A Brief Future of Computing - 0 views
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
Dr Francis Wray looks back over the history of HPC and gives his insight into what can be said about systems in the future. Introduction Over the past 30 years, computing has come to play a signi...
Making Progress: Rethinking State and School District Policies Concerning Mobile Technologies and Social Media pdf http://www.cosn.org/Default.aspx?TabId=12543 BACKGROUND It is...
December 3, 2011 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/04/opinion/sunday/internet-access-and-the-new-divide.html The New Digital Divide By SUSAN P. CRAWFORD FOR the second year in a row, the Monday...
Overhauling Computer Science Education http://thejournal.com/Articles/2011/12/05/Overhauling-Computer-Science-Education.aspx?Page=1 Students from elementary school through college are learnin...
OP-ED CONTRIBUTOR Keep the Internet Open http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/25/opinion/keep-the-internet-open.html?smid=fb-share Daniel Haskett By VINTON CERF Published: May 24, 2012 ...
Hotmail Active View Innovation in ISD 199 ( at the Site_ Play video Inver Grove Heights Community Schools has been nationally recognized for the innovative use of technology in the classroom thro...
Plate tectonics is one of the more difficult science concepts to have a lab in. However, it's not necessary to have labs in every topic. Labs, beyond elementary school, are really for understandi...
How real school reform should look (or explaining water to a fish) By Valerie Strauss http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/post/how-real-school-reform-should-look-or-explaining-wat...
http://www.scoop.it/t/into-the-driver-s-seat/p/856007214/information-literacy-digital-learning-environments-judy-salpeter Information Literacy | Digital Learning Environments| Judy Salpeter...
Posted by Drew Hendricks on Feb 8th, 2012 // The current Internet revolution provides amazing opportunities for entry-level professionals, college students, and entrepreneurs, but as the Infograp...
12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012 FILED UNDER: Culture, Learning Methods, Tech Tools http://mindshift.kqed.org/2012/01/12-education-tech-trends-to-watch-in-2012/ Looking ahead a...
What the Hacking Scandal Means for Regulation of Social Networking Services http://www.cdt.org/blogs/287what-hacking-scandal-means-regulation-social-networking-services ret by Omer Tene July 28, ...
By April Dembosky in San Francisco and Maija Palmer in London A war for talent is raging in Silicon Valley where internet companies, from big groups such as Google down to the smallest start-u...
http://wadhwa.com/2010/08/28/silicon-valley%E2%80%99s-dark-secret-it%E2%80%99s-all-about-age/ An interesting paradox in the technology world is that there is both a shortage and a surplus of engin...
July 22, 2011 | 2:20 PM | By Tina Barseghian DIGITAL DIVIDE For At-Risk Youth, is Learning Digital Media a Luxury? FILED UNDER: Culture, Learning Methods, Research, Tech Tools, digital media, mobi...
By Jeff Gelles Inquirer Staff Writer More than one in five Americans now say they have read a book electronically in the last year. Here's what's happening on the plugged-in side of the digital di...
Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning http://spotlight.macfound.org/blog/entry/when-new-gets-old-redefining-approaches-to-digital-literacy-and-citizenship/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=emai...
http://www.emergingedtech.com/2011/09/education-technology-is-an-enabler-not-a-magic-wand/ Education Technology Is An Enabler, Not A Magic Wand by K. WALSH on SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 NY Times Article Cal...
Written by Stephen K. Peeples Thursday, 01 March 2012 13:30 KHTS News Brought To You By: After warning users for weeks that changes to its privacy policy were coming, today is the day Google ...
Kid-Tech News for Parents http://www.netfamilynews.org/?p=31155> You could call Internet users "citizen lobbyists." This week, in a post-Arab Spring sign of how participatory media - and its p...