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New education standards won't close achievement gap - News - 26 views

    This Article explains how a young African American girl was treated by the teachers and staff at her school. The Article goes on to tell about the education gap between socioeconomic groups. The Article explains how the goals for certain subjects are lowered for certain socioeconomic groups and how they are higher for other groups. 
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    "This year, 68 percent of white students met the math targets, while only 45 percent of black students did. In other words, the achievement gap is 23 percent. By the 2017-2018 school year, Virginia says that 57 percent of black students and 78 percent of white students will need to pass. So six years from now the achievement gap will be at 21 percent. That is not a typo. Virginia's goal is to narrow the black-white academic achievement gap by 2 points. In six years."
    "Over the years, NCLB has become increasingly unpopular among teachers, administrators and parents. But there has been widespread support for the law's requirement that schools and districts report how different groups of students are doing." This article basically talks about how the NCLB program is not doing its job well. Their job is to bridge the gap of education. This article shows the evidence on how the NCLB is not doing what it should.
    "That is not a typo. Virginia's goal is to narrow the black-white academic achievement gap by 2 points. In six years." The idea behind this article is that Virginia's education plan is not going to be as effective as it needs to be, if it is effective at all. One of the most important statements in the article is that the new education plans are just drawing attention to the issue and not fixing it.
    "Under NCLB, it has been possible to see clearly, in numbers, that while white and Asian students might be performing very well, African-American and Latino students, and those with disabilities, were not. This year, 68 percent of white students met the math targets, while only 45 percent of black students did. In other words, the achievement gap is 23 percent." This article gave insight about how the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has affected Virginia in the past few years. This report by the Richmond Times Dispatch portrayed how specific races such as white and Asians do immensely better education wise than African Americans or Hispanics. The article describes how the Virginia plan causes many education barriers and establishes different performance targets for socioeconomic groups.
    "This year, 68 percent of white students met the math targets, while only 45 percent of black students did. In other words, the achievement gap is 23 percent. By the 2017-2018 school year, Virginia says that 57 percent of black students and 78 percent of white students will need to pass. So six years from now the achievement gap will be at 21 percent." This article is an evidence of the fact that "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) is not give a powerful effect that Virginia had hoped it would. It portrays that races like whites and Asians are statistically doing better in terms of education than black students. Virginia's goal to lower the black-white academic achievement by 2 points in six years is ridiculous and provokes students to be differentiated in terms of race.
    Virginia is a part of the No Child Left Behind Act, but its opportunities still aren't in favor of minorities. Many children in these minorities are underestimated in the classroom. This year, 68 percent of white students met the math targets, while only 45 percent of black students did. In other words, the achievement gap is 23 percent. By the 2017-2018 school year, Virginia says that 57 percent of black students and 78 percent of white students will need to pass. So six years from now the achievement gap will be at 21 percent.

The split economy - CNNMoney - 7 views

    "The divide between the 'haves and the 'have-nots' has never been greater. And every day brings a reminder of the rich making and spending huge sums of money while the poor struggle to support their basic needs."
    The divide between the 'haves and the 'have-nots' has never been greater. And every day brings a reminder of the rich making and spending huge sums of money while the poor struggle to support their basic needs.

The Coming Education Challenge - Guest-columnists - 4 views

    "The number of economically disadvantaged students has risen by 100,000. Today, 41 percent (more than a half-million) of Virginia's public school students meet that definition" Tuition has increased by 5.2% for public universities, and the average student debt has increased by 64%. This article talks about the state spending and spending per student has changed over the years. The rate of poverty in Virginia has increased by 65 percent since 1972. It also mentions that the school enrollment will increase in the Northern part of Virginia, but it will decrease in the rest of the state.
    "The result will likely be a growing division in Virginia educational quality, as rural school divisions reduce academic opportunities and extracurricular programs" This article describes many problems that will probably affect education. One problem described is that those in more urban areas of Virginia up north are more likely to get a higher education than those in rural, south Virginia due to the rapid growth of student population in the north compared to the south.

