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Gary Patton

Philippians 2:5-11 NASB - Have this attitude in yourselves which - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He (C)existed in the (D)form of God, (E)did not regard equality with God a thing to be [b]grasped, 7 but [c](F)emptied Himself, taking the form of a (G)bond-servant, and (H)being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, (I)He humbled Himself by becoming (J)obedient to the point of death, even (K)death [d]on a cross
    • Gary Patton
      Yeshua/ Jesus came to earth and ministered (served) here for about 30 years as the God-Man...fully God and fully man as Philippians 2:5-10 at describes. This passage also proclaims that He came to pay by his death the full penalty required by Yeshua's heavenly Father for our "sin nature" and sins. Later, In John 14:15-21 at, Yeshua tells His gathered Followers that after He is resurrected from the grave and thereby proving His Father's acceptance of Yeshua's sacrifice, God would send "another personality of Himself", called Holy Spirit. It is only in the New Covenant, that Yahweh discloses that He, the One God of the Old Covenant Schema, is the "Three Personalities in One God" of the 'Trinity". Together, these three unique personalities of the God-head, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are the Old Covenant YHWH. YHWH is the Old Covenant unpronounceable and unwritable in full name of the Hebrew God. Christians have transliterated YHWH to Yahweh or Jehovah by supplying assumed missing vowels. But scholars cannot be sure. How a God-man existed and died is a mystery Yeshua's/Jesus' Followers cannot explain. We accept them as outlined in the New Covenant on faith because they are confirmed by the power of Holy Spirit working in us and through us. YHWH/Trinity are NOT and cannot be the Muslim Allah. Nor is Yeshua/Jesus the 'Isa' of the Muslim 'Quor'an' because Allah is not YHWH, Yeshua's heavenly Father or 'Abba' ('Daddy'). Islam includes no concept of their deity as 'Father', let alone familiar, Daddy!
Gary Patton

Why the Old Covenant Law if It Can't Save? - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • The Law came in so that the transgression would increase; but where sin increased, (I)grace abounded all the more, 21 so that, as (J)sin reigned in death, even so (K)grace would reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Romans 5:18-21
Gary Patton

A Comprehensive Look at Genesis 3 | The Bare Times - 0 views

  • By doing so, she fails to uphold the Word.
  • First they died spiritually while not knowing what death was.
  • The woman starts “humanism”.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • A Comprehensive Look at Genesis 3
  • Adam and the woman realize that of the three commands given they have failed at keeping two of them. The only one that they could still keep dealt with reproduction. It reminded them too much of the commands that they had broken, so they covered up.
  • God wanted to fellowship with them; but they wanted not to be with Him because they sinned.
Gary Patton

Every Jesus Follower's Spiritual Weapons - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus commands His Followers to wage peace ...not war as He clearly says in Matthew 5:38-45 at And, as Ephesians 6:10-17 at reminds us, our real enemies are Satan and his demons ...not the humans they motivate... no matter how evil those people may seem. Because of these truths, the only weapons that will work are our supernatnatural ones, particularly prayer. This passage also reminds us that our biggest battle sometimes can be in our minds where demons and Mr. Sin ( manipulate our fleshly thoughts with powerful emotions. We can only control these in the power of Holy Spirit as it says in Galataians 5:19-25 at
  • For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.(E) 4 The weapons we fight with(F) are not the weapons of the world.
    • Gary Patton
      Unlike people in the world, Jesus Followers do not have to fight the attacks by very powerful demonic forces which everyone alive experiences using the Follower's own strength. We can do nothing of any value or protect ourselves from the demonic except in Jesus' strength and power as our Master makes very clear by what he says in John 15:5 at . Jesus commands His Followers to wage peace ...not war as He clearly says in Matthew 5:38-45 at And, as Ephesians 6:10-17 at reminds us, our real enemies are Satan and his demons ...not the humans they motivate... no matter how evil those people may seem. Because of these truths, the only weapons that will work are our supernatural ones, particularly prayer. This passage also reminds us that our biggest battle sometimes can be in our minds where demons and Mr. Sin ( manipulate our fleshly thoughts with powerful emotions. We can only control these in the power of Holy Spirit as it says in Galatians 5:19-25 at
  • On the contrary, they have divine power(G) to demolish strongholds.(H) 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,(I) and we take captive every thought to make it obedient(J) to Christ.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 2 Corinthians 10:1-7
    • Gary Patton
      "Every Jesus Follower's Spiritual Weapons" 2 Corinthians 10:1-7 outlines the spiritual weapons and their offensive power that complements the "spiritual armour" that Jesus Followers are told about elsewhere in the New Covenant (Testament) that I outline in my e-Stick Notes below.. It is these DEFENSIVE weapons that we are to use while behaving non-violently in the world while waging peace ...not war... on behalf of the Kingdom of God in this life as Jesus commands in Matthew 5:38-45 at . gfp (2011-12-20)
    2 Corinthians 10:1-7 compliments what what Jesus Followers are told in Galatians 6: ? are told about the weapons we must use when waging peace on behalf of the Kingdom of God in this life!
Gary Patton

