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Gary Patton

The Sin Nature ...Do Jesus Followers Have One? by Dr. Bill Gillham - 0 views

  • We are known as “humans.” Jesus was a human without a sin nature in that He was never descended from Adam. The Holy Spirit furnished the 23 male chromosomes which united with Mary’s 23 to enable Jesus Christ to leave heaven and take on the form of human male.
    • Gary Patton
      One cou;d argue that this implies that our first parent's sinful, human nature is transmitted ONLY through males. Does mr. Gillam really mean that? gfp
  • It is the sin nature that condemns a man to hell, not his sinful performance.
  • The whole ballgame for all of eternity is spiritual, not physical… the bottom line is spirit!
    • Gary Patton
      This is why Jesus said we can woship God ONLY in spirit and in truth" (John 4:22-24)!
  • ...44 more annotations...
  • The Bible speaks of only two types of spirit-natures referring to them as “men.” They are the “old man” and the “new man.”
    • Gary Patton
      Modern Bible translated have changed the literal translation of the King James Version of "man" to "self" and noted the original word in a footnote.
  • the Bible speaks of the old man being able, by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, to be born in a new way in order to change his identity (Jn. 3). Through turning from his self-centered rebellion, submitting himself to Christ’s authority as the God He is, appropriating His provision for getting shed of his dead spirit and beginning all over again with a new, good, alive, godly spirit, man can become something he has never been…alive to God through Christ (Rom.6:13). This new man is now a son of God via faith in Christ (Jn. 1:12).
    • Gary Patton
      This is why the Bible says only Jesus Followers are "children of God" and not all people. The latter are His "creation". But, non-Followers are not his children until they are put to death, spiritually, with Jesus and, then, resurrected or "re-born", as Jesus told the Pharisee in John 3:3-5, by Holy Spirit. gfp
  • We are cut from the same spirit-genetic cloth as our Lovely Lord Jesus! God reveals no provision in His word for adding His Spirit to a spirit-son of the devil You cannot mix Light with darkness.
    • Gary Patton
      Don't misunderstand what Mr. Gillham is saying in the second sentence here. All human beings are "sons of the Devil" until re-born in and by Jesus (John 8:42-45) as Mr. Gillham shares above in this article. gfp
  • A great problem exists today in that many well-meaning Christians teach that the death of the old man is simply a “positional truth”; it’s the “position in which God sees us.” They speak of it as if it were something we have to “reckon on” (count it as true) to keep it true.
  • we do not have to reckon on it to derive any benefit from it
    • Gary Patton
      This sentence contains a typo that confuses its sence. I believe that Dr. Gillam intended to write: "...we DO have to reckon on it..." because that is what Romans 6:11 says!
  • In God’s ecology, in order for a man to cease to be the son of Satan and become a son of God, the man must first die (spiritually) and then be reborn (spiritually), this time to a NEW FATHER! This is portrayed clearly in Romans 7:1-4.
  • The only kind of sons either God or Satan have are spirit-sons,
  • the flesh (body, brain, memory traces (flesh) in the brain
  • The reason a Christian doesn’t have a sin nature is because he is no longer the spirit-genes of God, his (New) Father! Hallelujah! Shout for joy! Whoooooeeeee!
    • Gary Patton
      This sentence also includes a typo that confuses its sense. I believe it should be read, and Dr. Gillham intended to write: "The reason a Christian doesn't have a sin nature is because he has no longer the spirit-genes of Satan but has those of God, his (New) Father!"
  • you are NOW a holy (Eph. 1:4), righteous (2 Cor. 5:21), saint of God (Rom. 1:7), blameless (Eph. 1:4), with Christ as your very Life (Col. 3:4), a son of God (Jn. 1:12), housed in an earthsuit (2 Cor. 5:1-8), a citizen of heaven (Eph. 2:19), on foreign assignment as an ambassador representing the “Fatherland” (2 Cor. 5:20), a righteous son of the King (2 Cor. 5:21), a spirit-son of the Second Adam (1 Cor. 11:45), spawned from His Spirit gene pool (Rom. 8:9), filled up with Christ Himself (Eph. 3:19), will all your needs (not greeds) supplied (Phil. 4:19), blessed with every spiritual blessing in heaven (Eph. 1:3), impervious to the obstacles of this planet (Phil.4:13), taking all things in stride as a part of the Loving Father’s “obstacle course” designed to prepare us for eternal rulership (Rom. 8:28-29)!
    • Gary Patton
      This is an incredible list of Biblical truths that flow from our being born-again in Messiah!
  • It’s not my old self that I am fighting against inside! It’s the power of sin working on my (new) mind (Rom. 7:23) through the flesh (the old memory traces) that I battle, and we are dead to having to submit, brother! (Rom. 6:11)
  • Accept this by faith as your true identity! Set your mind on it! Dwell on it! Meditate on the truth of it! Then, moment by moment act like it is true!
  • Can a man possibly possess dual spiritual sonship? No?
    • Gary Patton
      This is an incredible freedom-granting truth and a major benefit of being born-again children of God!
  • Stop acting like who you are not! That’s hypocritical! Act like the new man you are by faith! That’s obedience!
    • Gary Patton
      Our "New Man/Creation" is truly astounding. In life or death situations, human beings can lift cars. Just think for a moment of the limitless capabilities we have as New Creations in Jesus. We are flowing and operating in the power our Inner Warrior when we "abide/rest in" Jesus (John 15:5) and "live His Spirit" (Galatians 5:15).
  • But after the one’s “birth” as the new king, the old king could never again resurrect himself because he had no capability for self-resurrection! The very existence of the one precludes the existence of the other and vice versa!
  • was thoroughly confused
  • he was talking about two different people
  • “The King is Dead! Long Live the King!”
  • The old man has indeed died (Romans 6:6, etc.) and the new man has indeed been generated by the Holy Spirit (Colossians 3:10, etc.). But, unfortunately, the pervasive position taken by most Christian leader is that the old man is till “alive and well’ within the believer…that sinful performance gives daily testimony to this as “fact.”
  • The two can’t coexist any more that the two kings can! It was the death of the old man, which enabled the new man to be born! It is impossible for the new man to exist until the old man has died and the old man cannot resurrect himself. There is but One Life Who has such resurrection power…the Life of Christ!
  • Can you see what a difference this makes in motivating a Christian as opposed to berating him by constantly telling him what a sorry, no-good sinner he is and how he is going to face an angry God some day? Folk, it’s our works which will be judged in the future, not our personhood (2 Cor. 5:10) and God is not mad at the saved. He took our all the anger He had against us on Jesus (Isa. 53). We’ll either be rewarded or we’ll lose what we potentially could have won, but “there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ” (Rom. 8:1).
