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Gary Patton

The Fruit of the Spirit - 0 views

  • If we live by the Spirit, let us also [d]walk (O)by the Spirit.
    • Gary Patton
      The Apostle Paul says in this verse that Jesus Followers must "walk in the Spirit". It is a repetition of the command that he makes in Galatians 5:16 when Paul tells us to "live by the Spirit". Both are really the same command that Jesus Himself makes in John 15:5 at where He tells us to "abide" in Him. Jesus Followers are "Dead Wo(men) Walking" in the power of Holy Spirit while Jesus lives His life in His way and timing out through us in whom He lives permananetly by His Holy Spirit as clarifies in Galatians 2:20 at .
  • the fruit of the Spirit
    • Gary Patton
      The Fruit of the Spirit is a package we receive when we are born-again as "New Creations" in Jesus because Jesus is them all living His life our through us.
  • Galatians 5:19-25
    • Gary Patton
      This New American Standard Bible passage describes the character change that is who everyone in Christ already is when they "walk in the spirit". This is because Jesus lives in us by His Holy Spirit and we are dead to sin because of his paying the full penalty for our sin nature and sins on His cross.
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  • love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, (J)self-control;
    • Gary Patton
      Here are the opposites of these: hatred, gloom, agitation, impatience, unkindness, evil, unfaithfulness, harshness, and unrestraint. This is the fruit of the fallen world. The above are fruit too ...the Fruit of the Flesh.
    Galatians 5:19-25 NASB
Gary Patton

Jesus is Living in You and Out of You - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • apart from Me you can do nothing
  • he who abides in Me
    • Gary Patton
      Jesus makes clear in this verse that that as you rest, remain, stay in Him, He will live His life out through you. Jesus' servant and our fellow Follower, the Apostle Paul, uses expressions like "live" and "walk in the Spirit" to command the same behaiour for us in Galatians 5:16 & 19 at This is re-confirmed in other words by Paul in Galatians 2:20 at gfp (2011-09-27)
  • John 15:5
    In John 15:5 (New International Version of the Bible), Jesus makes a startling but freeing statement of His truth.
Gary Patton

"New Covenant Love Puts An End To Old Covenant Law" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • he who loves [a]his neighbor has fulfilled the law.
  • if there is any other commandment, it is summed up in this saying, “(C)You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
  • )love is the fulfillment of the law.
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  • Romans 13:8-10
    "New Covenant Love Puts An End To Old Covenant Law" In Romans 13:8-10, the Apostle (Sent-out-One) Paul, under the inspiration of Holy Spirit confirms the truth of the above for every Jesus Follower.
Gary Patton

Contentment With Power - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    Philippians 4: 11-13 makes clear that a Jesus Follower can "put up with" anything ...because of the power-source that lives within us. Please note that Paul confirms that he was "content with" not "content in" his circumstances. A Jesus Follower should never be "under the circumstances" in Christ! A great companion for this passage is Holy Spirit's similar promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 where the Greek also means "trial" as well as "temptation". gfp(2012-02-25) Striving to better oneself is NOT unBiblical and is encourages in many places provided we do it in Christ (John 15:5).
Gary Patton

