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Claudia Leon

4-ZPD Vygotsky and Rogoff - 0 views

    Title: Zone of Proximal Development Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It helped me understand the background of ZPD, its ideology and its motives. How This Influenced my Thinking: I was able to apply it to my life after reading this very clear article. Credibility of Source:It is just a website, but it matches up with other information
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    Title: Zone of Proximal Development Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2010, updated in 2012 Why relevant and summary: This article explains ZPD more depth. It gives an example of a college student using ZPD. This is very helpful especially if you don't understand the ZPD concept and if you're having trouble relating it to your life. How this influenced my thinking: This article definitely helped me have a better understanding of what ZPD is. I was having trouble relating to ZPD since the textbook mostly talks about children but in the article the author uses a college student as an example. Credibility of Source: I find this article credible, since it's from a Psychology organization
    Title: Zone of Proximal Development Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: Gives a good example of zone of proximal development and scaffolding. How this influenced my thinking: It showed me how important it is to have a good teacher that gives you the right tools to learn something. Credibility of source: Seem credible it came from a psychology website.
    Title: Zone of Proximal Development Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: Provides clear explanation of ZPD - made it much more clear to me compared to the book. How This Influenced My Thinking: made it clear to me what ZPD is. Credibility of Source: good - from a psychology organization.
    Title: Zone of Proximal Development Author: Saul McLeod Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: It defines the zone of proximal development and it also gives several good examples. It gives the example of a girl learning to play tennis. Credibly of Source: It seems credible it cites other places and was recently updated in 2012.
    author-Saul Mcleod date- 2012 why relevant/summary- This site is relevant in helping to better understand what is meant by Zone of proximal development, scaffolding, and cooperative teaching. It not only provides you with a definition of each term, but also gives you information on Vygotsky, and provides you with sample learning scenarios that help you to better understand his theory. how this influenced my thinking- This webpage gave me insight on what are good ways of teaching someone a new task. It helped me to better understand why a child would have trouble learning a new task, and what can be done to help them achieve their goal. credibility of source- credible with many sources
    Title: ZPD Author:Saul McLeod Published:2010 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gave good terminology of the terms needed while writting the essay. How this influenced my thinking: Gave good examples and was clear which made it easier for me to understand Credibiliy: Good for basic knowledge
Gabrielle Nguyen

6-Nutrition & Brain Development in Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers - 0 views

    Title:Nutrition and Brain Development in infants, toddlers and preschoolers Author:Kristin Mortensen Date Published: 2013 Why Relevant and Summary: This article talks about all of the important nutrients needed for an infant to grow neurologically and phsyically. How This Influenced My Thinking:gives great insight as to how each important nutrient effects a baby's brain development. Credibility of Source: high, author is a registered dietitian as well as journalist.
    Title:Nutrition & Brain Development in Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers Author:Kristin Mortensen Date Published:n.d. Why Relevant and Summary:This article talks about the importance of nutrition and brain development in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Proteins, calories, fats, and vitamins & minerals, and how much they need in order to continue living healthy and continue positive brain development. How This Influenced My Thinking:This article made me aware of the foods that infants, toddlers, and preschoolers should be eating in order to promote positive brain development. Credibility of Source:Credible. Article from San Francisco Chronicle
Humberto Garcia Jr.

7-Preschool: Physical & Cognitive Development - 0 views

    Title:The Preschool Years: Physical & Cognitive Development Author:Robert Feldman Date Published:n.d Why Relevant and Summary: This is relevant because it talks about the physical aspect of a toddlers early development. As well as their brain development, what you can and should not do. How This Influenced My Thinking: This made me realize that toddlers and infants are so complex because they can be affected really easy and it can transition into adulthood. Credibility of Source:Seems pretty credible, the author works for prentice hall. It is also based off of another resource.
Alma Reed

7 - Scientific Research that backs the benefits of co sleeping - 0 views

    Title: Mother-Baby Behavioral sleep Laboratory Author: James McKenna Date Published: 2013 Why Relevant and Summary: Sharing your bed with your infant is a controversial issue, that has opponents and supporters. Dr McKenna has been studying sleep patterns of the infant for over 30 years and highly supports and recommends co sleeping if done properly. There are steps that he explains and the video is really good. How This Influenced My Thinking: I have practiced bed sharing with both my boys when they were infants and it was a very wonderful and beneficial experience for all of us. I am glad research supports it, despite media trying to make it a big issue. Credibility of Source:
Guillermina Garcia

