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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Egypt A


Kalasiris - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Fo... - 0 views

    Nunu: Prehistoric Life - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, Prehistoric Clothing - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, Prehistoric Headwear - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, Prehistoric Body Decorations - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages, and Prehistoric Footwear - Fashion, Costume, and Culture: Clothing, Headwear, Body Decorations, and Footwear through the Ages


    The ingredients in oils and creams.

Egyptian Beauty Secrets: Article Two - 0 views

    Egypt: Tour Egypt Monthly: Beauty Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians
    Egypt: Tour Egypt Monthly: Beauty Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians

Egypt - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette | global-etiquette | resources - 0 views

    Guide to Egypt and Egyptian culture, society, language, etiquette, customs, manners and protocol

Egpytian Gods: Serket - 0 views

  • scorpion’s tail with the head of a woman
    Nunu- Explaining the scorpion goddess Serket. 

Ancient Egyptian Gods for Kids - 0 views

  • Ra was the most important God.
  • lord of all the gods
  • shown in human form
  • ...34 more annotations...
  • with a falcon head
  • crowned with the sun disc encircled by
  • the a sacred cobra.
  • Amun King of the Gods When Amun was combined with the sun god Ra he was even m
  • powerful. He was then called Amun-Ra. Head of a ram
  • Anubi
  • God of Mummification (embalming and the dead). His role was as the "guardian to necropolis" Priests often wore a mask of Anubis during mummification ceremonies.
  • Head of a jackal
  • Head of a cat
  • Head of a goose
  • ead of a cow
  • Head of a lioness
  • Head of a falcon
  • Head of frog
  • Head of lioness
  • Head of an ibis bird
  • Head of a crocodile
  • God of Nile and swidt action
  • dess of of the rain
  • Godde
  • s of childbirth
  • Thoth God of wisdom (writing and knowledge)
  • Heket
  • Tefnut
  • Horus
  • Hathor
  • Bast (Bastet
  • Sekmet
  • Sobek
  • God of the sky The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was the 'living Horus'.
  • Goddess of war and battle
  • Goddess of love and joy and also of music and dance .
  • Earth God The ancient Egyptians believed that earthquakes were Geb's laughter.
  • Goddess of Protection and of household entertainment Thought to be the daughter of the sun god Ra
    Marissa- Goddesses
    Marissa- Goddesses

Egyptian Hierarchy - 0 views

  • 1. Egyptian society had a social hierarchy, with the pharaoh at the very top.
  • priests,
  • vizier
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • was the pharaoh’s most trusted advisor
  • scribes, doctors, lawyers, or important military personnel
  • econd most powerful
  • Nobles
  • related to the pharaoh
  • scribes and priests were taught how to read and write.
  • Skilled craftsme
  • unskilled workers, the slaves, labourers and peasants.
    Marissa- Hierarcy 

Egyptian writing - hieroglyphics - Homework for kids - 0 views

    Marissa- includes description of their writing style, what their clothes were made out of and etc.

Online Hieroglyphics Translator - 0 views

    Nunu- The hieroglyphic symbol for nobility

History of Makeup in Egypt - 0 views

  • natural resources surrounding them to create cosmetics.
  • Egyptians used the following materials in order to design makeup:
  • Malachite, a copper ore, which provided the green eye makeup color so greatly favored at the time Kohl, used to draw thick, distinctive black lines, creating an almond shape to the eyes Red ocher, which was used as rouge or lip color Henna, which was widely used to stain the fingertips and toes
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • time-consuming preparation was needed to make them ready to apply
  • ground into powder
  • (often animal fat
  • green makeup was worn all over the eyelid, from the lid to the brow.
  • widely used colors for the eyes
  • Green and black
  • extended downward
  • green eye color was applied to the eyebrows and on the corners of the eyes.
  • black replaced the heavy use of green
    Marissa-Includes: * A brief history of makeup in egypt * Not all about vanity * Ties to the past
    Marissa-Includes: * A brief history of makeup in egypt * Not all about vanity * Ties to the past

