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Tori Beacon

Authentic Learning for the 21st Century - 0 views

    Ever heard the groans of students, "When will I EVER need to know this in real life?" or "I learn better by doing!" The boom of the internet, communication and simulation technologies has allowed students more opportunities for authentic learning experiences, such as experimentation and real life problem solving. Authentic Learning focuses on real world, complex problems and their solutions. These learning programs do not revolve around 'teaching english or math.' Authentic Learning tasks are inherently multidisciplinary; they could require skills from more than one subject area. Examples of authentic learning tasks could be setting a budget, or managing a city. Ensuring classroom learning has real life relevance will allow students to feel like their learning will apply to them beyond the classroom setting. Their classroom learning strategies will teach students how to turn information into useful, transferable knowledge. Making different connections across disciplines is an important skill that will aid students once they reach the 'real world' beyond the classroom.Read this article and prepare your students for the real world complexities they will soon face that cannot be solved simply by applying an algorithm!
Tori Beacon

Using Interactives to Enhance Learning - 0 views

    Playing video games in school? How is THAT educational! In fact, schools are beginning to allow students to learn through interactives and video games. Video games create an environment that includes many of the positive factors school programs are looking for: immediate feedback, clear goals, encouragement and motivation to do better the next round! Video games and technological interactives provide activities that stimulate problem solving skills, strategic thinking and non-linear thinking patterns, amongst many others. For example, in Projectile Motion, students explore the properties of projectile motion. Students use the interactive to try and hit a target in varying conditions; they learn about the direction and location of the launch, the projectile's mass, shape and size, and the presence of air resistance. This article includes links to hundreds of whiteboard interactives and ideas for video games that encourage development of critical thinking, strategic thinking, communication skills and more. Incorporating video games and technological interactives is a great way to provide differentiated learning alternatives in your classroom. Check this article out and consider putting those 'dreaded' video games to educational use!
Tanya Traverso

Largest Recorded Arctic Ozone Hole Sparks Fears of Worse to Come... - 1 views

    On October 2, 2011, journalist Tim Alamenciak posted an intriguing article to readers of the Toronto Star regarding the environmental changes occurring within our world. This article is tremendously intriguing as it increases individual's awareness on the detrimental and harmful effects happening to our environment. According to a study published in the Nature, in the beginning of the year, the loss of the ozone over the Arctic has reached unprecedented levels never seen before in the northern hemisphere. Three researchers from Environmental Canada and one from University of Toronto commented on this occurrence by stating an unusually long period of low temperatures and powerful wind patterns played a tremendous factor in damaging the ozone layer. Ultimately, persistent cold weather created the perfect conditions to destroy ozone levels. Sitting fifteen to thirty-five kilometres above the Earth's surface, the Stratospheric ozone layer acts like a giant shield that blocks harmful ultraviolent rays that cause skin cancer to humans as well as damages all plant and animal life. Therefore, when the ozone layer gradually begins to deplete, this will have a devastating effect on our world. Man-made chemicals known as Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are gases used in the manufacturing of aerosols and refrigerators. Scientists have regarded these chemicals as key identifiers for destroying the ozone in the stratosphere. Individuals must become more cognisant of how these harmful chemicals negatively impact our world. By fostering responsibility, community service, and nurturing at a young age, children can apply these values and employ them for future action.
Tanya Traverso

Complexities Surrounding the War of 1812 - 1 views

    Marking the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, this account displays the struggles that pitted Canadian, Indian, and British forces against American expansion. Although Americans had fought against the British, Canadian colonists, and native nations, for two and a half years, in the United States and Britain very little about the war lives on today. However, this event was a war worth remembering for Canadians as it gave colonies a sense of identity and paved the route to Confederation. Therefore, studying history reveals the active role of individuals and groups in shaping our cultures and nations, illuminating ideals and disagreements between powerful continents. Although the war was largely a U.S. failure, some benefits did arise after this event. It convinced the Americans that they needed a full professional army to build up their strength and power. They also gained a sense of unity, complete with a new national symbol of "Uncle Sam." In addition, Laura Second, a name most familiar in candy stores but in actuality was the Canadian who walked a far stretch to bare news of the impending American attack. Therefore, the film displays how many glories had come out of this war that has been imprinted in our culture and history. Seemingly, for some, it is interesting to examine how failures became quickly forgotten and truths about what actually occurred are ignored. When studying history it is important to be cognisant of these complexities in order to gain greater perspective when dissecting world events. Please see: article entitled, "The War of 1812" by Kenneth Kidd on the Saturday October 8, 2011 issue.
Stacey Manzerolle

Lament for the demise of the humanities - 0 views

    In this article Bronwyn Eyre (reporter) is critical of Canadian university programs illustrating that U of T students are not required to take a single upper level history course based upon the history of countries including Canada, Britain and the United States. She believes that Canadian history is a dying subject and mourns the downfall of what was once thought to be legitimate history and literature courses. Eyre claims that "Elementary and high schools simply have to do more to lay essential educational groundwork" - any thoughts from our teachers to be???