How America's Losing The War On Poverty : NPR - 10 views

    "According to a recent survey by The Associated Press, the number of Americans living at or below the poverty line will reach its highest point since President Johnson made his famous declaration of war on poverty in 1964." Here it is reported that poverty in the United States is worse than it has ever, causing hundreds of thousands to go hungry and turn to food pantries. People in between poverty and the middle class are growing and represent an even larger number than those in poverty. The article also suggests that low-wage jobs are the cause for this with their very low incomes and inform that almost 50% of jobs in the next 3 years will need a college degree.

Income Inequality Hurts Teen Health Around The World As Two Factors Grow Together - 1 views

  • Overall, poor teenagers were more likely to be less physically active, have higher body mass indexes (BMI), and report more physical and psychological troubles, such as headaches and “feeling low.”
    • hcps-haguepc
      Explains the whole article, basically.
    "Overall, poor teenagers were more likely to be less physically active, have higher body mass indexes (BMI), and report more physical and psychological troubles, such as headaches and "feeling low.""

The Educational Inequality That Begins at Home - 7 views

  • Where there is money, there is education. Where there isn’t money, there is excessive testing, lack of curricular options, and struggle. There is the struggle to give students the tools they need to fight their way through a system that is designed to hold them back from the moment they take their first breath, from the moment they try to write their first paragraph. As The Washington Post report states: “A growing number of children start kindergarten already trailing their more privileged peers and rarely, if ever, catch up. They are less likely to have support at home, are less frequently exposed to enriching activities outside of school, and are more likely to drop out and never attend college.” They are, overall, less likely to succeed.
  • Where there is money, there is education. Where there isn’t money, there is excessive testing, lack of curricular options, and struggle. There is the struggle to give students the tools they need to fight their way through a system that is designed to hold them back from the moment they take their first breath, from the moment they try to write their first paragraph.
    "Where there is money, there is education. Where there isn't money, there is excessive testing, lack of curricular options, and struggle. There is the struggle to give students the tools they need to fight their way through a system that is designed to hold them back from the moment they take their first breath, from the moment they try to write their first paragraph. "

The Opportunity Gap - - 9 views

    "Equal opportunity, once core to the nation's identity, is now a tertiary concern. If America really wants to change that, if the country wants to take advantage of all its human capital rather than just the most privileged two-thirds of it, then people are going to have to make some pretty uncomfortable decisions." This article talks about how being born into a certain economic class can define your opportunities for the rest of your life. For example, a child born into a lower class family may not be able to receive the same quality education as a middle or upper class child. As they get older, this can affect the colleges they may or may not go to and the jobs they are able to get.
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    "A long series of cultural, economic and social trends have merged to create this sad state of affairs. Traditional social norms were abandoned, meaning more children are born out of wedlock. Their single parents simply have less time and resources to prepare them for a more competitive world. Working-class jobs were decimated, meaning that many parents are too stressed to have the energy, time or money to devote to their children." This article states the differences between the college-educated and the working-class people of America. Those who are college-educated invest more time and more money for their children than those who are high-school-educated. These results in their children, depending on which class they come from, having a divided opportunities in life.
    "As a result, behavior gaps are opening up. In 1972, kids from the bottom quartile of earners participated in roughly the same number of activities as kids from the top quartile. Today, it's a chasm." This article tells how the opportunity gap in education has increased over time. Poorer kids make less, and also grow up differently. Richer kids, however, grow up having much more privilege and opportunity.
    "As a result, behavior gaps are opening up. In 1972, kids from the bottom quartile of earners participated in roughly the same number of activities as kids from the top quartile. Today, it's a chasm." This article tells how the opportunity gap in education has increased over time. Poorer kids make less, and also grow up differently. Richer kids, however, grow up having much more privilege and opportunity.

Poverty, opportunity disparities focus of Chesterfield summit - Chesterfi... - 7 views

    This article is about how the Eastern part of Chesterfield is in greater poverty compared to the Western part of Chesterfield. In the article they talk about how it effects their schools. The article also talks about ways to solve these problems.

