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florian bernard

3.2.4 Nested workflows - 0 views

  • 3.2.4. Nested workflowsWithin the Interactive Diagram nested workflows are not represented in their expanded state, but instead as a single processor coloured pink. A view of the expanded state is, however, still avialable through the static Graphical view.To edit a nested workflow, right-click on the nested workflow element and select the menu item "Edit Nested Workflow". This will open up the nested workflow in a new view allowing it to be manipulated just like any other workflow. The original parent workflow can be reselected via through the Taverna "Workflows" menu.
    • florian bernard
      TE2.1: encapuslation de sous process
florian bernard

2.3. Running Taverna - 0 views

  • Saving a workflow
    • florian bernard
      TE4: il est possible de sauvegarder un workflow créé avec taverna
  • his window shows you the progress of the workflow and also the results on completion
paul silmonet

Instant Fix Slow Computer Solutions - 0 views

I bought a brand new PC with good specifications just last month. But only three weeks of use, I noticed that my PC froze and slowed down a bit. For the next three days, it continued to slow down. ...

fix slow computer gria documentation references workflow application taverna 5.3 gridsphere gridipedia TE11

started by paul silmonet on 09 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
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