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Bonnie Sutton

Social Media Rules Limit New York Student-Teacher Contact - 1 views Social Media Rules Limit New York Student-Teacher contact By ...

social media student teacher contact guidelines.

started by Bonnie Sutton on 02 May 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Making Progress: Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Techno... - 1 views

Making Progress: Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Technologies and Social Media pdf BACKGROUND It is...

Making Progre Rethinking State and School District POLICIES COSN Mobile Technologies Social Media

started by Bonnie Sutton on 15 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

FCC Proposals Aimed at Stopping Unauthorized Charges on Phone Bills - 1 views

FCC Proposals Aimed at Stopping Unauthorized Charges on Phone Bills Submitted: July 12, 2011 - 3:44pm Originally published: July 12, 2011 Last updated: July 12,...

started by Bonnie Sutton on 12 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

The challenge of the introverted student - 2 views

The challenge of the introverted student By Valerie Strauss This ...

Introverted student isolation the silent pupil

started by Bonnie Sutton on 29 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

The Drama! Teen Conflict, Gossip, and Bullying in Networked Publics - 1 views

Alice E. Marwick Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Research New England; Harvard University - Berkman Center for Internet & Society danah boyd Microsoft Research; New York University (NYU) - Dep...

dana boyd Teen conflict gossip bullying fosi microsoft alice Marwick

started by Bonnie Sutton on 14 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Copyright: Reaching Out to Teachers and Students - 1 views

Copyright: Reaching Out to Teachers and Students February 2nd, 2012 by Cheryl Lederle This is a guest post f...

Library of congress teachers and students US Copyright Office

started by Bonnie Sutton on 06 Feb 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

The Storytelling Project Model: A Theoretical Framework for Critical Examination of Rac... - 2 views

The Storytelling Project Model: A Theoretical Framework for Critical Examination of Racism Through the Arts by Lee Anne Bell & Rosemarie...

Story telling project model race and racism multiracial community comfort zone color blindness

started by Bonnie Sutton on 08 Jun 12 no follow-up yet
Claude Almansi

Chinese book distributor apologizes to Yale | Yale Daily News - 0 views

    By Drew Henderson Thursday, June 16, 2011 "Yale has received a formal apology from a Chinese book distributor that was responsible for a book illegally containing the content of five Open Yale Courses. Because the licenses of courses broadcast through Open Yale Courses preclude third parties from using their content commercially, the Office of the General Counsel contacted the publisher of the book, Shaanxi Normal University Press to resolve the matter, art history professor and Open Yale Courses director Diana Kleiner said in a Wednesday email to the News. ..."
Claude Almansi

CEC | Ask Arne: A Conversation with the Council for Exceptional Children's (CEC) Members and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan - 0 views

    "As I have travelled across the country visiting schools and classrooms and talking with teachers and parents, I have heard many questions about our plans at the U.S. Department of Education to support children with disabilities, their families, and the teachers who educate them and fight for them daily. To hear more about the issues affecting students with disabilities and their teachers, I asked CEC to contact members through an e-mail blast. Your response was overwhelming. Though CEC received more questions than we could possibly answer here, I have worked with your leadership to identify some of the central questions for educators of children with disabilities, and I have worked with my staff at the Department so that we can address them in this document. I would like to thank CEC members and all teachers of children with disabilities for their outstanding compassion and commitment and for the range of complex skills and talents you bring to teaching your students every day."
Claude Almansi

The MOOC Guide - The Massive Open Online Course in Theory and in Practice - 0 views

    "The purpose of this document is two-fold: - to offer an online history of the development of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) - to use that history to describe major elements of a MOOC Each chapter of this guide looks at one of the first MOOCs and some early influences. It contains these parts: - a description of the MOOC, what it did, and what was learned - a description of the element of MOOC theory learned in the offering of the course - practical tools that can be used to develop that aspect of a MOOC - practical tips on how to be successful Contribute to this Book You are invited to contribute. (...) In order to participate, please email or message your contact details, and we'll you to the list of people who can edit pages. (...) Your contributions will be accepted and posted under a CC-By license."
Claude Almansi