Reinterpreting the Great Commission - 0 views

  • Missional Discipleship: Reinterpreting the Great Commission
    • Gary Patton
      Jonathan Dodson adds exciting new dimensions to the standard interpretations of Jesus' "Great Commission" in the article. It is the first of two parts. gfp (2012-03-03)
  • In evangelical subculture the ubiquity of the Great Commission is matched by the poverty of its interpretation.
    • Gary Patton
      The only greater "poverty" is its lack of application in their lives by so-called Christians. In North America, a too-common and oft-heard phrase exchanged between so-called Christians is: "I'd din't know you were a Christian!" "Lord, please forgive us although we know what we're doing! gfp"
  • The OT commission, frequently referred to as the creation or cultural mandate, was issued by God before the Fall of humanity, emphasizing creative activity with the following verbs: be fruitful, multiply, rule, and subdue (Gen 1.27-28).2 By producing more creators who rule and subdue the elements of the earth,
  • ...30 more annotations...
  • A surface reading of these Old and New Testament texts places them at odds with one another.
  • These impoverished readings call for reinterpretation, one that that allows both Genesis and the Gospels to speak.
  • we will be challenged to understand and embrace discipleship as more that "spiritual disciplines" or an evangelistic program.
  • following after Jesus that requires redemptive engagement not just with souls but with creation and culture.
  • the command is to make disciples of all nations not from all nations.
  • The Great Commission is not about soul-extraction, to remove the disciple from his culture,
    • Gary Patton
      To often in the past ...and still..., so-called Christian Missionaries who "went" and "go" into other cultures try to shape their disciples in the image of the Missionary's culture, i.e. they "clothed the naked", literally, instead of providing what's need in the moment by the individuals they encounter which is what Jesus meant. 
  • the many-splendored new humanity of Christ.
  • Where Matthew emphasizes the action of making distinctive disciples, Mark stresses the importance of preaching to all creation.
  • When Jesus used the word "preach" he did not mean converse. The Greek word for preach always carries a sense of urgency and gravity, as though what is to be proclaimed is of great importance
    • Gary Patton
      A better translation of the Greek, that captures it's sense and is not intentionally designed by the translator to reinforce "Sunday morning church activity", is "herald"! 
  • Paul perceives himself as an announcer of a worldly Christ-centered gospel,
  • While this worldly gospel saves, it also condemns.
  • For some it brings life; for others it brings death, but all are to be given the opportunity to be written into the story of God's redemption of all creation.
    • Gary Patton
      This is not a particularly "Calvinistic statement, i.e., those saved are pre-ordained (Romans 8:28) but probably accurate because we'll never know 'till we get to heaven whether Holy Spirit used us to touch the "right" people and bring them "one step closer to Jesus". 
  • Humanity was charged with the task of caring for the earth and creating culture, making the uninhabitable habitable.
  • Jesus preached a worldly gospel, a restorative message that put the creation project back on track. His glorified, resurrection body is clearly proof of the new creation to come.
  • Jesus told those who believe that they will be given power to heal the sick, restore the demon-possessed, and to speak new languages (Mk. 16:17-18). This worldly gospel is for the redemption and renewal of the earth, the body, the heart, the mind, and the cultures of the world. It is a saving message that rescues people from their unbelief, not their world,
  • we are called to preach "repentance and forgiveness of sins." A social gospel will not suffice.
    • Gary Patton
      And a "social gospel" approach is also not excluded.
  • What does it mean to be "witnesses of all these things"? Well, at the very least it means sharing Jesus' self-sacrificing offer of forgiveness,
    • Gary Patton
      And witnessing includes, I suggest, the practical and explanatory sharing of the blessings that have enriched the life of the witnesser as a result of their forgiveness and Jesus coming to live His life out through them by sharing what Christians call "their testimony". 
  • The problem with many of our stories is that they contain all spirit and very little flesh.
  • People want to touch redemption, which means they need to see resurrection power in our personal struggles.
  • The stories we tell should boast of Jesus' death and resurrection, of his forgiveness of sin and of his restoration of sinners — reconciled families and marriages, restored and housed homeless, renewed life among AIDS orphans, and so on.
    • Gary Patton
      And make sure these resurrection-power stories, if not about yourself, are about other you KNOW personally ...otherwise they can be considered so much fluff!
  • Whereas the previous gospel writers emphasized Jesus' command to make distinctive disciples, preach a worldly gospel, and witness a fleshly Jesus, John stresses Jesus sending his disciples.
  • According to John Piper, we are either goers, senders, or disobedient, but according to Jesus we are all the sent.
    • Gary Patton
      And I agree with Jesus. It's clear notwithstanding Mr. Piper's opinion, that Jesus clearly tells all his followers that we are to "go along", i.e., herald Jesus where He plants us". It's not wrong to help a Brother or Sister "go" somewhere else but Jesus never said or giving money to a so-called missionary could replace His Followers heralding Him where they are in the moment".
  • All followers of Jesus are called to live as missionaries in their culture
  • Our paradigm for living a sent life, a missionary life, is the sending of the Son by the Father.
  • So, within reason we should take on the trappings of our culture in order to contextually relate the gospel.
    • Gary Patton
      And for this reason, it's not wrong to accompany your work colleagues after work for a "drink" at a local strip club ...just don't oggle the strippers or get drunk! We can only earn their trust so they'll "as the reason for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15-17) when we're not the typical judgemental Christian or pushy Televangelist-type they have been warned to avoid by those judged by those folks.
  • It leads us to immerse ourselves into the humanity of our neighborhoods and cities in order relate the gospel to people and their needs.
    • Gary Patton
      And this doesn't mean that we're more spiritual if we leave our middle-class lifestyle and neighbourhood and move into an inner-city slum or evangelize street people on weekends unless Holy Spirit makes clear that role is His will for you at that point in your life!
  • The power of missional living does not spring from cultural savvy or social sensitivity; it requires the otherworldly, utterly personal power of the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit of God can make men new.
    • Gary Patton
      Amen to that!! A Lone Ranger Christian carries a notch-less gun in his "heralding holster". 
  • The "good news" of Genesis 1-2 is that God created all things to be enjoyed, managed, cultivated, and recreated by humanity.
    • Gary Patton
      And applying 1 Corinthians 6:12 is the wise person's context for ALL her/his behaviour... not just the limited ones involving "food" and "sex" mentioned by Paul in the immediately surrounding verses of this passage.
  • This fruitful multiplication continues both physically and spiritually through the reproducing ministry of missional disciples, who increase in number and good works (Acts 6:7; Col. 1:6, 10). These good works include ruling and subduing creation through the careful, creative arrangement of the elements of the earth into art, technology, infrastructure etc. for the flourishing of humanity.
  • Retaining the cultural impulse of Genesis, the Gospels call us to a missional discipleship that entails creation care, cultural engagement, social action, and gospel proclamation. Missional disciples will not content themselves by preaching a culturally irrelevant, creation indifferent, resurrection neglecting message.
Gary Patton

