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Group Members

6 members total, 1 receiving alerts immediately, 1 receiving alerts daily, and 4 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • Conrad Ferdinand

    Conrad Ferdinand

    Conrad Ferdinand refers to my favorite author: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1825 Zürich – 1898 Kilchberg). Enjoy his novels: and some of his poems:

    shared 35 items

    member since 2010-03-02

  • shared 1 items

    member since 2012-09-20

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    member since 2012-11-10

  • Andrea Cefalo

    Andrea Cefalo

    Debut novelist whose written a historical fiction page-turner based on Grimm's fairy tales. The Fairytale Keeper: Avenging the Queen is set for release June 1, 2012. Website: Facebook: Twitter:!/AndreaCefalo ...

    shared 0 items

    member since 2012-03-03

  • shared 0 items

    member since 2012-12-09

  • Ketrin Nelson

    Ketrin Nelson

    Hello guys I am Ketrin Nelson From Canada and working on communicator with recognized abilities in networking with different clients for delivering the best solution without creating any hindrance. Listening music and watching song is my own passion.

    shared 10 items

    member since 2015-07-30

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