40 Years Of Income Inequality In America, In Graphs : Planet Money : NPR - 27 views

    "Here's the story of income inequality in America over the past 40 years." Shows in numbers how income inequality is an actual thing, and is out there. Very good solid background information and has numbers that can be used to reference.
  • ...4 more comments...
    "Globalization and technological change have made middle-skill, middle-income jobs harder to find. Low-skill, low-paying jobs have stuck around. And there are high-paying jobs for those at the top with the skills to put technology to profitable use." In this article, income inequality is discussed, specifically the differences in income of people of different ages and educational backgrounds. A compelling point is made in the article about how the middle class is struggling to support enough jobs to keep people employed. Interestingly enough, low-paying jobs and high-paying jobs continue to thrive.
    "Income grew 9 percent for households at the 60th percentile, 22 percent for those at the 80th percentile and 36 percent for those at the 95th percentile." This article explain what exactly the "opportunity gap in America" is, and in addition to that, shows backed up graphs and evidence as to how the gap has increased/decreased in the past 40 years. It clearly shows that the rich get richer, and the poor stay at the same level or get poorer.
    "Among households headed by high school dropouts, incomes grew roughly in lockstep - and were basically stagnant at all levels. Among households headed by high school graduates, and in those headed by college graduates, those in the middle actually saw their wages fall. The only group that saw significant gains was households headed by high-earning college grads. Labor economists call this "the hollowing out of the middle." Globalization and technological change have made middle-skill, middle-income jobs harder to find. Low-skill, low-paying jobs have stuck around. And there are high-paying jobs for those at the top with the skills to put technology to profitable use. One thing to note: That bump in 2000 for incomes among bachelor's degree holders does not reflect reality - it's the result of a temporary change in the way the census reported income for those at the top. Does age make much of a difference in income inequality? Yes, especially for households headed by people between 45 and 65. In those groups, income for the middle class and the poor actually fell in the past 20 years."
    "Among households headed by high school dropouts, incomes grew roughly in lockstep - and were basically stagnant at all levels. Among households headed by high school graduates, and in those headed by college graduates, those in the middle actually saw their wages fall. The only group that saw significant gains was households headed by high-earning college grads. Labor economists call this "the hollowing out of the middle." Globalization and technological change have made middle-skill, middle-income jobs harder to find. Low-skill, low-paying jobs have stuck around. And there are high-paying jobs for those at the top with the skills to put technology to profitable use. One thing to note: That bump in 2000 for incomes among bachelor's degree holders does not reflect reality - it's the result of a temporary change in the way the census reported income for those at the top. Does age make much of a difference in income inequality? Yes, especially for households headed by people between 45 and 65. In those groups, income for the middle class and the poor actually fell in the past 20 years."
    "Among households headed by high school dropouts, incomes grew roughly in lockstep - and were basically stagnant at all levels. Among households headed by high school graduates, and in those headed by college graduates, those in the middle actually saw their wages fall. The only group that saw significant gains was households headed by high-earning college grads. Labor economists call this "the hollowing out of the middle." Globalization and technological change have made middle-skill, middle-income jobs harder to find. Low-skill, low-paying jobs have stuck around. And there are high-paying jobs for those at the top with the skills to put technology to profitable use." This article talks about how higher-income families gradually get more, and middle- and lower-income families gradually get less. It also discusses how, in the past 40 years, the problem is getting worse and worse.
    "Among households headed by high school dropouts, incomes grew roughly in lockstep - and were basically stagnant at all levels. Among households headed by high school graduates, and in those headed by college graduates, those in the middle actually saw their wages fall. The only group that saw significant gains was households headed by high-earning college grads. Labor economists call this "the hollowing out of the middle." Globalization and technological change have made middle-skill, middle-income jobs harder to find. Low-skill, low-paying jobs have stuck around. And there are high-paying jobs for those at the top with the skills to put technology to profitable use." This article talks about how higher-income families gradually get more, and middle- and lower-income families gradually get less. It also discusses how, in the past 40 years, the problem is getting worse and worse.

The Super Rich and Social Responsibility: What Say You? | Psychology Today - 26 views

    This article talks about the responsibility the super rich have for the community.