  • Those cannot exist simultaneously.
  • peaks of the POWER OF INDWELLING IN (not the sin nature) working in man to produce undesirable (sinful) behavior. The power of sin simply deceives the Christian by masquerading as the old man, suggesting (deceiving) to the will that a choice be made to perform according to the old self-serving patterns programmed in previously. This is referred to as “walking after the flesh.”
  • masquerade in the thought life of the Christian posing as his unique version of the old man! The naïve Christian will believe he, himself, is generating the unchristian suggestion and thus direct his defensive efforts against the wrong foe…what he perceives to be a darker side of himself! He fires all his bullets at a shadow! This is the explanation for the frustration depicted in Romans 7:15 “…why do I do the very thing I hate? Why can I get no victory?”
  • Though it would appear that the “two-natures” view places the greater responsibility for poor performance squarely on the Christian and that the “one-nature” view is a cop out, the opposite is actually true!
  • So long as one embraces the former he is constantly deceived into believe his failure is just standard Christian experience. As Scofield said (paraphrased), “This is not standard Christian experience, it’s the standard experience of most Christians,” the tragic result of faulty discipling.
  • Once the Christian enters into identification with Christ’s death, resurrection and ascension, claiming he no longer has two natures, but is now “the righteousness of God in Christ” and “holy and blameless in His sight” he is without excuse when he sins, because he knows what it is to possess the Life (“Christ in me”) which overcomes on a moment-by-moment basis.
  • In reality, it is accepted as fact that Christians no longer have a sin nature that places one squarely on the hook and totally responsible to choose, moment-by-moment, against the wooings, deceptions and accusations of indwelling sin working through the flesh. “Always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus (moment-by-moment) in our body.” (2 Cor. 4:10—NAS)
  • Indwelling sin deceives the “two-natures” believer into rationalizing, “I’m just human. I just fail a lot and God understands it’s just my old sin nature that got the better of me.” This is the true cop out position!
  • Awake sleeper! The king is dead! Long live the King!
  • The power of sin is what its name implies, a power to entice you into sin. It dwells in you (Rom.7:21) yet it is not you any more than a gold tooth that dwells in your mouth is you. Sin’s goal is to deceive the saints into living to get their needs (though good and godly) met by sinning rather than by using the Matt. 6:33 method; that is, “seeking Christ first.”
  • The power of sin is not your sin nature. Your sin nature is a synonym for old man or old self. That “old you” was crucified in Christ (Rom. 6:6). Before you were saved, it was as normal for you old nature to rebel against God’s authority as it is for a fish to swim.
  • Yet the power of sin is alive and well in you, saint. It indwells your body (Rom. 7:23). On page 1055 of W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, Vine states that sin is, “a governing principle or power” that is “personified” in the following passages. He then lists sixteen verses in which this holds true. The term personified means “represented as a person.” The power of sin can represent itself as a personage.
  • Since sin is personified, let’s call it “Mr. Sin” so we won’t confuse it with the verb. Mr. Sin tries to control you, to make you live to satisfy your bodily needs.
  • “For sin shall not be master over you…(Rom. 6:14). Mr. Sin (the personification) cannot master you. Remember how sin is “represented as a person?” It tries to master you through presenting thoughts to your mind by masquerading as the old man who has risen from the tomb. But no one except Jesus can do that, right? That’s not the old man; it’s the power of sin personified.
  • “But, if I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but Mr. Sin which indwells me (is somehow doing it)” (Rom. 7:20). This verse can really be a puzzler if you interpret the word “sin” as a verb. But it’s a noun, and Vine says it is personified (represented as a person).
  • Mr. Sin the “personage,” wars, fights and seeks to control your mind. But your mind does not want to be controlled by this power, so it fights back.
  • Galatians 5:17 says that the “flesh lusts against the spirit” and vice versa and there is obviously a war going on inside of every Christian, but it’s not the old man versus the new man doing battle.
  • The Law is the source of Mr. Sin’s strength. To couple law with Mr. Sin is like pouring gas on a fire. This personage called sin needs a law to aid it if it is to optimally control you. It “eats, breathes and sleeps” via the Law.
  • “The Law is not made for a righteous man” (1 Tim. 1:9).
  • Why? Because you, the righteous man (2 Cor. 5:21), don’t need it. The lost man does (in order to show him his condition), but you don’t. You now “have the laws of God written on (your) heart and mind” (Heb. 10:16).
  • In this verse, sin is represented as a personage which can harden you through deception.
  • it was exciting to discover that a man of Vine’s stature as a scholar testifies that the power of sin is often personified in the Word. What liberty there is in knowing that the rebellious, evil, hateful thoughts I experience are being presented to my mind, not generated by it.
  • Is Our Sin Nature dead or NOT?
    • Gary Patton
      In the short articles below, Dr. Gillham demolishes the common teaching, often implies by preachers, that a Jesus Follower can have two natures ... a Satanic, sinful nature plus the righteous nature of God in Christ? This hypothesis" or opinion ( is taught or implied by many in the church usually as truth. It also is implied by the New International Version (NIV) Bible's translating Biblical 'flesh' as "sin nature" ...wrongly as Dr. Gillham illustrates. Can a wo(man) really possess a dual spiritual sonship? You'll find freeing meditating on the clear Biblical answer presented here because Rev. Gillham says the answer is "NO! We don't have two natures!!" "Stop trying and start trusting God! It's not what you have to do that counts. But what Jesus has already fully done for you and the power He gives you because He lives in you!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp (2011-09)
    In these 3 short articles, Dr. Gillham addresses teaching that a Jesus Follower can have two natures ... a Satanic, sinful nature plus the righteous nature of God in Christ? This hypothesis" or opinion is taught or implied by many in the church usually as truth. It also is implied by the New International Version (NIV) Bible's translating Biblical "flesh" as "sin nature". But, can a wo(man) really possess a dual spiritual sonship? The clear Biblical answer according to Bill Gillham is "NO!" "Stop trying ...and start trusting God, It's not what you do. But what Jesus has already fully done for you!" ~ gfp '42™ gfp (2011-09)
    "Mr. Sin" is a more dangerous moment-to-moment foe for you than Satan. Pastor Gillham tells why! gfp
Gary Patton

