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Alberto Adrián Schiano

SofaTube - YouTube for the Living Room - 0 views

    alternative way of watching youtube videos even on TV
    forma alternativa de ver videos youtube hasta por TV

Alberto Adrián Schiano

NimbleX - The New Wave of Linux - 0 views

    Customize what you want in a Linux distro: your own linux distro
    Personalizar lo que buscamos en una distribución Linux: nuestro propio Linux

Alberto Adrián Schiano - Release Notes: grml 1.0 Meilenschwein - 0 views

  • grml is a Debian-based Live-CD. It includes a collection of GNU/Linux software especially for users of texttools and system administrators. grml provides automatic hardware detection. You can use grml for example as a rescue system, for analyzing systems/networks or as a working environment. It is not necessary to install anything to a harddisk, you don't even need a harddisk to run it, unless you want to (use grml2hd for this). Due to on-the-fly decompression grml includes about 2.1 GiB of software and documentation on the CD.
    Another LINUX distribution specially dessigned for geeks
    Otra distribucion LINUX especialmente disenyada para geeks

yc c

Learn More about Pivot | Live Labs Pivot - 0 views

    At the heart of Pivot are "Collections." They combine large groups of similar items on the Internet, so we can begin viewing the relationships between individual pieces of information in a new way. By visualizing hidden patterns, Pivot enables users to discover new insights while interacting with thousands of things at once. Pivot focuses on this intersection, enabling us to learn key lessons while attempting to broadly apply this philosophy to the Web. We hope that Pivot will inspire and fuel transformative experiences across the Web.
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Mondo Rescue - GPL disaster recovery solution - 0 views

    Mondo Rescue is a Linux GPL disaster recovery solution Solucion Linux GPL para recuperarse de un desastre
Alberto Adrián Schiano

PC-BSD - Getting Started - 0 views

    PC-BSD is a free operating system with ease of use in mind. Like any modern system, you can listen to your favorite music, watch your movies, work with office documents and install your favorite applications with a setup wizard at a click.
Alberto Adrián Schiano

Toorox - Linux Live System - 1 views

    Gentoo-based binary basic Linux OS, new software to compile Sistema Operativo Linux basado en Gentoo basicamente binario- programas nuevos a compilar
seth kutcher

Top Online PC Repair Service - 1 views

I consider my computer as my best friend because it is through it that I make a living. I have an online business and in order for me to monitor my sales, I need to stay in front of my PC for more ...

online PC repair

started by seth kutcher on 02 Nov 11 no follow-up yet
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