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Math - 2 views

    Online Binder filled with sites for many math concepts.
    This looks like a great tool.

Everyday Mathematics - eToolkit - 15 views

    Link seems to be broken or no longer available.

Math Pickle - 10 views

    This no longer seems to be available.

Best content in ISTE 2011 | Diigo Groups - 5 views

    Twitter and backchanneling sessions only capture information for finite periods of time. This site will be used to store all of the great links and resources discovered through ISTE 2011 (Jun 26-29, 2011) so you can retrieve them at home. Please join with me and share your favorite links.

Quia - Everyday Math Hangman - 16 views

    For the Promethean users we have created many flips matched to each unit. They are on the grade level Promethean Moodles at this link.

Summer Math Review Packets - 22 views

    These Math packets were created to align with the Everyday Math Curriculum used during the school year to provide additonal practice during the summer.  Each week consists of six problems that review, maintain and deepen the skills and concepts learned in the six strands of mathematics: Operations and Computation, Numeration, Patterns, Functions and Algebra, Data & Chance, Measurement & Reference Frames, and Geometry.

EM Third Grade Unit 1 - 14 views

    The purpose of this glog is to help children and parents understand what the child should know in Unit 1. It gives activities for each objective for practice.
    Thank you for sharing this great glog. I will plan on using this. I plan on making some glogs. I will be sure to share with you.

Census in Schools - 4 views

    We are working on lesson plans, maps, teaching guides, and other informational materials to help teachers and students learn about the importance of the Census. Visit often to keep up with the latest information and materials available from Census in Schools and the 2010 Census
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