The Root of Who a Jesus Follower is In Christ - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • baptized into His death
    • Gary Patton
      If you have Holy Spirit living in you, you're past tense dead! You are a brand, new "New Creation", not a patched up one or one with two natures ...despite what the NIV implies by its translation of "flesh" as "sinful nature" as outlined at by Dr. Bill Gillham at . The "Old You" (Old Man or Old Self) is dead and buried and a "New You" (Man/Self/Creation) is all that's left because of what Jesus has already done for you.
  • as Christ was (B)raised from the dead through the (C)glory of the Father
    • Gary Patton
      If you have Holy Spirit living in you, you're past tense dead! You are a brand, new "New Creation", not a patched up one or one with two natures ...despite what the NIV implies by its translation of "flesh" as "sinful nature" as outlined at by Dr. Bill Gillham. The "Old You" (Old Man or Old Self) is dead and buried and a "New You" (Man/Self/Creation) is all that's left because of what Jesus has already done for you.
  • walk in (D)newness of life
    • Gary Patton
      This promise confirms the truth of our "New Life" as a Follower of Jesus as we let Him live His life out through us as it says in Galatians 2:20 at < >. gfp (2011-09-08)
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • body of sin might be [b]done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin
    • Gary Patton
      In this verse, please go with the equally acceptable translation noted in (B) of "made powerless"! This makes clearer that "Mr. Sin" is finished and cannot resurrect himself as the flesh (what remains in your human nature after rebirth) continues to do in ALL Christians. You are clearly past tense dead to the power of "Mr. Sin" operating through your flesh to control your behaviour. You can read more about Mr. Sin in the short articles by Dr. Gillham at .
  • dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus.
    • Gary Patton
      How's this for a miracle .. you are a dead wo(man) and really alive for the first time. But only when you believe this truth. This verse makes even clearer that "Mr. Sin" is dead, powerless and cannot resurrect himself as can your flesh (what remains in your human nature after rebirth) continues to do in ALL Christians. You are clearly past tense dead to the power of "Mr. Sin". As I noted above, you can read more about Mr. Sin in the short articles by Dr. Gillham @ gfp (2011-09-08)
  • having been (A)freed from sin,
    • Gary Patton
      You do NOT have "two natures" Please believe it!. Then act on the truth you say you believe by keeping on keeping on abiding/resting/walking in Jesus, you dead wo(man) you!!!! Because when Jesus sets you FREE, you're free indeed as you're also promised at < > . gfp (2011-09-08)
    • Gary Patton
      There are four other short verses attached below. Don't miss the e-Sticky Note comments on each of these.
    Please note and prayerfully meditate on the powerful truth that the verbs in each of 5 crucial verses in Romans 6:3,4,6,11,18 are each past tense? Please also reflect on what that means for you having a REAL life of abundance and true freedom if you follow Jesus. If you do, the "Old You" (Old Man or Old Self) is dead and buried and a "New You" (Man/Self/Creation) is all that's left because of what Jesus has already done for you. You already are a brand New Creation, not a patched up one or one with two natures ...even f you don't always act of feel like one. Plus you're dead to the power of Mr. Sin operating through your flesh (sinful habit patterns that remain as part of your human, not sinful, nature) to control your behaviour. gfp
    The Bible says you ARE a "Dead Wo(man) Walking". But, you may not know it. And that's holding your spiritual growth back! gfp
    Yes, you really are a Walking Dead Wo(man) when you are in Christ! And you're powerless if you don't believe and understand how and why God designed His children to be this kind of New Creation in Christ"! gfp
Gary Patton