No One Is Any Good - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • for all [c](H)have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified as a gift (I)by His grace through (J)the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;
  • Romans 3:21-26 
    "No One Is Any Good" Romans 3:23, in context, says clearly that in God's eyes no one is fit to spend eternity with Him withot Jesus' sacrifice! gfp (2012-06-05)
Gary Patton

The Only Way, NOT One Way, to Be Reconciled with Almighty God - - 1 views

  • John 14:6
  • “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
    • Gary Patton
      Some find Jesus' statement here, in John 14:6, to be 'exclusionary'. They maintain He was only a good and wise man but not God, in the flesh as the Bible maintains He actually said. Many feel that following Jesus is ONLY one way to get back to our heavenly Father. You and you alone will and must decide for yourself Who Jesus is. You have ONLY three choices, I suggest: 1. Jesus was a mad man for saying this! 2. Jesus was a lying when He said this! 3. Jesus is God almighty and came as 'Emmanuel' (almighty God in flesh and bones), lived a sinless life, was crucified, died and was resurrected from the grave as payment in full for the penalty required for your "sin nature" as well as your sins. When you believe and act on this truth, you will live forever with God from the moment you cry out to Him plus live an abundant life in the "hear and now" as well as in the "hereafter".
  • "The Only Way, NOT One Way, to Be Reconciled with Almighty God" In John 14:6, Jesus make a statement that dramatically affects your future. He says VERY bluntly in the Christian Scripture below that He is the ONLY way to God! GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2011-09-08)
Gary Patton

