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Michael Hait

Reading history blogs for genealogical context - 1 views

    This column has previously focused on African-American genealogy blogs, in the articles Shout-outs to African-American Genealogy Blogs and More shout-outs to African-American genealogy blogs. A third edition soon forthcoming will spotlight several new genealogy blogs. The responsible genealogist, however, would be advised to learn more about United States history, including how it affected African-Americans. History blogs are a vital source for keeping up with current perspectives as well as newly available historical resources, many of which may provide genealogically useful information.
Michael Hait

The African American Genealogy Examiner: 2009 Year in Review - 0 views

    As we near the end of the year 2009, the African American Genealogy Examiner would like to look back and remember the accomplishments of the past year.
Michael Hait

More state online resources for African-American genealogy: Virginia - 0 views

    In an earlier entry, this column reported on several resources available for online African-American research in Virginia. Many more resources are now available, some becoming so just in the past three months since that report, necessitating another visit to the subject.
Michael Hait

Case study for Y-DNA testing in NGSQ - 1 views

    On 20 October 2009, this column addressed the topic of Y-DNA testing for genealogical purposes. This relatively new development in science holds revolutionary potential for genealogy, especially African-American research. The most recent issue of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly (Sep 2009) contains the case study of an African-American family where Y-DNA testing revealed direct male line European ancestry.[1]
Michael Hait

Two must-read online resources for African-American genealogy research - 6 views

Michael Hait

African-American Genealogy Examiner receives Kreativ Blogger award - 0 views

    Robyn Smith, of the "Reclaiming Kin" blog, has awarded the African-American Genealogy Examiner with the "Kreativ Blogger" award. This award was created by Hulda Husfrue, a Norwegian arts & crafts blogger on 5 May 2008. [Please note that her site is in Norwegian but you can translate the page using Google Translate.] From these humble beginnings the award has spread like wildfire, and the Geneablogger community regularly recognizes their favorite peers with this award.
Craig Manson

Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Pension Applications & Rosters - 5 views

    Contains pension applications and rosters. Search for "free man of color" of to find African-American pensioners.
Craig Manson

Slave Letters Collection - 0 views

    The following is a list of slave letters in the Special Collections Library at Duke University. These letters vary in content and most have no supporting information about the author. They do provide a glimpse into the lives of people who fought the odds to express themselves. Additional collections held in Special Collections Library which document slave life are listed in Retrieving African-American Women's History. The descriptions of the letters are linked to catalog records of the larger collections of which they are a part in order to provide a fuller descriptive context.
Moultrie Creek

LowCountry Africana - 0 views

    Lowcountry Africana, sponsored by the Magnolia Plantation Foundation of Charleston, South Carolina, will be entirely dedicated to records that document the family and cultural heritage of African Americans in the historic rice-growing areas of South Carolina, Georgia and extreme northeastern Florida, an area that scholars and preservationists have identified as a distinct culture area, home to the rich Gullah/Geechee culture. The Lowcountry Africana website will be a treasure trove of primary documents, book excerpts and multimedia for exploring and documenting the dynamic cultural and family heritage of the Lowcountry Southeast. Lowcountry Africana is now live!
Sheri Bush

Freedom's Journal, the first African-American owned and operated newspaper published in... - 1 views

    Wonderful African-American resource.
Michael Hait

'Censuses' in between the censuses - 0 views

    This column previously addressed the importance of the 1870 U. S. census in African-American research. As noted in that article, this was the first federal census after the end of the Civil War, and therefore the first record group to record personal information about former slaves nationwide. It was not, however, the earliest record group to do so in many localities. Many similar record groups were created that provide information about former slaves between 1865 and 1870.
Michael Hait

Anatomy of the 1870 federal census - 2 views

    This article is part of a continuing series looking at each federal census individually. Please read the others in the archives of this column. The 1870 U. S. Census was the Ninth Decennial Census. This census is probably the single most important census for genealogists conducting research on African-American families
    So appreciate your articles; I will use them to educate myself more thoroughly and may refer others to this knowledge source, as well.
Michael Hait

Happy Veterans Day! Military databases available free online at - 1 views

    In honor of the many U. S. veterans that have served in our armed forces throughout the history of this great nation, the African American Genealogy Examiner column today will provide instructions on accessing several free records databases available online at the website of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
Craig Manson

Black Loyalists - 0 views

    Black Loyalists Digital Collections site. This site explores an untold story of North American history: how Canada became the home of the first settlements of free blacks outside Africa.
Moultrie Creek

American Slave Narratives - 0 views

    From 1936 to 1938, over 2,300 former slaves from across the American South were interviewed by writers and journalists under the aegis of the Works Progress Administration. These former slaves, most born in the last years of the slave regime or during the Civil War, provided first-hand accounts of their experiences on plantations, in cities, and on small farms. Their narratives remain a peerless resource for understanding the lives of America's four million slaves. What makes the WPA narratives so rich is that they capture the very voices of American slavery, revealing the texture of life as it was experienced and remembered. Each narrative taken alone offers a fragmentary, microcosmic representation of slave life. Read together, they offer a sweeping composite view of slavery in North America, allowing us to explore some of the most compelling themes of nineteenth-century slavery, including labor, resistance and flight, family life, relations with masters, and religious belief.
Moultrie Creek


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