NASB - Woe to those who call evil good, and - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Woe to those who
    • Gary Patton
      A Jesus Follower's escape from God's wrath and death is because we are "in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) when we enter the next life plus, being also in Christ in this one, we confess our sin moment-to-moment (1 John 1:9).
  • Isaiah 5:20-21
    • Gary Patton
      Isaiah 5:20-21 outlines the behaviour of those in what the Bible calls "the world", i.e., every human being (Romans 3:23-26 & 6:23). The Bible makes clear this group includes even Followers of Jesus because sometimes we live out of our flesh by not "walking in the spirit". (Galatians 5:16-19 & 25) God punishes all who disobey His laws because His character of "justice" demands consequences be extracted ...even given His character of grace. Jesus Followers, who truly "fear God" (Proverbs 1:7 & 2:1-7) have an escape from the clear wrath of God and eternal separation from His presence. The guaranteed wrath of God is indicated by His use of the strong Hebrew word translated as "woe". gfp (20120-4-19)
  • And clever in their own sight
    • Gary Patton
      But those in the world have exactly what He charges we must not do withot consequences. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We also have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbour's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honoured values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. (Note 1) And Isaiah 5:20-21 makes clear at that the above is the behaviour of those in what the Bible calls "the world", i.e., every human being (Romans 3:23-26 & 6:23). The Bible makes clear this group includes even Followers of Jesus because sometimes we live out of our flesh by not "walking in the spirit". (Galatians 5:16-19 & 25) God punishes all who disobey His laws because His character of "justice" demands consequences be extracted ...even given His character of grace. Jesus Followers, who truly "fear God" (Proverbs 1:7 & 2:1-7) have an escape from the clear wrath of God and eternal separation from His presence. The guaranteed wrath of God is indicated by His use of the strong Hebrew word translated as "woe". A Jesus Follower's escape from God's wrath and death is because we are "in Christ" (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) when we enter the next life plus, being also in Christ in this one, we confess our sin moment-to-moment (1 John 1:9). If you are not in a close, personal relationship with Yeshua (Jesus), I beg you for your eternity's sake plus to ensure your ability to live an abundant life now, to ask Jesus to save you. Call out to the Son of God from your heart of hearts, acknowledge that is truly Who He is and ask him to forgive all your
    Isaiah 5:20-21 outlines the behaviour of those in what the Bible calls "the world", i.e., every human being (Romans 3:23-26 & 6:23). The Bible makes clear this group includes even Followers of Jesus because sometimes we live out of our flesh by not "walking in the spirit". (Galatians 5:16-19 & 25) God punishes all who disobey His laws because His character of "justice" demands consequences be extracted ...even given His character of grace. Jesus Followers, who truly "fear God" (Proverbs 1:7 & 2:1-7) have an escape from the clear wrath of God and eternal separation from His presence. The guaranteed wrath of God is indicated by His use of the strong Hebrew word translated as "woe". gfp (20120-4-19)
Gary Patton

The Battle Within Human Beings - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    • Gary Patton
      The "Fruit of the Spirit" is a package of powerful character traits that we receive when we are born-again as "New Creations" in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus Himself is this package because He is living His life our through us from inside us as He promises. This package, which is Jesus' power in us, is described in Galatians 5:22-25 at .
  • Galatians 5:16-21
  • Galatians 5:16-21
    In Galatians 5:16-21 (NASB), the Apostle Paul describes the war between the power of "Mr. Sin" via our Flesh, in Satan, and that of Holy Spirit, in Christ, that wages constantly within the body of a Follower of Jesus. We've read the last Chapter of the Book though. Our "Warrior Within", Jesus, wins on our behalf!!
Gary Patton

The Vicious Voices ...Watch Them! - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • not of the flesh
  • speculations and every (C)lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God
    • Pttyann Thacker
      Oh Gary this is good teaching! Those old ugly,nasty "Vicious Voices"!! are a mess.And you're so right we cannot dwell on those voices,but must quickly pull them down,and get that "Sword" to working against them.I hope you have a wonderful evening.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
    2 Corinthians 10:5 in this passage describes the easy way to defeat the negative voices we all hear in our heads. gfp (2012- 01-24)
Gary Patton