5-Suggested Toys for Infants to Encourage Cognitive Development - 0 views

    Title:Suggested Toys for Infants to Encourage Cognitive Development Author:Cheryl Gabbert Date Published:updated: 2/23/2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It provides useful information for young parents as it explains what type of changes your infant goes through as he grows and how parents can help his cognition with a variety of activities and toys build for specific milestones. How This Influenced My Thinking: As a parent of two boys, I heavily relied on newspaper and magazine articles about new toys and activities to engage your child, and I found them to be helpful Credibility of Source: It was published in a website that it is devoted to education, its references were legitimate and it was also updated last year which makes it current
    Title: Suggested Toys for Infants to Encourage Cognitive Development Author: Cheryl Gabbert Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: It gives examples on toys for infants and how they help infants cognitive development. How This Influenced My Thinking: This influenced my thinking on the best different kinds of toys for infants. Credibility of Source: They have sources and it is pretty resent.
Claudia Leon

5-Temperament - 2 views

    Title: Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers Author: Lindsey T. Allard and Amy Hunter Date published: N.D. Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives a good description of the different temperaments and different parenting skills you could use based on the temperament. How this influenced my thinking: I used to think that there was only one way to parent and what worked for one child would work for all but this showed me that by understanding your child's temperament you can develop a much more effective way to parent. Credibility of source: Seems credible, a lot of references.
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    Title: Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers Author: Lindsey T. Allard and Amy Hunter Date Published: October 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: This is a great one stop shop for everything temperment, well probably not everything. It covers the categories of temperment and goodness of fit. How This Influenced My Thinking: There were some fantastic parenting techniques that I wish I had known when I was raising my child Credibilty of Source: Very credible. Vanderbilt University site
    Title: Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers Author: Lindsey T. Allard and Amy Hunter Date Published: Oct. 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: Discusses temperament in infants and children and the importance of considering temperament in a child. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article made me aware of my own temperament and personality style. Credibility of Source: High.
    Title: Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers Author: Lindsey T. Allard and Amy Hunter Date Published: 2010 Why Relevant and Summary: This article is relevant because it defines temperament in a way that anyone without background information can understand it. As well it gives examples and defines what goodness-of-fit is. How This Influenced My Thinking: This article gave be better understanding of what temperament is and goodness-of-fit. The article also gave me understanding on how an environment can effect a infant or toddler's temperament. Credibility of Source: This material was developed by the Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.
    Title:Understanding Temperament in Infants and Toddlers Author: Lindsay T. Allard and Amy Hunter Published:2010 Why Relevant and summary:This article is detailed and has given credibility to the sources they got the information from. This is helpful when wanting to do more extensive research. I found this relevant because many of the prompt question could be answered from here How influenced my thinking: This influenced my thinking because i was not aware of the 'Goodness of Fit' Credibility: Good credibility

7-Old Temperament Video featuring Alex Thomas and Stella Chess!! - 1 views

shared by derpina on 03 Mar 13 - No Cached
    Title: about _ temperament Author: seaner4949 Date Published: February 15 2009 Why Relevant and Summary: Great video where Alexander Thomas and Stella Chess discuss temperament qualities in children. They also go into explaining the nine temperament traits and give examples of each. How This Influenced My Thinking: I never really thought much about how important temperament was in children as well as goodness-of-fit when it came to the child's biology and their environment. Credibility of Source: very credible video featuring Thomas and Chess discussing temperament and their proposed concept of goodness-of-fit.
Lauren Coker