Reinterpreting the Great Commission - 0 views

  • Missional Discipleship: Reinterpreting the Great Commission
    • Gary Patton
      Jonathan Dodson adds exciting new dimensions to the standard interpretations of Jesus' "Great Commission" in the article. It is the first of two parts. gfp (2012-03-03)
  • In evangelical subculture the ubiquity of the Great Commission is matched by the poverty of its interpretation.
    • Gary Patton
      The only greater "poverty" is its lack of application in their lives by so-called Christians. In North America, a too-common and oft-heard phrase exchanged between so-called Christians is: "I'd din't know you were a Christian!" "Lord, please forgive us although we know what we're doing! gfp"
  • The OT commission, frequently referred to as the creation or cultural mandate, was issued by God before the Fall of humanity, emphasizing creative activity with the following verbs: be fruitful, multiply, rule, and subdue (Gen 1.27-28).2 By producing more creators who rule and subdue the elements of the earth,
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  • A surface reading of these Old and New Testament texts places them at odds with one another.
  • These impoverished readings call for reinterpretation, one that that allows both Genesis and the Gospels to speak.
  • we will be challenged to understand and embrace discipleship as more that "spiritual disciplines" or an evangelistic program.
  • following after Jesus that requires redemptive engagement not just with souls but with creation and culture.
  • the command is to make disciples of all nations not from all nations.
  • The Great Commission is not about soul-extraction, to remove the disciple from his culture,
    • Gary Patton
      To often in the past ...and still..., so-called Christian Missionaries who "went" and "go" into other cultures try to shape their disciples in the image of the Missionary's culture, i.e. they "clothed the naked", literally, instead of providing what's need in the moment by the individuals they encounter which is what Jesus meant. 
  • the many-splendored new humanity of Christ.
  • Where Matthew emphasizes the action of making distinctive disciples, Mark stresses the importance of preaching to all creation.
  • When Jesus used the word "preach" he did not mean converse. The Greek word for preach always carries a sense of urgency and gravity, as though what is to be proclaimed is of great importance
    • Gary Patton
      A better translation of the Greek, that captures it's sense and is not intentionally designed by the translator to reinforce "Sunday morning church activity", is "herald"! 
  • Paul perceives himself as an announcer of a worldly Christ-centered gospel,
  • While this worldly gospel saves, it also condemns.
  • For some it brings life; for others it brings death, but all are to be given the opportunity to be written into the story of God's redemption of all creation.
    • Gary Patton
      This is not a particularly "Calvinistic statement, i.e., those saved are pre-ordained (Romans 8:28) but probably accurate because we'll never know 'till we get to heaven whether Holy Spirit used us to touch the "right" people and bring them "one step closer to Jesus". 
  • Humanity was charged with the task of caring for the earth and creating culture, making the uninhabitable habitable.
  • Jesus preached a worldly gospel, a restorative message that put the creation project back on track. His glorified, resurrection body is clearly proof of the new creation to come.
  • Jesus told those who believe that they will be given power to heal the sick, restore the demon-possessed, and to speak new languages (Mk. 16:17-18). This worldly gospel is for the redemption and renewal of the earth, the body, the heart, the mind, and the cultures of the world. It is a saving message that rescues people from their unbelief, not their world,
  • we are called to preach "repentance and forgiveness of sins." A social gospel will not suffice.
    • Gary Patton
      And a "social gospel" approach is also not excluded.
  • What does it mean to be "witnesses of all these things"? Well, at the very least it means sharing Jesus' self-sacrificing offer of forgiveness,
    • Gary Patton
      And witnessing includes, I suggest, the practical and explanatory sharing of the blessings that have enriched the life of the witnesser as a result of their forgiveness and Jesus coming to live His life out through them by sharing what Christians call "their testimony". 
  • The problem with many of our stories is that they contain all spirit and very little flesh.
  • People want to touch redemption, which means they need to see resurrection power in our personal struggles.
  • The stories we tell should boast of Jesus' death and resurrection, of his forgiveness of sin and of his restoration of sinners — reconciled families and marriages, restored and housed homeless, renewed life among AIDS orphans, and so on.
    • Gary Patton
      And make sure these resurrection-power stories, if not about yourself, are about other you KNOW personally ...otherwise they can be considered so much fluff!
  • Whereas the previous gospel writers emphasized Jesus' command to make distinctive disciples, preach a worldly gospel, and witness a fleshly Jesus, John stresses Jesus sending his disciples.
  • According to John Piper, we are either goers, senders, or disobedient, but according to Jesus we are all the sent.
    • Gary Patton
      And I agree with Jesus. It's clear notwithstanding Mr. Piper's opinion, that Jesus clearly tells all his followers that we are to "go along", i.e., herald Jesus where He plants us". It's not wrong to help a Brother or Sister "go" somewhere else but Jesus never said or giving money to a so-called missionary could replace His Followers heralding Him where they are in the moment".
  • All followers of Jesus are called to live as missionaries in their culture
  • Our paradigm for living a sent life, a missionary life, is the sending of the Son by the Father.
  • So, within reason we should take on the trappings of our culture in order to contextually relate the gospel.
    • Gary Patton
      And for this reason, it's not wrong to accompany your work colleagues after work for a "drink" at a local strip club ...just don't oggle the strippers or get drunk! We can only earn their trust so they'll "as the reason for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15-17) when we're not the typical judgemental Christian or pushy Televangelist-type they have been warned to avoid by those judged by those folks.
  • It leads us to immerse ourselves into the humanity of our neighborhoods and cities in order relate the gospel to people and their needs.
    • Gary Patton
      And this doesn't mean that we're more spiritual if we leave our middle-class lifestyle and neighbourhood and move into an inner-city slum or evangelize street people on weekends unless Holy Spirit makes clear that role is His will for you at that point in your life!
  • The power of missional living does not spring from cultural savvy or social sensitivity; it requires the otherworldly, utterly personal power of the Holy Spirit. Only the Spirit of God can make men new.
    • Gary Patton
      Amen to that!! A Lone Ranger Christian carries a notch-less gun in his "heralding holster". 
  • The "good news" of Genesis 1-2 is that God created all things to be enjoyed, managed, cultivated, and recreated by humanity.
    • Gary Patton
      And applying 1 Corinthians 6:12 is the wise person's context for ALL her/his behaviour... not just the limited ones involving "food" and "sex" mentioned by Paul in the immediately surrounding verses of this passage.
  • This fruitful multiplication continues both physically and spiritually through the reproducing ministry of missional disciples, who increase in number and good works (Acts 6:7; Col. 1:6, 10). These good works include ruling and subduing creation through the careful, creative arrangement of the elements of the earth into art, technology, infrastructure etc. for the flourishing of humanity.
  • Retaining the cultural impulse of Genesis, the Gospels call us to a missional discipleship that entails creation care, cultural engagement, social action, and gospel proclamation. Missional disciples will not content themselves by preaching a culturally irrelevant, creation indifferent, resurrection neglecting message.
Gary Patton

