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Omnipotent Poobah

Randomness: Big Crime Wave Style - 0 views

    Sophomoric, crass, political, weird, odd, random WTF articles to bring you to your knees overpowered by mirth.

6 things every girl is afraid to do in front of her man - 0 views

    Moving in together is a huge step for any couple. While the guy might worry his Xbox will be replaced with a stack of Oprah magazines, we're stressing about losing all of our privacy. It's not that we don't want to spend every single waking moment together - it's more like we don't want you to realize that we have flaws, quirks, and normal body functions.
Omnipotent Poobah

Randomness: God Stuff Style - 0 views

    Sophomoric, crass, political, weird, odd, random WTF articles to bring you to your knees overpowered by mirth.
agha ali

Ain't It Just Your Bad Day? - 0 views

    Ha Ha!! You're Fucked Now!
Online Virals

Hilarious GF Text Fails And Wins - 0 views

    Hilarious GF Text Fails And Wins
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