European Commission » Internal Market » Copyright » Orphan works - 0 views

    " Proposal for a directive Public consultations and hearings Public Hearing on Orphan Works (26.10.2009) Information hearing on the "Google Book Settlement Agreement" (07.09.2009) Related documents Proposal for a directive The Commission has adopted a Proposal for a Directive on certain permitted uses of orphan works with a view to establishing common rules on the digitisation and online display of so-called orphan works. Orphan works are works like books, newspaper and magazine articles, and films that are still protected by copyright but whose authors are not known or cannot be located or contacted to obtain copyright permissions. Orphan works are part of the collections held by European libraries that might remain untouched if no common rules are developed to make their digitisation and online display legally possible. Common rules on how to deal with such works are therefore necessary in order to proceed with large-scale digitisation projects, such as the Commission's Europeana portal. Text of the proposal PDFdeenfr Executive Summary PDFdeenfr Impact assessment PDF Citizen's summary PDFbgcsdadeetelenesfritlvlthumtnlplptroskslfisv Frequently asked questions (MEMO/11/333) "
    Maybe for a piece on that directive and the British Library - Google agreement.
Claude Almansi

Facebook blocks Open-Xchange contact exporter tool | ZDNet - 0 views

    "By Emil Protalinski | July 11, 2011, 10:40am PDT Summary Facebook has blocked another tool that lets you export your Facebook friends so you can import them elsewhere, like to Google+. On Sunday July 10, 2011, Facebook blocked Open-Xchange's tool that lets Facebook users export their friends so that they can be imported into other products and services. As I reported last week, the tool used approved Facebook APIs and was not in violation of Facebook's Terms and Conditions, or at least that's what Open-Xchange's management thought. ..."
Bonnie Sutton

WHiTE HOUSE Twitter - 1 views

WH Twitter ------------ What would you #AskObama? Tomorrow's event has the White House all a-Twitter. At 2pm EDT, President Obama will participate in the first Twitter town hall at the White Hous...

Twitter Town Hall economy jobs WHGov.llive.

started by Bonnie Sutton on 06 Jul 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Facebook - 1 views Should teachers and students be Facebook friends? Several years after Facebook expanded from a college social...

Faceboook teachers ideas of connectedness social media

started by Bonnie Sutton on 20 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Pew study: E-readers have caught on quickly - 1 views

By Jeff Gelles Inquirer Staff Writer More than one in five Americans now say they have read a book electronically in the last year. Here's what's happening on the plugged-in side of the digital di...

electronic books Plugged in side of the digital Divide Pew Study reading device.

started by Bonnie Sutton on 05 Apr 12 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Civil RIghts- CRP Statement on New Policy Guidance from Departments of Education and Ju... - 0 views

December 2, 2011 Today, the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice have issued long-awaited policy guidance to K-12 schools and colleges and universities across the U.S., about the ways in whi...

Dept of Justice and Education civil rights

started by Bonnie Sutton on 03 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

MIT Will Offer Certificates to Outside Students Who Take Its Online Courses - 2 views

December 19, 2011 By Marc Parry Millions of learners have enjoyed the free lecture videos and other course materials published online through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's OpenCourseW...


started by Bonnie Sutton on 20 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Cyberlearning Research Summit - 2 views

Cyberlearning Research Summit Check out this Cyberlearning Summit: Program:

started by Bonnie Sutton on 11 Dec 11 no follow-up yet
Bonnie Sutton

Black, Latino Students Perform at Levels of 30 Years Ago - 1 views

Black, Latino Students Perform at Levels of 30 Years Ago Teresa Wiltz First Posted: 01/23/2012 4:44 pm U...

black latino native american low level of achievement

started by Bonnie Sutton on 24 Jan 12 no follow-up yet
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