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Members of the DeSales 570 course.
NETS standards Technology iste Teaching education learning NETS-T
digitalstorytelling digital_storytelling wiki digital education story NETS learning standards Teaching Technology NETS-T storytelling iste tool tools
PBS resources media education interactive activities science NETS NETS-T learning iste Teaching standards Technology tool storytelling tools
ipads emerging readers iste Teaching standards learning Technology tools tool storytelling NETS NETS-T
iste13 ipad ipads KathySchrock resources kathy edtechchat Teaching standards learning iste Technology NETS NETS-T storytelling tool tools
Maps google googlemaps batchgeo Map locations geo mapping standards NETS-T iste NETS Teaching tools tool storytelling learning Technology
evernote blog blogging ifttt ipad outils ettipad Teaching NETS standards learning iste Technology NETS-T storytelling tool tools
screensharing collaboration sharing screen web2.0 share screenleap NETS-T NETS standards learning iste Teaching storytelling tool Technology tools
timer countdown tools clock time productivity iwb NETS-T standards NETS learning iste Teaching storytelling tool Technology
Maps google geography web2.0 scribblings tools research NETS-T NETS learning iste Teaching storytelling tool standards Technology
draw tools web2.0 share Collaboration drawingtools kids painting NETS-T standards Teaching NETS learning iste Technology education tool storytelling
google storytelling google docs writing story builder tool iste education learning NETS NETS-T standards Teaching Technology