NASB - For I delivered to you as of first - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • For (A)I delivered to you [a]as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died (B)for our sins (C)according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He was (D)raised on the third day (E)according to the Scriptures, 5 and that (F)He appeared to (G)Cephas, then (H)to the twelve. 6 After that He appeared to more than five hundred brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now, but some (I)have fallen asleep; 7 then He appeared to [b](J)James, then to (K)all the apostles;
  • ---Amuzgo de Guerrero (AMU)--- Amuzgo de Guerrero   ---العربية (AR)--- Arabic Bible: Easy-to-Read Version Arabic Life Application Bible   ---Awadhi (AWA)--- Awadhi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version   ---Български (BG)--- 1940 Bulgarian Bible Bulgarian Bible Bulgarian New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version Bulgarian Protestant Bible   ---Chinanteco de Comaltepec (CCO)--- Chinanteco de Comaltepec   ---ᏣᎳᎩ ᎦᏬᏂᎯᏍ (CHR)--- Cherokee New Testament   ---Cakchiquel Occidental (CKW)--- Cakchiquel Occidental   ---Čeština (CS)--- Bible 21 Slovo na cestu   ---Dansk (DA)--- Bibelen på hverdagsdansk Dette er Biblen på dansk   ---Deutsch (DE)--- Hoffnung für Alle Luther Bibel 1545 Neue Genfer Übersetzung Schlachter 1951 Schlachter 2000   ---English (EN)--- 21st Century King James Version American Standard Version Amplified Bible Common English Bible Complete Jewish Bible Contemporary English Version Darby Translation Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition Easy-to-Read Version English Standard Version English Standard Version Anglicised GOD’S WORD Translation Good News Translation Holman Christian Standard Bible J.B. Phillips New Testament King James Version Knox Bible Lexham English Bible The Message Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament New American Standard Bible New Century Version New International Reader's Version New International Version New International Version 1984 New International Version - UK New King James Version New Life Version New Living Translation Orthodox Jewish Bible Today's New International Version Worldwide English (New Testament) Wycliffe Bible Young's Literal Translation   ---Español (ES)--- La Biblia de las Américas Dios Habla Hoy Nueva Biblia Latinoamericana de Hoy Nueva Traducción Viviente Nueva Versión Internacional Nueva Versión Internacional (Castilian) Palabra de Dios para Todos La Palabra (España) La Palabra (Hispanoamérica) Reina Valera Contemporánea Reina-Valera 1960 Reina-Valera 1995 Reina-Valera Antigua Traducción en lenguaje actual   ---Français (FR)--- La Bible du Semeur Louis Segond Nouvelle Edition de Genève – NEG1979 Segond 21   ---Κοινη (GRC)--- 1550 Stephanus New Testament 1881 Westcott-Hort New Testament 1894 Scrivener New Testament SBL Greek New Testament   ---עיברית (HE)--- Habrit Hakhadasha/Haderekh The Westminster Leningrad Codex   ---हिन्दी (HI)--- Hindi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version   ---Hrvatski (HR)--- Croatian Bible   ---Kreyòl ayisyen (HT)--- Haitian Creole Version   ---Magyar (HU)--- Hungarian Károli Hungarian Bible: Easy-to-Read Version Hungarian New Translation   ---Hawai‘i Pidgin (HWC)--- Hawai‘i Pidgin   ---Íslenska (IS)--- Icelandic Bible   ---Italiano (IT)--- Conferenza Episcopale Italiana La Nuova Diodati La Parola è Vita Nuova Riveduta 1994 Nuova Riveduta 2006   ---Jacalteco, Oriental (JAC)--- Jacalteco, Oriental   ---Kekchi (KEK)--- Kekchi   ---Latina (LA)--- Biblia Sacra Vulgata   ---Māori (MI)--- Maori Bible   ---Македонски (MK)--- Macedonian New Testament   ---मराठी (MR)--- Marathi Bible: Easy-to-Read Version   ---Mam, Central (MVC)--- Mam, Central   ---Mam, Todos Santos (MVJ)--- Mam de Todos Santos Chuchumatán   ---Plautdietsch (NDS)--- Reimer 2001   ---नेपाली (NE)--- Nepali Bible: Easy-to-Read Version   ---Náhuatl de Guerrero (NGU)--- Náhuatl de Guerrero   ---Nederlands (NL)--- Het Boek   ---Norsk (NO)--- Det Norsk Bibelselska
  • 1 Corinthians 15:3-7
Gary Patton

