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Stephen Boyle

Born To Serve Online Radio by HireLyrics | Blog Talk Radio - 0 views

  • Born To Serve United States, EnglishEducation "The answer to missed educational opportunities; oppressive contracts and unaccountability horror stories; racism; poverty; and hate-based ideas festering into terrorism, is the responsible development of entities ... that standardize access, standardize procedures, and standardize services
    Blogtalk Radio station for Rosanne Grinage fighting for the civil rights of families under attack by Department of Human Services, Child Protective Services, related corporations contracted, and individuals aligned. Parental Rights, Child Rights, and Family Rights must be served with respect for the Family.
Stephen Boyle

Congressman wants U.S. Attorney General to investigate Michigan Child Protective Services - 0 views

  • So now he’s calling on U.S.  Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate what’s been happening in Michigan
  • “The most important right, constitutionally and God-given right we have is to be able to raise our children. So that’s why I’m going to the attorney general right now to see how we can keep our families together,”  Rep. Hansen Clarke, (D) 13th District, told 7 Action News Investigator Heather Catallo.
  • Testimony under oath in the Godboldo case revealed that probation officers inside the court would routinely stamp Presiding Juvenile Court Judge Leslie Kim Smith’s name onto the removal orders.  By law, a judge must review the CPS workers allegations of abuse, and then sign the order. After we reported on the rubber stamping that legal experts say is against the law – the court stopped doing it.  But we still asked the court and DHS to tell us how long it had been going on, and how many children were taken from their parents illegally.  Judge Smith was not interested in answering our questions.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • we shouldn’t be penalizing women because they’re struggling financially by taking away their children
  • DHS Director Maura D. Corrigan issued this written statement: “The department welcomes a dialogue with Rep. Clarke, as we do with all legislators.  We can assure the representative that despite his concerns based on a small number of local cases out of the nearly 100,000 child welfare cases the department investigates each year statewide, that DHS focuses solely on the welfare of the child without regard to race.”
    Hansen Clarke asking Eric Holder, US Attorney General to investigate Michigan Department of Human Services and Child Protective Services. Claims of racial profiling and unjust actions toward families in poverty.
Stephen Boyle

Family's life unravels with claims dad raped daughter | Detroit Free Press | - 0 views

  • Wendrow spent 74 of his 80 days in jail in the one-man cell.
  • Thal spent five days in jail, accused of ignoring the abuse.
  • Their children -- a severely disabled teen girl and a mildly autistic boy -- were put in separate juvenile homes and kept apart from their parents for 106 days.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Sgt. Tara Kane was in charge of the investigation, as head of the Police Department's youth bureau. It was her first day in that position, and she had never handled a child sexual assault case. She didn't have any training in autism and had never heard of facilitated communication.
  • Cynthia Scarsella, an $18-per-hour teachers aide, was the girl's facilitator, the one guiding her hand. She had been assigned to the job at the beginning of the fall 2007 semester.Scarsella, who holds a high school diploma, completed one hour of facilitator training the summer before. She said in a deposition that she had "no idea" whether what the girl was typing was true and had no interest in trying to verify it. And she said she didn't know anything about autism.
    6 chapter series of articles about father accused of sexually abusing autistic daughter - method of providing allegation being proven unstable. Family torn apart placing children in foster care. Father placed in jail on wrongful charges.
Stephen Boyle - 0 views

  • United States Supreme Court in Troxel v. Granville (2000) produced 6 different opinions on the nature and enforceability of parental rights
  • A proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States (House Joint Resolution 3) has been introduced in the 112th Congress that would prevent erosion of the enduring American tradition of treating parental rights as fundamental rights
  • enumeration of these rights in the text of our nation’s constitution would preserve them from being infringed upon by the shifting ideologies and interpretations of the United States Supreme Court
    Proposed Parental/Family Rights Amendment (HJR 3, 112th)
Toby Sixberry

Child Custody Arrangements - 0 views

    A website to give people tips on dealing with child custody arrangements or family court

Family Preservation Rally Video Washington, D.C. - Associated Content - 0 views

    Family Preservation Rally Video Washington, D.C.

