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A more complex Hamas (Sara Roy, Middle East Policy Review) - 0 views

  • Hamas: Politics, Charity and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad by Matthew Levitt. Yale University Press, in cooperation with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, 2006. 324 pages, $26.00, hardcover.
  • Unfortunately, Matthew Levitt’s book does not address the critical evolutionary processes — particularly with regard to its organizational structure and political, social and economic role in Palestinian society — that have characterized the Palestinian Islamist movement and Hamas’s rise to power.
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A message from Israeli women's organisations: the time for women is now (oD 5050) - 0 views

  • A message from Israeli women's organisations: the time for women is now
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Both sides using human shields (Amnesty International) - 0 views

  • Gaza: Military tactics of both sides endangering civilians, says Amnesty International
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A joint call for reconciliation and peace from Israeli and Palestinian Families (50.50) - 0 views

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You can triumph yourslef to death. (LRB contributors on Gaza - 0 views

  • you can triumph yourself to death.
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Israel's logic, Hamas' reason (LRB · Henry Siegman) - 0 views

  • What I effectively agreed to with the Americans was that part of the settlements [i.e. the major settlement blocks on the West Bank] would not be dealt with at all, and the rest will not be dealt with until the Palestinians turn into Finns . . . The significance [of the agreement with the US] is the freezing of the political process. And when you freeze that process, you prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and you prevent a discussion about the refugees, the borders and Jerusalem. Effectively, this whole package that is called the Palestinian state, with all that it entails, has been removed from our agenda indefinitely. And all this with [President Bush’s] authority and permission . . . and the ratification of both houses of Congress.
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Israeli Jewish sense of victimization causes conflict (Eldar, Haaretz - Israel News) - 0 views

  • Israeli Jews' consciousness is characterized by a sense of victimization, a siege mentality, blind patriotism, belligerence, self-righteousness, dehumanization of the Palestinians and insensitivity to their suffering. The fighting in Gaza dashed the little hope Bar-Tal had left - that this public would exchange the drums of war for the cooing of doves.
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Cash-starved Gaza ( - 0 views

  • Hamas banks credit in cash-starved Gaza
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Hamas - why it won democratic elections (Sieghart - Times) - 0 views

  • The Bush-Blair response to the Hamas victory in 2006 is the key to today's horror. Instead of accepting the democratically elected Government, they funded an attempt to remove it by force; training and arming groups of Fatah fighters to unseat Hamas militarily and impose a new, unelected government on the Palestinians. Further, 45 Hamas MPs are still being held in Israeli jails.
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The neighborhood bully strikes again - Haaretz - Israel News - 0 views

  • For two and a half years, they have been caged and ostracized by the whole world. The line of thinking that states that through war we will gain new allies in the Strip; that abusing the population and killing its sons will sear this into their consciousness; and that a military operation would suffice in toppling an entrenched regime and thus replace it with another one friendlier to us is no more than lunacy.
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Palestinian-Israeli violence: reaction functions (vox) - 0 views

  • Overall, we find that Israeli violence leads Palestinians to be less supportive of Fatah and of the peace process, but that this effect wears off within three months. We also find that “local” violence has a larger effect than “distant” violence; that the effect is larger for demographic groups with a higher propensity to support radical positions; and that Palestinian fatalities in targeted killings are no more likely to radicalize the population than all other fatalities.
    Palestinian violence is unresponsive to Israeli violence. Israeli violence radicalises Palestinians.
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Israeli Spin (The Magnes Zionist) - 0 views

  • So why is Israel spinning this the way it is? Well, the answer is obvious – as part of the propaganda war, they want to repeat the 1967 Six Day War mystique of dealing a death blow in the early days of the war, a blitzkrieg, so to speak. And what are the results after day three? A lot of destruction of property. But the Hamas leadership, as far as we know, is intact, and still firing rockets -- more than one hundred today -- this time killing 2 Israelis. So much for another Six Day War.
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Gaza, land and viable states (Ezra Klein, The American Prospect) - 0 views

  • That doesn't justify the Palestinians' violent response, which has been both morally atrocious and wholly ineffective, but it's important to understanding why Palestinian society sees itself in a war for it's own survival, not for Israel's.
  • This series of pieces from OpenDemocracy provides a good sense of how control extends to vertical space. That's to say, it's not just about square footage. (The author draws a fascinating comparison between settler outposts and crusader forts.) It's also about demographics. The standard argument against a one-state settlement is that birth rates would leave the Arabs in the majority. But settler families are also larger than ones in Israel proper, culturally detached and with children claiming exemption from IDF service. That creates its own cultural splinters.
tony curzon price

Negev New Year (Julia Chaitin - 0 views

  • This war is wrong. It is wrong because it cannot achieve its manifest goals -- long-term "normal" life for the residents of the Negev region. The war is morally wrong because most of the victims are Palestinian and Israeli civilians whose only "crime" is that they live in Negev or Gaza. This war is wrong because it is not heading toward a viable solution of the conflict but is instead creating more hatred and greater determination on the part of both peoples to harm one another. It is wrong because it is leading to stronger feelings that we have nothing to lose by striking further, with greater force. This war is wrong because, even before the last smoke rises from the rubble and the last ambulance carries the dead and wounded to hospitals, our leaders will find themselves signing a new agreement for a cease-fire.
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Realistic Dove - 0 views

  • “That is why the television kills us. Newspapers are better because they give context.”
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Whose crimes are worse? (The Magnes Zionist) - 0 views

  • Israel has repeatedly committed war crimes and have been repeatedly condemned by human rights organizations. The fact that Hamas and Hizbollah also commit war crimes is irrelevant. The central difference between the sides is that Israel's war crimes kill and maim more people because their weaponry is more powerful.
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