"Reincarnation is a Lie & Judgement Follows Death" - Hebrews 9:26-28 NIV - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  •  Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many;
  • Hebrews 9:26-28
    • Gary Patton
      "Reincarnation is a Lie & Judgement Follows Death"
    Judgement follows death ...NOT reincarnation... for all wo(men)! GaryFPatton (2013-06-16)
Gary Patton

The Barna Group - Are Christians More Like Jesus or More Like the Pharisees? - 1 views

  • 20 statements
  • used to examine Christ-likeness
  • I listen to others to learn their story before telling them about my faith. In recent years, I have influenced multiple people to consider following Christ. I regularly choose to have meals with people with very different faith or morals from me. I try to discover the needs of non-Christians rather than waiting for them to come to me. I am personally spending time with non-believers to help them follow Jesus.
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  • I see God-given value in every person, regardless of their past or present condition. I believe God is for everyone. I see God working in people’s lives, even when they are not following him. It is more important to help people know God is for them than to make sure they know they are sinners. I feel compassion for people who are not following God and doing immoral things.
  • 10 statements used to assess self-righteousness (like the Pharisees)
  • I tell others the most important thing in my life is following God’s rules. I don’t talk about my sins or struggles. That’s between me and God. I try to avoid spending time with people who are openly gay or lesbian. I like to point out those who do not have the right theology or doctrine. I prefer to serve people who attend my church rather than those outside the church.
  • I find it hard to be friends with people who seem to constantly do the wrong things. It’s not my responsibility to help people who won’t help themselves. I feel grateful to be a Christian when I see other people’s failures and flaws. I believe we should stand against those who are opposed to Christian values. People who follow God’s rules are better than those who do not.
  • Christ-like in action and attitude
  • Christ-like in action, but not in attitude • Christ-like in attitude, but not action • Christ-like in neither
  • The findings reveal that most self-identified Christians in the U.S. are characterized by having the attitudes and actions researchers identified as Pharisaical. Just over half of the nation’s Christians—using the broadest definition of those who call themselves Christians—qualify for this category (51%). They tend to have attitudes and actions that are characterized by self-righteousness.
  • On the other end of the spectrum, 14% of today’s self-identified Christians—just one out of every seven Christians—seem to represent the actions and attitudes Barna researchers found to be consistent with those of Jesus.
  • About one-quarter (23%) of evangelicals are characterized by having Jesus-like actions and attitudes, which was higher than the norm
  • Looking at America’s evangelical community—a group defined by Barna Group based on its theological beliefs and commitments, not self-identification with the terms “evangelical”—38% qualify as neither Christ-like in action nor attitude
  • Evangelicals are notably distinct from the norms in two ways: first, they were slightly more likely than other Christians to be Christ-like in action and attitude.
  • in the “middle ground,” with so-called jumbled actions and attitudes, evangelicals are the only faith group more likely to be Pharisaical in attitude but Christ-like in action.
  • The research shows that non-evangelical born again Christians and notional Christians were not much different from one another and not too distinct from national norms among all Christians.
Gary Patton

"Christians Empower the Demonic in Their Own Lives By Giving Them Rights" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Proverbs 5:22
  • The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them;(A)    the cords of their sins hold them fast.
    "Christians Empower the Demonic in Their Own Lives By Giving Them Rights" Proverbs 5:22 says we're often responsible for our own problems instigated in our lives by demons. So does 2 Timothy 2:26 at .
Gary Patton

"F-E-A-R NOT Speaking Up Because The Words Will Be Given To You", John 16:12-16 VOICE -... - 0 views