How Christians Must Live to be Successful - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    Galatians 5:16-18 share clearly how a Jesus Follower must live moment to moment as a lifestyle to defeat the enemy that holds us back.
Gary Patton

Biblical 'Flesh' ...What It Means! | GaryFPatton - 0 views

    Your flesh can take you to hell!
Gary Patton

"The Story of Jesus' True Death and Resurrection for All of Humankind" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • And Jesus (A)cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit.
  • the [a]veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and (D)the earth shook and the rocks were split. 52&nbsp;The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the [b]saints who had (E)fallen asleep were raised; 53&nbsp;and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered (F)the holy city and appeared to many.
    "The Story of Jesus' True Death and Resurrection for All of Humankind" Matthew 27:50 to Matthew 28:7 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) makes clear that Jesus, who was miraculously and supernaturally fully man of flesh and bones and yet fully a dimension of the One Almighty God, was crucified and His body but not His spirit, died on a torture instrument. It also explains how the living God Emmanuel, or God with us, was buried in a tomb along with the proofs of why no man could have, or did, steal our one and only Saviour's human body. Finally, ii clarifies how Jesus was later raised from His grave as the only God-man in a glorified body with nail marks in his hands and feet. Into those holes one of his first Followers put his fingers. He then fell to his knees as a Jew believing in One Gaod and exclaimed" "My Lord and my God!" (at ). Why each of these facts are important are outlined in the further e-Sticky Notes on some individual versus below. Please understand that many of these facts are attested to outside the Bible by Jesus' contemporary, Josephus. He was a famous Jewish historian of Yeshua's (Jesus') co-coreligionists, the Jews. It's because of these facts that Jesus of Nazareth, described in the Christian Bible cannot be the Isa of the Qur'an. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)
Gary Patton

John 10:25-33 NIV1984 - Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Jesus answered, “I did tell you,(A) but you do not believe.
  • My sheep listen to my voice; I know them,(D) and they follow me.(E) 28&nbsp;I give them eternal life,(F) and they shall never perish;
  • My Father, who has given them to me,(I) is greater than all[a];(J) no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30&nbsp;I and the Father are one.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Again the Jews picked up stones to stone him
  • stoning you for any of these,” replied the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.
    "Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" In the Christian Scripture passage at John 10:28-30, Yeshua (Jesus) confirms that the God-man, God in flesh and bones is One God, as "God the Son", with "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit". The Jews who heard say this tried to stone Him because He was speaking blasphemy in the classical Judaism of His day and still. This is one of only several Bible passages that confirm Jesus as One dimension of the One Godhead GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)
Gary Patton

"Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    "Jesus Confirms He Is The One God Almighty" In the Christian Scripture passage at John 10:28-30, Yeshua (Jesus) confirms that the God-man, God in flesh and bones is One God, as "God the Son", with "God the Father" and "God the Holy Spirit". The Jews who heard say this tried to stone Him because He was speaking blasphemy in the classical Judaism of His day and still. This is one of only several Bible passages that confirm Jesus as One dimension of the One Godhead GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-10-08)
Gary Patton

"One Biblical Account of Jesus' Crucifixion" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • So the soldiers took charge of Jesus.
  • Here they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle
  • Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: jesus of nazareth, the king of the jews.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek.
  • When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes
  • This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled which said,“They divided my garments among them&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and cast lots for my clothing.
  • &nbsp;Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” 29&nbsp;A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30&nbsp;When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
  • &nbsp;Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath
  • one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.
  • These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,”[b] 37&nbsp;and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”[c]
    "One Biblical Account of Jesus' Crucifixion" John 19:16-42 in the Christian New Covenant (Testament) describes the death of Yeshua (Jesus) on His cross. He voluntarily, as God the Son, Emmanuel, God in flesh and bones. He dis so to redeem all who will believe in Him and His sacrifice for them as God from their violation of God the Father's laws and their sin nature by means of the saving power of Gog the Holy Spirit.
Gary Patton

The Only Way To Serve - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Philippians 2:3-11
  • Do nothing [a]from [b](A)selfishness or (B)empty conceit, but with humility of mind (C)regard one another as more important than yourselves;
  • do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Christ Jesus, 6&nbsp;who, although He (G)existed in the (H)form of God, (I)did not regard equality with God a thing to be [d]grasped, 7&nbsp;but [e](J)emptied Himself, taking the form of a (K)bond-servant, and (L)being made in the likeness of men. 8&nbsp;Being found in appearance as a man, (M)He humbled Himself by becoming (N)obedient to the point of death, even (O)death [f]on a cross.
  • at the name of Jesus (S)every knee will bow, of (T)those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11&nbsp;and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is (U)Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
    "The Only Way To Serve " Philippians 2:3-11 talks about how Jesus Followers can know that they are serving with the right attitude of heart in the power of Holy Spirit ...not their flesh. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-06-22)
Gary Patton

