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thinkahol *

Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey » Blog Archive » Feral Capitalism Hi... - 1 views

    But the problem is that we live in a society where capitalism itself has become rampantly feral. Feral politicians cheat on their expenses, feral bankers plunder the public purse for all its worth, CEOs, hedge fund operators and private equity geniuses loot the world of wealth, telephone and credit card companies load mysterious charges on everyone's bills, shopkeepers price gouge, and, at the drop of a hat swindlers and scam artists get to practice three-card monte right up into the highest echelons of the corporate and political world.
thinkahol *

Is Capitalism Doomed? - Nouriel Roubini - Project Syndicate - 1 views

    Karl Marx was right, it seems, in arguing that globalization, financial intermediation run amok, and redistribution of income and wealth from labor to capital could lead capitalism to self-destruct. So what can be done to prevent that outcome?
thinkahol *

How to end this stock market madness - Wall Street - - 0 views

    The Dow Jones average suffered its latest calamitous decline on Thursday, plunging 419 points and erasing much of the progress that had been made after the last series of wild swings two weeks ago. There were many factors at work in Thursday's carnage, which came after markets in Asia and Europe experienced similar turmoil, but the overriding one seems to be this: Just about everyone now believes the U.S. economy is getting worse -- and no one thinks our leaders in Washington are about to do anything meaningful about it. So we thought it might be a good time to take a step back and consider the fundamental absurdity of the paralysis in Washington, where spending cuts and deficit reduction -- and not job creation -- have come to define and dominate the discussion. And who better to illustrate this than ... Robert Reich, playing the roles of both Professor Donald Right and Dr. Hugo Wrong in a one-man show that everyone on Capitol Hill really ought to check out:
thinkahol *

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The W... - 2 views

    BBC News-Sept. 26, 2011- Just listen to this guy. Thanks to zerohedge for posting this story.
thinkahol *

America's Tahrir Moment | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - 0 views

    On September 17, 20,000 people will swarm into lower Manhattan and occupy Wall Street. Last week Anonymous endorsed #OCCUPYWALLSTREET with a video that attracted over 60,000 views before being deleted by YouTube. The Department of Homeland Security has warned the nation's bankers to be prepared. Corporate owned media is taking notice. Today, Paul Farrell, columnist for the Dow Jones owned posted this rousing portrait of what may now unfold:
Giorgio Bertini

Nobel laureate praises Argentina; tells US and EU spending is the way out of recession - 0 views

    United States and the European Union "are using the same recipe that the IMF applied on Argentina" to address the current global financial crisis and this only leads to "stagnation" said Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz attending a gathering of Nobel Prize recipients and young economists in Lindau, Germany.
thinkahol *

Economic Bleeding Cure - - 0 views

    Austerity is inflicting vast pain now, and killing our future, too.
thinkahol *

Goodbye to All That: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult | Truthout - 0 views

    A couple of years ago, a Republican committee staff director told me candidly (and proudly) what the method was to all this obstruction and disruption. Should Republicans succeed in obstructing the Senate from doing its job, it would further lower Congress's generic favorability rating among the American people. By sabotaging the reputation of an institution of government, the party that is programmatically against government would come out the relative winner.
Giorgio Bertini

The dollar, less almighty: Big investors see possible long-term currency weakness - 0 views

    Last month, Warren Buffett went shopping - abroad. He flew to South Korea for a factory opening and called the country a "hunting ground" for investments. He also pronounced post-earthquake Japan "a buying opportunity," and then traveled on to India, where he said he was eyeing more acquisitions. This is Buffett's way of betting against the U.S. dollar. Armed with about $38 billion of cash at Berkshire Hathaway, he can use dollars now to buy companies that will generate profits in other currencies for years to come.
thinkahol *

PM Press - And They Call This a Recovery? - 0 views

    The strut of confidence is gone and the jitters are back. A flurry of dreadful statistics at the end of April made sure of that.
Giorgio Bertini

How the Euro Became Europe's Greatest Threat « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    The euro is becoming an ever greater threat to Europe's common future. The currency union chains together economies that are simply incompatible. Politicians approve one bailout package after the other and, in doing so, have set down a dangerous path that could burden Europeans for generations to come and set the EU back by decades.
Giorgio Bertini

Eisenhower's worst fears came true. We invent enemies to buy the bombs « Lear... - 1 views

