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in title, tags, annotations or urlelearnspace. Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation - 0 views
Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation A printable, MS Word verion of this article is available here. Abstract Existing theories of a particular subject matter are typically revised and adjusted to reflect changing environments. At some point, due to continual revisions, the theories becomes so dichotomous and complex that it is no longer reflective of the subject it is intended to define and explain.
The Easiest Way To Earn From Your Books - 1 views
Being a book author, I already know that I could not easily get rich with this career because it takes time to have my books sold. Good thing that I have learned about Kindle Book Publishing and I ...
Reverse Instruction Tools And Techniques (Part 2) - Screencasting | Emerging Education Technology - 0 views
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