"The University of Arizona is now running the Biosphere 2 facility that mirrors the different biomes of the Earth under a 3-acre enclosure. The facility includes a tropical rainforest, grassland savanna, saltwater ocean, mangrove wetland, and a farm. "
"Climate Adaptation Flagship research is developing and delivering adaptation options to protect Australia's marine and terrestrial species, ecosystems and the services they provide."
"Welcome to the Garnaut Climate Change Review
The Garnaut Climate Change Review presented its Final Report to the Prime Minister of Australia and the eight states and territories on 30 September 2008."
"Natural Capitalism
Orginally written in 1999 by Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, and L. Hunter Lovins, "Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution"
is a ground-breaking blueprint for a new economy."
"As Australia's leading home show promising an inspiring array of fresh ideas and products, the Master Builders' Building & Home Improvement Expo promises to provide you with all you need to get started on your new build or home improvement project. "
"Welcome to the Deakins 2010, a place to discuss and discover, to argue and to dig a little deeper, to make sure that you're part of the conversation. Videos of all sessions will be available here within 24 hours with exclusive web content and opportunities to engage with the latest climate change debate."
"Welcome to the Environmental History Timeline - This is an independent project by an American scholar. Its purpose is to remind ourselves that: Environmental issues have surfaced throughout human history. "
"The 2009 Green Light Report is a Victorian Government initiative detailing the environmental attitudes, behaviours and household features of Victorians."