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Janos Haits Archives - 0 views

Janos Haits

WaveProposal - Incubator Wiki - 0 views

    Apache Wave is the project where wave technology is developed at Apache. Wave in a Box (WIAB) is the name of the main product at the moment, which is a server that hosts and federates waves, supports extensive APIs, and provides a rich web client. This project also includes an implementation of the Wave Federation protocol, to enable federated collaboration systems (such as multiple interoperable Wave In a Box instances).
Janos Haits

Wave Incubation Status - Apache Incubator - 0 views

    Apache Wave is the project where wave technology is developed at Apache. Wave in a Box (WIAB) is the name of the main product at the moment, which is a server that hosts and federates waves, supports extensive APIs, and provides a rich web client. This project also includes an implementation of the Wave Federation protocol, to enable federated collaboration systems (such as multiple interoperable Wave In a Box instances).
Janos Haits

Apache Wave - Welcome to Apache Wave (incubating) - 0 views

    Wave is a distributed, near-real-time, rich collaboration platform that allows users to work together in new and exciting ways. Wave allows for flexible modes of communication, blending chat, email and collaborative document editing in to one seamless environment. Wave provides a lively and responsive environment that promotes more ..
Janos Haits

Apache Wave - Welcome to Apache Wave (incubating) - 0 views

    Apache Wave, where Wave development happens at Apache. Wave is a rich, distributed, near-real-time collaboration platform, which allows users to work together in new and exciting ways. The main sub project of Apache Wave is "Wave in a Box", a stand alone wave server and rich web client that can serve as a Wave reference implementation. As the project grows we hope to expand to offer other Wave related goodies as well.
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