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3BL Media

My Journey for Sustainable Food | 3BL Media - 1 views

    Last winter, my husband Dan and I noticed we were beginning to struggle in our quest for fresh, local food. As a Californian learning to endure my first Boston winter, I wanted more variety in our produce. At the same time Dan, a culinary school student, was learning more and more about the role of things like corn syrup and stabilizers in processed food. Between the two of us, we often ended up wondering what we could do to ensure that what we put into our bodies was healthy, fresh and ultimately unprocessed. So we took up cooking more and expanded our repertoire to include items like homemade bread, chicken stock, ice cream and others. Still, in hindsight we relied more often than we would have liked on cheap meat, poultry and dairy - often because it was what we could afford.
Alex Parker

Inspiring development - BP's UK Upstream Learning Centre opens - 1 views

    BP has opened its first-ever UK centre dedicated to training and development via life-size simulators, augmented reality and 3D visualization capability. Offshore-Technology's Heidi Vella was invited to the centre to experience the centre first-hand. In July, BP opened the doors to its shiny-new Upstream Learning Centre built on spare land at its International Centre for Business and Technology (ICBT) in Sunbury-on-Thames.
Arthur Reynolds

* EcoLcoker Ltd * - 0 views

    EcoLocker Ltd was founded as a result of years of planning and research into emerging markets and sustainable energies. Learn about the different types of renewable energy and how they work.
3BL Media

Yahoo Homepage Features App With Daily Environmental Quizes And Facts That Plant Trees And Knowledge | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Launching the week after Global Climate Week, mokugift's GreenLifestyle daily quiz and green fact-sharing application on Yahoo!'s homepage empowers up to 118 million* individuals to make every week Global Climate Week. By taking three daily quiz questions, users can learn new environmental facts every day in just a few minutes. With a few more clicks of the mouse, they can challenge a few friends to a quiz and pleasantly surprise them with new green knowledge. For busy users, with a single click of the mouse, they can broadcast a daily environmental fact to friends that use Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! Messenger 10 through Yahoo! Updates. Anyone can add Mokugift's GreenLifestyle app to his or her Yahoo! homepage exploring the My Favorites application gallery on
3BL Media

Sulusso's Featured Sustainable Designer: Midori Ferris-Wayne - 0 views

    Each week we profile a new Sulusso featured designer. All of our designers have one thing in thing in common - a commitment to social and environmental responsibility. Hear from Okomido jewelry founder, Midori Ferris-Wayne. Learn about her inspiration and where she can be found when not at the jeweler's bench.
3BL Media

The Problem with Palm Oil - Be Part of the Conversation | 3BL Media - 0 views

    Join Seventh Generation, Rainforest Action Network and Whole Foods Market to learn more about what they're doing and what you can do to end the destruction of vital ecosystems.
3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School Awarded Environmental "Captain Planet" Grant - 0 views

    Captain Planet cartoon, is proud to announce that Colorado Rocky Mountain School has recently been awarded an educational grant of $2,500. These funds will be used towards the Colorado Rocky Mountain School Organic Garden Learning Center project.
Felix Gryffeth

Swarms of tiny robots to monitor the oceans | - 0 views

    Scientists want to learn much more aobut the ocean than they currently know. So they're developing tiny robots to go underwater and observe.
hydro ponics

What Are the Benefits of Canna Rhizotonic 1l? - 1 views

    Though plants in hydroponics are less prone to diseases and other health problems, still sometimes the root becomes weaker while re-potting or shipping. In this article, you will learn how Canna Rhizotonic 1l can be helpful in these situations.
hydro ponics

Here Are Some of the Advantages of Hydroponic Gardening - 0 views

    Hydroponic is a soil-free technique for growing food using a solution of essential nutrients. In this article, you will learn about the advantages of hydroponic gardening.
Philip Solars

The Must Have Solar Equipment - 1 views

Due to the increasing cost of electricity bills, I have finally decided to switch to solar energy. Aside from being free, it also helps save mother earth. I must admit that at first I was confused ...

started by Philip Solars on 29 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Vicky Matthews

The Real Benefits Of Soil Tests - 1 views

Because I trust so much in the power of fertilisers and because the area is very strategic for farming, I did not anymore care for any soil tests. I immediately bought the property, have it planted...

started by Vicky Matthews on 28 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Henry Jaxx

Effective Speaking Strategies - 1 views

I really love to speak even when I was still in my teenage years. I used to join in school speaking competition both in the secondary and tertiary levels to enhance my skills. But those experiences...

started by Henry Jaxx on 29 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Restaurant System

Trustworthy Restaurant Software Provider - 1 views

When my husband and I opened our new restaurant anticipating a high volume of crowd from the nearby target field, we badly needed a point of sale system. It must be one that is not only fast ...

started by Restaurant System on 23 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
Erik Keith

BIG Green Lies - Common Green Myths Exposed - 0 views

    There are so many common misconceptions surrounding sustainability. Check out this myth-busting video "What's Your Big Green Lie?!" which gives a taste of the widespread ignorance of green issues at
3BL Media

Colorado Rocky Mountain School - Serving up academic excellence and gourmet food. - 1 views

    For 50 years, Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) has practiced environmental stewardship and a commitment to sustainability. Sprawling over 300 acres of pasture and farmland at the base of western Colorado's snow-capped Mount Sopris, the high school promotes hard, meaningful work both within the classroom and, uniquely, outside, carrying on the ethos of its founders who were looking to start an independent, coed boarding school that would be "an antidote to modern, easy living" and believed that "work breeds confidence, self-satisfaction, the will to live."
Alex Parker

Video - Mississippi Power's Kemper County energy facility - Power Technology - 1 views

    Kemper County energy facility, which is currently under construction, will use coal gasification TRIG technology to turn lignite coal into gas while capturing 65% of CO2 produced. Learn more from Mississippi Power's company video.
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