  • The Spirit of truth will come and guide you in all truth. He will not speak His own words to you; He will speak what He hears, revealing to you the things to come and bringing glory to Me.
    • Gary Patton
      When "speaking up" is regarding sin and/or wrongs in society when you are speaking to or writing politicians and others in authority, our enemy provokes F-E-A-R™. It is designed to keep us from being all Jesus plans for us as He God promises in Ephesians 2:8-10 ( ...for the moment. F-E-A-R™ is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real™. It is F-A-L-S-E™ because it also is Fear-inducing-Authoritarian-Legalistic-Sadistic-Enervating™ and not of God for those in King Jesus. Because of the promise of these Verses I believe most fear, which is not immediately either physically, emotionally or spiritually existential, is usually F-E-A-R. It and it's counter-F-E-A-R™ (Face Everything and Recover, in Jesus™) are what I coach Christians because God is a Promise Keeper re our NOT having to fear when stay dead and are walking in Him as the Apostle Paul says in Galatians 2:20 at . A true Jesus Follower's ability to be able to counter and thrive appropriately when F-E-A-R™ attacks is promised to every Jesus Follower repeatedly in the Bible including in Philippians 4:11-13 at and in Proverbs 19:23 at So Christian: "Just trust God and speak up when yo feel led!"
    "F-E-A-R NOT Speaking Up Because The Words Will Be Given To You" "F-E-A-R™" is diabolically induced and it is "F-A-L-S-E™". What my acronyms mean and why they are crucial to overcome in King Jesus are explained in the e-Sticky Note below. Peace & love in King Jesus, GaryFPatton (2013-07-01)
Gary Patton

The Intent of the Law One God of Judaism and Christianity - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Galatians 3:15-25
  • God is only one
  • the Scripture has (P)shut up [k]everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, (Q)being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. 24 Therefore the Law has become our (R)tutor to lead us to Christ, so that (S)we may be justified by faith.
    Galatians 3:15-25 describes clearly why God gave the Jewish law to all humankind. Verse
Gary Patton

Galatians 3:19-25 NASB - Why the Law then? It was added because - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Galatians 3:19-25
  • God is only one.
    • Gary Patton
      The ONE GOD of the Old Covenant (Testament) and the Father of the Son of God, Jesus (Yeshua) of the New Covenant are clearly stated in this passage to be the same ONE GOD. Verse 20 is contradicts the mistaken claims of Islam and Muslim jurisprudents and scholars. Muslims proclaim that their deity, Allah, is One God, as do Christians and Jews. But Allah, for many reasons, is NOT the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Yeshua (Jesus) that Christians and Jews worship as the ONE and ONLY God.
  • the Scripture has (H)shut up [f]everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
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  • But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, (I)being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. 24 Therefore the Law has become our (J)tutor to lead us to Christ, so that (K)we may be justified by faith. 25 But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a [g](L)tutor.
    • Gary Patton
      Verse 23 & 24 clearly explains the purpose of the Jewish Law and that Followers of Jesus are NOT subject to it.
Gary Patton

The Violent & Valiant Take Heaven - 0 views

  • " The violent and valiant are they which take heaven by force: cowards never won heaven. Say not that thou hast royal blood running in thy veins, and art begotten of God, except thou canst prove thy pedigree by this heroic spirit, to dare to be holy despite men and devils. The eagle tries her young ones by the sun; Christ tries his children by their courage, that dare to look on the face of death and danger for his sake ..." (Mark 8:34, 35) ~ Pastor William Gurnall (1617–1679) English author & clergyman from Chpt. 1 of his e-Book, "The Christian in Complete Armour ...A Treatise Of the Saints' War Against the Devil" at "Take heart therefore, O ye saints, and be strong; your cause is good, God himself espouseth your quarrel, who hath appointed you his own Son, General of the field, called 'the Captain of our salvation,’ Heb. 2:10. He shall lead you on with courage, and bring you off with honour. He lived and died for you; he will live and die with you; for mercy and tenderness to his soldiers, none like him. Trajan, it is said, rent his clothes to bind up his soldiers' wounds: Christ poured out his blood as balm to heal his saints' wounds; tears off his flesh to bind them up. For prowess, none to compare with him: he never turned his head from danger: no, not when hell's malice and heaven's justice appeared in field against him; knowing all that should come upon him, [he] went forth and said, 'Whom seek ye?’" (John 18:4) ~ Pastor William Gurnall (1617–1679) English author & clergyman from Chpt. 1 of his e-Book, "The Christian in Complete Armour ...A Treatise Of the Saints' War Against the Devil" at "In a word, Christians, God and angels are spectators, observing how you quit yourselves like children of the Most High; every exploit your faith doth against sin and Satan causeth a shout in heaven; while you valiantly prostrate this temptation, scale that difficulty, regain the other ground, you even now lost out of your enemies' hands. Your dear Saviour, who stands by with a reserve for your relief at a pinch, his very heart leaps within him for joy to see the proof of your love to him and zeal for him in all your combats; and will not forget all the faithful service you have done in his wars on earth; but when thou comest out of the field, will receive thee with the like joy as he was entertained himself at his return to heaven of his Father." ~ Pastor William Gurnall (1617–1679) English author & clergyman from Chpt. 1 of his e-Book, "The Christian in Complete Armour ...A Treatise Of the Saints' War Against the Devil" at
    How to make heaven by Pastor William Gurnall (1617-1679) English author & clergyman from Chpt. 1 of his e-Book, "The Christian in Complete Armour ...A Treatise Of the Saints' War Against the Devil" at
Gary Patton