6- Understand Temperament - 0 views

    Title:Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author:Kathy K. Oliver, M.S Date Published: 2002 (?) Why Relevant and Summary: This covers the basics of what temperament is, and how to tell what temperament a child might fall under. It describes the different traits of temperament and how to react to them. How this Influenced my Thinking: I wasn't aware of how many various traits a child can have that can determine their temperament, i generally believed you either had a well-behaved child, or a fussy child. This gives more dimension to temperament and shows how there are varying levels to a temperament as well. Credibility of Source: Has references; linked to Ohio State University; somewhat dated information, but information that is still relevant.
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    Title:Understanding your child's temperment Author:Kathy K. Oliver M.S., Date Published:2002 Why Relevant and Summary: It helps educate people on what temperament is, temperament type, traits, and on parenting with different temperamental types. How This Influenced My Thinking:I never though much about temperamental specifically.  My two children have very different temperament types and this gave me incite. Credibility of Source:It looks very valid.  It had good cited references.
    Title: Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy Oliver Date Published:May 2002 Why Relevant and Summary: This is definitely relevant as it looks at temperament, more specifically what it is and its categories/types. How This Influenced My Thinking: It got me thinking about all the categories there are and where I might fit in. Credibility of Source: A woman with a masters typed it up and it belong to Ohio State University.
    Title: Understanding Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy Oliver Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: This fact sheet discusses how temperament is determined, what characterizes each type of temperament, how parenting can help each type of temperament and also some parenting tips with temperament in mind. How This Influenced My Thinking: I know understand which types of parenting are better for each type of temperament Credibility of Source: Very credible
    Title: Understand Your Child's Temperament Author: Kathy K. Oliver Date Published: 2002 Why Relevant and Summary: Thoroughly explains temperament and its different variations and types. Identifies the interaction of parenting styles and child temperament on the relationship between parent and child. How This Influenced My Thinking: Called me to evaluate my own temperament, recall my parents' temperaments and the interaction of the two in my growth and development. Credibility of Source: OSU
Marisa Rodriguez

5- Parenting Styles/Children's Temperaments: The Match - 1 views

    Title: Parenting styles/ Child temperaments : The match Author: Anita Gurian, PhD Date Published: Why Relevant and Summary: Its relevant because she talks not only but the child temperaments but about the types of parenting styles there are and how some styles might be good for certain temperaments. How to use your type of parenting style for your child's temperament. How This Influenced My Thinking: It helps my thinking because I'm able to see what kind of parenting style I have, what the temperaments of my children are and how I can match them so that my children are succeeding in life. Credibility of Source: I think its credible, a doctor wrote it along with supporting evidence of research.
    Title: Parenting Styles/Children's Temperaments: The Match Author: Anita Gurian Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: Discusses all the different parenting types and their outcomes. Also touches on what kinds of temperaments children may have and how that interacts with parenting styles. How This Influenced My Thinking: At the end of the article there are some good parenting tips I will have to keep in mind Credibility of Source: very credible, author has a PhD and works at NYU School of Medicine
Amanda Perez

4. Your child's temperament - 0 views

    Title: Temperament and Your Child's Personality Author: LLC and Dr. Myers Date Published: 2012 Why Relevant and Summary: This article gives a great explanation of what temperament is and how is affects your child, your child's development as well as you. How This Influenced My Thinking: It helped me better understand what temperament in a child can influence development. Credibility of Source: Credible, the article by Dr. Meyers seemed to be thoroughly researched and well written in a way that was reader friendly.
Denise Villa

6 - 0 views

    Title:How Do Toys Help in a Child's Development? Author: Rachel Nunez Date Published: Oct 2008 Why Relevant and Summary: It's relevant because it discusses what other uses toys have, other than entertainment. It talks about how certain toys can help with their development, and use of imagination. How This Influenced My Thinking: It helped back up what I had in mind. Credibility of Source: It seems credible. It has several other links incase one is interested in learning more about a specific or different subject.
Ruby Gonzalez

6-Prediction of infant temperament - 0 views

7b Temperament and Goodness-of-Fit

started by Ruby Gonzalez on 04 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
Andrea Miller

5 - information on why play is important for children - 0 views

    Title: - 10 Reasons Play Makes Babies Smarter Author: Jenn Berman Ph.D Date Published: No Date Why Relevant and Summary: This was an interesting article that talked about why it is important for children to play and how giving them time to play when they are young will impact later life How This Influenced My Thinking: It gave me several good things to think abut when I was looking for a toy to write about for the short writing assignment. Credibility of Source: Published by the Parenting website and well written, I would say fairly credible
Tara Ponsot

6-Zone of Proximal Development - 0 views

    Title: Zone of Proxiaml Development Author: Heather Coffey Date Published: n.d. Why Relevant and Summary: Talks about teaching techniques from a vygotskian perspective How this influenced my thinking: I was confused as to how to translate the theory into a teaching method but this article cleared it up. Credibility of source: UNC School of Education
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