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Edmundas Pilvelis

The Remarkable Changing Colours of Uluru | Light Stalking - 1 views

    Vienas objektas, keičiasi apšvietimas - keičiasi ir jo suvokimas
Edmundas Pilvelis

Huge iPad Arrays Used As Portrait Lights | - 1 views

    iPad Photoshoot from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.
Edmundas Pilvelis

Make-Believe Miniatures: 15 (More!) Amazing Tilt-Shift Photos : WebUrbanist - 1 views

    ne per greit sumesti variantai
Edmundas Pilvelis

The GE Show Episode 3: Flight! - 1 views

    lėktuvų kilimo ir leidimosi trajektorijų video
Edmundas Pilvelis

Is this the new Nikon EVIL camera? | Nikon Rumors - 1 views

  • This camera was displayed at the Nikon Sapporo Showroom and the picture was just posted on DCHome forum. Is this the new mirrorless interchangeable lens camera from Nikon? The lens appears to be a 18-55mm. There is a also another gadget on the back – maybe a small Flip-like video cam (Nikon had few patents in the past for a similar camera).
Karolis Pavardenis

Browse Highly Filtered Sample Photos on Pixel-Peeper - 1 views

    Manau gali praversti besirenkant objektyvą :)
    patogiau būtų jei praskyręs būtum ir :)
Edmundas Pilvelis

Here's Video of the Guy Who Surgically Implanted a Camera in the Back of His Head - 1 views

Karolis Pavardenis

Batch Converting DNGs to JPEGs - 1 views

    Masinis raw'u pavertimas jpg'ais
    Taip pat su camera raw galima nusistayti kokio dydžio failą išsaugos/atidarys, tik deja neduoda rinktis pačiam pixelių skaičiaus
Edmundas Pilvelis

Watch Long Exposure Shots Develop Before Your Eyes with Magic Shutter - 1 views

Edmundas Pilvelis

Rick Nunn ~ Histograms - 1 views

  • Anatomy of a histogram — from left to right the histogram will tell you about the dark, mid & light content in your photo, and from top to bottom it will tell you how many pixels in your image are affected in that area
    • Karolis Pavardenis
      Geras aprašymas
Edmundas Pilvelis

Imagining a World Where Photoshop Tools Exist in Real Life - 1 views

    I Have PSD from Hyperakt on Vimeo.
    Patiko :) Kažkada kai žiūrėdamas veidrodin į savo pajuodusius paakius pagalvojau,kad reiktų pasipach'inti :)
Edmundas Pilvelis

YouTube - TEDxAmericanRiviera - Chris Orwig - The poetics of pictures - 1 views

    Tai kas genealu dažniausiai ir būna paprasta :)
    Baisiai patiko :)
Edmundas Pilvelis

「宙玉レンズ」を作ってみよう - デジカメWatch - 1 views

    Reikėtų vertimo :)
Edmundas Pilvelis

GoPro Official Store: Wearable Digital Cameras for Sports - 1 views

    GoPro HD HERO Camera: True HD Highlights from GoPro on Vimeo.
Edmundas Pilvelis

Fruit Roll-Ups Make for a Tasty Flash Gel When in a Bind - 1 views

    kompaktiški geliai
Karolis Pavardenis

The Ultimate Guide to Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 - 1 views

    old, ne 3 :)
Edmundas Pilvelis

Making Future Magic: iPad light painting on Vimeo - 1 views

    Making Future Magic: iPad light painting from Dentsu London on Vimeo.
Edmundas Pilvelis

Startrails application - 1 views

  • Camera is set to ISO 400 at an exposure time of 30s.To start the exposures I put the camera in “continous drive”-mode and lock the cable release. Usually the camera is capable to take 3 frames a second, now however it takes one frame every 30 seconds ;-)
Karolis Pavardenis

Andy Gock : Newcastle Photographer » Multiple Exposure Blending for Landscapes - 1 views

    Sveikas hdr'as
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