    It is not democracy that keeps western nations at war, but armies and the interests now massed behind them. The greatest speech about modern defence was made in 1961 by the US president Eisenhower. He was no leftwinger, but a former general and conservative Republican. Looking back over his time in office, his farewell message to America was a simple warning against the "disastrous rise of misplaced power" of a military-industrial complex with "unwarranted influence on government". A burgeoning defence establishment, backed by large corporate interests, would one day employ so many people as to corrupt the political system. (His original draft even referred to a "military-industrial-congressional complex".) This lobby, said Eisenhower, could become so huge as to "endanger our liberties and democratic processes".
Giorgio Bertini

Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the ... - 0 views

    A vividly told history of how greed bred America's economic ills over the last forty years, and of the men most responsible for them. As Jeff Madrick makes clear in a narrative at once sweeping, fast-paced, and incisive, the single-minded pursuit of huge personal wealth has been on the rise in the United States since the 1970s, led by a few individuals who have argued that self-interest guides society more effectively than community concerns. These stewards of American capitalism have insisted on the central and essential place of accumulated wealth through the booms, busts, and recessions of the last half century, giving rise to our current woes. In telling the stories of these politicians, economists, and financiers who declared a moral battle for freedom but instead gave rise to an age of greed, Madrick traces the lineage of some of our nation's most pressing economic problems. He begins with Walter Wriston, head of what would become Citicorp, who led the battle against government regulation. He examines the ideas of economist Milton Friedman, who created the plan for an anti-Rooseveltian America; the politically expedient decisions of Richard Nixon that fueled inflation; the philosophy of Alan Greenspan, on whose libertarian ideology a house of cards was built on Wall Street. Intense economic inequity and instability is the story of our age, and Jeff Madrick tells it with style, clarity, and an unerring command of his subject.
thinkahol *

Open proposal to US higher education: end oligarchy economics, save trillions with educ... - 0 views

    US universities and colleges could end unlawful US wars and stop banksters' rigged-casino fraud if they taught the central facts of these issues. This four-part series of articles is an open proposal for their action. Feel free to share it.
thinkahol *

FOCUS: Why the GOP Loves the Debt - 0 views

    Now Minnesota joins the list of states being gutted by the Republican Party. The government in the state famous for being nice has shut down, because Democratic Governor Mark Dayton wanted to impose a higher income tax on Minnesotans earning $1 million or more a year-a whopping 7,700 people in a state of 5.3 million. There are additional matters-a GOP insistence on a 15 percent reduction in state workers over the next four years, for example. And so the evidence mounts: In Saint Paul and Columbus and Tallahassee and Madison, as in Washington D.C., we are watching something that is no longer a political party in the normal sense, but a group of cynical highwaymen perpetuating a national crisis and then exploiting that very crisis to try to destroy the public sphere.
Giorgio Bertini

Derivatives Cloud the Possible Fallout From a Greek Default « Learning Politi... - 0 views

    In years past, when financial crises in Argentina and Russia left those countries unable to make good on their government debts, they simply defaulted. But this time around, swaps and other sorts of contracts have become so common and so intertwined in the financial markets that there are fears among regulators and financial players about how a Greek default would play out among derivatives holders. No one seems to be sure, in large part because the world of derivatives is so murky. But the possibility that some company out there may have insured billions of dollars of European debt has added a new tension to the sovereign default debate.
Giorgio Bertini

Former IMF head admits to made many silly mistakes and errors with Argentina ... - 0 views

    Former managing director of the IMF, Michel Camdessus admitted Thursday in Buenos Aires that during his time working for the organization, they 'made many mistakes with Argentina,' particularly highlighting the 90s. With regard to the topic, the former IMF managing director estimated that "80% of the global economic growth," over the course of the next forty years, "will come from the development of emerging countries, like Argentina," also considering that during this time the dollar will cease to dominate the monetary system and global finance. Camdessus acknowledged that "current neo-liberalism is extremely short regarding institutions and regulations".
Giorgio Bertini

How Financial Oligarchy Replaces Democracy « Learning Political Economy - 0 views

    European banks have hog-tied their governments, replacing Parliamentary democracy with dictatorship by the ECB, which is blocked constitutionally from creating credit for governments - until German and French banks found it in their own interest for it to do so.
thinkahol *

A manifesto for regime change on behalf of all humanity | Ana Sofia Suarez and Shimri Z... - 1 views

    Inspired by protests from Tunis to New York, activists and people's assemblies have collaborated on a vision for a new global governance
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