Indoor Positioning & Indoor Tracking System - Pigeon - 0 views
pigeon_srisys on 03 Aug 18Key Features of Indoor Navigation, Magnetic Positioning and Indoor Localization Technologies Indoor positioning is the most commonly used umbrella term which includes all of these 'indoor GPS' technologies. However, when we observe closely and look at the technological platform they thrive on, the rationale for using these varied terms to describe them individually becomes self-explanatory. All these three types refer to technologies adopted by large facilities to help them locate objects, spaces, or people inside the facility where the satellite enabled Global Positioning System (GPS) does not work due to the infrastructural elements such as walls, cabin, glass etc. In order to counter this challenge, indoor positioning systems (IPS) use wide arrays of platforms to enable users locate and navigate within a facility. For the management team of the facility, it helps in efficient facility management as users have the flexibility to locate, navigate and way find. Originally shared on