Interpreting Scripture: Our Greek-ness is Showing - 0 views

  • All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible.Because God is not a Greek.
  • Among other things, we Greeks believe that there is only one correct way to interpret any particular scripture and apply it to our lives
  • hen interpret biblical truth through our own personal religious, cultural, societal, and experiential lenses
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  • When a verse or passage in the Bible lends itself to more than one interpretation, we Greeks seem unable to consider the possibility that both interpretations might be equally valid.
    • Gary Patton
      Actually, this tension is not really a "big deal" because the simple English word, 'antinomy' explains the Biblical concept of "equal and opposing truths"! Might it be that christains simply like to fight? In discussing contrary points-of-view on a 'proof-text', for example, do we allow Mr. Sin to rear up our flesh like a wild, untamed stallion ...rather than the Indian warrior pony in North American terms... to which Jesus was referring via the 'Greek' word He used when commanding us to be 'meek'. (Forgive me David, I don't speak Aramaic, either! :-)) gfp
  • That’s how we get more than 20,000 versions of the same truth.
  • I’m not convinced Jesus had any interpretation in mind when He spoke these words. He always did what He saw the Father doing, and He always spoke what He heard the Father speaking. I don’t know that Jesus needed much explanation or clarification before revealing the works and words of the Father.
    • Gary Patton
      And prior to going to His cross and being resurrected, Jesus, the incarnate "God Man", would have had to later think through what the Father gave him. Maybe He even talked through optional interpretations with "His boys"? Might He even have argued with Himself over them? (I hear that muttered "God forbid", Dr. Dave! :-)) gfp
  • I have been awestruck by the preciousness of Jesus and determined to obtain an intimate relationship with Him regardless of the cost because He is the only One who is worth what I will pay for Him. And I have been brought to tears to know that He loves, cherishes, and values me so much that He would pay the ultimate price to invite me into the relationship that He and the Father &amp; the Spirit have enjoyed from eternity past.
  • Or we can put aside our Greek-ness and give up on the idea of objective truth defined as a body of information and correct interpretation. How about we simply adopt the Bible’s definition of objective truth?
    • Gary Patton
      I can suspect the horror this suggestion is generating in the flesh of "anti-grace-teaching" Pastors and the religious spawn they have misled! gfp
  • how about we let the Author of the scriptures quicken them to our hearts so that we see them in whatever light He wishes for us to see them at that particular moment?
    • Gary Patton
      WoW! What a novel idea!! Here again, this will be fleshly fear-inducing for religous people and their mistaken and misleading mentors. (And Dr. Dave knows that and does it intentionally, eh David! :-)) gfp
  • Only a Greek would ask such questions.
    • Gary Patton
    Dr. David Ryser, my Friend and a Greek and Hebrew scholar and teacher points out some core challenge of Scripture interpretation. The challenge applies cross-culturally and to followers of different gods ...with some adaptation to your culture and faith for non-Jesus Following religious people. All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible ...because God is not a Greek. gfp (2011-11-18)
Gary Patton

The Deity of Jesus Christ - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • John 1
  • In the beginning was (B)the Word, and the Word was (C)with God, and (D)the Word was God.
  • There [c]came a man sent from God, whose name was (I)John.
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  • He came to His [h]own, and those who were His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become (O)children of God, even (P)to those who believe in His name, 13 (Q)who were [i]born, not of [j]blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
  • he Word (S)became flesh, and [k](T)dwelt among us, and (U)we saw His glory, glory as of [l]the only begotten from the Father, full of (V)grace and (W)truth.
  • the Law was given through Moses; (AC)grace and (AD)truth [p]were realized through Jesus Christ. 18 (AE)No one has seen God at any time; (AF)the only begotten God who is (AG)in the bosom of the Father, (AH)He has explained Him.
  • What do you say about yourself?” 23 He said, “I am (AO)A VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD,’ as Isaiah the prophet said.”
  • The next day he *saw Jesus coming to him and *said, “Behold, (AU)the Lamb of God who (AV)takes away the sin of the world!
  • He who sent me to baptize [x]in water said to me, ‘He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, (BA)this is the One who baptizes [y]in the Holy Spirit.’ 34 I myself have seen, and have testified that this is (BB)the Son of God.”
  • he looked at Jesus as He walked, and *said, “Behold, (BD)the Lamb of God!”
  • “We have found the (BG)Messiah” (which translated means [ab]Christ).
  • “We have found Him of whom (BS)Moses in the Law and also (BT)the Prophets wrote—Jesus of (BU)Nazareth, (BV)the son of Joseph.
  • Rabbi, You are (CB)the Son of God
  • You are the (CC)King of Israel.
  • “Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see (CD)the heavens opened and (CE)the angels of God ascending and descending on (CF)the Son of Man.”
    John 1:1-5 in the New American Standard Bible says clearly that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God and the Word (Logos) of God.
Gary Patton

Humble Wins - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • 1 Peter 5:5-11
  • clothe yourselves with (C)humility toward one another, for (D)God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
  • humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, 7&nbsp;casting all your (F)anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.
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  • he (O)God of all grace, who (P)called you to His (Q)eternal glory in Christ, will Himself (R)perfect, (S)confirm, strengthen and establish you.
  • the devil, prowls around like a roaring (J)lion, seeking someone to devour. 9&nbsp;[a](K)But resist him
  • Be of sober spirit, (H)be on the alert. Your adversary, (I
    "Humble Wins" In 1 Peter 5:5-11, Holy Spirit explains why a humble wo(man) is able to win against their daily trials as well as against both their flesh & blood and spiritual adversaries! gfp (2012-06-08)
Gary Patton