Jesus Followers Are Subject to National Government - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Romans 13:1-7
  • Every [a](A)person is to be in (B)subjection to the governing authorities. For (C)there is no authority except [b]from God, and those which exist are established by God.
  • ]whoever resists authority has opposed the ordinance of God; and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.
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  • Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same;
  • if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing;
  • for it is a minister of God, an (E)avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.
  • pay taxes, for rulers are servants of God, devoting themselves to this very thing
    "Jesus Followers Are Subject to National Government" Romans 13:1-7, Jesus' Apostle (sent-out-one), Paul, clarifies the relationship between Jesus Followers and their government authorities. gfp (2012-06-14)
Gary Patton

"Paul Wrote Scripture According to His Fellow Apostles" - 2 Peter 3:15-17 NASB - Bible... - 0 views

  • 2 Peter 3:15-17
  • our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given him, wrote to you
  • in which are some things hard to understand
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  • the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction
    Peter makes clear in 2 Peter 3:15-17 that Paul's Epistles were understood to be Scripture while the Apostles were still alive and ministering around the world. GaryFPatton (2103-08-28)
Gary Patton

The Myth of the Existence of a Christian Nation - 1 views

"The Myth of the Existence of a Christian Nation" Messiah Jesus (Yeshua) came to earth and established His movement to serve the world with Christ-like love, among other reasons. He didn't die on ...

christians christianity government spiritual growth scripture Matthew non-violence peace-making peace politcs political-action

started by Gary Patton on 20 Jan 13 no follow-up yet
Gary Patton

1 Corinthians 5:10-15 VOICE - "Who Says Christians Aren't Supposed To Judge?" - 0 views

  • 12 Why would I ever attempt to judge those outside the church? Aren’t we called to judge those within the church?
    • Gary Patton
      That most Christians believe that we are NOT supposed to judge, under any circumstances, is obviously contrary to what Paul, one of Jesus' Ambassadors, writes here. You'll not that Paul's question here is obviously rhetorical! The demonic myth, of Christian non-judgmentalism I believe, is Satan's attempt to short-circuit mutual accountability within the Body of Christ. Satan's myth also negates tough love which is just as crucial a part of Jesus' "Platinum Rule" ( ) as any other dimension of Body-commanded love. OK, you say, how do I relate Verse 12 here to Jesus' command in Matthew 7:1-6 ( ) where he says: "Judge not...!"? Good question! I believe our King's command in the prior Scripture does not conflict with what He inspired in Verse 12 here. Matthew 7:1-6 is meant to have us judge our Fellow Believers, NOT non-Followers, ONLY as led by His Spirit and VERY carefully. And to their face ...not slanderously behind their backs as He commands in Matthew 18:15-17! Because of this, I suggest that Christians forgo the use of the words 'judge', 'confront', and related, seemingly-harsh words, Please substitute the word 'carefront'. Carefront was coined by David Augsburger in his book: "Caring Enough To Confront". You can discover more about his book and read my review of it at . We cannot really love others in the Body without appropriately confronting them as we're led and commanded as noted above, plus further, in Luke 12:57 where our Master says: "Why don't you judge for yourselves what is right?" Again, in John 7:24 Jesus also says "Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly." "Love and truth are "The Commanded Conjoined Twins" for Jesus Followers (; they must never be separated if we wish to obey Jesus' "Platinum Rule (!" ~ gfp '42™ You can read more about this crucial subject in my S-M-A-R-T Briefing™ at http://goo.
  • 1 Corinthians 5:10-13
    • Gary Patton
      These few verses clearly make a lie of the myth of the Christian, so-called "Doctrine of Non-Judgementalism" that so-many believe. Be blessed by my comments, please, and add your own in an e-Sticky Note window below any of my comments, pro or con. In The King, GaryFPatton
    These few verses clearly make a lie the myth of Christian so-called "Doctrine of Non-Judgementalism" that so-many believe. Enjoy my comments, please, and add your own in an e-Sticky Note window below any of my comments. In The King, GaryFPatton
Gary Patton