Fireproof The Movie - Must See Movie for Couples - Stay Out of Family Court - 0 views

    Truly one of the best films we have seen in some time! MUST SEE! Fireproof The Movie is an excellent film about a couple struggling with the possibility of divorce. An inspirational film for all couples to see. Fireproof your marriage and stay out of the hell known as family court. An excellent point on this movie - it does NOT place blame on just men like so many mainstream movies, it truly does review both sides husband and wife. One of the greatest threats to marriages that this movie fails to point out is Title IV-D. However, it makes sense that this was not mentioned because the couple in the story do not have children.Fireproof - The Movie has already made movie history. Only five times before Fireproof came along had a movie been made on a budget of $500,000 and grossed over $30 million! Proof that Hollywood is missing a serious niche that audiences are demanding. EXCELLENT film - See it NOW before it leaves the theaters. Below you can click on various tabs to learn more about the movie Fireproof. Be sure to click on "Watch Trailer" below. If you have seen this movie please comment below and tell our readers what you thought of it....

You Tube Video: Former Family Court Employee Exposes Corruption - 0 views

    Video: Former Family Court Employee Exposes Corruption

States and Family Court Systems Profit from the Creation of Non-Custodial Parents - 0 views

    Learn the truth! States and Family Court Systems Profit from the Creation of Non-Custodial Parents

Family Law Reform Leaders Remain Blinded and Miss Perfect Opportunity - 0 views

    Family Law Reform Leaders Remain Blinded and Miss Perfect Opportunity

Videos from Equal Parenting Bike Trek and Family Preservation Rally in Washington, D.C. - 0 views

rpedersen Documentary Exposes Family Court Corruption in America - 0 views

    View the four shocking trailers now!

91 Yr old Veteran Assaulted - Breakdown of American cities and families - 0 views

    91 Yr old Veteran Assaulted - Breakdown of American cities and families
Stephen Boyle

Leon Koziol Files US Civil Rights Lawsuit Against New York Courts and Government Officials | angiEmedia - 0 views

  • Constitutional law attorney Leon Koziol has filed a parental civil rights lawsuit alleging willful and harmful violations of the US and New York Constitutions and civil rights laws by New York courts and government agencies involving their mistreatment of parents and children.
  • Koziol has lost his children, his legal career, and much of his income and property apparently due to the systematic abuse alleged to have been executed by several of the defendants as they attempted to terrorize, harass, threaten, and coerce Koziol to stop his complaints against them.
  • Below is part one of a three part video featuring Leon Koziol speaking about the “separate but unequal” family law policy practiced across the United States in violation of the US Constitution. This video and others like it are apparently part of the reason for the government’s retaliation against Koziol. He criticizes their conduct that causes immense harm to children and parents and they aim to destroy him for publicly expressing his legitimate and accurate opinions that expose their terroristic and abusive actions.Government in the US often operates under the premise that if somebody exposes a wrong, discredit and destroy that person rather than fixing the wrong. This is one important reason why American government has no moral authority today.
    Violations of New York and US Constitutions
Child Therapy

Child Therapy Works - 2 views

I have the chance of asking professional help for my kid who has been depressed for the past few weeks. We did not know what the reason was and so we asked help from NLP4Kids a reputed therapy orga...

parenting family Children kids Child therapy

started by Child Therapy on 23 Feb 12 no follow-up yet

Martin Luther King, Jr. Have We Learned From the Past? - Associated Content - 0 views

    Martin Luther King, Jr. Have We Learned From the Past? - Associated Content

Perhaps Lincoln Was Correct? Associated Content - 0 views

    Perhaps Lincoln Was Correct? Associated Content
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