The Only Way, NOT One Way, to Be Reconciled with Almighty God - - 1 views

  • John 14:6
  • “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    • Gary Patton
      Some find Jesus' statement here, in John 14:6, to be 'exclusionary'. They maintain He was only a good and wise man but not God, in the flesh as the Bible maintains He actually said. Many feel that following Jesus is ONLY one way to get back to our heavenly Father. You and you alone will and must decide for yourself Who Jesus is. You have ONLY three choices, I suggest: 1. Jesus was a mad man for saying this! 2. Jesus was a lying when He said this! 3. Jesus is God almighty and came as 'Emmanuel' (almighty God in flesh and bones), lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and was resurrected from the grave as payment in full for the penalty required for your "sin nature" as well as your sins. When you believe and act on this truth, you will live forever with God from the moment you cry out to Him plus live an abundant life in the "hear and now" as well as in the "hereafter".
  • "The Only Way, NOT One Way, to Be Reconciled with Almighty God" In John 14:6, Jesus make a statement that dramatically affects your future. He says VERY bluntly in the Christian Scripture below that He is the ONLY way to God! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2011-09-08)
Gary Patton

"The Common Vicious Voices" - GaryFPatton - 1 views

  • "The Common 'Vicious Voices'"
    Galatians 5:16-18 outlines clearly who and what are the "Vicious Voices" that can take you to hell!
Gary Patton

Sin Management: Bad Idea! | Viral Jesus - 0 views

  • Sin Management: Bad Idea!
    • Gary Patton
      When we substitute our strength for Holy Spirit's by trying to manage our fleshly sin, watch out! The demons have got you! gfp (2012-03-19)
  • the point of Christianity is about being good.
  • It isn’t. That’s a byproduct; an important byproduct but a byproduct nonetheless.
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  • When we start thinking in terms of behaving correctly we are, in essence, trying to live the Christian life in our own ability.
  • By “taking control” of our sin life, we push the Holy Spirit (and His power) out of the way and start trying to be good in the weakness of our own human flesh.
  • This, in turn, just drives the Spirit farther from us because we have lost contact with our own reality, let alone His. What I’m describing here is hypocrisy. Ask yourself, how did Jesus feel about religious hypocrites?
  • We also have a community were rules (and keeping them) are more important than true spirituality,
  • Because the assumption is that keeping rules will keep us holy. When, in fact, trying to gain God’s approval through rule keeping drives His Spirit away.
  • If you have a bunch of people acting like this (a spiritual community/church) what do we end up with? We end up with fear;
  • The end result is a community of judgment because phonies would rather try to control other’s sins than deal with themselves.
  • Most people who experience it only stay (if they can really stand it) because they know nothing else or they assume that that is the only place they can find Jesus.
    • Gary Patton
  • Jesus’ Spirit may not be there in any great measure in the first place. He is replaced with talk about Jesus. It’s not the same thing.
  • the only way to combat sin is to be controlled by the Spirit of God. We can’t do it ourselves no matter how hard we try. Have you ever honestly, truly been in a community like that?
    • Gary Patton
      Both contenders in Galatians 5:19 are heavy-weights, so we're wise to ensure we do a 5:25!
  • Have you ever wondered how the first generation of Christians was so powerful without yet having the written New Testament? Does asking such a radical question mean I don’t think the Scriptures are important?
    When we substitute our strength for Holy Spirit's by trying to manage our sin, watch out! gfp(2012-03-19)
Gary Patton

Apologetics is not about "Defending the Faith." | Pathways International - 1 views

  • The theological field of apologetics is lauded by most and feared by few. &nbsp;Great strides have been taken by the church to raise up “defenders of the faith.” &nbsp;Debating others in public on the veracity of Christianity is a spectator sport that rivals all others.
  • I can remember my youth in Christ, and how my brain turned to sponge. &nbsp;Soaking up every theory, every angle, and every point of view regarding the faith, I too wanted to nail it down so as to defend my position.
  • I read everything I could get my hands on and considered every opinion under the sun. &nbsp;I also read from those who directly challenged my religion; atheists, agnostics, deists, scientists, and the various writings from those christians would call “the cults.”
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  • ly and&nbsp;confrontationally, sparring with them in a sense to see if I had weaknesses in my theological construct.
  • But, deep down in my immaturity, I wanted and needed to be right.
    • Gary Patton
      "Purposefully", I can agree with. The rest ...not so much because the attitude it implies seems to conflict with 1 Peter 3:15-17.
  • My love for apologetics had turned to lust.&nbsp; I had exchanged Christ, my Hope, for the fallacy of “faith defending.”
    • Gary Patton
      Being human and full of flesh, still, I suspect most of us would say about ourselves re the things the authour used to do ...not just on this point: "This is still me when I'm not careful to "walk in the Spirit"! (Galatians 5:16 & 25-26).
  • Personally, I count that time in my apologetic walk as adulterous and Idolatrous.&nbsp; Where I sought to defend the faith, I was, in many cases defaming Jesus name.&nbsp; If any of this strikes a chord with you, stop for a moment and ask the Lord for wisdom, then read the rest.
    • Gary Patton
      WOW! (Words Of Wisdom)
  • efending the hope within us,” 1 Peter 3:15, to “defending the faith,” our stance, and our pet doctrines.
  • Somewhere along the way, the church went from “
  • I dare say that if any of us had to give a defense of our faith, we could &nbsp;at least give it a decent showing. &nbsp;I wonder though, how many could give a solid defense for the HOPE within them.
  • I&nbsp;would&nbsp;ask the same, “What is your hope?”
    • Gary Patton
      This a powerful question that Holy Spirit will use in a convicting way for some of us.
Gary Patton