"Jesus Warns About Worshipping Traditions Rather than Him" - Bible Gateway - 0 views

    "Jesus Warns About Worshipping Traditions Rather than Him" In Mark 7:4-13, Jesus condemns the Pharisees for their "traditions of the Elders" with which the burdened the Jews when He was first on earth . The same unBiblical practise is followed by many modern Pastors and Priests with such "doctrines" as "Just War", assembling only of Sunday (or Saturday), baptism by imersion (sprinkling), etc.
Gary Patton

"The Historical Case for Paul:a Critique of Muslim Arguments" | Videos by Christian Kei... - 1 views

    The title says it all.
Gary Patton

"F-E-A-R NOT Speaking Up Because The Words Will Be Given To You", John 16:12-16 VOICE -... - 0 views

  • The Spirit of truth will come and guide you in all truth. He will not speak His own words to you; He will speak what He hears, revealing to you the things to come and bringing glory to Me.
    • Gary Patton
      When "speaking up" is regarding sin and/or wrongs in society when you are speaking to or writing politicians and others in authority, our enemy provokes F-E-A-R™. It is designed to keep us from being all Jesus plans for us as He God promises in Ephesians 2:8-10 ( ...for the moment. F-E-A-R™ is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real™. It is F-A-L-S-E™ because it also is Fear-inducing-Authoritarian-Legalistic-Sadistic-Enervating™ and not of God for those in King Jesus. Because of the promise of these Verses I believe most fear, which is not immediately either physically, emotionally or spiritually existential, is usually F-E-A-R. It and it's counter-F-E-A-R™ (Face Everything and Recover, in Jesus™) are what I coach Christians because God is a Promise Keeper re our NOT having to fear when stay dead and are walking in Him as the Apostle Paul says in Galatians 2:20 at . A true Jesus Follower's ability to be able to counter and thrive appropriately when F-E-A-R™ attacks is promised to every Jesus Follower repeatedly in the Bible including in Philippians 4:11-13 at and in Proverbs 19:23 at So Christian: "Just trust God and speak up when yo feel led!"
    "F-E-A-R NOT Speaking Up Because The Words Will Be Given To You" "F-E-A-R™" is diabolically induced and it is "F-A-L-S-E™". What my acronyms mean and why they are crucial to overcome in King Jesus are explained in the e-Sticky Note below. Peace & love in King Jesus, GaryFPatton (2013-07-01)
Gary Patton

Humility, I Don't Know: Thoughts on | Frank Viola - 0 views

  • There’s an idea that somehow got into the evangelical Christian mind. That idea is that if you teach the Scriptures, you are obligated to have a conviction on every issue that the Bible addresses, let alone mentions. I don’t know who invented this idea, but it’s just plain wrong. And it leads to all sorts of problems.
  • I Don’t Know
    • Gary Patton
      There's an idea that somehow got into the evangelical Christian mind. That idea is that if you teach the Scriptures, you are obligated to have a conviction on every issue that the Bible addresses, let alone mentions. This idea is unBiblical and just plain wrong. Plus, it leads to all sorts of problems.
  • Paul said “we know in part” (certainty cannot be attained in everything).
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  • he didn’t say “we know nothing” (certainty can be attained for some things)
  • you don’t have to know the answer to every question brought to you. In fact, I’d be scared if you did.
  • Taking a position and pontificating on it when you’ve not done the necessary home work to come to a thoughtful conclusion, or before you’ve received insight from the Holy Spirit on a matter, is just plain reckless.
  • So don’t buy into the lie.
  • “We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the field God has assigned to us,
  • In short, stay within your calling. Keep within the ministry that God has given you, and don’t extend beyond it.
  • And nevah evah be afraid to say, “I don’t know.”
    • Gary Patton
      Alernatively, try: "I haven't studied that and don't have time right now to do so for you." Then, suggest a place where your questioner might find the answer to the issue which they asked about?
Gary Patton

