational brain injury. Conscious patients might also exhibit difficulty speaking, remembering key pieces of information or responding to any stimuli.

How Tech Can Boost Pharmacy Revenue & Cut Costs | Pharmacy Efficiency Solutions - 0 views

    Community pharmacists across the UK are looking for ways to reduce operational costs and find new sources of revenue. This is a pressing issue for the sector: reversing a decade of cuts to pharmacy funding will be a mammoth task, while pharmacists have taken on new primary care responsibilities under Pharmacy First. This means that fresh sources of revenue and lower costs will overwhelmingly come from new technology and the efficiencies they can bring. As Britain's 11,500 community pharmacies assume a larger role on the frontlines of primary care, pharmacists should rapidly implement cost-effective tech solutions that provide pharmacies with a one-stop-shop to drive down costs and increase revenue. Opportunity in PGD reform New technology will be key for community pharmacists to benefit fully from reforms to PGDs. The scope of PGDs is now significantly expanding: as of June 26, pharmacy technicians are now on the list of registered healthcare professionals who can make use of PGDs. These reforms can benefit community pharmacies in several ways. For one, they will allow more pharmacy staff to administer 'frontline services' such as vaccinations - reducing costs and generating revenue. Further, the wider range of services that pharmacies can offer under Pharmacy First will make these procedures, as well as other kinds of preventative care, more accessible and convenient - increasing footfall. With international travel and tourism now growing apace, increased demand for travel vaccinations means that, according to research from Charac, the average UK community pharmacy can expect to generate £46,800 a year through travel health services.

Master Cash Flow Management for UK Community Pharmacies - Expert Tips to Stay Ahead - 0 views

    Community pharmacies, like any business, face financial challenges, and one significant concern is managing cash flow. Your business requires cash flow to pay for stock, suppliers, operational costs, taxes and service bank debts and these need to be matched with cash inflows from NHS remuneration, Over The Counter (OTC) sales and HMRC VAT refunds otherwise you could find yourself in a vicious circle. If cash flow is not monitored, you will find the business juggling to settle its liabilities as they fall due. If suppliers are not paid on time, they will not send vital supplies which in turn results in customers going elsewhere. If staff/locums are not paid on time, your patients will suffer due to lack of staff or even poor service levels from demotivated staff. HMRC can issue debt recovery proceedings against the business if debts remain unpaid. Lenders will be keeping a keen eye on the management accounts to ensure the business remains strong and is able to settle its financial obligations as they fall due. Let's explore how UK community pharmacies can identify potential cash flow problems and implement strategies to navigate these challenges effectively. Dispensed items If you are experiencing a drop in the average number of items you are dispensing over time, then it could mean customers could be going elsewhere. Loss of customers will mean less income for the business, and it is always difficult to get them back especially when they have gone to a local competitor. You need to keep an eye on this indicator and investigate any drop in numbers. Implement alternative strategies as to how you may increase this for example through partnerships with local community centres, GP surgeries, colleges, etc.

Pharmacy Crisis Deepens 2025 : Urgent NHS Funding Needed Now - 0 views

    Healthcare is one of the most crucial sectors in the UK accounting for over £290 billion, around 10% of the GDP for the entire country. Despite this, however, many businesses operating in the healthcare sector are currently in favour of an urgent cash injection from the government. The figures make for sobering reading with over 65% of pharmacies operating at a loss and a bleak forecast that one in six might shut their doors for good within the next year. Business costs have soared in the last two years and combined with a funding cut of around 30% in real terms over the last decade this has left many pharmacies struggling to make ends meet. In real terms, these issues affect those who we wish to help the most - our patients. As the expenditure rises, income doesn't always follow meaning that pharmacy staff have to work even harder. However, despite their best efforts they report that this has an impact on some of the valuable face time that they can give to their patients. Longer prescription dispensing times have been an issue across the board as this then creates a domino effect on responding to patient enquiries. This then means that when a patient is actually in store there is less time for a pharmacist to spend with a patient discussing their health issues.

Locum Tenens Position : Reasons to Consider - 0 views

    Doctors are highly driven professionals seeking exceptional care and service for their clients. Some doctors may have private practices, while others serve in different capacities in various healthcare institutions. Doctors are among the busiest professionals in the field and may also experience burnout if they're not careful. Fortunately, there's an alternative to such a scenario, and more and more healthcare professionals are looking into it. Locum tenens jobs are on the rise as doctors, and other health workers seek to take advantage of various benefits that can lead to a better career. While doctors hold down their private practice, they also work with other institutions and colleagues to provide expertise to patients in other locations. This can be rewarding as the doctors can improve their craft tremendously. Here are some reasons to consider if you wish to explore locum tenens posts. Better control and schedule flexibility While career stability is quite important for most doctors, it can be intense for some and lead to burnout. When taking a locum tenens position, a doctor will have the opportunity to explore other horizons that present themselves. They can see other patients and be exposed to scenarios that may not be present in their practice. Locum posts also allow you to set your schedule and be flexible with your working hours as necessary. It can lead to better performance and job satisfaction, too. Opportunity for better income Accepting a locum position may entail getting extra shifts at another hospital or clinic. It may also mean getting some time with patients during your off days. You can receive a significant bump to your income as you get to earn more aside from your regular salary. If you're looking to pay off student loans, build a college fund for your kids, or set up an account to buy a house, working with locum posts may be the key.

Hectic Schedule:Best-Practice Methods To Deal with - 0 views

    One of the most challenging aspects of living a healthier lifestyle is trying to accomplish your goals while simultaneously dealing with a hectic schedule. Life is often full of responsibilities, and things can get so hectic that it's difficult to keep track of anything else outside of one's work. As a result, many people sacrifice their physical and mental health for work-which isn't worth it in the long run. While it might not be easy to manage a hectic schedule, there are ways to ease the burden. Here are some of the most popular best-practice tactics when dealing with a busy schedule. Write things down-even the things you'll do for fun One way to help deal with a hectic schedule is to ensure you write everything down. While some might think that it makes everything feel robotic, the fact that you can write down the things you plan to do for fun means you have something to look forward to. It also has the added benefit of bracing yourself mentally for various tasks. It's not easy to be spontaneous with fun events if you're already tired from work. Fortunately, writing things down and making them a part of your schedule can help your body adjust.

How To Take Care Of Expectant Women? - 0 views

    Pregnancy is a period when women need to take care of themselves more than ever. An expectant woman always puts the interest of her child first which inadvertently means taking good care..

Symptoms Of Prostate Problems That Are Sometimes Mistaken For Cancer - 0 views

    There are a lot of different symptoms of prostate problems. Some of them simply mean you have an enlarged prostate...
Richard  Joseph

What Do Your Glasses Say About You? - 0 views

    Some people consider their eyeglasses a practical tool - a simple means to an end while other choose their frames the same way they'd select and accessory, such as a pair of shoes, a watch or a handbag. In fact, it's not uncommon for the fashion conscious to purchase several pairs of glasses in significantly different styles, so they can choose exactly the look they want in every situation.

Make Your Hardest Decision of Abortion Easier With MTP Kit - 0 views

    Termination is a very big word it clearly means there is an end of something. But if you come to termination of unwanted pregnancy it is better known as abortion. This is the biggest decision a woman made in her life. She made this decision under the influence of her mental or physical condition...
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