What Neuroscience Tells Us about Spritual Disciplines | Christianity Today - 0 views

  • Neuroscience sheds light on how fasting and other spiritual disciplines work by training our subconscious mental processes.
  • our conscious self is far less in control over who you are and what you do than you realize. &nbsp;"We are not the ones driving the boat of our behavior," says neuroscientist David Eagleman.
    • Gary Patton
      I wonder, assuming this is true, might what psycology calls our subconscious be the residence of Christian flesh. However, I believe the existence of a 'subconscious' is, like 'evolution', a thesis that is usually stated as a fact and truth but no one can prove. Neither is a scientific theory and are certainly not proven theorems because they are not replicable through experimentation.
  • Jesus expected that dietary restriction would be a part of our spiritual practice. "When you fast," he said, not if.
    • Gary Patton
      There is no command that we fast in either the Old or New Covenant that I can find. Verse 16 for me is a suggestion not a command. If I'm correct, why do Christian pulpiteers and writers talk about Jesus' quote here like, as this writer says, it should be taken as "an assumption" that Jesus Followers for all time should fast? Why not just consider it what it was? In context, I suggest that Jesus was teaching about an appropriate attitude to take in our relationship with God and our worship of Him. To do so, Jesus used illustrations about how to fast a worship activity practised by the Jews of his day and Old Covenant characters with whom they were familiar. His illustrations were made to a group of religious Jews when He was teaching them on a hillside by using inappropriate fasting practises which some of them followed that He and everyone else present probably observed regularly. Likewise, because Holy Spirit "drove" Jesus into the wilderness without food or water for 40 days for reasons unique to Jesus' ministry, why is it often taught that we must imitate that one time happening, as far as we know, in our Masters life? Undoubtedly, fasting can be healthy for some when properly practised. It may also have positive spiritual implications when done for reasons God leads the faster about. But, much of the super-spiritual things taught about fasting for spiritual reasons do not seem to have any real Biblical support. It is Holy Spirit Who "shapes us into spiritual people" using his lovingly slow process of sanctification it says in Romans 8:29-30 at ... not our disciplined, hard work by depriving ourselves to train our subconscious as Rob Mol says in this article. Undoubtedly, fasting can be healthy for some when properly practised. It may also have positive spiritual implications when done for reasons God leads the faster about. But, much of the super-spiritual things taught about fasting for spiritual reasons do not seem to ha
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  • Don't fast for a cause, but to shape your soul.
    • Gary Patton
      Mr. Moll explains in this article the light that neuroscience, he says, sheds on how fasting and other so-called, "spiritual disciplines" work. He says our socalled "Christian disciplines" train our subconscious mental processes. I wonder if what he says makes sense because his opinions are based solely on a number of unproveable theories which he shares like they were facts without any qualification. I've added below some e-Sticky Notes about what I think. How do you feel about what I have written? gfp (2012-03-30)
  • by making the Lenten discipline of fasting about a cause, we are caving in to our cultural distaste for self-denial.
    • Gary Patton
  • But more importantly, spiritual disciplines shape us in deep ways. Because our brains—at the very least—mediate, process, and experience our spiritual lives, the disciplines can train us to become more attuned to God himself.
    • Gary Patton
      This is a statement with significant spiritual implications for which Mr. Mol offers absolutely no scientfic proof or Bisbilical support. Therefore, I suggest the statement is potentially dangerous because it promotes our works rather than "rest" in God as the Bible clearly does command in Hebrews 4.
  • when our blood sugar runs low, chemical signals from the blood stream reach the brain, which sends out signals to eat.
    • Gary Patton
      This process and that described below are hard-wired into our DNA by God to protect us ...not the result of our pratcising disciples!
  • The subconscious brain is at work, guiding our actions and our behavior
    • Gary Patton
      As a charismatic Follower of Jess, I would suggest that the results Mr. Moll is describing here can be just as acceptably ascribed to God working in His Followers' spirit because He lives in us ...rather than to some unprovable thesis stated like fact about a 'subconscious' developed by worldly psychology. The subconscious is not science because the concept is not replicable nor is it provable. Jesus Followers, on the other hand however, know that they know that they know that God leads them. We do because of the always beneficial result when we do what Holy Spirit leads.
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