Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Feedjit Live For ETCJ - following "Paris - Ile de France" - 5 views
Claude Almansi on 28 Aug 1102:52:16 - 7h 38. ago GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
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Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:48:47 GMT on 2011-08-28
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Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:00 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:12 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:21 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 3:49:31 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:01:19 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:12 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:45 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:45 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:18:55 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 06:44:25 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 07:25:00 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 07:43:49 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 9:12:45 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 11:41:58 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 11:42:32 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 11:52:23 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:12 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:22 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:35 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:44 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:31:54 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:16 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:19 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:34 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:43 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 14:33:54 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 15:16:42 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 16:30:02 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 17:39:11 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 18:43:47 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 19:02:46 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 19:35:08 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 20:20:16 GMT on 2011-08-28
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 20:21:21 GMT on 2011-08-28
About this odd bookmark: on Aug. 28, 2011, the Feedjit gadget of reported a series of visits by "Paris - Ile de France", "using an unknown browser" and "running on Linux". So chances are that one user corresponds to that profile. As Feedjit is a dynamic service, I chose to use Diigo features to record what "Paris - Ile de France" was viewing and when. I first tried to do so by highlighting and adding sticky notes shared with the ETCJournal Diigo group: this didn't work well. So I added the missing instances by commenting the Diigo bookmark. The result is a bit messy, but all the data are there.
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 0:04:56 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 0:04:56 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 0:27:21GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 4:55:01 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.31 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.40 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.50 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:10.59 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.09 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.19 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.30 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.39 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:11.49 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 5:12:01 GMT on 2011-08-29
Paris, Ile-de-France landed on 7:00:30 GMT on 2011-08-29
Overhauling Computer Science Education - 1 views
Keep the Internet Open - 1 views
Action in a Shared World - 1 views
Facebook blocks Open-Xchange contact exporter tool | ZDNet - 0 views
"By Emil Protalinski | July 11, 2011, 10:40am PDT Summary Facebook has blocked another tool that lets you export your Facebook friends so you can import them elsewhere, like to Google+. On Sunday July 10, 2011, Facebook blocked Open-Xchange's tool that lets Facebook users export their friends so that they can be imported into other products and services. As I reported last week, the tool used approved Facebook APIs and was not in violation of Facebook's Terms and Conditions, or at least that's what Open-Xchange's management thought. ..."
U. of Illinois at Springfield Offers New 'Massive Open Online Course' - Wired Campus - ... - 1 views
"June 21, 2011, 6:52 pm By Marc Parry "What happens when you invite the whole world to join an online class? As The Chronicle reported last year, a growing number of educators are giving that idea a try by offering free "massive open online courses," or MOOC's, to anyone who wants to learn. Today, that experimental idea gained some more traction in mainstream higher education. The University of Illinois at Springfield announced a new not-for-credit MOOC devoted to examining the state of online education and where e-learning is heading. Nearly 500 people from two dozen countries have registered so far, with 1,000 expected to sign up by the time the course begins next Monday. (...) Not enough MOOC for you? Stay tuned. Starting in September, another group will organize what the MOOC pioneer George Siemens calls the "Mother of all MOOCs." In a blog post Monday, Mr. Siemens welcomed the growing interest from traditional universities. And he countered the more skeptical take offered by another open-education leader, David Wiley, who wrote recently that "MOOCs and their like are not the answer to higher-education's problems." (...)"
The New Digital Divide - 2 views
Rogue Downloader's Arrest Could Mark Crossroads for Open-Access Movement - Technology -... - 0 views
Open-Access Downloader chronicle technology arrest THE Swartz Lessig copyright open access
shared by Claude Almansi on 01 Aug 11
- No Cached
"July 31, 2011 By David Glenn Cambridge, Mass. This past April in Switzerland, Lawrence Lessig gave an impassioned lecture denouncing publishers' paywalls, which charge fees to read scholarly research, thus blocking most people from access. It was a familiar theme for Mr. Lessig, a professor at Harvard Law School who is one of the world's most outspoken critics of intellectual-property laws. But in this speech he gave special attention to JSTOR, a not-for-profit journal archive. He cited a tweet from a scholar who called JSTOR "morally offensive" for charging $20 for a six-page 1932 article from the California Historical Society Quarterly. The JSTOR archive is not usually cast as a leading villain by open-access advocates. But Mr. Lessig surely knew in April something that his Swiss audience did not: Aaron Swartz-a friend and former Harvard colleague of Mr. Lessig's-was under investigation for misappropriating more than 4.8 million scholarly papers and other files from JSTOR. On July 19, exactly three months after Mr. Lessig's speech, federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment charging that Mr. Swartz had abused computer networks at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and disrupted JSTOR's servers. If convicted on all counts, Mr. Swartz faces up to 35 years in prison."