Egyptian Statues - Gay Robins - Google Books - 0 views

shared by Egypt A on 12 Dec 14 - No Cached
    Marissa-For over three thousand years, ancient Egyptian sculptors created statues of deities, kings and elite officials and their families. These were set up mainly in temples or tombs and played a vital role in temple and funerary ritual, being places where non-physical entities deities, the royal ka-spirit and the ka-spirits of the dead could manifest themselves in this world. The book begins by examining the materials and techniques employed by sculptors and the various statue types and poses that occur. Next it explores the function of statues and the different contexts for which they were made. This is followed by a chapter explaining the notion of the ideal image: statues were not intended to be exact likenesses but rather ideal images reflecting the identity, role and status of the subject. The individual identity of a statue was usually provided by inscriptions, and the various texts found on statues are discussed together with the different types of relief decoration that occur on statue surfaces. A final chapter considers what was constant and what changed over time and looks at the influence that Egyptian statues had on the origins of monumental Greek sculpture. Dr Gay Robins studied Egyptology at the University of Durham as an undergraduate and then went to Oxford to undertake research on queens of the Eighteenth Dynasty, obtaining a DPhil in 1981. She has published numerous articles relating to ancient Egyptian art, women and gender issues, and the living stature and physical proportions of the ancient Egyptians.

Clothing in ancient Egypt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • linen was by far the most common textile
  • people to be comfortable in the subtropical heat.[1]
  • Plant dyes could be applied to clothing but the clothing was usually left in its natural color.
  • ...45 more annotations...
  • Spinning, weaving and sewing were very important techniques for all Egyptian societies
  • were used on occasion for overcoats, but were forbidden in temples and sanctuaries.
  • Wool was known, but considered impure.
  • Peasants, workers and other people of modest condition often wore nothing, but the shenti (made of flax) was worn by all people. Slaves often worked naked.
  • The most common headdress was the khat or nemes, a striped cloth worn by men.
  • pharaohs would wear leopard skins over their shoulders and added a lion’s tail that would hang from their belt.
  • men's skirts were short.
  • The men wore wrap around skirts known as the Shendyt, which were belted at the waist, sometimes pleated or gathered in the fron
  • 1420 BC, there was a light tunic or blouse with sleeves, as well as a pleated petticoat.
  • 600 B.C., came, the skirt was worn longer.[
  • Beading or feathers were also used as an embellishment on the dress.
  • more conservative than men's clothing
  • only changed slightly
  • held up by one or two straps and were worn down to the ankle, while the upper edge could be worn above or below the breasts.
  • women had a choice of wearing shawls, capes, or robes. The shawl was a piece of cloth around 4 feet wide by 13 or 14 feet long
  • wore simple sheath dresses called kalasiris
  • Draped clothing
  • It was made of haïk, a very fine muslin.
  • nce they turne
  • worn by wealthy people of society.
  • usually wore no clothing,
  • children was the side-lock on the right side of the head.
  • common to both genders,
  • ewelry such as anklets, bracelets, collars, and hair accessories
  • ornaments incorporated
  • Egyptians became very skilled when making jewelry from turquoise, metals lik
  • woven into certain hairstyles and were quite inexpensive.
  • women sometimes wore cuplets filled with perfume. They were w
  • y were
  • rn to also keep out head lice and protected the head when doing dangerous things.
  • very popular in Ancient Egypt,
  • no matter the social class
  • eal huma
  • with earrings
  • men and women
  • e gold and silver, and small beads.
  • rings,
  • neck collars that were brightly colored
  • necklaces
  • bracelets,
  • from gold or other stones would make their jewelry from colored pottery beads.[9]
  • ho could not afford jewelry
  • One creation
  • specific to ancient Egypt was the gorgerine,
  • metal discs
    Marissa- Includes description of egyption history of their clothing from young age to to parent hood 

Ancient Egypt at the Brooklyn Museum of Art - 0 views

  • Women are shown with both feet together or their left feet only slightly advanced; they hol
  • d flowers or other objects, or their hands rest flat at their sides.
  • Egyptian words for “nobility” and “wealth” were both written with the same hieroglyph showing a figure seated on a chair.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • people of high status were portrayed sitting on chairs or simple blocks.
  • considered this a pose of worship and prayer
    Nunu- Explaining the different poses of the Era.