Making Geography Fun - 1 views

    Students are falling behind in Geography as the focus has been put on math and language in schools. However, it is very important for our youth to learn about the global economy and the many different cultures and relationships around the world. This particular article discusses statistics from the US, but the same generalizations can be made for Canada and its school focus.
Stacey Manzerolle

Students finding out importance of voting - 0 views

    Getting youth interested in a political process that many feel detached from can be a tall order. "Students often have pre-formed opinions of what voting is," Thousand Islands Secondary School (TISS) teacher Conrad Walpot said. "They see voting, per se, as something they are not really able, willing or ready to do right now at age 14,15 or 16."
Tori Beacon

Zhenhui - Matching Teaching Styles with Learning Styles in East Asian Contexts (TESL/TEFL) - 0 views

    Serious mismatches between the learning styles of students and the teaching style of the instructor be damaging for the education of the student, as well as the confidence of the teacher. Students in mismatched teaching/learning style situations will often be inattentive, do poorly academically even if they are quite capable of learning the material and/or simply give up on the course. This article specifically addresses how the dominant learning styles of East Asian students (teacher-centred, book centred, independent) often do not match up with the global, Western, and/or extroverted teaching styles often used by teachers from the Western world. To reduce teacher-student style conflicts, this article suggests that teaching and learning styles should be matched so that students can get the most out of their classroom experience. Introducing new learning strategies to East Asian students is not discouraged by the author; he provides a list of activities that can help to alter learning behaviours but advocates that these strategies should be introduced slowly and should not take over as the dominant teaching method if the students do not learn the best this way.
Shawn Greenwood

Mythic History in a Canadian Classroom - 0 views

    The fictional story (that Father Theo inserts into his blog)of an exchange between a student and a teacher shares Father Theo's real feelings about what is being taught in the Social Studies Classrooms in Canada. The teacher in the mythical classroom states "the winners write history the way they want to hear it, and most times they don't tell the whole truth." Are History Teachers in Canada Liars? The second part of the blog Father Theo references historian James W. Loewen book called Lies My Teacher Told Me which evaluates Almerican text books for accuracy, balance, and how inclusive the are of minorities and their role in North American History. He argues that history text books "avoid, de-emphasized or misled in respect to sensitive topics, topics like racism, the class system, slavery and the resettlement of America". Although I do not agree with all of the article, it really made me take notice of my bias to my culture and how maybe I need to reflect on the feelings of other cultures when I create my history lessons.

Social Studies In Action: Dealing with Controversial Issues - 1 views

    Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on view this video. The video demonstrates different activities and ways on how to deal with controversial issues within social studies, such as stereotypes or racism due to past and present events.
Tanya Traverso

The emergence of a new high school textbook: An initiative to make learning more access... - 2 views

    A new textbook produced by Nelson Education and Martin Aboriginal Educational Initiative has emerged within high-school entrepreneurship classes. Based on the Ontario Senior Business Studies Curriculum, Tara Perkins discusses in the Globe and Mail the emergence of this new workbook specifically intended for aboriginal students. The images of aboriginals on the cover stress the importance to native students that business is a subject applicable to them. This initiative highlights the beginning of a new era in education as business courses for indigenous people written by indigenous people lay the foundation for a greater involvement within the business/administrative sector. According to Statistics Canada, in 2008-2009, the average employment rate fell faster for off-reserve Aboriginal people than for non-Aboriginal people. Additionally, the gap between these two groups significantly widened as employment rates increased from 3.5% to 4.8%. These statistics highlight the importance of how practical skills need to be easily accessible to native communities in order to provide them with equal opportunity to financially succeed within Canadian economy. In correlation to the ideas of equality within education, D'ary Levesque also discusses in the Globe and Mail, the importance of aboriginal education and its potential impact on the country's economy. Although Aboriginal Canadians are one of the youngest and fastest growing populations, lower educational trends continue to preside. Levesque expands on this idea based on reports from the Ottawa-based Centre for the Study of Living Standards which estimates more than $170 billion could be added to the economy by 2026 if natives achieved the same education levels as other Canadians. Ultimately, Levesque examines the importance of corporations to lend a supporting role alongside the Federal government to assist First Nation communities in advancing their education. Refer to:
Tori Beacon

The pros and cons of Black History Month - 0 views

    This opinion article touches on the pros and cons of Black History month. While the author does not agree that Black History Month should be removed from schools, he challenges us to reconsider how we present Black History Month, the content we include, and how we can change the current program to make it more effective. The article asks why slavery is rarely discussed in depth during Black History Month, then immediately after, asserts that Black History does not begin with 17th century slavery - did black people not exist before this time? The author is concerned with how Black History Month approaches the issue of black inequality as if it is completely disconnected with the present - the issues are still relevant and should be taught as such. As well, the author recognizes that discussing black history in the classroom should not be restricted to one month of the year - Black History month is a great opportunity to celebrate the past from the perspective of African Americans, but this perspective should not be lost for the rest of the year. Weighing the pros and cons of having 'Black History Month,' or any month dedicated to one ethnic group, will be important to consider when developing your own social studies program.
Stacey Manzerolle

CLASSROOM TIPS;Teach Your Students How To Write A Research Report - 2 views

    This article describes how to interest students in research writing and reporting as well as the steps to get them planning and working to a cohesive conclusion. Although not limited to history or geography, this article is from the Canadian Social Studies Journal and offers good information for Social Studies or any curriculum subject. I particularly found the last portion interesting - 17 ways to present research. Currently in our PDS our students are looking at determining their learning styles - auditory, visual or kinesthetic - and by offering multiple ways for students to present their assignment we are offering a form of differentiated learning.