Teragrid '11: Extreme Digital Discovery - 2 views
Keeping Special Ed in Proportion - 1 views
Dracula - 0 views
There was a bright full moon, with heavy black, driving clouds, which threw the whole scene into a fleeting diorama of light and shade as they sailed across.
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ruins of the abbey coming into view, and as the edge of a narrow band of light as sharp as a sword-cut moved along, the church and churchyard became gradually visible.
it seemed to me as though something dark stood behind the seat where the white figure shone, and bent over it.
flew down the steep steps to the pier and along by the fish-market to the bridge, which was the only way to reach the East Cliff. The town seemed as dead, for not a soul did I see.
I ran on to the entrance of the churchyard. As I entered, the church was between me and the seat, and for a minute or so I lost sight of her. When I came in view again the cloud had passed
she was breathing, not softly as usual with her, but in long, heavy gasps, as though striving to get her lungs full at every breath
brilliant moonlight, and the soft effect of the light over the sea and sky, merged together in one great silent mystery
The red sunlight was shining on the windows of St. Mary's Church behind our seat, and as the sun dipped there was just sufficient change in the refraction and reflection to make it appear as if the light moved
17 August.--No diary for two whole days. I have not had the heart to write. Some sort of shadowy pall seems to be coming over our happiness. No news from Jonathan, and Lucy seems to be growing weaker,
the tiny wounds seem not to have healed. They are still open, and, if anything, larger than before, and the edges of them are faintly white.
LETTER, SAMUEL F. BILLINGTON & SON, SOLICITORS WHITBY, TO MESSRS. CARTER, PATERSON & CO., LONDON. 17 August "Dear Sirs,--Herewith please receive invoice of goods sent by Great Northern Railway. Same are to be delivered at Carfax, near Purfleet, immediately on receipt at goods station King's Cross. The house is at present empty, but enclosed please find keys, all of which are labelled.
boxes, fifty in number, which form the consignment, in the partially ruined building forming part of the house and marked 'A'
The goods leave by the train at 9:30 tonight, and will be due at King's Cross at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon.
"I didn't quite dream, but it all seemed to be real. I only wanted to be here in this spot. I don't know why, for I was afraid of something, I don't know what.
My soul seemed to go out from my body and float about the air. I seem to remember that once the West Lighthouse was right under me, and then there was a sort of agonizing feeling, as if I were in an earthquake, and I came back
I am to leave in the morning and go over to Jonathan, and to help to nurse him if necessary, and to bring him home.
"I write by desire of Mr. Jonathan Harker, who is himself not strong enough to write, though progressing well,
He wishes me to say that he has not sufficient money with him, and that he would like to pay for his staying here, so that others who need shall not be wanting for help.
He has told me all about you, and that you are shortly to be his wife. All blessings to you both! He has had some fearful shock
we knew nothing of his friends, and there was nothing on him, nothing that anyone could understand. He came in the train from Klausenburg, and the guard was told by the station master there that he rushed into the station shouting for a ticket for home. Seeing from his violent demeanour that he was English, they gave him a ticket for the furthest station on the way thither that the train reached.
For half an hour or more Renfield kept getting excited in greater and greater degree. I did not pretend to be watching him, but I kept strict observation all the same.
"The Bride maidens rejoice the eyes that wait the coming of the bride. But when the bride draweth nigh, then the maidens shine not to the eyes that are filled."
If I don't sleep at once, chloral, the modern Morpheus! I must be careful not to let it grow into a habit.
had lain tossing about, and had heard the clock strike only twice, when the night watchman came to me, sent up from the ward, to say that Renfield had escaped.
The attendant told me the patient had gone to the left, and had taken a straight line, so I ran as quickly as I could. As I got through the belt of trees I saw a white figure scale the high wall
I heard him say… "I am here to do your bidding, Master. I am your slave, and you will reward me, for I shall be faithful. I have worshipped you long and afar off. Now that you are near, I await your commands