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Alex Parker

Future energy savers: Will radiative cooling be the next big energy saver? - 1 views

    For a few years a team of academics in the US has been on a quest to revolutionise the way buildings are cooled. Now, ongoing research by one of them could be about to deliver one of the biggest gamechangers to building management, as Andrew Tunnicliffe finds out.
Alex Parker

Cuts and uncertainty: the UK's anaerobic digestion sector - 1 views

    The UK Government has proposed to reduce support for anaerobic digestion projects in the UK by slashing subsidies and reducing the amount of energy they can provide. There is a lot of innovative technology in the sector, but is this enough to keep...
hydro ponics

Aquaponics Gardening System - 2 views

    Do-it-yourself Aquaponic Gardening at home focused on giving you all the tools you need to create your own aquaponic system. For more information. Read on!
hydro ponics

Hydroponics Technique - Growing Tomatoes at Home - 2 views

    Grow tomatoes at home through the most efficient and natural nutrient based hydroponics technique by Hydroponic Xpress. Read on to find the best techniques and the biggest influencing factors for the same!
hydro ponics

Hydroponics and Aquaponics - Organic Gardening - 1 views

    Are you into organic gardening? Do you prefer natural methods over traditional soil gardening? Know How Hydroponics and Aquaponics can be your new organic friends. Read this blog for additional information!
Alex Parker

Could biomimicry revolutionise renewable energy? - 1 views

    A host of new technologies have been inspired by the natural world, as designers increasingly look to biomimicry when to creating new ideas for wind turbines, solar cells and hydropower. So could nature hold the answer to unlocking renewable energy?
Alex Parker

Leaving Euratom: the UK's nuclear countdown begins - 1 views

    The UK Government's intention to leave Euratom when it exits the EU throws up a number of acute risks for the British nuclear industry. What exactly are the dangers involved, and how can the UK best navigate life as a nuclear operator outside of the Euratom Treaty?
Alex Parker

Inside Egypt's record-breaking energy megaproject - 1 views

    Siemens has set a new global record for the execution of fast-track power projects by connecting 4.8GW of generation capacity to the Egyptian grid. Julian Turner asks Peter Ullrich, project director of the three combined- cycle power plants at Siemens Power & Gas Division, how it was achieved.
hydro ponics

Types of aquaponics systems - 1 views

    Hydroponic Xpress provides affordable 3 types of aquaponics systems. Explore us for more details. All these types of aquaponics system are applicable to each form of home-whether you have got massive area or tiny area
Alex Parker

Nuclear development in Saudi Arabia: should the US back it? - 1 views

    The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's long-held ambitions for civil nuclear power have hit the headlines again, partly due to the Trump administration's support. If the kingdom is to succeed, it first has to accept its international obligations, including IAEA monitoring.
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