Romans 1:1-32 NASB - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus
    • Gary Patton
      Paul's pre-Jesus Following name was "Saul of Tarsus". Tarsus was a Roman colony in what is now Turkey. He was a Pharisee ...a fundmantalist Jew who believed certain special doctrines. He also was very learned, having studied under one of the top two teachers of his day, Gamaiel. A 'bond-servant" is a synonym for "slave". Thhis the the westernized Anglicized version of Jesus the Messiah's Hebrew real name, Yesuha Hamesheia.
    My interaction with Holy Spirit re what He wants me to know in Romans 1:1-32 (NASB) while following Dr. John Dickson's Tweets called "Read Romans" at ?.
Gary Patton

A testimony To CHUCK COLSON : Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog - 0 views

  • ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations…. I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.’” (Haggai 2:6-7, 21-22)
    • Gary Patton
      Interestingly, President Obama quoted a Psalm that confirms how God would have all God-fearing wo(men) react to His shaking the earth. It's @ . gfp (2011-09-13)
  • only half of all born again Christians say they even try to share the Gospel with even one unsaved person one time – one time – a year
    • Gary Patton
      This behaviour is in direct disobedience to what Jesus commands His followers in the Scripture at . gfp (2011-13-12)
  • I believe the Iran threat to U.S. and Israeli national security will be one of the top issues facing the U.S. in 2012 and beyond, and I have to be honest that I remain deeply concerned by the support Ron Paul is getting in Iowa — and elsewhere in the country — given Paul’s policy of appeasement and weakness towards Iran.
    On the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, Joel Rosenberg, a Messianic Jewish author delivered this talk, "A Wakeup Call" to a simulcast conference called "The Gathering Storm".It bears reading.
    Mr. Colson will be missed. He was well-used by his Master!
Gary Patton

Putting "Burning Coals" on Another's Head - Bible Gateway - 0 views

  • If [p]your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; 22 For you will [q]heap burning coals on his head, And (AA)the LORD will reward you.
    • Gary Patton
      Placing Burning Coals on Another's Head This Proverb confuses some people because its Jewish cultural context is not clear from its words. A "burning coal" was essential in Biblical Palestine each morning so Jewish families could re-light their cooking fire for the day after it died out during the night. In each Jewish village, one man carried a pot of coals from home to home to assist the homemaker who needed one. "Burning coals" are blessings not torture instruments in this Proverb as some think. "The head", in Jewish culture was the place on another's body where one anointed them with precious perfumes and oils as a extension of an oral blessing on them. Jesus' Disciple/Apostle (Learner/Sent-Out-One), Paul, quoted this Proverb from the pre-Jesus (Yeshua/Isa), Old Covenant in Romans 12:20 at to demonstrate that our heavenly Father does not overlook fairness and justice although he substituted New Covenant 'grace' for Old Covenant 'law' when He sent Jesus to die for us as outlined in His New Covenant. (gfp 2011-10-24)
  • Proverbs 25
    • Gary Patton
      This ancient, pre-Yeshua (Jesus), Old Covenant and Hebrew Proverb, contains and interesting cultural reference that you'll discover in the e-Sticky Note on verses 21-23 below. gfp (2011-10-24)
    This ancient, pre-Yeshua (Jesus), Old Covenant Hebrew Proverb, contains and interesting cultural reference that you'll discover in the e-Sticky Note on Verse 21-23 below. gfp (2011-10-24)
Gary Patton