But Social Studies is Boring - 1 views

    This website is a great research tool with different ways to teach social studies using differentiated instruction. The website provides different general ideas and ideas that will help spark an interest in the students. FYI on the left side there is a toolbar, it provides different activities and knowledge regarding social studies once you select a specific grade.
Scott King

Corey Everrett: Daring to Make History Fun - 0 views

    Found this blog which gives a link to the Ultimate Canadian History Site and a valuable critique of its usefulness and short comings. The Ultimate Canadian History Site offers unique ways to get students interested in Canadian history such as; sing along with a song entitled "Louis Louis Riel. The website also offers history quizzes that allow to students to find out which historical figures they are most like, and mini projects which are meant to encourage students to think about what it means to be Canadian. These history related class activities don't allow a simple little answer that we can all memorize before we move on to our next social studies lesson. Instead, it leads to more question and critical thinking. The link could be valuable when trying to reach students who need to be drawn in by media or funny curriculum related 'hooks'.
Scott King

The Purposes of Teaching Canadian History - 0 views

    In this article the author discusses the importance of separating myth from history for social studies teachers. It argues that there has been resurgence in our schools to heighten the historical consciousness of our students. According the article many teachers have been able to provide the time and focus for students to become increasingly proficient at, and increasingly committed to, the difficult work of looking at the past critically. Since history is part of our core curriculum, schools actually have had the time to develop thoughtful and subtle complexity in students' historical thinking. One of the most important parts of the article talks about what the goal of teaching history in our schools should be and the importance of history in knowledge-making.
Tanya Traverso

Have computer games become the key to understanding the future of child learning and de... - 0 views

    Title for Discussion: "The effects of computer games on primary school students' achievements and motivation in geography learning." This article interestingly investigates the effects of the game environment on students' achievements and motivation to learn. A study conducted by a University in Turkey highlights how there is a direct correlation between student's engagement with educational games on the computer and its positive impact on the student's ability to actively engage in their studies. This three-week experiment with Grades 4 and 5 students involves their participation in an educational computer game which focuses on learning about the global continents and countries. In contrast to the traditionalistic lecture approach, this constructivist method of teaching focuses on a technological-based style of learning. Therefore, the gradual shift towards a new pedagogy is explicitly apparent as the studies conducted from student interviews illustrate their enthusiasm and engagement to learn about world geography. In particular, the student's enjoy the opportunity to utilize the "chat tool" as it allows for student interaction as well as collaboration. This alternative method for teaching serves as an important tool to support student learning and future development. The overwhelming consensus of student support further highlights how educational computer games can offer a positive learning experience as it enhances their abilities to engage and participate within a virtual realm. However, it is important to note that using technology does not replace human experience and interaction. Therefore, computer gaming is simply one effective teaching aid that can be adapted in various ways to engage students in their learning.
Scott King

Canadian historians mod Civilization III to teach Canadian history - 1 views

    This article is great for computer-savvy teachers or historians who are interested incorporating computer gaming into their history lessons. Bitcasters, Telefilm Canada and Canada's National History Society have joined together to make an application which can be added to the Civilization III which uses Canadian history as a bases for the gaming environment. This is a unique way to make history lessons more interesting especially for those gamers in your class. The only difficulty I see with using this in the classroom is how to incorporate it to the curriculum and limited class time allotted for history. To help keep the game tied to the curriculum, HistoriCanada includes historical references such as the Canadian Encyclopedia, which are integrated directly into the game. An added bonus for teachers is that the game allows teachers to track progress on the game's web site, which will also provide further background information on the actual course of Canadian history.
Stacey Manzerolle

Children's Literature: A valuable resource for the social studies classroom - 0 views

    This journal article describes the benefits of utilizing children's literature in teaching history and geography. With the TECs in the process of learning about how to plan a unit which incorporates a topic in multiple subject areas, I feel that this article will give us additional ideas of how to teach historical events in new and creative ways. Whether using picture books or children's novels, literature brings history to life and can give students a better understanding of real-life situations in which the characters can give better insights of their thoughts and decision making process.
Stacey Manzerolle

Teaching about local government and community: classroom tips - 1 views

    This journal article provides several examples of creative activities to engage students in learning about their community and government. Although this can be viewed as a rather dry topic, utilizing the ideas given in the article new TECs can pique the interests of students and give them a sense of belonging to the community in which they live.
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