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andrew bendelow

Stay N Alive: The Power of Google+: Privacy "Circles" the Entire Experience - 13 views

  • No one can just "follow" me and get the updates I want them to see. I have to let everyone into my network, and as a result, they have to let me into theirs.
    The problem w. Facebook that Google+ fixes--fine-tuning your social network
Leslie Cash

11 Powerful Google Sheets Add-ons for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Lear... - 44 views

    11 different add-ons to make Sheets easier
Denise Nichols

Power Searching with Google - 32 views

    This is Lesson 1 of 6. Great intro to search features on Google
Susan Oxnevad

Google Docs New Integrated Research Feature - 38 views

    A new and powerful research feature is now available in the tools menu of Google Docs.
Rob Reynolds

Simple Apps Solutions - 1 views

    simple apps solutions is dedicated to extending the Google Apps platform allowing administrators to easily manage their valuable data in the cloud. Our products are custom built to your exacting standards and while we focus on making our apps simple for you to use, they provide powerful returns.
qualitypoint Tech

Google Map API - A Powerful and Free way to add value for your web applications. - 19 views

    Google Maps is getting more popular as it is helping people to know the places and to get directions easily. Google is adding lot of information and satellite images of many places in the world to make the Google Map more useful.
Cheryl Davis

Power Readers in Politics - 0 views

    Explore news sites read by McCain, Obama and political journalists.
Dean Mantz

Track This Now - TRACK news articles across the world in REAL-TIME - 0 views

    Powered by Google to track news articles globally in real time.
Fabian Aguilar

Confirmed: Google Acquires AppJet, The Maker Of EtherPad - 5 views

  • Google was in the process of acquiring AppJet, the startup behind the powerful real-time document editor EtherPad. The official EtherPad blog has just been updated confirming the news.
Fabian Aguilar

Thinking in Mind - 0 views

  • how do we start to build and grow our PLN's beyond those who are already plugged in? I would love to access the incredible wealth of history teaching experience that is spread across our country, and I personally believe that tools like blogs and twitter are a powerful way to share and deepen our practice.
    It would be nice to see Google offer an app specifically designed for educator collaboration, as well as a place to discover great educational content and lessons. Hopefully Google Wave will serve as a great platform for teachers to collaborate, sharing both ideas and content.
Dennis OConnor

Google Jolts Search Engine With Caffeine - New search tech under the hood? - 0 views

  • Google engineers unveiled the news in a blog and said that they have been working on this "secret project" over the past few months.
  • The changes may be more apparent to Web developers and power searchers, so Google is opening up a Web developer preview to get their feedback.
  • Another tester liked the fact that Caffeine also provides more results from social networking sites. "I've noticed more Twitter pages in the results with this version of Google. Quite like having that - makes it easier to find people and companies."
Pamela Habib

Course sites - 0 views

    free from Blackboard
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