Egyptian Clothing - Ancient Egypt for Kids! - 0 views

  • men and women in Egypt wore tunics which were sewn to fit them.
  • tunics were like a long T-shirt which reached to the knees (for men) or to the ankles (for women).
  • always white.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • linen
  • do not seem to have covered their heads with any kind of cloth.
  • went barefoot, but sometimes they wore straw or leather sandals
  • Both men and women wore blue and green eyeshadow and black kohl eyeliner, when they were dressed up fancy
  • women wore their hair down to their shoulders.
  • men and women wore gold jewelry
    Explaining the clothing and makeup of both Egyptian men and women.

Ancient Egypt: Clothing - 0 views

  • Clothes were expensive and in the hot Egyptian climate people often wore as little as possible. If we are to believe the depictions, at parties servants and slave girls wore little more than skimpy panties and jewellery [7], though one may assume that the reason for this undress was not a lack of funds. Working women mostly dressed in a short kind of kalasiris. Men doing physical labour wore a loin cloth, wide galabiyeh-like robes or, if they were working in the water, nothing at all. Children usually ran around nude during the summer months, and wore wraps and cloaks in winter when temperatures might fall below 10°C.     The gods had to be dressed as well. This was th
  • Clothes were expensive and in the hot Egyptian climate people often wore as little as possible. If we are to believe the depictions, at parties servants and slave girls wore little more than skimpy panties and jewellery [7], though one may assume that the reason for this undress was not a lack of funds. Working women mostly dressed in a short kind of kalasiris. Men doing physical labour wore a loin cloth, wide galabiyeh-like robes or, if they were working in the water, nothing at all. Children usually ran around nude during the summer months, and wore wraps and cloaks in winter when temperatures might fall below 10°C.     The gods had to be dressed as well
  • The clothes were generally made of linen and kept simple: a short loincloth resembling a kilt for men, a dress with straps for women
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • Very little sewing was done. The cloth was wrapped round the body and held in place by a belt
  • when some dresses of upper class Egyptians were pleated horizontally
  • Old Kingdom
  • New Kingdom the pleats were often vertical, but pleating could be quite intricate.
  • Middle Kingdom piece of clothing displays three different types of pleating: one part is pleated with pleats a few centimetres apart, another with very narrow pleats and a third part is chevron-patterned, with horizontal and vertical pleats crossing each other
  • The robes worn by both sexes
  • The kalasiris women wore might cover one [3] or both shoulders or be worn with shoulder straps
  • called kalasiri
  • the top could reach anywhere from below the breast up to the neck, the bottom hem generally touched the calves or even the ankles.
  • short sleeves, others were sleeveless
  • The length of the the kilts varied, being short during the the Old Kingdom and reaching the calf in the Middle Kingdom, when it was often supplemented with a sleeveless shirt or a long robe
  • fit might be very tight or quite loose
  • often worn with a belt
  • Women's dresses were at times ornamented with beads
  • Circular capes date back as far as the Old Kingdom. They were generally made of linen and had an opening for the head cut at the centre. They were often dyed, painted or otherwise decorated and covered little more than the shoulders
  • then ordinary Egyptians did not wear any headdress as a rule,
  • The better-off put on wigs - perhaps just on special occasions
  • The pharaohs are always represented wearing crowns
  • The Egyptians went barefoot much of the time, but wore sandals on special occasions [8] or when their feet were likely to get hurt.
  • sandals were tied with two thongs and, if they had a pointed tip this was often turned upwards. They were made of leather [17] or rush [12] woven or stitched together, and often had leather soles and straps.
  • The kings wore at times very elaborately decorated sandals, and sometimes decorative gloves as well, but generally they were depicted barefoot, as were the gods.
  • Sandals made of gold have been found which cannot have been very comfortable to their wearers if they were worn at all. Among Tutankhamen's equipment there were 93 pieces of footwear. There were sandals made of wood with depictions of enemies on their soles, on which the king would tread with every step and another pair which was fastened with buttons.
  • Sandals seem to have had an importance which mostly escapes us nowadays, symbolizing prosperity and authority.
    Arianna, this article has explanations on clothing and everyday wear of the ancient Egyptians 
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