"No Pain. No Gain! - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Hebrews 12:1-12
  • Therefore
  • we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • ay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us
  • run with (C)endurance the race that is set before us
  • fixing our eyes on Jesus, the [b](D)author and perfecter of faith
  • consider Him who has endured
  • you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,“(L)My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord,Nor (M)faint when you are reproved by Him; 6 (N)For those (O)whom the Lord loves He disciplines,And He scourges every son whom He receives.” 7 It is for discipline that you endure; (P)God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline?
  • we had [e]earthly fathers to discipline us, and we (R)respected them; shall we not much rather be subject to (S)the Father of [f]spirits, and (T)live? 10 For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them,
  • so that we may share His holiness
  • All discipline (V)for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the (W)peaceful fruit of righteousness.
  • Therefore, [g](X)strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble,
    "No Pain. No Gain! The author of Hebrews said the above in Hebrews 14:1-12 to challenge Jesus Followers to "run the important race of life" and "stay the course". And s(he) did so long before Nike used the slogan to peddle over-priced shoes one doesn't really need to make it to the "finish line that is REAL-ly important ().
Gary Patton

The Violent & Valiant Take Heaven - 0 views

" The violent and valiant are they which take heaven by force: cowards never won heaven. Say not that thou hast royal blood running in thy veins, and art begotten of God, except thou canst prove th...

heaven theology note

started by Gary Patton on 27 Aug 12 no follow-up yet
Gary Patton

Interpreting Scripture: Our Greek-ness is Showing - 0 views

  • All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible.Because God is not a Greek.
  • Among other things, we Greeks believe that there is only one correct way to interpret any particular scripture and apply it to our lives
  • hen interpret biblical truth through our own personal religious, cultural, societal, and experiential lenses
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • When a verse or passage in the Bible lends itself to more than one interpretation, we Greeks seem unable to consider the possibility that both interpretations might be equally valid.
    • Gary Patton
      Actually, this tension is not really a "big deal" because the simple English word, 'antinomy' explains the Biblical concept of "equal and opposing truths"! Might it be that christains simply like to fight? In discussing contrary points-of-view on a 'proof-text', for example, do we allow Mr. Sin to rear up our flesh like a wild, untamed stallion ...rather than the Indian warrior pony in North American terms... to which Jesus was referring via the 'Greek' word He used when commanding us to be 'meek'. (Forgive me David, I don't speak Aramaic, either! :-)) gfp
  • That’s how we get more than 20,000 versions of the same truth.
  • I’m not convinced Jesus had any interpretation in mind when He spoke these words. He always did what He saw the Father doing, and He always spoke what He heard the Father speaking. I don’t know that Jesus needed much explanation or clarification before revealing the works and words of the Father.
    • Gary Patton
      And prior to going to His cross and being resurrected, Jesus, the incarnate "God Man", would have had to later think through what the Father gave him. Maybe He even talked through optional interpretations with "His boys"? Might He even have argued with Himself over them? (I hear that muttered "God forbid", Dr. Dave! :-)) gfp
  • I have been awestruck by the preciousness of Jesus and determined to obtain an intimate relationship with Him regardless of the cost because He is the only One who is worth what I will pay for Him. And I have been brought to tears to know that He loves, cherishes, and values me so much that He would pay the ultimate price to invite me into the relationship that He and the Father & the Spirit have enjoyed from eternity past.
  • Or we can put aside our Greek-ness and give up on the idea of objective truth defined as a body of information and correct interpretation. How about we simply adopt the Bible’s definition of objective truth?
    • Gary Patton
      I can suspect the horror this suggestion is generating in the flesh of "anti-grace-teaching" Pastors and the religious spawn they have misled! gfp
  • how about we let the Author of the scriptures quicken them to our hearts so that we see them in whatever light He wishes for us to see them at that particular moment?
    • Gary Patton
      WoW! What a novel idea!! Here again, this will be fleshly fear-inducing for religous people and their mistaken and misleading mentors. (And Dr. Dave knows that and does it intentionally, eh David! :-)) gfp
  • Only a Greek would ask such questions.
    • Gary Patton
    Dr. David Ryser, my Friend and a Greek and Hebrew scholar and teacher points out some core challenge of Scripture interpretation. The challenge applies cross-culturally and to followers of different gods ...with some adaptation to your culture and faith for non-Jesus Following religious people. All of us who have been raised and/or educated in a western culture…regardless of our ethnicity or heritage…think like Greeks. And this can cause us some problems when we attempt to interpret the Bible ...because God is not a Greek. gfp (2011-11-18)
Gary Patton

