launches Nintendo Wii Fitness Video Contest ... - 0 views
Yeah, I saw this last year. It was interesting, though we never heard anything about its 'wii-nners' I've had conversations with Jennifer Lee (PR of Traineo) several times. But unfortunately, traineo is not really keeping up to speed with creating new features anymore for their platform (or if they are, they aren't as advanced as Gyminee or developers)
Kellogg's: Wii Makes Your Heart Stronger - 0 views
Exergaming Evangelist's Soapbox: My visit to E3! - 0 views
Me2Main - 0 views
IngentaConnect The health benefits of interactive video game exercise - 0 views
The health benefits of interactive video game exercise on exercise adherence (stationary cycling)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of interactive video games (combined with stationary cycling) on health-related physical fitness and exercise adherence in comparison with traditional aerobic training (stationary cycling alone).
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