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Lisa Thumann

E-Mail suggestions for elementary/middle schools using Google Apps - 158 views

Hi guys, The 'disposable' email solution may not be necessary. We use Google Docs without student email at all. Here's how. We signed up for 'Google Apps Team Edition.' This is a slightly differe...

e-mail google

Lisa Winebrenner

Google Apps FAQ | EDUCAUSE - 18 views

    Many higher education institutions are contemplating migrating e-mail and other IT services to outside vendors. EDUCAUSE collected and compiled the following member generated frequently asked questions concerning outsourcing e-mail services. See other FAQs; Microsoft Live@edu FAQ, Zimbra email FAQ
Raul Babolea

FormEmailer - 21 views

    FormEmailer is a Google Apps Script for Google Forms and Spreadsheets. With it you're able to easily set up flexible e-mail merge in your spreadsheets and automatic emailing to your forms. The best part is that you need NO javascript knowledge, and everything is set up in a simple interface.
Tami Brass

Gone Google - 0 views

    Add your own lesson ideas to this collection > > > 1. Create your lesson in Google Docs, be sure to include screen shots. 2. Focus on the content of the lesson for teachers not necessarily the detail of how to use the tools. 3. Make your Google Doc public and e-mail the link to:
Jeff Johnson

Google Apps: Should You Switch? - 0 views

  • Google Apps Premier Edition is a collection of office tools for businesses -- word processor, spreadsheet, e-mail, calendar and web page creator -- all of which are accessible through a web browser. Pricing is set at $50 per user per year, less expensive than Microsoft Office but with much the same functionality. Microsoft has its own web-based suite of tools in Office Live, but the company's offering doesn't match Google's. And Google isn't going after Office Live, it's going after Office.

Why Schools are Turning to Google Apps - 30 views

  • three major benefits: 1) It saves schools money; 2) It boosts academic performance and motivation, and; 3) It prepares students for digital communication in the real world.
  • replacement of legacy e-mail systems and desktop office application suites, and these figures include the associated costs of IT support and infrastructure upgrades
    Google Apps reasons
Michèle Drechsler

Socialbookmarking and Education. A survey - 15 views

Hello I am preparing a thesis in information sciences and communication at the University of Metz. (France). My research focuses on the practices of socialbookmarking in the field of Education. As...

socialbookmarking Education survey

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