A team of researchers across Europe is conducting an experiment to bring the museum into the school using virtual reality technology.
CONNECT project
The CONNECT project team believes that by linking the classroom with science centres, museums, planetariums and observatories, it can marry the best elements of formal curricula with informal learning.
link four science centres with participating classrooms in each country.
demanding technical challenges. A museum needs a series of access points around the various exhibits, for example, so students can really ‘visit’ the museum instead of watching a series of presentations. ‘In some museums that’s easy because there are high ceilings to fix the access points, in others it’s quite a challenge,’ explains Sotiriou …
In its software, CONNECT has produced a stunning virtual museum, featuring colourful, exciting graphics that allow a student to try experiments and then view the results. This advanced learning environment is called the CONNECT Virtual Science Thematic Park –