The Wealth of Nations: The U.S. Leads the Globe in Inequality - 11 views

  • According to the publication, global household wealth was $222.7 trillion in mid-2012, equal to $48,500 for each of the 4.6 billion adults in the world. Wealth is defined as “the marketable value of financial assets plus non-financial assets (principally housing and land) less debts.”
    According to the publication, global household wealth was $222.7 trillion in mid-2012, equal to $48,500 for each of the 4.6 billion adults in the world. Wealth is defined as "the marketable value of financial assets plus non-financial assets (principally housing and land) less debts."

We Desperately Need More Income Inequality--Here's Why - 56 views

    "President Obama has come out against income inequality. But in my opinion, not only is income inequality a good thing; we need more of it." This article explains why America needs income inequality

Phil Gramm and Michael Solon: How to Distort Income Inequality - WSJ - 9 views

    "income is 24% less equally distributed here than in the average of the other 34 member countries of the OECD"

You Are Judged by Your Appearance - 13 views

    "Tall people get paid more money" This article is talking all about how certain people are shown to get more job benefits than others.

Closing the Math Gap for Boys - - 11 views

    In a poor, mixed Chicago neighborhood, different children are tutored 2 on 1 for math in hopes to increase testing scores and reduce drop outs. This decrease of gap in education can hopefully boost the economy and lower poverty rates of people in America.
    In a poor, mixed Chicago neighborhood, different children are tutored 2 on 1 for math in hopes to increase testing scores and reduce drop outs. This decrease of gap in education can hopefully boost the economy and lower poverty rates of people in America.

Study: Income inequality is rising fast in Orange County - Los Angeles Times - 15 views

    Well it's unfortunate, but it's a fact. Income inequality is rising fast and there is nothing really we can currently do about it. Orange county has had it's pace of income inequality rising faster than any other and it clearly hasn't stopped. Obama's term may be ending soon and it leaves a clean slate... full of opportunity however the question is, "Will the opportunity be taken and used for the right purpose?"
    Well it's unfortunate, but it's a fact. Income inequality is rising fast and there is nothing really we can currently do about it. Orange county has had it's pace of income inequality rising faster than any other and it clearly hasn't stopped. Obama's term may be ending soon and it leaves a clean slate... full of opportunity however the question is, "Will the opportunity be taken and used for the right purpose?"

K-12 Education | The White House - 4 views

    "In today's global economy, a high-quality education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity-it is a prerequisite for success. Because economic progress and educational achievement are inextricably linked, educating every American student to graduate from high school prepared for college and for a career is a national imperative. The President has articulated a goal for America to once again lead the world in college completion by the year 2020, and all of President Obama's education efforts aim toward this overarching objective." This webpage is dedicated to revealing Obama's plans ranging from fixing education gaps between races to making college more affordable.
    This article discusses the president's goals to lead the world in college completion. The article also reveals how President Obama plants to fix the educational gap between races. 

Gender Gap - Education Next : Education Next - 10 views

    "Debates about gender and schooling have taken a surprising turn in the past decade. After years of concern that girls were being shortchanged in male-dominated schools, especially in math and science, there has grown a rising chorus of voices worrying about whether boys are the ones in peril."

» Strengths and Weaknesses of the US Education System Online Education Blog - 9 views

    "Though some people agree with the US education system, others want it to be standardized. With the current system, when a child transfers to a different state, he will be having a hard time adjusting to the new academic life. But others say that standardization will only decrease the learning." This article brings up a good point, on how the education system in America can be intimidating to the students, due to circumstances that they don't have control over, such as moving to a different state.

Problems and Weaknesses in the American Educational System - 13 views

    "Furthermore, in the midst of more large scale debates centering upon sociopolitical questions, there are more concrete problems that are not being dealt with such as the issue of cheating in schools and even the imbalance and potential unfairness of the grading system." I think that cheating is really one of the things that Americans are good at because I see people coming into class all the time with a blank explanation on their face when the teacher says "yesterday's homework", and the first thing they do is copy from a friend.
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