Histography is an interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015. The site draws events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new recorded events. Events tie to all subject areas including art, music, literature, wars, inventions, medicine, etc. The interface allows you to view between decades to millions of years. You can choose to watch a variety of events which have happened in a particular period or to target a specific event in time. For example you can look at the past century within categories such as riots or inventions. Most have links to video, related events and articles. Use the slider across the bottom to navigate through time.
19 simulations about various civics topics. Applicable to all levels. Free for students & teachers. Offers teacher portal for tracking student progress and includes lesson plans.
The quick and safe way to find and cite images for class!
*Age Appropriate Images - All images are appropriate for the school setting, thanks to Flicker SafeSearch and our proprietary filters
*Automatic Citation - Downloaded images automatically cite the author and the image license terms
*Creative Commons - All photos shown are, to the best of our (and Flickr's) knowledge, licensed by Creative Commons for public use"
"SCIM-C is a model for analyzing historical sources and placing them within a historical narrative. The steps ask students to: Summarize, Contextualize, Infer, Monitor, and Corroborate"
"The following tutorials, developed by a history and social science teacher educator, an educational psychologist/technologist, and an academic historian, are designed to build a practical understanding of: (1) the nature and purpose of historical inquiry, (2) the processes and strategies involved in analyzing historical sources and using them as evidence in order to develop historical interpretations, and (3) the processes and strategies involved in reconciling various accounts of the past as part of the process of doing history. Our hope is that these tutorials serve as scaffolds or points of entry to initially support teachers' efforts to facilitate the doing of history within the classroom. "
"So below are 30 innovative ways to use Google search in the classroom. And rather than gimmicks, or general ways by typical content areas, the intended outcome here is the student's sustained ability to self-direct and manage the search process as the digital universe continues to evolve and grow."
Tools for constructive conversation skills, argumentation activities, cause/effect thinking, opinion discussions, etc. Scaffolds students in having academic conversations.