"Doctrine of Retrobation" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He (B)hardens whom He desires.
    • Gary Patton
      Briefly, the doctrine of predestination teaches that God, in his sovereignty, elects those who will receive the benefits of salvation and eternal life in Jesus Christ and passes over the rest, who by their sin and rebellion against the holy commands of God, will be sentenced to eternal damnation. This key verse, 18, in the context of the whole passage, seems to many Jesus Followers, to be the other side of the coin from Predestination of "the 'Elect of God" i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". Some Christian theologians call the exercise of God's sovereignty by Him in pre-deciding who will, and, therefore who will not, spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom, "Double Predestination". In using this term, they refer mainly to Romans 8:29-30 in the context of a passage about God's love at . The reason some add the adjective 'double' to the doctrine of Predestination is because God's 'choosing' or 'election' of some individuals includes His 'non-election' of others definition they say. These Christians also, and harshly some say, call the doctrine of 'non-election' the "Doctrine of Divine Reprobation" (God passing over the reprobate*). Those who use the term argue that, given the eternal consequences of not choosing the Gospel of Jesus (also called Yeshua), a clear warning is crucial to help people better understand the consequences of spending eternity separated from God. Divine Reprobation according to this theology's supporters seems to be Biblical based on the following passages besides this one in context: * Matthew 11:25-26; * Romans 9:17-22; * 2 Timothy 2:19-20; * Jude 4; * 1 Peter 2:8. So Biblically speaking, they argue, anyone who rejects the doctrine that God 'dis-elects' the reprobate has a problem explaining the above passages in Scripture in any other context. * 'Reprobate' is both a noun and a verb. "A reprobate" is an evil person. "To reprobate" is to "condemn to damnation" as explained in the dict
  • For (E)who resists His will?
    • Gary Patton
      There are generally "Two Views of Onus in Human Salvation" as I understand the theology of Christian salvation. (For me, theology is simply "what a person believes about God.) Some argue that because God is omniscient*, He knew before the beginning of time who would choose to believe in The Gospel Of Jesus (Yeshua) at all points in the future, He elects them for salvation and empowers their salvation by giving them the faith to do so. Those who follow "reformed theology" reject this theorem because, they say, it denies God's absolute sovereignty and puts the control in salvation in a wo(man)'s choice and hands. (Some call this latter theory re the preeminence of man in salvation "Armenianism".) However, others argue that Romans 3:11 seems to clearly say that "no one seeks God" of their own will. Therefore, some folks believe that anyone who becomes saved does so only because of God's loving grace for that person. God chooses for His own sovereign reasons to gracefully gift those the New Covenant (Testament) calls "the elect" with the faith they need to be saved. Only this way will we choose to believe the Gospel of Jesus and follow Him. In the opinion of some Jesus Followers, it is not our desire that is the onus in salvation and long-term destiny according to Ephesians 2:8-10 at .
  • Romans 9:17-22
    • Gary Patton
      The Lost Are Truly Lost ...But Are The Damned Truly Damned? Romans 9:17-18 and 21-22 in the context of the whole passage is the other side of the coin from Predestination of the 'Elect' i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". gfp (2011-11-21)
    Romans 9:17-18 and 21-22 in the context of the whole passage is the other side of the coin from Predestination of the 'Elect' i.e. Predestination of those "not elected". gfp (2011-11-21)
Gary Patton

Christians Don't Need to Fear Anything - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • All you need to remember is that God will never let you down
  • The Message
  • test or temptation
    I Corinthians 10:13 (MSG Paraphrase) explains exactly why Jesus Followers can defeat the F-E-A-R that trails, tribulations and temptations bring. And when you're not experiencing a dangerous emotional, phyisical or spiritual threat, F-E-A-R usually means False-Evidence-Appearing-Real! When you do experience F-E-A-R, you are promised in this Scripture verse that you CAN defeat it by means of another F-E-A-R Christ (Face-Everything-And-Recover, in Him). gfp (2011-09-17)
    Why being fearful is a waste of time! gfp
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