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Amy Boehman-Pollitt

Wonderville - 0 views

    The games section contains over 30 interactive games covering many different science themes. The activities section contains science crosswords, word search puzzles and printable activity sheets. A video section explores real-life applications of science concepts. Many videos provide a behind the scenes look at science-based careers for those kids exploring a world full of fascinating careers. There are also science-related comic strips
Amy Boehman-Pollitt

The Molecular Workbench Software: Computational Experiments for Science and Engineering Education - 0 views

    "The Molecular Workbench™ (MW) is a free, open-source tool that creates and delivers visual, interactive simulations for teaching and learning science and engineering."
Amy Boehman-Pollitt

PhET: Free online physics, chemistry, biology, earth science and math simulations - 0 views

    interactive simulations for secondary science for the IWB
Amy Boehman-Pollitt

Utah Education Network - 1 views

    Click on the right hand side for "interactives" to see different interactive games for the IWB (math, science, LA, social studies, music, art, health, etc)
Tony Bollino

Piazza, a Homework Help Site, Has a Social Networking Twist - - 0 views

  • Students post questions to their course page, which peers and educators can then respond to. Instructors moderate the discussion, endorse the best responses and track the popularity of questions in real time.
  • Piazza’s platform is specifically designed to speed response times. The site is supported by a system of notification alerts, and the average question on Piazza will receive an answer in 14 minutes.
  • At Stanford, the first to start using the service, more than half of the undergraduates are registered users.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • a computer science professor at Princeton, started using Piazza for her programming systems class last semester.
  • Piazza gave the students a community, especially in the middle of the night, when the instructors were sleeping,” Professor Rexford said. “The students were more interactive in general, and it was a time saver all-around.”
    Very nice tool for AP students to get homework help from peers in a social format.
Cristina Runkles

Interactive Tour of the Solar System - 1 views

    put in full size mode to push the ads off to the side
Michael Hakkarinen

GPS Activities & Lesson Plans - 0 views

  • This is an entire series of lessons- connecting Marzano, backwards curriculum design,  and gps units.   Lesson plans are for specific grade levels.   Lewiston School District Resources- pdf files E-Trex Interface 1 E-trex interface 2 Calculating relative accuracy of GPS Unit- GPS activity worksheet: Multi-point route: Teacher’s answer sheet for activities listed above: Basics-how to prepare for the activities in this section- Marker tags for activity 3:
    Collection of links to school districts who use GPS devices and geocaching with students. The "Lewistown School District" area has a selection of lessons to introduce Geocaching and GPS devices to students.
Amy Boehman-Pollitt

Public Domain Pictures of Ken Thomas - 0 views

    Ken Thomas is a photographer with many wildlife pictures, and he posts 99% of them on his website as public domain. Great pictures in the wildlife section!
Tony Bollino

Crickweb | Welcome to Crickweb - 2 views

    200+ interactive resources
Amy Boehman-Pollitt - 1 views

    Free educational videos delivered over the Internet. Viewed any time, from anywhere.
Aimee Satterlee

Edheads - Activate Your Mind! - 0 views

    interactive flash based virtual hip replacement, stem cell transplant, design a cell phone, etc.
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