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#moocmoos course - 0 views

    In the interest of exploring MOOCs and the various discussions they've given rise to, Hybrid Pedagogy will host MOOC MOOC: a mini-MOOC (if there is such a thing), a meta-MOOC (if they aren't all this already) -- a MOOC about MOOCs -- beginning on August 12. Over the course of one week, MOOC MOOC will explore the pedagogical approach, the sustainability of the form, and alternatives to MOOCs. Too many people are drinking the MOOC Kool-aid (or dumping it out hastily) when what we need to do is look closely at the Kool-aid to see what we can learn from it. At this point, MOOCs are all untapped potential, mostly misunderstood and only potentially gangrenous.

A MOOC Delusion: Why Visions to Educate the World Are Absurd - 0 views

    ...scholars of international education have always warned against "a one-way transfer of educational materials from the rich north to the poor south will amount to a wave of 'intellectual neo-colonialism.'" But, again, because the MOOC movement is dominated by providers eyeing the world "market" for education, whatever they proclaim to be their motive, their attempts to make MOOCs "accessible" to international learners goes to show that they are either ignorant or unwilling to acknowledge geopolitical dynamics that shape learning experience on a global scale.

Stop polarising the MOOCs debate - University World News - 3 views

  • And thus – for MOOC lovers and MOOCs haters alike – an important rhetorical point we should all be emphasising, in every conversation: in the complex, changing world in which we live, advanced learning is necessary. Not a luxury. It deserves the public support of other necessities. Advanced education is far too important to price out of the market for all but the global 1%.
  • If the question is, "is higher education worth it?" we know from the massive enrolment in online courses that the answer is a resounding "yes". It is also significant that world history courses are enrolling as many students as Python's open source software. People want higher learning.
    The academic conversation on MOOCs is starting to polarise in exactly the talking-past-one-another way that so many complex conversations evolve: with very smart points on either side, but not a lot of recognition that the validity of certain key points on one side does not undermine the validity of certain key points on the other. I regret this flattening of online learning into a simple binary of 'politically and financially motivated greed' on the one hand and 'an opportunity to find out more about learning' on the other. Some of both in different situations can be true.
Ian Guest

MOOCs: taxonomy of 8 types of MOOC - 6 views

    "Taxonomy based on pedagogy ... it is important to define a taxonomy of MOOCs not from the institutional but the pedagogic perspective, by their learning functionality, not by their origins." via Donald Clark Plan B

The MOOC Honeymoon is Over: Three Takeaways from the Coursera Calamity | online learning insights - 5 views

    The honeymoon with MOOCs is over. The reality check has finally arrived which was inevitable. MOOCs will not solve all the woes of higher education. It is unfortunate it had to be a class on how to design an online course; it was the Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application [FOE] offered through Coursera that brought things to a screeching halt. But this experience can provide an opportunity for institutions to re-focus-identify the role and purpose of MOOCs and move forward with a thoughtful, purposeful strategy.

Three Kinds of MOOCs - 0 views

    Each type of MOOC has all three elements (networks, tasks and content), but each has a goal that is dominant.
Jackie Gerstein

The Taming of the MOOC--With ePortfolio Evidence -- Campus Technology - 3 views

    The Taming of the MOOC--With ePortfolio Evidence
    I find it interesting how they only talk about ePortfolios as you having to "sign up" for them. Students in my course will have options to use Wordpress, Google Sites, etc. because these need to be public, but Evernote works as well. You don't have to use an expensive product to have an ePortfolio.
Lisa Noble

New MOOC 'Instreamia' Offers Language Learning With A Twist | Edudemic - 1 views

    interesting idea for second-language learning MOOC, but where's the French?
Glenn Hervieux

Self-Directed Learning: The Core of Successful MOOC Participation - Faculty eCommons - 3 views

    Dr. Heather Farmakis shares some keys to successful online learning - especially as it relates to participation in MOOCs
Sam Boswell

Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education | de Waard | The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning - 4 views

    Article explaining chaos theory in relation to MOOC participation

Evaluating a MOOC - 4 views

    Stephen Downes was asked (along with Dave Cormier and George Siemens): "How might it be possible to show that cMOOCs are effective for learning, in the sense of providing evidence that institutions might accept so as to support opening up more courses to outside participants (a la ds106, Alec Couros' EC&I 831, etc.)? Or, more generally, providing evidence that participation in and facilitating cMOOCs is worthy of support by institutions... What I'm looking for are criteria one might use to say that a cMOOC is successful. What should participants be getting out of cMOOCs?"
Ian Guest » Blog Archive » A new classification for MOOCs - 0 views

    " alternative means of categorising MOOCs, based on their key characteristics."
Alec Couros

Some things I think I might have learned so far… « Experiments in the world of moocery - 3 views

    Good discussion of learning design in a MOOC.
Jon Bunch

great free MOOC resource - 8 views

#cmc11 I came across a great free resource for MOOC; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I was surprised that this school has joined the initiative to spread free online learning to t...

etmooc education mooc free MIT cmc11

started by Jon Bunch on 08 Mar 13 no follow-up yet
Brendan Murphy

The MOOC will soon die. Long live the MOOR | MOOCtalk - 3 views

  • they should be able to do them more successfully if they take the course again the next time it is offered – something else that is possible in the brave new world of MOOCs. (Many of the students in my second offering of the course had attempted the first one a few months earlier.)
    • Brendan Murphy
      Imagine the culture shift that we might take a class and not expect to master the entire course during the first 9 weeks.
  • evaluation of student work and the awarding of grades can be devoted purely to providing students with a useful (formative) indication of their progress, not a (summative) measure of their performance or ability.
  • massive open online resource
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