Christian Reconstructionism ...What it is! - Paul McGlasson - 1 views

  • according to the Bible, faithful people don’t know everything.
  • Christian Reconstructionism is a powerful mix of religious and political ideas gaining enormous strength in the American church and society
  • Christians have a unique “worldview” with unique access to universal truth“Christian laws” should be put in place at local, state, and federal levelsChristianity and American culture are two sides of the same coinThe proper, God-given role of Christians is to dominate the earth
    • Gary Patton
      The first of these 4 bullets is the ONLY one that conforms to the Bible without twisting its truths.
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  • growing buzz surrounding these ideas, along with serious confusion about what it all means.
  • Do Christians really have a biblical mandate to turn the judicial code of the Old Testament into the civil law of society?
    • Gary Patton
      There is NO Scriptural mandate for this whatsoever. The complete Old Covenant legal code was designed for Jews and no one else. Jesus fulfilled the whole law in His death and resurrection for those who believe in and follow him as outlined in Romans 10:8-12 at .
  • The issue is the twofold rule of love for God and neighbor, which Jesus himself, the true Interpreter of the Old Testament, gives to guide us in applying it to daily life
  • they left a Christian nation
    • Gary Patton
      There is no such thing as a Christian nation simply because the Old Covenant talks about a "Hebrew Nation".
  • it is centered in the risen Christ alone, not in any geographical center
  • What is Christian Reconstructionism?
    • Gary Patton
      This short article is little more than a sales pitch for the athor's book but does list at least four of the dimensions of so-called Christian Reconstructionism. GaryFPatton (gfp '42™ 2012-07-15)
Gary Patton

Red Letter Christians » Following Francis: The Veneration of (Imperfect) Saints - 0 views

  • why even bother trying to follow his example
    • Gary Patton
      Jamie's is an interesting question. Initially, I reacted that the Bible tells me to only model Jesus. Then, I remembered Paul said: "Follow me as I follow Messiah".
  • “Don’t call me a saint.  I don’t want to be dismissed that easily.” 
    • Gary Patton
      Ms. Day's is a VERY interesting point. For me, it seems to be the opposite of that of too many Christians who don't realize that every Follower of Jesus is called a Saint by the Apostles in our Bible.
  • St. Francis of Assisi is a man who deserves to be honored and esteemed for his selfless devotion to Christ and the continued, positive influence his movement has had in building the kingdom of God. 
    • Gary Patton
      Given these reasons for his suggested reverence of St. Francis, would Jamie also suggest we "revere" celebrities not singled out by the Catholic or Orthodox churches who have benefited human kind in a way not normally associated with "building the Kingdom of God", e.g. Albert Einstein, Bill Gates name only a couple to make my point?
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  • Some of those failings, he never acknowledged, but many he clearly repented for in his life.
    • Gary Patton
      Are we wise to repent in secret to Goad alone when our sin has affected one or more other people? Jesus Followers are commanded to forgive and to seek forgiveness of both God and man.
  • We venerate them as fallen, broken, thoroughly human individuals who, despite their mistakes, pursued obedience to Christ at any cost, thus changing their world (and ours) as a result. 
    • Gary Patton
      Interestingly, this issue was a sub-plot in the 2012-02-10 episode of the TV police series, "Blue "Bloods". Frank is one of the stars and the Chief of Police of Boston is portrayed each week as an imperfect but moral, Catholic, family man. When Frank's archbishop comes asking for his support for the canonization of a local priest, Frank declined because the Priest had protested the Vietnam War. After checking into the matter further Frank changes his mind and supports the canonization for the reason suggested by Jamie here. The episode is available on line at my time of writing 2012-02-25.
  • They are deserving of our esteem because they refused to allow their own weaknesses to be used as excuses to live merely “good”, but ultimately mediocre lives. 
    • Gary Patton
      The potential eternal danger for a Jesus Follower in pursuing "better than good", as Jamie rightly implies we should here, is in whose strength we do it?  Jesus makes clear in John 15:5 that there is ONLY one way to produce a life of eternal value  (
  • The Veneration of (Imperfect) Saints
    • Gary Patton
      This article by Jamie Arpin-Rici suggests that all Jesus Followers are wise to venerate saints ...provided that they understand the meaning f veneration". gfp (2012-02-26)
  • followed Jesus in and through his own sinful nature,
    • Gary Patton
      Jamie is suggesting here that a Jesus Follower can have two natures ...a sinful one and also a Christ-like one.  However, Reverend Bill Gillham suggests in his powerful article ( ) that this is unBiblical ...although commonly taught in the Body of Christ by many.  This "Dual Natures Doctrine", as some call it, also is implied by the New International Version's (NIV's) translation of the Koine Greek word "flesh" as "sinful nature". I'd suggest that several verses in Romans 6 ( ) seem to confirm that Rev. Gillham's position on this issue is the correct one.
  • I do not venerate Francis because Jesus is not enough.  I follow in the footsteps of Francis- human and flawed- because his steps so clearly follow those of Jesus Christ.
    • Gary Patton
      I say: Amen!
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