A Brief Future of Computing - 0 views
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
NGLC Pumps Funding into Ed Tech Focused on Common Core By David Nagel 06/14/11 http://thejournal.com/articles/2011/06/14/nglc-pumps-funding-into-ed-tech-focused-on-common-Core.aspx The Next Gener...
http://www.districtadministration.com/article/are-you-ready-common-core-math By: Alan Dessoff District Administration, March 2012 An elementary student in the San Francisco Unified School District ...
http://www.igi-global.com/authorseditoCommon Core Mathematics Standards and Implementing Digital Technologies 9 Editors: Drew Polly, Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Call f...
Overhauling Computer Science Education http://thejournal.com/Articles/2011/12/05/Overhauling-Computer-Science-Education.aspx?Page=1 Students from elementary school through college are learnin...
How real school reform should look (or explaining water to a fish) By Valerie Strauss http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/how-real-school-reform-should-look-or-explaining-wat...
Third Annual Computer Science Education Week Spotlights Importance of Standards and Local Efforts to Ensure Strong Workforce http://thejournal.com/Articles/2011/12/05/Overhauling-Computer-Science...
The 2012 Brown Center Report on American Education View online: http://www.brookings.edu/newsletters/browncenter/2012/0216.aspx ► Brookings.edu February 16, 2012 Brown Center on Education Poli...
Best part of 'schools-threaten-national-security' report: The dissents By Valerie Strauss Best part of 'schools-threaten-national-security' report The most interesting part of the new Condoleezza...
http://www.setda.org/web/guest/maximizingimpactreport In the report, Maximizing the Impact: "The Pivotal Role of Technology in a 21st Century Education System", the State Educational Technology Di...
Globaloria Creator Idit Harel Caperton Discusses Her Recent Visit To East Austin College Prep http://blog.swkey.org/2012/03/12/idit-harel-caperton-interview/ Posted by Southwest Key on Mar 12, 201...
What teachers don't need (but are getting anyway) By Valerie Strauss This was written by Paul Thomas, an associate professor of education at Furman University in South Carolina. A version of th...
Digital Learning Day - A Movement's Defining Moment by Ferdi Serim Posted on February 1st, 2012 Digital Learning Day - A Movement's Defining Moment By Ferdi Serim With over four times the partici...
Top tech firms back open Internet in FCC letter October 12, 2011 Today, it was announced that national nonprofit Connected Nation is a key strategic advisor and partner in a major national public...
Microsoft Groundbreaking Speech and Report on CS Education http://blog.acm.org/archives/csta/2012/09/microsoft_relea.html Today Microsoft's General Counsel Brad Smith spoke at the Brookings In...
Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Impact of America Competes Act Wednesday, 7 November, 2012 The day after the elections, at first blush, feels like Groundhog Day. After all the campaigning, spen...
http://educationontheplate.com/2012/04/17/what-would-gandhi-do/ In its infinite wisdom, the New York State Education Department has increased the length of the state ELA and math tests by 50% this...
By Valerie Strauss This is the text of an open letter written to President Obama by Mary Broderick, president of the Arlington, Va.,-based National Schools Boards Association, a not-for-profit or...