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Maha Abed

Google for Education - OFFICIAL - 24 views

    A Google Education Trainer is a bit different because it isn't as much about what you do in your classroom, it is about really learning the tools. To become a trainer, you must pass a series of tests designed to test your knowledge of Google Tools including the Google Apps for Education Admin Panel. Once you successfully pass all tests, you are considered a "Google Apps Qualified." To become a "Google Apps Education Trainer," you need to submit a video, a record of past workshops you've given, and a case study. The purpose of this process, is to show how you use Google Apps to both train other educators and innovate instruction.
Robert Ogden

Setup shared documents to automatically go into folders - 28 views

Hi Will, Good questions, but I do not believe so. Although you can share a folder, so anything you put in that folder will automatically be shared with that group or users.

googledocs education google googleapps

Kellie Ady

Random Name Picker (Sheets Template) - 20 views

    Great little tool from that lets you randomly select individuals, create groups on the fly, or set lineups, all based on a template in Google Sheets.
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